Trump says torture works

It probably does work, honestly. Doesn't mean I am for it. But I know damn well a lot of other people use it.
Survival of the fittest is still true. Regardless of what the globalist wolves tell you.
Panetta CONFIRMS that "enhanced" techniques obtained information that led to Bin Laden.

It DOES work. You pathetic social terror justice warriors are liars.
Whatever 'liberals' may or may not want is hardly relative to me or to this subject. Trump wants torture. That is immoral and unAmerican.
He said he'd defer to the generals but no known substance in the known universe is powerful enough to pound it into your head.

Our SEALs are trained with it too so defining it as torture is a bit self serving to begin with. Do we torture our troops? Is boot camp torture?

I agree.

I have an Army friend who was water boarded as part of his training.

I asked him about it and he told me it scared the ever loving shit out of him but did no damage at all. Not a bit.

Waterboarding isn't torture. Waterboarding works and they have doctors right there while they do it.

If you want torture take a look at what ISIS or terrorist do or what the Vietcong did. That's torture. Real torture.
Torture is morally out of bounds.
Homosexuality is morally out of bounds, but you lefties still pushed it upon US, funny how defending our country from attack is out of bounds to the left, but fudge packing and muff diving, and worse now, is not. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

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My guess is that you were born a homosexual but choose to stay in the closet. Nobody "pushed" it on me.
Perhaps someone has a view into his 'heart' and will be able to interpret what this might mean. Otherwise, we can only assume that the U.S. is descending once more into the 'pre-emptive war' type of outrageous behavior.

War is business in america and the american/isreali arms dealer alliance caters to the world; often both sides of a given conflict. As the climate and wars add to refugee populations, as the economy and political systems continue to stall, fail, and struggle to hang onto a false legitimacy, as populations continue to question their elites, these authoritarian systems will turn more and more to force to maintain "order" over their own populations and engage in pre-emptive adventures over resources.
The headline that the world is reading says, "U.S. President favors torture", and no tidy little 'clarifications' are going to undo that enormous damage. This is in the overall, long term order of things and is not directly related to the recent news events about elections an 'who struck john', as my dad used to say. This is not piddling little peccadilloes; this is America saying something very grave to the world.
The headline that the world is reading says, "U.S. President favors torture", and no tidy little 'clarifications' are going to undo that enormous damage. This is in the overall, long term order of things and is not directly related to the recent news events about elections an 'who struck john', as my dad used to say. This is not piddling little peccadilloes; this is America saying something very grave to the world.

Then we'll wonder why they "hate our way of life" when the chickens come home.
I think that anybody who advocates for water boarding should try it first. Jesse Ventura tells the story how he tried it and considered it torture. Clip below. Sez he'd have dick cheney confessing to the sharon tate murders after water boarding. Nice clip where he calls bush 2 the worst prez. I say yeah, after clinton and obama. Got hopes for Trump, although he maybe should try waterboarding before advocating for it. It is torture, which is illegal by international standards and it is unreliable.

The headline that the world is reading says, "U.S. President favors torture", and no tidy little 'clarifications' are going to undo that enormous damage. This is in the overall, long term order of things and is not directly related to the recent news events about elections an 'who struck john', as my dad used to say. This is not piddling little peccadilloes; this is America saying something very grave to the world.

What "enormous damage" is that going to be? More Terror Justice Warriors upset? If the rest of the world is dumb enough to believe everything their media tells them, that's their own fault. The American public proved it can look beyond the lies and distortion of the MSM, otherwise Hillary would had won in a landslide.
The headline that the world is reading says, "U.S. President favors torture", and no tidy little 'clarifications' are going to undo that enormous damage. This is in the overall, long term order of things and is not directly related to the recent news events about elections an 'who struck john', as my dad used to say. This is not piddling little peccadilloes; this is America saying something very grave to the world.
Yes, I saw that on DW and Euronews. They are leftists and have no use for honesty. I usually mute them when politics comes on. And don't even bother with our msm anymore.
I think that anybody who advocates for water boarding should try it first. Jesse Ventura tells the story how he tried it and considered it torture. Clip below. Sez he'd have dick cheney confessing to the sharon tate murders after water boarding. Nice clip where he calls bush 2 the worst prez. I say yeah, after clinton and obama. Got hopes for Trump, although he maybe should try waterboarding before advocating for it. It is torture, which is illegal by international standards and it is unreliable.

Jesse had his hean slammed on the mat too many times. He's a conspiracy whack job. Sure you can make anyone say anything, the point is it has to be done intelligently, something beyond Jesse's scope.

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