Trump says U.S. very close to creating coronavirus vaccine

Lordy how I love you MW - We're no closer to a vaccine for Coronavirus than we are putting a man on Mars.

Gateway Pundit? Yep - You and Trump are a whole lotta "fun". :)
US biotech firm Moderna has shipped an experimental coronavirus vaccine to US government researchers just six weeks after it started working on the immunization.

Initial trials of the potential vaccine could begin in April, but the process of testing and approvals would last at least a year.

Moderna touts possible coronavirus vaccine mRNA-1273 - CNN
Stock soaring
There will be a huge market for the vaccine.

Harvard epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch told The Wall Street Journal that "it's likely we'll see a global pandemic" of coronavirus, with 40 to 70 percent of the world's population likely to be infected this year.

Harvard scientist: coronavirus pandemic likely will infect 40-70% of world this year

Yikes, if that's the case, we can kiss EVERYTHING goodbye.
Why? The virus has only a 2.3% mortality rate. Most people experience COVID-19 like a bad cold and they shake it off.

The flu kills about 50,000 Americans a year.


The 24 hour news media outlets are hyping the bejeesus out of this because they have nothing else to talk about.
You are right, of course. if population of US is 329,227,746 and only 70 % become infected with the virus, and only 2.3% die with the virus, that means only 5,300,566.71 Americans have anything to worry about. Glad you straightened me out. I feel lucky. How about you?_____ :)
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. However, as a reminder, CDC always recommends everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases, including:

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
  • Follow CDC’s recommendations for using a facemask.
    • CDC does not recommend that people who are well wear a facemask to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19.
    • Facemasks should be used by people who show symptoms of COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the disease to others. The use of facemasks is also crucial for health workers and people who are taking care of someone in close settings (at home or in a health care facility).
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
    • If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.

If you recite the alphabet song slowly, that takes about 20 seconds.
US biotech firm Moderna has shipped an experimental coronavirus vaccine to US government researchers just six weeks after it started working on the immunization.

Initial trials of the potential vaccine could begin in April, but the process of testing and approvals would last at least a year.

Moderna touts possible coronavirus vaccine mRNA-1273 - CNN
Stock soaring
There will be a huge market for the vaccine.

Harvard epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch told The Wall Street Journal that "it's likely we'll see a global pandemic" of coronavirus, with 40 to 70 percent of the world's population likely to be infected this year.

Harvard scientist: coronavirus pandemic likely will infect 40-70% of world this year

Yikes, if that's the case, we can kiss EVERYTHING goodbye.
Why? The virus has only a 2.3% mortality rate. Most people experience COVID-19 like a bad cold and they shake it off.

The flu kills about 50,000 Americans a year.


The 24 hour news media outlets are hyping the bejeesus out of this because they have nothing else to talk about.
You are right, of course. if population of US is 329,227,746 and only 70 % become infected with the virus, and only 2.3% die with the virus, that means only 5,300,566.71 Americans have anything to worry about. Glad you straightened me out. I feel lucky. How about you?_____ :)
If 40 percent get infected, 3 million die.

I feel pretty lucky. Especially since I live in a rural area and have enough food to live on for months.
Better Hand Hygiene at Airports Could Greatly Limit COVID-19 Spread

Increasing hand hygiene at airports could inhibit potential pandemics by 24% to 69%. Even increasing hand hygiene at just the 10 busiest airports globally would reduce the spread of an infectious disease such as the novel coronavirus COVID-19 by 37%, according to a study in Risk Analysis.

Also, until you cannot get effective respirator masks, buy them now while still available.
You need masks with a rating of N88 or higher.
They are about a year away and will eventually include it in the seasonal flu virus....
Better Hand Hygiene at Airports Could Greatly Limit COVID-19 Spread

Increasing hand hygiene at airports could inhibit potential pandemics by 24% to 69%. Even increasing hand hygiene at just the 10 busiest airports globally would reduce the spread of an infectious disease such as the novel coronavirus COVID-19 by 37%, according to a study in Risk Analysis.

Also, until you cannot get effective respirator masks, buy them now while still available.
You need masks with a rating of N88 or higher.
Unless they actually seal they are pretty worthless.
US biotech firm Moderna has shipped an experimental coronavirus vaccine to US government researchers just six weeks after it started working on the immunization.

Initial trials of the potential vaccine could begin in April, but the process of testing and approvals would last at least a year.

Moderna touts possible coronavirus vaccine mRNA-1273 - CNN
Stock soaring
There will be a huge market for the vaccine.

