Trump Says There are Hidden Voters Who Will Sweep Him to Victory in 2020!

Is there a vast network of hidden Trump voters that will vote him to victory in 2020?

  • yes

    Votes: 8 53.3%
  • no

    Votes: 7 46.7%

  • Total voters
The sick bastard in our WH didn't send ONE representative to Lewis's funeral

And you think they would be welcomed? Obviously not. And you'd be right there shouting racist shit at them.

Wanting to politicize Lewis's funeral like you do makes you the sick bastard
Who wants to politicize the funeral ? Does that mean they shouldn't have talked of all the mans achievements?
and sending a rep out of respect for the mans service is a bad thing according to you?

You wanted someone to be rude. You're not fooling anyone
Not at all Would have helped make him more than an AH in the eyes of so many Seems to me anything that could make him look like a SB he goes for it You sure he wants to win in Nov???

Yes it's the SAME Hidden Voters that elected The Donald in 2016. Nothing fairy tale and fantasy about 2016. Like with 2016 the MAJORITY of these Hidden Voters do NOT respond to Pollsters or IF they do they say they are Undecided, just like they responded to Pollsters in 2016. Remember in 2016 EVERY Poll said Hillary was winning in a Landslide and what happened? Yes The Donald won and Hillary lost and SHE was a BETTER candidate than Brain Melt Biden.
Hey lucy You really think if Hillary were in our WH instead of that yellow punk trump , we'd be in such rotten shape?

No if Hillary was in the WH you would be in worse shape and not only that the Western world would already be in a new war with Iran, Hillary and Co. were and probably still are big fans of bombing Iran.

One reason the Globalists HATE Trump is that he is the ONLY American President for DECADES that has NOT started any NEW wars for them.

We are literally talking to programmed zombies.
unfortunately there is really only ONE way to go forward.......history repeats

If you think back to 2016, the whole name calling thing of racist and White Supremacists was already happening, peoples openly supporting Donald Trump were being called racists and White Supremacists it has NOT only just started in the past two years. Many of them who were going to vote for Trump in 2016 then if they were Polled were ALREADY NOT saying they would vote for him but were either NOT responding OR they were saying Undecided and some EVEN were saying they were voting for Hillary and they were doing all of that for the SAME reasons they will be doing it NOW because they DON'T want to be met with a TON of verbal abuse for saying they will vote Trump, but like in 2016 vote Trump is what they are going to do again.
We are literally talking to programmed zombies.
unfortunately there is really only ONE way to go forward.......history repeats

If you think back to 2016, the whole name calling thing of racist and White Supremacists was already happening, peoples openly supporting Donald Trump were being called racists and White Supremacists it has NOT only just started in the past two years. Many of them who were going to vote for Trump in 2016 then if they were Polled were ALREADY NOT saying they would vote for him but were either NOT responding OR they were saying Undecided and some EVEN were saying they were voting for Hillary and they were doing all of that for the SAME reasons they will be doing it NOW because they DON'T want to be met with a TON of verbal abuse for saying they will vote Trump, but like in 2016 vote Trump is what they are going to do again.

Democrats have been calling Republicans "racists" since 1980, which is as long as my memory of politics goes. I don't know how long before that they did that.

Democrats are garbage. Whatever it takes to get their way.

Republicans rolled over and took it way to long. But that's what Democrats want to go back to. They call us racists and we roll over and take it. I pass on that deal
We are literally talking to programmed zombies.
unfortunately there is really only ONE way to go forward.......history repeats

If you think back to 2016, the whole name calling thing of racist and White Supremacists was already happening, peoples openly supporting Donald Trump were being called racists and White Supremacists it has NOT only just started in the past two years. Many of them who were going to vote for Trump in 2016 then if they were Polled were ALREADY NOT saying they would vote for him but were either NOT responding OR they were saying Undecided and some EVEN were saying they were voting for Hillary and they were doing all of that for the SAME reasons they will be doing it NOW because they DON'T want to be met with a TON of verbal abuse for saying they will vote Trump, but like in 2016 vote Trump is what they are going to do again.

Democrats have been calling Republicans "racists" since 1980, which is as long as my memory of politics goes. I don't know how long before that they did that.

Democrats are garbage. Whatever it takes to get their way.

Republicans rolled over and took it way to long. But that's what Democrats want to go back to. They call us racists and we roll over and take it. I pass on that deal

You should NEVER roll over also you should NEVER APOLOGISE for ANYTHING and with Leftists you certainly should NOT compromise. Republicans like many Conservatives in Western political parties 24/7 should be fighting fire with fire, considering in the Western world the MAJORITY of Western nations are run by Conservative Governments with Leftists and Liberals in the MINORITY I see NO reason WHY ANY Conservative should be compromising and the ONLY reason they DO is because in too many Conservative Parties there are always about 20-30 Cuckservatives and they ALL ALREADY should have been REMOVED and REPLACED with FULL-ON Conservatives who SUPPORT 99.9% of the Conservative Agenda.
We are literally talking to programmed zombies.
unfortunately there is really only ONE way to go forward.......history repeats

If you think back to 2016, the whole name calling thing of racist and White Supremacists was already happening, peoples openly supporting Donald Trump were being called racists and White Supremacists it has NOT only just started in the past two years. Many of them who were going to vote for Trump in 2016 then if they were Polled were ALREADY NOT saying they would vote for him but were either NOT responding OR they were saying Undecided and some EVEN were saying they were voting for Hillary and they were doing all of that for the SAME reasons they will be doing it NOW because they DON'T want to be met with a TON of verbal abuse for saying they will vote Trump, but like in 2016 vote Trump is what they are going to do again.

