Trump/Sessions want to protrect white people from discrimination

They discriminate with legacy admissions. Usually in favor of rich white benefactors. So what?

Not with scholarships and grants pal.

The truth of the matter is admissions has never been about just merit. It's looking at the person as a whole package, their interests, are they a good fit, there overall application. As long as the min criteria for admissions are met, the can select who they want for what ever reasons they want and if criteria includes diversity that is their right as an institution.

No, the truth is you support race based discrimination and it is not their right if they are receiving federal funds from the public coffers pal. Your diversity bullshit is a scam used by fascist pigs to discriminate based on race even if the white applicant is from the same income tax bracket with a higher GPA and better SATs, you can take your diversity crap and shove it.
Yep, the bigot/racist duo will use DOJ assets to fight for all the white folks being discriminated against by colleges & universities.

Unarmed blacks continue to gunned down by police - so what.

Transgendered discriminated against by States & Communities - Who cares?

Voter suppression target millions of minorities - Good for us.

But OM MG OMG some lily white rich kid from some fancy dancy prep school doesn't get into Harvard because some black kid with lower scores from the inner city does.

Of all the various types of discrimination in the country, This is what Agent Orange deems as important.

White kids are discriminated against by colleges. The fact they accept lower qualified people on the basis of skin color proves it.

Unarmed blacks aren't being gunned down by police any more than whites.

People don't have to be forced to treat cross-dressing queers like women, just because they are pretending to be women.

Can you provide an example of any minority that can't register to vote and go to a poll to vote on Election Day?

White kids are discriminated against? Instead of reading rw media you ought to take a walk on some of these campuses.

Save your SJW propaganda for the normie faggots pal. White males are the only legally discriminated groups at the Federal, State, and private levels of society so spare me your bullshit. Because I am white I am not entitled to the same government subsidies including housing and food as minorities in my same tax bracket, I am not governed by the same federal banking regulations for loans as minorities and recent immigrants, I am not entitled to the same government grants for businesses as minorities and recent immigrabts, I can be denied employment or access to education in favor of less qualified minorities in order for them to meet racial quotas, etc etc etc
They discriminate with legacy admissions. Usually in favor of rich white benefactors. So what?

Not with scholarships and grants pal.

Those aren't legacy realize that right? They also run the gamut - scholarships typically run the gamut but are also merit based. Or needs based. But you can have grants targeting minorities, etthnic groups, regional populations, religious groups, whatever the benefactor decides. Our state has a Promise Scholarship. Recipients are mostly white, reflecting the make up of the state.

The truth of the matter is admissions has never been about just merit. It's looking at the person as a whole package, their interests, are they a good fit, there overall application. As long as the min criteria for admissions are met, the can select who they want for what ever reasons they want and if criteria includes diversity that is their right as an institution.

No, the truth is you support race based discrimination and it is not their right if they are receiving federal funds from the public coffers pal.

Really now? Federal funds pay for private religious schools too pal...and a host of other things I doubt you have a problem with.
Yep, the bigot/racist duo will use DOJ assets to fight for all the white folks being discriminated against by colleges & universities.

Unarmed blacks continue to gunned down by police - so what.

Transgendered discriminated against by States & Communities - Who cares?

Voter suppression target millions of minorities - Good for us.

But OM MG OMG some lily white rich kid from some fancy dancy prep school doesn't get into Harvard because some black kid with lower scores from the inner city does.

Of all the various types of discrimination in the country, This is what Agent Orange deems as important.

White kids are discriminated against by colleges. The fact they accept lower qualified people on the basis of skin color proves it.

Unarmed blacks aren't being gunned down by police any more than whites.

People don't have to be forced to treat cross-dressing queers like women, just because they are pretending to be women.

Can you provide an example of any minority that can't register to vote and go to a poll to vote on Election Day?

White kids are discriminated against? Instead of reading rw media you ought to take a walk on some of these campuses.

Save your SJW propaganda for the normie faggots pal. White males are the only legally discriminated groups at the Federal, State, and private levels of society so spare me your bullshit. Because I am white I am not entitled to the same government subsidies including housing and food as minorities in my same tax bracket, I am not governed by the same federal banking regulations for loans as minorities and recent immigrants, I am not entitled to the same government grants for businesses as minorities and recent immigrabts, I can be denied employment or access to education in favor of less qualified minorities in order for them to meet racial quotas, etc etc etc
Oh poor baby.
Yep, the bigot/racist duo will use DOJ assets to fight for all the white folks being discriminated against by colleges & universities.

Unarmed blacks continue to gunned down by police - so what.

Transgendered discriminated against by States & Communities - Who cares?

Voter suppression target millions of minorities - Good for us.

