Trump sells out the Kurds to Erdogan

You obviously can’t read in context, In no way you do the old and New Testament conflict....

Try reading my post again. I was comparing the Old Testament to the Quran. I never said that the New and Old Testaments, conflict, but for the record they do. The New Covenant replaced the old Jewish rituals.
Not at all...

“”The Bible is an intriguing book that is full of conundrums that baffle most people because of the many paradoxical statements and issues found within its pages.

Many claim that the Old Testament and the New Testament are two different books: one belonging to a group of tribesman who worshiped an angry god which is more representative of the descriptions that we would associate with the Evil One, the god of this world, the very Devil himself; the other book consisting of the sayings of the wisest man who has ever lived, fairy tales called revelations and the writings of a person who had an epileptic fit when heading towards Damascus from Jerusalem.

Some individuals have been heard stating that the Old Testament is a story about the anger of the God of Creation and the New Testament is the story about His contrition for being angry with people who did not ask to be born—so He expressed some love.

More common among Evangelicals is the statement that Old Testament is about God’s anger with sin and the New Testament is about how God has chosen to overlook sin.

Certain groups teach that the Old Testament was a book for Israelites and Jews and is no longer valid, except where texts are referenced by the Apostle Paul.

Contrary to what many people think, the Old Testament is just as valid today as the New Testament.

The Old Testament contains not only historical accuracy (which the ignorati refuse to accept even though there is an abundance of historical evidence) but also prophecy, the truth about morality and the progressive revelation of the plan and purpose of God in dealing with the futility of being born only to die. More than this, the metaphysical truth for existence exists within its pages.

The Old Testament informs us that God’s Son existed before the Universe was created and He was involved in Creation; even giving the Law to Moses. The New Testament affirms that this is the case.

  • In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit[b] of God was moving over the face of the waters. And God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. (Genesis 1:1-4)
  • In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God; all things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (John 1:1-5)
  • He is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all creation; for in him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. (Colossians 1:15-17)
  • Surely I am too stupid to be a man. I have not the understanding of a man. I have not learned wisdom, nor have I knowledge of the Holy One. Who has ascended to heaven and come down? Who has gathered the wind in his fists? Who has wrapped up the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and what is his son’s name? Surely you know! (Proverbs 30:2-4)
  • And the Lord descended in the cloud and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the Lord. (Exodus 34:5)
  • Why then the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the offspring should come to whom the promise had been made; and it was ordained by angels through an intermediary. Now an intermediary implies more than one; but God is one. (Galatians 3:19-20)
  • Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord (Deuteronomy 6:4)
There is undeniably an abundance of information for the discerning reader in both the Old and New Testaments that corresponds, supports and aligns with a consistent message that the Creator God, through His Son, not only created the Universe but has been seeking to establish an eternally abiding relationship with humans, who are humble enough to admit they are mere mortals

That there may appear to be conflicting views may, at first, seem disconcerting, but not to those who seek to find the truth.

Many people make statements about the Bible being a book of contradictions but do not really want to know why it is that what they think is a contradiction exists. Even when shown the truth they reject it.

For instance, many say that the fact the New Testament has statements asserting that the Law has been done away with, and also has contradicting statements to this assertion, is evidence that the New Testament is a concocted myth.

  • For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. (John 1:17)
  • Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfill them. (Matthew 5:17)
The above texts from John and Matthew give the impression that the Son of God had nothing to do with giving the Law to Moses and because He has come to fulfill them, but not to the person who understands that “not to abolish them” means that they still exist.

  • For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the law until all is accomplished. (Matthew 5:18)
  • Is the law then against the promises of God? Certainly not; for if a law had been given which could make alive, then righteousness would indeed be by the law. Galatians 3:21
The main contention by many claiming that the Law of God is no longer valid today has to do with a misunderstanding of the reasons the Ten Commandments, written by God Himself, are valid. This is because the Ten Commandments cannot of themselves impart righteousness to people who have violated them. But they are still a guide for humans as to what morality requires and, moreover, they inform us that each person needs to establish a relationship with the Creator. There is no evidence in the New Testament that the commandments are not to be kept. Instead we find the contrary.

