trump says his followers were hugging and kissing police on Jan 6th

There were many that were. They were in there taking selfies and shit.
Your delusion isnt reality.

Yup. Saw pictures of just that. Barriers removed and Capital police welcoming them in.
Show us!!
Claudette is a well-established liar. Her routine is telling folks who challenge her to look stuff up themselves.

Camp is the biggest liar on the board. Oh and if you want to know. Look it up. I did.

I have but I can't find any, but you know where they are, so show us!!

Hell the pictures were on this board.

Hell I just looked it up on my tablet. Put in "Pictures of Capital police taking selfies with protesters." There are videos of it.

They weren't kissing and hugging the terrorists. Only a couple took selfies, apart from what the trampers say "cops took selfies".
The cops weren't raking selfies. The insurrectionists were simply standing next to random cops and they were rhe ones taking the pictures.
"Look, they went in. They shouldn’t have done it. Some of them went in and they're hugging and kissing the police and the guards. You know, they had great relationships. A lot of the people were waved in, and then they walked in and they walked out. ... They're persecuting a lot of those people. And some of them should be — some things should happen to them,"- Trump

That is correct.
Another liar is unable to show a video of cops kissing and hugging the Trump terrorists but claiming there was all this hugging kissing going on. Trump told another big lie and his fluffers are defending him.

Show me video of wetbacks saying they're coming here because they think Biden is a "nice guy" and I'll show you one of Trumpers kissing cops.
4.5 years later and Trumps hyperbole can still trigger the left.

It is amazing how he has fastened himself in the minds of so many.
A capital policeman being hugged and kissed by Trump supporters..

This has to be his Biggest Lie ever! But his cult will somehow spin it in his favor. Mussolini Lives!

No, the biggest lie ever is that all of the protestors on January 6 stormed the Capitol. Other lies are that our democracy was threatened. When this was happening, I had little doubt that everything would be restored by sundown and the vote confirming the Election would take place.
There were many that were. They were in there taking selfies and shit.
Your delusion isnt reality.
Some of the more delusional peckerheads let their TDS get the best of them. They're just pissed off that the nice people are always Trump people.
The nice people were beating policemen with flag poles and crutches. There is plenty of video that show it happening. trump is a serial liar.
There were many that were. They were in there taking selfies and shit.
Your delusion isnt reality.

Yup. Saw pictures of just that. Barriers removed and Capital police welcoming them in.
Show us!!
Claudette is a well-established liar. Her routine is telling folks who challenge her to look stuff up themselves.

Camp is the biggest liar on the board. Oh and if you want to know. Look it up. I did.
No one can call January 6th anything but what it was an attempt to overthrow a duly and fairly elected government. trump is a cancer on Democracy.
There were many that were. They were in there taking selfies and shit.
Your delusion isnt reality.

Yup. Saw pictures of just that. Barriers removed and Capital police welcoming them in.
Right before they broke down doors and broke windows...of erected a noose and injured and eventually killed a person....Gotcha!
4.5 years later and Trumps hyperbole can still trigger the left.

It is amazing how he has fastened himself in the minds of so many.
He needs to shut up and get ready for all the court cases coming his way, instead of acting like January 6th was a parade and a love fest. People are not stupid. They saw the mob and they saw the violence that he incited.

This has to be his Biggest Lie ever! But his cult will somehow spin it in his favor. Mussolini Lives!

No, the biggest lie ever is that all of the protestors on January 6 stormed the Capitol. Other lies are that our democracy was threatened. When this was happening, I had little doubt that everything would be restored by sundown and the vote confirming the Election would take place.
You are a Bigger Liar than the Fat Man.
What were they tryi g to do by breaking in? Talk about letting emotions over a nothing burger. Politics frankly is of very little importance. It's got great entertainment value though I laugh hysterically daily. Gives me plenty to mock. My form of patriotism.
Here is the idiot inciting the mob...and the results.

Has anyone come across a report yet on the number of people who attended DC on January 6 to support Trump and/or our Republic & Constitution? Word is 100s of thousands.

You'll notice there aren't any, because MSM wants you to believe there were 100s, who crashed the Capitol, as they represent all Trump supporters, am I wrong on their narrative? Nope.

The Demonicrats are the Demonics, what else can be said. The evidence of is solid, it's their PROGS who allow it, and by some measure Republicans too.

This has to be his Biggest Lie ever! But his cult will somehow spin it in his favor. Mussolini Lives!

No, the biggest lie ever is that all of the protestors on January 6 stormed the Capitol. Other lies are that our democracy was threatened. When this was happening, I had little doubt that everything would be restored by sundown and the vote confirming the Election would take place.
You are a Bigger Liar than the Fat Man.

Ok. Show me how ALL the protestors at the rally stormed the Capitol.
There were many that were. They were in there taking selfies and shit.
Your delusion isnt reality.

Yup. Saw pictures of just that. Barriers removed and Capital police welcoming them in.
Right before they broke down doors and broke windows...of erected a noose and injured and eventually killed a person....Gotcha!

Did they kill a bunch of people? Burn buildings down? If not, Portland just called they want to educate you on what a real riot looks like.
[QUOTE="WTH_Progs?, post: 26812656, member: 71865"]
"Word is 100s of thousands."

Whose 'word'?
Show us.

Show me how ALL the protestors at the rally stormed the Capitol.

Forgive me, but......methinks I detect a bit of a strawman.

To the best of my knowledge, no credible sources is saying ALL protestors, or rally-goers, stormed the Capitol.

What is being said, is that a large the thousands (?) went to the Capitol and engaged the police in a violent attack.

And of those, the FBI (I think I read it was the FBI) has stated about 800 actually illegally entered the Capitol.

To date, (again, last I read) about 379 have been arrested on a whole variety of charges.

To the best of my knowledge, none have come before the courts to plead guilty or be adjudicated.

That cake is baking.
4.5 years later and Trumps hyperbole can still trigger the left.

It is amazing how he has fastened himself in the minds of so many.
He needs to shut up and get ready for all the court cases coming his way, instead of acting like January 6th was a parade and a love fest. People are not stupid. They saw the mob and they saw the violence that he incited.

Well, as long as you keep responding to him, he won't be shutting up.

Once you figure that out, you might both be able to move on.

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