Trump Sends Out Memorial Day Message

Why don’t you ask the families of those who died in service to their country how they feel about his whining.
I'm not going to be disrespectful and so I'm not going to hook into your argument you're trying to get me into.

I'll only say that Trump can gain popularity from his remarks, as opposed to losing it. Will the families of veterans still vote for Trump?

This discussion is disrespectful and should be closed by the moderators.
Yet you couldn't just ignore it and get on with your life, such as it is.

Nope, you, yet again, had to rush to defend the leader of your cult in a thread where he is criticized, while projecting onto everybody else your obsession of him and making him the centerpiece of your day and every other day.

Sucks to be you....Get some help.
Tsk tsk. Another TDS thread from you and whine when challenged.

The Lawfare is being run by dirt bags. Against political opponents.

You want a banana?
I'm not going to be disrespectful and so I'm not going to hook into your argument you're trying to get me into.

I'll only say that Trump can gain popularity from his remarks, as opposed to losing it. Will the families of veterans still vote for Trump?

This discussion is disrespectful and should be closed by the moderators.
Memorial Day is not about voting. Its NOT about trump. It’s about fallen soldiers. Trump disrespected the military with his selfish comments
I enjoy the periodic TDS thread.

But after all the obviously partisan persecution Trump has endured, he does have the right to discuss it even on Memorial Day.

However, two hours earlier, Trump had already posted this:

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Biden wrote, "Since America's founding, our service members have laid down their lives for an idea unlike any other: the idea of the United States. Today, as generations of heroes lie in eternal peace, we live by the light of liberty they kept burning. May God bless them, always."
Canned, focus tested response written by an intern.

Joe's sleeping.
Our President cares about our war dead
Trump cares only about his own legal problems
He does? Why hasn't he answered this guy?

The grieving father also highlighted Joe Biden’s total failure. “[W]e haven’t heard a word from him. They have put Afghanistan in the rearview mirror. And none of us have been talked to, none of — they haven’t reached out period. And it’s time to bring this back around and answer those questions.” We must not forget how the Biden administration betrayed the U.S. military and our Afghan allies.

He does? Why hasn't he answered this guy?

The grieving father also highlighted Joe Biden’s total failure. “[W]e haven’t heard a word from him. They have put Afghanistan in the rearview mirror. And none of us have been talked to, none of — they haven’t reached out period. And it’s time to bring this back around and answer those questions.” We must not forget how the Biden administration betrayed the U.S. military and our Afghan allies.

Afghanistan was a mistake

Blame Bush
I am oppressed with a sense of the impropriety of uttering words on this occasion. If silence is ever golden, it must be here, beside the graves of fifteen thousand men, whose lives were more significant than speech, and whose death was a poem, the music of which can never be sung

Predictable deflection appreciated.
Trump was Trump before he ran for office. His life was not hidden like these lifetime political grifters like Joe. Joe had his chance. 50years of it. This nation is beholden to outside nations for sustenance at cheap prices. Trump did not do that. Trump most likely used the rules and laws set up from government though. What we found out is that Prog politicians have the life of Riley. It's just getting the endless fiat currency legislation passed and throwing the bullshot to keep getting reelected. This is the epitome of grifter. Every word this man says is open for condemnation. I can only imagine how D Day would have happened with Progs. Their family trees would have been eliminated centuries ago with their thinking and never gotten to D Day to worry about.

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