  • For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome. (1 John 5:3)
The biggest difficulty most people have understanding the Bible, and its many apparent conundrums, has to do with contextualization. When everything is seen in the appropriate context, what might be applicable and understandable under a given set of circumstances may appear a violation of injunction.

For instance, while God states that nobody is to murder anyone, yet instructs Israel to commit genocide of the nations dwelling in Canaan, this is seen as hypocritical. However, there is a big difference between a person murdering someone and a judge ordering a righteous execution of a murderer.

In a similar manner, without understanding the righteousness of God, the New Testament may appear to be at odds with the Old Testament. In reality, the Old Testament is a precursor to the New Testament and contains the plan and purpose of God, even prophecies that are coming to pass at the current time, with the establishment of Israel in preparation for the return of Lord Jesus Christ.

The New Testament Is But A Greater Illumination Of The Old Testament

So? Do you adhere by all of the laws in the Old Testament or do you abide by the New Covenant in the New Testament? Eat any pork of shellfish lately?

I might as well have posted that in Aramaic or Greek because you would understand it just as well.


The Bible if not taken as a whole is absolute gibberish… You can’t cherry pick, only politically correct pieces of shit cherry pick things like that.

Congratulations! You have been educated. Now stop posting stupid shit like you were doing.
Did I hurt your feelings?
Historical fact. If Syria wanted, or needed our help with ISIS; they would have asked
Well that's the opposite of a fact. You're making stuff up on the spot.

Furthermore, it was the Kurds who drove ISIS out of western iraq and northern Syria. Not the US. Not Russia. Some 11,000 of them have died fighting ISIS.

In fact, russia has targeted the rebellion against syria more than it has ISIS. And they did so to maintain their one military base on the Med. Now there is an ACTUAL fact for you.

Bro...I gotta tell ya...I don't think you have any idea what you are talking about. You should probably stop.
Historical fact. If Syria wanted, or needed our help with ISIS; they would have asked
Well that's the opposite of a fact. You're making stuff up on the spot.

Furthermore, it was the Kurds who drove ISIS out of western iraq and northern Syria. Not the US. Not Russia. Some 11,000 of them have died fighting ISIS.

In fact, russia has targeted the rebellion against syria more than it has ISIS. And they did so to maintain their one military base on the Med. Now there is an ACTUAL fact for you.

Bro...I gotta tell ya...I don't think you have any idea what you are talking about. You should probably stop.
You're the only one blathering on about Iraq...
So while written clearly enough; you're the only one who doesn't know what I'm talking about. Hint... It isn't iraq.
You're the only one blathering on about Iraq...
Because it is relevant. How,exactly, do you think ISIS ended up in Northern Syria? Do you think ISIS was recognizong the Syria-Iraq border?

The first collosal failure of US diplomacy in this was when turkey invaded northern iraq in 2008.

Btw, turkey started its offensive today...on the Syria-iraq border. So if people are not also discussing iraq,it's because they don't know what they are talking about.
Historical fact. If Syria wanted, or needed our help with ISIS; they would have asked
Well that's the opposite of a fact. You're making stuff up on the spot.

Furthermore, it was the Kurds who drove ISIS out of western iraq and northern Syria. Not the US. Not Russia. Some 11,000 of them have died fighting ISIS.

In fact, russia has targeted the rebellion against syria more than it has ISIS. And they did so to maintain their one military base on the Med. Now there is an ACTUAL fact for you.

Bro...I gotta tell ya...I don't think you have any idea what you are talking about. You should probably stop.
You're the only one blathering on about Iraq...
You're the only one blathering on about Iraq...
Because it is relevant. How,exactly, do you think ISIS ended up in Northern Syria? Do you think ISIS was recognizong the Syria-Iraq border?

The first collosal failure of US diplomacy in this was when turkey invaded northern iraq in 2008.

