Trump Says He’s Likely to Back Marijuana Bill, in Apparent Break With Sessions


Gold Member
Apr 4, 2018
'WASHINGTON — President Trump appeared to break with his own administration’s policy on Friday, saying that he was likely to support a legislative proposal to leave the decision to states about whether to legalize marijuana.

Mr. Trump was asked about a new bill introduced by Senator Cory Gardner, Republican of Colorado, and Senator Elizabeth Warren, Democrat of Massachusetts.

“We’re looking at it. But I probably will end up supporting that, yes,” Mr. Trump said to reporters as he departed Washington to attend the Group of 7 summit meeting in Canada.'

Trump Says He’s Likely to Back Marijuana Bill, in Apparent Break With Sessions

If Trump does this...GOOD FOR HIM.

Unfortunately, he changes his mind like the weather.

But IF (big if) he does this...way to go Donald.
He was mainly trolling Sessions -- because to date -- all of the drug laws meant to correct how law enforcement treats weed -- has been reversed by Sessions and Trump has done and said zero about it
I’m not a fan of marijuana, but if Congress wants to legalize it, then they should pass a law that removes it from whatever category makes it illegal. They should treat it slightly more strict than alcohol, since it is a mind altering substance.

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