But OM MG OMG some lily white rich kid from some fancy dancy prep school doesn't get into Harvard because some black kid with lower scores from the inner city does.

Of all the various types of discrimination in the country, This is what Agent Orange deems as important.

White kids are discriminated against by colleges. The fact they accept lower qualified people on the basis of skin color proves it.

Unarmed blacks aren't being gunned down by police any more than whites.

People don't have to be forced to treat cross-dressing queers like women, just because they are pretending to be women.

Can you provide an example of any minority that can't register to vote and go to a poll to vote on Election Day?

White kids are discriminated against? Instead of reading rw media you ought to take a walk on some of these campuses.

Save your SJW propaganda for the normie faggots pal. White males are the only legally discriminated groups at the Federal, State, and private levels of society so spare me your bullshit. Because I am white I am not entitled to the same government subsidies including housing and food as minorities in my same tax bracket, I am not governed by the same federal banking regulations for loans as minorities and recent immigrants, I am not entitled to the same government grants for businesses as minorities and recent immigrabts, I can be denied employment or access to education in favor of less qualified minorities in order for them to meet racial quotas, etc etc etc
Quotas are illegal.
Those aren't legacy realize that right? They also run the gamut - scholarships typically run the gamut but are also merit based. Or needs based. But you can have grants targeting minorities, etthnic groups, regional populations, religious groups, whatever the benefactor decides.

They do it with scholarships provided by schools who receive public money and they do it with government grants. Your support of state financed discrimination based on race is duly noted. And something tells me that you would not be so supportive if the reverse were true and private schools were granting admittance preference to whites over minorities based on race. You can label it diversity promotion or whatever the hell you want but the bottom line is that it is discrimination based on race.

Our state has a Promise Scholarship. Recipients are mostly white, reflecting the make up of the state.

Those are merit based dipshit.

Really now? Federal funds pay for private religious schools too pal...and a host of other things I doubt you have a problem with.

Religious schools such as? Even if that is true they can not and do not favor their denomination over others. Plenty of non-Catholics go to Catholic schools for example.
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Those aren't legacy realize that right? They also run the gamut - scholarships typically run the gamut but are also merit based. Or needs based. But you can have grants targeting minorities, etthnic groups, regional populations, religious groups, whatever the benefactor decides.

They do it with scholarships provided by schools who receive public money and they do it with government grants. Your support of state financed discrimination based on race is duly noted. And something tells me that you would not be so supportive if the reverse were true and private schools were granting admittance preference to whites over minorities based on race. You can label it diversity promotion or whatever the hell you want but the bottom line is that it is discrimination based on race.

Our state has a Promise Scholarship. Recipients are mostly white, reflecting the make up of the state.

Those are merit based dipshit.

Really now? Federal funds pay for private religious schools too pal...and a host of other things I doubt you have a problem with.

Religious schools such as? Even if that is true they can not a do not favor their denomination over others. Plenty of non-Catholics go to Catholic schools for example.
Re religious schools ...they can refuse anyone they voucher program.

Yes Promise is merit based as are all, they just target specific groups. Is that only a problem for you when it's race?
Yep, the bigot/racist duo will use DOJ assets to fight for all the white folks being discriminated against by colleges & universities.

Unarmed blacks continue to gunned down by police - so what.

Transgendered discriminated against by States & Communities - Who cares?

Voter suppression target millions of minorities - Good for us.

But OM MG OMG some lily white rich kid from some fancy dancy prep school doesn't get into Harvard because some black kid with lower scores from the inner city does.

Of all the various types of discrimination in the country, This is what Agent Orange deems as important.

White kids are discriminated against by colleges. The fact they accept lower qualified people on the basis of skin color proves it.

Unarmed blacks aren't being gunned down by police any more than whites.

People don't have to be forced to treat cross-dressing queers like women, just because they are pretending to be women.

Can you provide an example of any minority that can't register to vote and go to a poll to vote on Election Day?

White kids are discriminated against? Instead of reading rw media you ought to take a walk on some of these campuses.

Save your SJW propaganda for the normie faggots pal. White males are the only legally discriminated groups at the Federal, State, and private levels of society so spare me your bullshit. Because I am white I am not entitled to the same government subsidies including housing and food as minorities in my same tax bracket, I am not governed by the same federal banking regulations for loans as minorities and recent immigrants, I am not entitled to the same government grants for businesses as minorities and recent immigrabts, I can be denied employment or access to education in favor of less qualified minorities in order for them to meet racial quotas, etc etc etc
Oh poor baby.

Enjoy not having a national party.
Re religious schools ...they can refuse anyone they voucher program.

Not based on religion liar. And which religious schools are receiving money under the voucher program exactly?

Yes Promise is merit based as are all, they just target specific groups. Is that only a problem for you when it's race?