Btw, turkey started its offensive today...on the Syria-iraq border. So if people are not also discussing iraq,it's because they don't know what they are talking about.
No kidding. And the only thing keeping the scant remnants of ISIS fighters, that boun ed back, and forth across the border territory of syria; was US interference in Syrian affairs.The US actually prolonged ISIS presence in Syria by covering for another rebel faction in Syria. Outside that small pocket; the Russians and Syrians eradicated wholesale all ISIS presence in Syria. The US protected Kurds served only as a buffer to keep the remaining few from being wiped out.
No kidding. And the only thing keeping the scant remnants of ISIS fighters, that felled o the border territory of syria; was US interference in Syrian affairs.
Such nonsense. The reason they were "scant" was because of our Allies, the Kurds. And again, the Russians did virtually nothing to fight ISIS, and instead fought the Syrian rebels, including our allies, to maintain their miklitary base. period.
The US actually prolonged ISIS presence in Syria by covering for another rebel faction in Syria.
Also total bullshit. You really are not getting this. The Kurds did all the heavy lifting against ISIS. All of it. Russia doesn't give two shits about the Northern half of Syria, because that is not where their military base is. The Syrian regime can't win any battles against armed forces... only civilians.
No kidding. And the only thing keeping the scant remnants of ISIS fighters, that felled o the border territory of syria; was US interference in Syrian affairs.
Such nonsense. The reason they were "scant" was because of our Allies, the Kurds. And again, the Russians did virtually nothing to fight ISIS, and instead fought the Syrian rebels, including our allies, to maintain their miklitary base. period.
The US actually prolonged ISIS presence in Syria by covering for another rebel faction in Syria.
Also total bullshit. You really are not getting this. The Kurds did all the heavy lifting against ISIS. All of it. Russia doesn't give two shits about the Northern half of Syria, because that is not where their military base is. The Syrian regime can't win any battles against armed forces... only civilians.
Aww... Not having a sad are we? That the Russians and Syrians used your precious Kurds, by shoving them at the ISIS coming out of Iraq, Letting the Kurds take the final losses (and letting the US finance it..). The Kurds can’t fight the Russians and Syrians when they’re being pressed by ISIS. Lol. The Kurds got played by a much smarter adversary. And now with ISIS gone; they are of little value to the US. So it’s only fitting that we now go our separate ways. There is no longer anything in it for us, so there’s no use wasting our time, money and lives on them.
That the Russians and Syrians used your precious Kurds, by shoving them at the ISIS coming out of Iraq
More nonsense. Dude, you clearly know less than nothing about any of this and are making stuff up on the spot. Syria was powerless against ISIS. Russia just didn't give a shit about them, as evidenced by all of their actions, which were meant only to secure the core of the regime and its own military base. Why are you even still talking? You are embarrassing yourself.
That the Russians and Syrians used your precious Kurds, by shoving them at the ISIS coming out of Iraq
More nonsense. Dude, you clearly know less than nothing about any of this and are making stuff up on the spot. Syria was powerless against ISIS. Russia just didn't give a shit about them, as evidenced by all of their actions, which were meant only to secure the core of the regime and its own military base. Why are you even still talking? You are embarrassing yourself.
Uh-huh. If you actually believe what your selling then you should fret not. These Uber capable Kurds are more than a match for any comers without our boys as human shields.
Because it’s Fake News. He didn’t sell out the Kurds. The agreement is Turkey will not attack them.

President Trump unloaded a bunch of ISIS terrorists on them. Let the Turks torture and kill them.

If they decide to do something stupid, we’ll boot their asses out of NATO, which we should had done back when the Ataturks failed to overthrow the Islamic radical Erdofag.

This is a win-win for us.

"The agreement is Turkey will not attack them."

And you think Erdogan can be trusted with such agreements?


As I already stated, if he does attack, then we get to kick them out of NATO and kick their asses.
You're going to start a war with Turkey now? I doubt that very much. Even if they do bomb the Kurds. They are an ally right? So now Trump is going to start another war with another Muslim country? And you think we are going to support this?