Harvard epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch told The Wall Street Journal that "it's likely we'll see a global pandemic" of coronavirus, with 40 to 70 percent of the world's population likely to be infected this year.

Harvard scientist: coronavirus pandemic likely will infect 40-70% of world this year

Yikes, if that's the case, we can kiss EVERYTHING goodbye.
Why? The virus has only a 2.3% mortality rate. Most people experience COVID-19 like a bad cold and they shake it off.

The flu kills about 50,000 Americans a year.


The 24 hour news media outlets are hyping the bejeesus out of this because they have nothing else to talk about.
You are right, of course. if population of US is 329,227,746 and only 70 % become infected with the virus, and only 2.3% die with the virus, that means only 5,300,566.71 Americans have anything to worry about. Glad you straightened me out. I feel lucky. How about you?_____ :)

Alot of Americans have very poor lifestyle habits that can increase a contagion and mortality rate.
Stock soaring
There will be a huge market for the vaccine.

Harvard epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch told The Wall Street Journal that "it's likely we'll see a global pandemic" of coronavirus, with 40 to 70 percent of the world's population likely to be infected this year.

Harvard scientist: coronavirus pandemic likely will infect 40-70% of world this year

Yikes, if that's the case, we can kiss EVERYTHING goodbye.
Why? The virus has only a 2.3% mortality rate. Most people experience COVID-19 like a bad cold and they shake it off.

The flu kills about 50,000 Americans a year.


The 24 hour news media outlets are hyping the bejeesus out of this because they have nothing else to talk about.
You are right, of course. if population of US is 329,227,746 and only 70 % become infected with the virus, and only 2.3% die with the virus, that means only 5,300,566.71 Americans have anything to worry about. Glad you straightened me out. I feel lucky. How about you?_____ :)

Alot of Americans have very poor lifestyle habits that can increase a contagion and mortality rate.
The greater danger is that a carrier is contagious before they show any symptoms.
Every time someone visits a doctor for any reason, a test for COVID-19 should be automatic.
Better Hand Hygiene at Airports Could Greatly Limit COVID-19 Spread

Increasing hand hygiene at airports could inhibit potential pandemics by 24% to 69%. Even increasing hand hygiene at just the 10 busiest airports globally would reduce the spread of an infectious disease such as the novel coronavirus COVID-19 by 37%, according to a study in Risk Analysis.

Also, until you cannot get effective respirator masks, buy them now while still available.
You need masks with a rating of N88 or higher.
Unless they actually seal they are pretty worthless.

Even a semi-seal is better than no mask at all, if needed.
There will be a huge market for the vaccine.

Harvard epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch told The Wall Street Journal that "it's likely we'll see a global pandemic" of coronavirus, with 40 to 70 percent of the world's population likely to be infected this year.

Harvard scientist: coronavirus pandemic likely will infect 40-70% of world this year

Yikes, if that's the case, we can kiss EVERYTHING goodbye.
Why? The virus has only a 2.3% mortality rate. Most people experience COVID-19 like a bad cold and they shake it off.

The flu kills about 50,000 Americans a year.


The 24 hour news media outlets are hyping the bejeesus out of this because they have nothing else to talk about.
You are right, of course. if population of US is 329,227,746 and only 70 % become infected with the virus, and only 2.3% die with the virus, that means only 5,300,566.71 Americans have anything to worry about. Glad you straightened me out. I feel lucky. How about you?_____ :)

Alot of Americans have very poor lifestyle habits that can increase a contagion and mortality rate.
The greater danger is that a carrier is contagious before they show any symptoms.

Once there are enough early carriers, and as a result victims, we'll know so others can take prevention methods.
Trump Says U.S. 'Very Close’ To Creating Coronavirus Vaccine
President Trump on Tuesday said the United States is “very close to a vaccine” for the coronavirus that is sweeping the globe.

We told you the whole time this is to force vaccines to wait until they " FORCE" you.

nutrients and multiple health benefits - all in one bottle.
Democrat lawmakers look to cut Big Pharma out of the vaccine racket for coronavirus
Democrat lawmakers look to cut Big Pharma out of the vaccine racket for coronavirus
“We should not grant any manufacturer a blank check to monopolize a coronavirus vaccine or treatment developed with public, taxpayer support,” they go on to explain in the letter. ... These same taxpayer-funded entities are also supporting upwards of two-thirds of the current vaccine and drug efforts aimed at the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19). "...

Trump is a lying SOB
It's always fun to see a liar call someone a liar.