No not all scholarships are merit based. And I don't have a problem with it so long as they are private scholarship programs.
I think Affirmative Action gives a hand up to minorities, and too bad if a couple white kids or Asian kids have to go to Yale or Georgetown instead of Harvard. It's their call. Trump is baying at the moon.

Easy for you to say. Tell that to the kids who don't get into the school they want due to no fault on their part.
Diversity in the student body is a good thing - no reason why schools shouldn't be allowed to promote it.

There is if they are discriminating based on race not merit.
They discriminate with legacy admissions. Usually in favor of rich white benefactors. So what?

The truth of the matter is admissions has never been about just merit. It's looking at the person as a whole package, their interests, are they a good fit, there overall application. As long as the min criteria for admissions are met, the can select who they want for what ever reasons they want and if criteria includes diversity that is their right as an institution.

A private institution maybe, public universities not so much.

And anyone can be a legacy, race requirements are far more specific.
Yep, the bigot/racist duo will use DOJ assets to fight for all the white folks being discriminated against by colleges & universities.

Unarmed blacks continue to gunned down by police - so what.

Transgendered discriminated against by States & Communities - Who cares?

Voter suppression target millions of minorities - Good for us.

But OM MG OMG some lily white rich kid from some fancy dancy prep school doesn't get into Harvard because some black kid with lower scores from the inner city does.

Of all the various types of discrimination in the country, This is what Agent Orange deems as important.

White kids are discriminated against by colleges. The fact they accept lower qualified people on the basis of skin color proves it.

Unarmed blacks aren't being gunned down by police any more than whites.

People don't have to be forced to treat cross-dressing queers like women, just because they are pretending to be women.

Can you provide an example of any minority that can't register to vote and go to a poll to vote on Election Day?

Colleges are perfectly free to base admissions to their universities based on a wide range of factors. It is reasonable to think a kid from the ghetto with lower test scores is quite a bit smarter than the prep school rich kid with years of test prep. So "qualified" is not just what is on paper.
Unarmed blacks are indeed gunned down more often without sufficient investigations. Its not just the actual killing but what happened after.
You are free to be the bigot you are. But you can't legislate it regardless how often to try.

Lets look at a person in my county that did not have a photo ID because they did not drive. Republicans passed a voter photo D law that would have prevented her voting unless she jumped through hoops. Get a copy of their birth certificate., Find transportation to the photo ID center. Meanwhile, most whites already had one. Republicans knew damn well that 10-12% of eligible voters did not have a photo ID> They knew this group was disproportionately poor, black & democrat voters.

When they more polling places far away from black neighborhoods..

When they do not erect enough polling stations & create a two hour line.

All methods of Republican cheating. Cheating black of their voice in government. I am sure an America hating POS like you thinks that is just great.

LOL, so requiring a photo ID is repressing a vote? Every state provides a photo ID, you don't have to have a driver's license. How does anyone even function without an ID? Apparently you think minorities are too dumb to figure out how to get an ID, that makes you the racist. The rest of us have needed to get an ID at some point, and we didn't need the government to provide us with a ride to the DMV or wherever to get it. You lefties only oppose voter ID laws because it helps against voter fraud.
Without illegal votes, Dems wouldn't stand a chance.
White people complaining about discrimination. Lol. What a time to be alive.
It's interesting how little you care about discrimination against white people. In fact, you think it's funny. What does that say about you as a person?

Because white people aren't being discriminated against. They are the most privileged group in America. They run everything, earn more money, are represented well in the media, can easily buy a house anywhere they want. Whites are also less likely to be convicted of the same crime a black or Hispanic person commits.

White people are hardly discriminated against. What white people are feeling right now is their loss of some privilege. Instead of being given the best, they are now being put on an equal level playing field with other groups of ethnicities. But its not discrimination.
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I wonder how long it will take for someone to work up the courage to tell Trump that (1) quotas are illegal; (2) private universities have the right to admit whoever the hell they please, and (3) there are already laws protecting whites from being "discriminated against" due to race. They have been defended in court.

Trump and Sessions (Sessions is no surprise, to be sure) are making yet another embarrassingly knuckle dragging decision here.
but it rallies the base. YEEHAW!!
without this horrible discrimination the unemployed deplorables could have been contenders. go to hahvahd, avoid librul brainwashing, get degree, money!!!!!
White people complaining about discrimination. Lol. What a time to be alive.
It's interesting how little you care about discrimination against white people. In fact, you think it's funny. What does that say about you as a person?

Because white people aren't being discriminated against. They are the most privileged group in America.