Trump should have not turned his back on the Kurds but if Turkey bombs the Kurds, I don't think Americans are going to support a war over it.

Or is Trump going to act without the support of Congress? Didn't you guys fault Obama for doing that?

I could care less about the Turks. They’re Muslims that have embraced extremism. They should be kicked to the curb.
Same thing Reagan said about the Taliban, which led to 9-11. Idiots.

Thanks to immigration that let Muslims into the country.

Ban Muslims, get peace.
Try reading my post again. I was comparing the Old Testament to the Quran. I never said that the New and Old Testaments, conflict, but for the record they do. The New Covenant replaced the old Jewish rituals.
Not at all...

“”The Bible is an intriguing book that is full of conundrums that baffle most people because of the many paradoxical statements and issues found within its pages.

Many claim that the Old Testament and the New Testament are two different books: one belonging to a group of tribesman who worshiped an angry god which is more representative of the descriptions that we would associate with the Evil One, the god of this world, the very Devil himself; the other book consisting of the sayings of the wisest man who has ever lived, fairy tales called revelations and the writings of a person who had an epileptic fit when heading towards Damascus from Jerusalem.

Some individuals have been heard stating that the Old Testament is a story about the anger of the God of Creation and the New Testament is the story about His contrition for being angry with people who did not ask to be born—so He expressed some love.

More common among Evangelicals is the statement that Old Testament is about God’s anger with sin and the New Testament is about how God has chosen to overlook sin.

Certain groups teach that the Old Testament was a book for Israelites and Jews and is no longer valid, except where texts are referenced by the Apostle Paul.

Contrary to what many people think, the Old Testament is just as valid today as the New Testament.

The Old Testament contains not only historical accuracy (which the ignorati refuse to accept even though there is an abundance of historical evidence) but also prophecy, the truth about morality and the progressive revelation of the plan and purpose of God in dealing with the futility of being born only to die. More than this, the metaphysical truth for existence exists within its pages.

The Old Testament informs us that God’s Son existed before the Universe was created and He was involved in Creation; even giving the Law to Moses. The New Testament affirms that this is the case.

  • In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit[b] of God was moving over the face of the waters. And God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. (Genesis 1:1-4)
  • In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God; all things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (John 1:1-5)
  • He is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all creation; for in him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. (Colossians 1:15-17)
  • Surely I am too stupid to be a man. I have not the understanding of a man. I have not learned wisdom, nor have I knowledge of the Holy One. Who has ascended to heaven and come down? Who has gathered the wind in his fists? Who has wrapped up the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and what is his son’s name? Surely you know! (Proverbs 30:2-4)
  • And the Lord descended in the cloud and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the Lord. (Exodus 34:5)
  • Why then the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the offspring should come to whom the promise had been made; and it was ordained by angels through an intermediary. Now an intermediary implies more than one; but God is one. (Galatians 3:19-20)
  • Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord (Deuteronomy 6:4)
There is undeniably an abundance of information for the discerning reader in both the Old and New Testaments that corresponds, supports and aligns with a consistent message that the Creator God, through His Son, not only created the Universe but has been seeking to establish an eternally abiding relationship with humans, who are humble enough to admit they are mere mortals

That there may appear to be conflicting views may, at first, seem disconcerting, but not to those who seek to find the truth.

Many people make statements about the Bible being a book of contradictions but do not really want to know why it is that what they think is a contradiction exists. Even when shown the truth they reject it.

For instance, many say that the fact the New Testament has statements asserting that the Law has been done away with, and also has contradicting statements to this assertion, is evidence that the New Testament is a concocted myth.

  • For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. (John 1:17)
  • Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfill them. (Matthew 5:17)
The above texts from John and Matthew give the impression that the Son of God had nothing to do with giving the Law to Moses and because He has come to fulfill them, but not to the person who understands that “not to abolish them” means that they still exist.