Democrats have been calling Republicans "racists" since 1980, which is as long as my memory of politics goes. I don't know how long before that they did that.

Democrats are garbage. Whatever it takes to get their way.

Republicans rolled over and took it way to long. But that's what Democrats want to go back to. They call us racists and we roll over and take it. I pass on that deal

You should NEVER roll over also you should NEVER APOLOGISE for ANYTHING and with Leftists you certainly should NOT compromise. Republicans like many Conservatives in Western political parties 24/7 should be fighting fire with fire, considering in the Western world the MAJORITY of Western nations are run by Conservative Governments with Leftists and Liberals in the MINORITY I see NO reason WHY ANY Conservative should be compromising and the ONLY reason they DO is because in too many Conservative Parties they are always about 20-30 Cuckservatives and they ALL ALREADY should have been REMOVED and REPLACED with FULL-ON Conservatives who SUPPORT 99.9% of the Conservative Agenda.

I have a feeling Lucy won't be taking any shit if they come for em :)
Opinions on this matter really boil down to whether or not you have faith in the polls, don't they?
I have zero faith in lib polls

Lib polls over sample Democrats and oversample in states Trump doesn't need a single vote from to win. I can't wait to see their heads explode when they lose. :auiqs.jpg:

But if they don't.....

Knock knock: Community Safety Assurance Team....we just need to look at any guns and ammo you might have......for your safety

Heavily armed Swat Vehicle parked outside backed by 30 heavily armed Team members

If my some miracle Dems win two things will happen. We'll laugh in their face and after they run amok for 2 years the American people will throw them out of office like they did in 2010 during the biggest Dem loss in nearly 100 years.
Opinions on this matter really boil down to whether or not you have faith in the polls, don't they?
I have zero faith in lib polls

Lib polls over sample Democrats and oversample in states Trump doesn't need a single vote from to win. I can't wait to see their heads explode when they lose. :auiqs.jpg:

But if they don't.....

Knock knock: Community Safety Assurance Team....we just need to look at any guns and ammo you might have......for your safety

Heavily armed Swat Vehicle parked outside backed by 30 heavily armed Team members

If my some miracle Dems win two things will happen. We'll laugh in their face and after they run amok for 2 years the American people will throw them out of office like they did in 2010 during the biggest Dem loss in nearly 100 years.

We hope.

The nearest recent example I know of is Venezuela.
All they needed was a charismatic, strong leader to take them straight down the toilet drain into the hellish nightmare there today
Leftist in Venezuela took to the streets demanding Transformation. Sound familiar?
The Right was shamed into silence and kept docile and quiet. Sound familiar?

They first convinced Venezuelans (who were indeed armed) to turn in their weapons for a safer society.
As soon as that annoyance was out of the way a Dictator was installed.
They also had a Constitution

The Left GLARINGLY ignores this very recent event on the global stage. It is obviously absolute authoritarianism they crave, sick bastards.

But let us not forget that China, Russia and other Communist nations have also recently foregone personal freedom in favor of absolute dictator rule.
It is a global pandemic that is far more deadly than covid19
Last edited:
We are literally talking to programmed zombies.
unfortunately there is really only ONE way to go forward.......history repeats

If you think back to 2016, the whole name calling thing of racist and White Supremacists was already happening, peoples openly supporting Donald Trump were being called racists and White Supremacists it has NOT only just started in the past two years. Many of them who were going to vote for Trump in 2016 then if they were Polled were ALREADY NOT saying they would vote for him but were either NOT responding OR they were saying Undecided and some EVEN were saying they were voting for Hillary and they were doing all of that for the SAME reasons they will be doing it NOW because they DON'T want to be met with a TON of verbal abuse for saying they will vote Trump, but like in 2016 vote Trump is what they are going to do again.

Democrats have been calling Republicans "racists" since 1980, which is as long as my memory of politics goes. I don't know how long before that they did that.

Democrats are garbage. Whatever it takes to get their way.

Republicans rolled over and took it way to long. But that's what Democrats want to go back to. They call us racists and we roll over and take it. I pass on that deal

You should NEVER roll over also you should NEVER APOLOGISE for ANYTHING and with Leftists you certainly should NOT compromise. Republicans like many Conservatives in Western political parties 24/7 should be fighting fire with fire, considering in the Western world the MAJORITY of Western nations are run by Conservative Governments with Leftists and Liberals in the MINORITY I see NO reason WHY ANY Conservative should be compromising and the ONLY reason they DO is because in too many Conservative Parties they are always about 20-30 Cuckservatives and they ALL ALREADY should have been REMOVED and REPLACED with FULL-ON Conservatives who SUPPORT 99.9% of the Conservative Agenda.