Save you SJW bullshit propaganda for the fucking normies. White males are the only legally discriminated groups at the Federal, State, and private levels of society so spare me your bullshit. Because I am white I am not entitled to the same government subsidies including housing and food as minorities in my same tax bracket, I am not governed by the same federal banking regulations for loans as minorities and recent immigrants, I am not entitled to the same government grants for businesses as minorities and recent immigrants, I can be denied employment or access to education in favor of less qualified minorities in order for them to meet racial quotas, etc etc etc

Instead of being given the best, they are now being put on an equal level playing field with other groups of ethnicities. But its not discrimination.

You're just a fucking liar, we are not asking for special treatment we want equal treatment, what you call an equal playing field is actually race based discrimination and government sanctioned publically payed for unfair and unearnes advantages being granted to non-whites because "racism" from a bygone era, show me the living slave and former slave owner and I'll support their reparations, until then go fuck yourself and your sense of entitlement.
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White people complaining about discrimination. Lol. What a time to be alive.
It's interesting how little you care about discrimination against white people. In fact, you think it's funny. What does that say about you as a person?

Because white people aren't being discriminated against. They are the most privileged group in America.

Save you SJW bullshit propaganda for the fucking normies. White males are the only legally discriminated groups at the Federal, State, and private levels of society so spare me your bullshit. Because I am white I am not entitled to the same government subsidies including housing and food as minorities in my same tax bracket, I am not governed by the same federal banking regulations for loans as minorities and recent immigrants, I am not entitled to the same government grants for businesses as minorities and recent immigrants, I can be denied employment or access to education in favor of less qualified minorities in order for them to meet racial quotas, etc etc etc

Ok. You're right white males are the most oppressed group of individuals in America. Its so oppressing to have positions of leadership. So oppressive to be at the top of wage scales while women and minorities make less than white men. Very oppressive.
White people complaining about discrimination. Lol. What a time to be alive.
It's interesting how little you care about discrimination against white people. In fact, you think it's funny. What does that say about you as a person?

Because white people aren't being discriminated against. They are the most privileged group in America.

Save you SJW bullshit propaganda for the fucking normies. White males are the only legally discriminated groups at the Federal, State, and private levels of society so spare me your bullshit. Because I am white I am not entitled to the same government subsidies including housing and food as minorities in my same tax bracket, I am not governed by the same federal banking regulations for loans as minorities and recent immigrants, I am not entitled to the same government grants for businesses as minorities and recent immigrants, I can be denied employment or access to education in favor of less qualified minorities in order for them to meet racial quotas, etc etc etc

Ok. You're right white males are the most oppressed group of individuals in America. Its so oppressing to have positions of leadership. So oppressive to be at the top of wage scales while women and minorities make less than white men. Very oppressive.

You can't refute a single one of my points, not a fucking one. We are not asking for special treatment we want equal treatment, what you call an equal playing field is actually race based discrimination and government sanctioned publically payed for unfair and unearned advantages being granted to non-whites because "racism" from a bygone era, show me the living slave and former slave owner and I'll support their reparations, until then go fuck yourself and your sense of entitlement. All of your SJW white privilege claims are debunked by the Asian demographic who are thriving despite a past of discrimination.
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White people complaining about discrimination. Lol. What a time to be alive.
It's interesting how little you care about discrimination against white people. In fact, you think it's funny. What does that say about you as a person?

Because white people aren't being discriminated against. They are the most privileged group in America.

Save you SJW bullshit propaganda for the fucking normies. White males are the only legally discriminated groups at the Federal, State, and private levels of society so spare me your bullshit. Because I am white I am not entitled to the same government subsidies including housing and food as minorities in my same tax bracket, I am not governed by the same federal banking regulations for loans as minorities and recent immigrants, I am not entitled to the same government grants for businesses as minorities and recent immigrants, I can be denied employment or access to education in favor of less qualified minorities in order for them to meet racial quotas, etc etc etc

Ok. You're right white males are the most oppressed group of individuals in America. Its so oppressing to have positions of leadership. So oppressive to be at the top of wage scales while women and minorities make less than white men. Very oppressive.

You can't refute a single one of my points, not a fucking one. We are not asking for special treatment we want equal treatment, what you call an equal playing field is actually race based discrimination and government sanctioned publically payed for unfair and unearned advantages being granted to non-whites because "racism" from a bygone era, show me the living slave and former slave owner and I'll support their reparations, until then go fuck yourself and your sense of entitlement. All of your SJW white privilege claims are debunked by the Asian demographic who are thriving despite a past of discrimination.

Because your points are senseless. I'm black, went to university. Government didnt pay a dime for my education. Took me over 6 years to pay off my student loans. I've worked a job where I out qualified some of my white co workers and had more experience but some how I made less than them.

Government gives grants to underprivileged students. White males aren't exempt from it.

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