  • For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the law until all is accomplished. (Matthew 5:18)
  • Is the law then against the promises of God? Certainly not; for if a law had been given which could make alive, then righteousness would indeed be by the law. Galatians 3:21
The main contention by many claiming that the Law of God is no longer valid today has to do with a misunderstanding of the reasons the Ten Commandments, written by God Himself, are valid. This is because the Ten Commandments cannot of themselves impart righteousness to people who have violated them. But they are still a guide for humans as to what morality requires and, moreover, they inform us that each person needs to establish a relationship with the Creator. There is no evidence in the New Testament that the commandments are not to be kept. Instead we find the contrary.

  • For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome. (1 John 5:3)
The biggest difficulty most people have understanding the Bible, and its many apparent conundrums, has to do with contextualization. When everything is seen in the appropriate context, what might be applicable and understandable under a given set of circumstances may appear a violation of injunction.

For instance, while God states that nobody is to murder anyone, yet instructs Israel to commit genocide of the nations dwelling in Canaan, this is seen as hypocritical. However, there is a big difference between a person murdering someone and a judge ordering a righteous execution of a murderer.

In a similar manner, without understanding the righteousness of God, the New Testament may appear to be at odds with the Old Testament. In reality, the Old Testament is a precursor to the New Testament and contains the plan and purpose of God, even prophecies that are coming to pass at the current time, with the establishment of Israel in preparation for the return of Lord Jesus Christ.

The New Testament Is But A Greater Illumination Of The Old Testament

So? Do you adhere by all of the laws in the Old Testament or do you abide by the New Covenant in the New Testament? Eat any pork of shellfish lately?

I might as well have posted that in Aramaic or Greek because you would understand it just as well.


The Bible if not taken as a whole is absolute gibberish… You can’t cherry pick, only politically correct pieces of shit cherry pick things like that.

Congratulations! You have been educated. Now stop posting stupid shit like you were doing.
Did I hurt your feelings?

What feelings? That is just like the questions people ask about you! What brain?
These Uber capable Kurds are more than a match for any comers without our boys as human shields.
Not against Turkish military, of course, they are not. And they didn't really "rout" ISIS As was pointed out to you, the Kurds lost 11,000 men fighting ISIS. BTW, we lost 7 in Syria. We should not be abandoning our ally. This is an historical mistake, but fools will just double down on it, even after they realize it... like Trump is...
These people have stood by us in our fight against Saddam and later ISIS. I simply do not understand this betrayal.
Trump’s decision to make way for Turkey in Syria seen by critics as a Kurds betrayal

I don't know what he's trying to do here.
Trying to change the news cycle and it backfired... or he is trying to protect his financial interests...

“I have a little conflict of interest ’cause I have a major, major building in Istanbul,” Trump told Bannon during a Breitbart radio show. “It’s a tremendously successful job. It’s called Trump Towers—two towers, instead of one, not the usual one, it’s two.”

Reminder: Trump has a massive conflict of interest in Turkey
These people have stood by us in our fight against Saddam and later ISIS. I simply do not understand this betrayal.
Trump’s decision to make way for Turkey in Syria seen by critics as a Kurds betrayal
Another bad decision by trump

The bad decision was that worthless asshole Obama screwing it up in the first place.
Oh please. Stop it. We could do this all day. Bush lied us into Iraq. That's the number one problem we have. If he would have just stayed in Afganistan this domino effect wouldn't be happening.

Trump and you can't keep blaming Obama. Especially when Trump said he knows more than the Generals and that he would fix the middle east quickly. Did he lie?

We told you so. These are now Trump's wars, not Obama's wars. You guys wanted to play that shit on Obama's watch well now it's your turn.

Remember Trump said "leadership, whatever happens, you're responsible"? Well he's responsible.

And listen asshole. This is a classic mistake Reagan made. Ever watch Charlie Wilson's war? He warned Reagan not to abandon the taliban in Afganistan. Reagan created Bin Ladin. Now Trump is going to abandon the Kurds who have been helping us? And you think this is a good decision? He's just going to make more terrorists out of former allies.

Trump's decisions today can't be blamed on Obama, you fucking idiot. Stop it.

America is abandoning Kurdish allies who stood on the front line in the years-long fight against ISIS.