You lie!
Better Hand Hygiene at Airports Could Greatly Limit COVID-19 Spread

Increasing hand hygiene at airports could inhibit potential pandemics by 24% to 69%. Even increasing hand hygiene at just the 10 busiest airports globally would reduce the spread of an infectious disease such as the novel coronavirus COVID-19 by 37%, according to a study in Risk Analysis.

Also, until you cannot get effective respirator masks, buy them now while still available.
You need masks with a rating of N88 or higher.
Stock soaring
There will be a huge market for the vaccine.

Harvard epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch told The Wall Street Journal that "it's likely we'll see a global pandemic" of coronavirus, with 40 to 70 percent of the world's population likely to be infected this year.

Harvard scientist: coronavirus pandemic likely will infect 40-70% of world this year

Yikes, if that's the case, we can kiss EVERYTHING goodbye.
Why? The virus has only a 2.3% mortality rate. Most people experience COVID-19 like a bad cold and they shake it off.

The flu kills about 50,000 Americans a year.


The 24 hour news media outlets are hyping the bejeesus out of this because they have nothing else to talk about.
You are right, of course. if population of US is 329,227,746 and only 70 % become infected with the virus, and only 2.3% die with the virus, that means only 5,300,566.71 Americans have anything to worry about. Glad you straightened me out. I feel lucky. How about you?_____ :)
If 40 percent get infected, 3 million die.

I feel pretty lucky. Especially since I live in a rural area and have enough food to live on for months.
I have heard world wide estimates of 40-70% population infections. Actually agree, in US I suspect it might be to the lower percentage or even lower than that. Optimistic? Maybe. You are in best situation, especially if middle aged and in generally good health. I live inside small rural city. Not quite as good, but not bad. Relatively near Memphis, the location for the FedX hub, the only international air fleet still making daily flights to China, last I heard. Not impressive. As a couple, we are in pretty darn good health for our age. Figure we will be fine. Am concerned for people a few years older, with heart conditions or other cronic conditions. If they come up with a working vaccine, I will take it. Never suffered from an immunization more than 48 hours, and that was for the Black Plague. Nasty.
Better Hand Hygiene at Airports Could Greatly Limit COVID-19 Spread

Increasing hand hygiene at airports could inhibit potential pandemics by 24% to 69%. Even increasing hand hygiene at just the 10 busiest airports globally would reduce the spread of an infectious disease such as the novel coronavirus COVID-19 by 37%, according to a study in Risk Analysis.

Also, until you cannot get effective respirator masks, buy them now while still available.
You need masks with a rating of N88 or higher.

I've temporarily closed my pitchfork stores, and re-opened them as mask stores.
Trump Says U.S. 'Very Close’ To Creating Coronavirus Vaccine
President Trump on Tuesday said the United States is “very close to a vaccine” for the coronavirus that is sweeping the globe.

We told you the whole time this is to force vaccines to wait until they " FORCE" you.

nutrients and multiple health benefits - all in one bottle.
Democrat lawmakers look to cut Big Pharma out of the vaccine racket for coronavirus
Democrat lawmakers look to cut Big Pharma out of the vaccine racket for coronavirus
“We should not grant any manufacturer a blank check to monopolize a coronavirus vaccine or treatment developed with public, taxpayer support,” they go on to explain in the letter. ... These same taxpayer-funded entities are also supporting upwards of two-thirds of the current vaccine and drug efforts aimed at the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19). "...

Trump is a lying SOB
It's always fun to see a liar call someone a liar.
Drumpf is a funny guy.
Whoever the fuck drumpt is... is he in the room with you now?
He was for a moment. I was watching CNN and Drumpf was lying about having the Corona virus handled. You didnt know that is his real name?
Does your imaginary drumpf friend visit you often?
Trump Says U.S. 'Very Close’ To Creating Coronavirus Vaccine
President Trump on Tuesday said the United States is “very close to a vaccine” for the coronavirus that is sweeping the globe.

We told you the whole time this is to force vaccines to wait until they " FORCE" you.

nutrients and multiple health benefits - all in one bottle.
Democrat lawmakers look to cut Big Pharma out of the vaccine racket for coronavirus
Democrat lawmakers look to cut Big Pharma out of the vaccine racket for coronavirus
“We should not grant any manufacturer a blank check to monopolize a coronavirus vaccine or treatment developed with public, taxpayer support,” they go on to explain in the letter. ... These same taxpayer-funded entities are also supporting upwards of two-thirds of the current vaccine and drug efforts aimed at the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19). "...

Trump is a lying SOB
It's always fun to see a liar call someone a liar.

You lie!
Ya know, once a guy realizes that most of what you post is just facetious dumbfuckery, it's kinda fun... :113:

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