I have a feeling Lucy won't be taking any shit if they come for em :)

Not only will I NOT be taking ANY shit but also operating on a ZERO TOLERANCE and NO MERCY Agenda! I already actually are operating on this Agenda and have been for about six months.
Opinions on this matter really boil down to whether or not you have faith in the polls, don't they?
I have zero faith in lib polls

Lib polls over sample Democrats and oversample in states Trump doesn't need a single vote from to win. I can't wait to see their heads explode when they lose. :auiqs.jpg:

But if they don't.....

Knock knock: Community Safety Assurance Team....we just need to look at any guns and ammo you might have......for your safety

Heavily armed Swat Vehicle parked outside backed by 30 heavily armed Team members

If my some miracle Dems win two things will happen. We'll laugh in their face and after they run amok for 2 years the American people will throw them out of office like they did in 2010 during the biggest Dem loss in nearly 100 years.

We hope.

The nearest recent example I know of is Venezuela.
All they needed was a charismatic, strong leader to take them straight down the toilet drain into the hellish nightmare there today
Leftist in Venezuela took to the streets demanding Transformation. Sound familiar?
The Right was shamed into silence and kept docile and quiet. Sound familiar?

They first convinced Venezuelans (who were indeed armed) to turn in their weapons for a safer society.
As soon as that annoyance was out of the way a Dictator was installed.
They also had a Constitution

The Left GLARINGLY ignores this very recent event on the global stage. It is obviously absolute authoritarianism they crave, sick bastards.

But let us not forget that China, Russia and other Communist nations have also recently foregone personal freedom in favor of absolute dictator rule.
It is a global pandemic that is far more deadly than covid19

The Leftists CRAVE Authoritarianism for an Agenda that is Anti-Western Values and Anti-Western Culture and Heritage. We are Authoritarian, well many like me are, I have always been very open about being an Authoritarian and I am increasingly now for the TRASHING of Democracy and having an alternative to it because Democracy has FAILED the Western world and our Agenda is one that SUPPORTS the PROTECTION and ADVOCATION of Traditional Western values and Culture and Heritage and the TOTAL protection of ALL National Borders.

We also have no problem working with Independents and Classical Liberals on all the issues we have in common. The ONLY group we 100% REJECT having ANY involvement in ANYTHING are Leftists because Leftists support 100% the OPPOSITE of what we support and as I said we are NEVER going to compromise with them and we are TOTALLY prepared IF it comes to it to fight Leftists to the death and it will NOT be OUR death it will be THEIRS.
Opinions on this matter really boil down to whether or not you have faith in the polls, don't they?
I have zero faith in lib polls

Lib polls over sample Democrats and oversample in states Trump doesn't need a single vote from to win. I can't wait to see their heads explode when they lose. :auiqs.jpg:

But if they don't.....

Knock knock: Community Safety Assurance Team....we just need to look at any guns and ammo you might have......for your safety

Heavily armed Swat Vehicle parked outside backed by 30 heavily armed Team members

If my some miracle Dems win two things will happen. We'll laugh in their face and after they run amok for 2 years the American people will throw them out of office like they did in 2010 during the biggest Dem loss in nearly 100 years.

IF the Democrats do win in November then mark my words by 2022 you will have TENS OF MILLIONS of Anti-Democrats, they might NOT say they are NOW Republican and they might NOT support even 60% of the Republican Agenda BUT they will be voting Republican BECAUSE they will FINALLY have been woken up to what the New Democrat Party are ALL about and they will be REPULSED and ANGERED by it and they will OPENLY want BLOOD.

This above scenario has happened in OTHER nations where Leftists have somehow taken FULL control of the Government and the response to the Agenda is NOT PRETTY, what you find is that the Leftists do literally in the NEXT election have their worst performance in many many decades and the good thing is they NEVER recover from it.

My advice in America is that Republicans NEED to do more to go and get Black and Hispanic votes, there are MILLIONS of Blacks and Hispanics who are open to Conservatism, you just have to go and talk with them and have a discussion, so many Blacks and Hispanics for example are religious they are active Christians and they are Anti-Abortion and MANY Blacks would like the opportunity to for example start a small business and they can be assisted in doing this with Small Business Tax Incentives etc. Republicans need to begin a discussion with them, have across America Out Reach Teams to go and have Round Tables with them all.
If my some miracle Dems win two things will happen. We'll laugh in their face and after they run amok for 2 years the American people will throw them out of office like they did in 2010 during the biggest Dem loss in nearly 100 years.
If dems win this election conservatives will never win another important election again

we will be looking at one-party rule like they have in California, North Korea or red china
If my some miracle Dems win two things will happen. We'll laugh in their face and after they run amok for 2 years the American people will throw them out of office like they did in 2010 during the biggest Dem loss in nearly 100 years.
If dems win this election conservatives will never win another important election again

we will be looking at one-party rule like they have in California, North Korea or red china

And then if that happens you will have NO alternative but to have a violent revolution to overthrow the Leftist Tyranny (which is WHY the Leftists are FANATICAL about taking the guns and ammo off the population). JFK said it the best:


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