Ankara considers many of the Kurds to be terrorists who are allied with Kurdish separatists inside Turkey. However, U.S. forces on the ground in Syria recruited and trained the Syrian Democratic Forces, or SDF, which bore the brunt of the fighting on the ground against Islamic State fighters, assisted by U.S. airstrikes.

Wait a minute. You mean Trump armed and partnered with terrorists? Didn't Republicans fault Obama for doing this?

In December, Trump abruptly announced that U.S. troops would be withdrawn from Syria — a move that elicited praise from Turkey but sparked criticism among Washington's allies and within the president's own Cabinet, where the move prompted the resignation of then-Defense Secretary Jim Mattis.

Erdogan has threatened for months to launch an assault against Kurds in Northern Syria. But U.S. lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have warned that allowing Ankara a free hand against the Kurds would send a troubling message about U.S. commitment to its allies.

Kurdish forces, not the U.S., have kept ISIS fighters, sympathizers and family members in makeshift camps in Northern Syria.

The White House statement said, "Turkey will now be responsible for all ISIS fighters in the area captured over the past two years in the wake of the defeat of the territorial 'Caliphate' by the United States."

So in other words the ISIS fighters will get set free. Got it.

The only way I'll be happy is if Turkey kills them all.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Obama was a fucking idiot that screwed up everything he touched and Middle East foreign policy was no exception. That asshole is the one that enabled ISIS, fucked up the victory in Iraq, bombed Libya for no fucking reason, created the mess in Syria and gave billions of dollars to the Iranian regime that has fostered terrorism all over the Middle East. We will be cleaning up Obama's mess for years.

Trump is getting us out of an entanglement that we had no business being in. However, you stupid Moon Bats are so afflicted with the mental illness Trump Derangement Syndrome that you can't give Trump credit for non interventionism.

Of course you are are the same turkeys that said Trump was a war monger when he was elected so it is hard for you to admit you were wrong, isn't it?

By the way, speaking of Iraq, since you brought it up. Just remember that Crooked Hillary, John Kerry and most of the Democrats that you stupid Moon Bats support backed the invasion of Iraq so you can take your partisan bullshit and cram it.

If Obama would have just picked up and left the middle east a mess I'm sure you would have seen the error in that decision.

But because Trump's doing it you paint it in the best possible light.

Ok, so when ISIS takes back over, blame Trump. But you won't.

And it was Bush who started this mess. He should have never broken Iraq. But you supported that fucker didn't you?
Bush1 started it all.
These people have stood by us in our fight against Saddam and later ISIS. I simply do not understand this betrayal.
Trump’s decision to make way for Turkey in Syria seen by critics as a Kurds betrayal

I don't know what he's trying to do here.
Trying to change the news cycle and it backfired... or he is trying to protect his financial interests...

“I have a little conflict of interest ’cause I have a major, major building in Istanbul,” Trump told Bannon during a Breitbart radio show. “It’s a tremendously successful job. It’s called Trump Towers—two towers, instead of one, not the usual one, it’s two.”

Reminder: Trump has a massive conflict of interest in Turkey

He does not own those buildings. He gets paid for the naming rights.
The bad decision was that worthless asshole Obama screwing it up in the first place.
Oh please. Stop it. We could do this all day. Bush lied us into Iraq. That's the number one problem we have. If he would have just stayed in Afganistan this domino effect wouldn't be happening.

Trump and you can't keep blaming Obama. Especially when Trump said he knows more than the Generals and that he would fix the middle east quickly. Did he lie?

We told you so. These are now Trump's wars, not Obama's wars. You guys wanted to play that shit on Obama's watch well now it's your turn.

Remember Trump said "leadership, whatever happens, you're responsible"? Well he's responsible.

And listen asshole. This is a classic mistake Reagan made. Ever watch Charlie Wilson's war? He warned Reagan not to abandon the taliban in Afganistan. Reagan created Bin Ladin. Now Trump is going to abandon the Kurds who have been helping us? And you think this is a good decision? He's just going to make more terrorists out of former allies.

Trump's decisions today can't be blamed on Obama, you fucking idiot. Stop it.

America is abandoning Kurdish allies who stood on the front line in the years-long fight against ISIS.

Ankara considers many of the Kurds to be terrorists who are allied with Kurdish separatists inside Turkey. However, U.S. forces on the ground in Syria recruited and trained the Syrian Democratic Forces, or SDF, which bore the brunt of the fighting on the ground against Islamic State fighters, assisted by U.S. airstrikes.

Wait a minute. You mean Trump armed and partnered with terrorists? Didn't Republicans fault Obama for doing this?

In December, Trump abruptly announced that U.S. troops would be withdrawn from Syria — a move that elicited praise from Turkey but sparked criticism among Washington's allies and within the president's own Cabinet, where the move prompted the resignation of then-Defense Secretary Jim Mattis.

Erdogan has threatened for months to launch an assault against Kurds in Northern Syria. But U.S. lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have warned that allowing Ankara a free hand against the Kurds would send a troubling message about U.S. commitment to its allies.

Kurdish forces, not the U.S., have kept ISIS fighters, sympathizers and family members in makeshift camps in Northern Syria.

The White House statement said, "Turkey will now be responsible for all ISIS fighters in the area captured over the past two years in the wake of the defeat of the territorial 'Caliphate' by the United States."

So in other words the ISIS fighters will get set free. Got it.

The only way I'll be happy is if Turkey kills them all.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Obama was a fucking idiot that screwed up everything he touched and Middle East foreign policy was no exception. That asshole is the one that enabled ISIS, fucked up the victory in Iraq, bombed Libya for no fucking reason, created the mess in Syria and gave billions of dollars to the Iranian regime that has fostered terrorism all over the Middle East. We will be cleaning up Obama's mess for years.

Trump is getting us out of an entanglement that we had no business being in. However, you stupid Moon Bats are so afflicted with the mental illness Trump Derangement Syndrome that you can't give Trump credit for non interventionism.

Of course you are are the same turkeys that said Trump was a war monger when he was elected so it is hard for you to admit you were wrong, isn't it?

By the way, speaking of Iraq, since you brought it up. Just remember that Crooked Hillary, John Kerry and most of the Democrats that you stupid Moon Bats support backed the invasion of Iraq so you can take your partisan bullshit and cram it.

If Obama would have just picked up and left the middle east a mess I'm sure you would have seen the error in that decision.

But because Trump's doing it you paint it in the best possible light.

Ok, so when ISIS takes back over, blame Trump. But you won't.

And it was Bush who started this mess. He should have never broken Iraq. But you supported that fucker didn't you?
I agree with you to a degree, but to say that anything was going right and/or peaceful before bush jr. is fucking delusional so you need to shut the fuck up on the subject.

Muslims are not happy less they are fighting and killing somebody including each other you fucking retard.

I think the USA has been at war more and longer than any other country on earth. Recent years. We're constantly at war. Hot wars, cold wars.
Yes. Since this country was founded.
These people have stood by us in our fight against Saddam and later ISIS. I simply do not understand this betrayal.
Trump’s decision to make way for Turkey in Syria seen by critics as a Kurds betrayal
Yeah, how did toppling Hussein work out?

well enough-----relative tp ignoring and allowing the activities of the genocidal maniac
It created ISIS-but I am an isolationist anyway

uh huh-------the death of Sadaam "created" ISIS sure------
Yes, it did, by destabilizing he the region. Dumbest decision we made.
These people have stood by us in our fight against Saddam and later ISIS. I simply do not understand this betrayal.
Trump’s decision to make way for Turkey in Syria seen by critics as a Kurds betrayal
Yeah, how did toppling Hussein work out?

You're wishing Saddam were still in power?
Yes-I don't see where WE are better off-our damn intel groups are dirty as Hell.
Our intel agencies are great.

Lying fuck politicians like GW Bush who cherry pick their reports are dirty as Hell.
Brennan is almost too stupid to be dirty-ALMOST.

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