Trump/Sessions want to protrect white people from discrimination

Yep, the bigot/racist duo will use DOJ assets to fight for all the white folks being discriminated against by colleges & universities.

Unarmed blacks continue to gunned down by police - so what.

Transgendered discriminated against by States & Communities - Who cares?

Voter suppression target millions of minorities - Good for us.

But OM MG OMG some lily white rich kid from some fancy dancy prep school doesn't get into Harvard because some black kid with lower scores from the inner city does.

Of all the various types of discrimination in the country, This is what Agent Orange deems as important.
What are you talking about? (In other words, link?)
Let's get back on topic kiddos - the topic isn't about race and crime statistics.

Read the OP he made it about race and crime statistics from the first post.
Can you explain why you think black youth aren't smart to get into college without the help of white politicians?

Hundreds of years of being held down by whites? How about that?

You think a white kid from a private prep school & a black kid from the inner city has the sane opportunity? Really?
White people complaining about discrimination. Lol. What a time to be alive.
I know, right? They are so persecuted

White males are the only legally discriminated groups at the Federal, State, and private levels of society so spare me your bullshit. Because I am white I am not entitled to the same government subsidies including housing and food as minorities in my same tax bracket, I am not governed by the same federal banking regulations for loans as minorities and recent immigrants, I am not entitled to the same government grants for businesses as minorities and recent immigrabts, I can be denied employment or access to education in favor of less qualified minorities in order for them to meet racial quotas, etc etc etc
Oh go fuck yourself you pompous racist ass.

You can apply & get all those benefits,. There is no race criteria.

Wow, maybe 5% of certain government contracts go to minority based businesses. Why? Because they had been shut out.

'Maybe if you jackasses had not been racist dicks generation after generation, minorities would not need to fight for equality because they would have it.

My God, put your robe & hood back on & get the fuck out of here.
Yep, the bigot/racist duo will use DOJ assets to fight for all the white folks being discriminated against by colleges & universities.

Unarmed blacks continue to gunned down by police - so what.

Blacks killed by police are killed directly proportional to the % of violent crimes they engage in, more contact with police due to behavior = more chance of coming into fatal contact with police.

Transgendered discriminated against by States & Communities - Who cares?

According to the WHO and DSM transexuality is a mental disorder not a protected minority.

Voter suppression target millions of minorities - Good for us.

Jerry Mandering doesn't target minorities it targets the opposition political party, unfortunately blacks vote for the party which will give them the most handouts, correlation does not equal causation.

But OM MG OMG some lily white rich kid from some fancy dancy prep school doesn't get into Harvard because some black kid with lower scores from the inner city does.

So you support discriminitation based on race. Go fuck yourself, white males are the only group in the US which is legally discriminated at the Federal, State, and private levels of society.

Of all the various types of discrimination in the country, This is what Agent Orange deems as important.

You're a fucking racist.

We are talking about unarmed black men, some who committed no crime, killed by police without hardly an investigation. Don't lie & talk about crime, This is not about crime.

Gerrymandering is about race because they group heavily majority Democrat areas ( inner cities, etc) that are mostly black & take away their voice in government.

So, you think it is OK to discriminate against people suffering from a mental disorder? Do you know what a mental disorder is? So I should post a sign at my restaurant: We don't serve depressed people"? Extreme racism, like yours, is a mental disorder (Is Extreme Racism a Mental Illness?: Yes: It can be a delusional symptom of psychotic disorders)

Go ahead & blame your failure in life on those evil minorities. Damn them for not knowing their place, right?
Yep, the bigot/racist duo will use DOJ assets to fight for all the white folks being discriminated against by colleges & universities.

Unarmed blacks continue to gunned down by police - so what.

Transgendered discriminated against by States & Communities - Who cares?

Voter suppression target millions of minorities - Good for us.

But OM MG OMG some lily white rich kid from some fancy dancy prep school doesn't get into Harvard because some black kid with lower scores from the inner city does.

Of all the various types of discrimination in the country, This is what Agent Orange deems as important.

I find it funny that the guy who needed daddy to get him into his alma mater (yes, the orange sociopath) is all upset that people who deserve to get in who aren't legacies can go to college.

I mean... how else do you make sure you have a constant cheap source of labor than by putting your foot on upward mobility?

Putting all that aside, don't you think this discrimination is unfair?
People are all created equal. What happens after that largely depends on luck, work ethic and family. If the cry babies would stop blaming everyone else for their situation they might have actually gotten somewhere.
So a person like Mitt Romney had rte exact same opportunity as a black kid born in the ghetto.
Can you explain why you think black youth aren't smart to get into college without the help of white politicians?


Lets be serious

I'm being serious, studies have shown that most blacks can not compete with whites academically due to genetics, they are inherently mentally inferior, the same is true with whites compared to Asians.

The fallacy in your really stupid argument is that there are plenty of black people that are smarter than plenty of white people.

There are a small number of exceptions but on average the majority of blacks have lower IQs.

You want roof? Look sat the percentage of blacks that voted for Trump compared to the percentage of white that voted Trump. Nothing more needs said.

The majority of blacks voted for Obama, I don't need any more evidence in favor of my hhypothesis than that.
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Let's get back on topic kiddos - the topic isn't about race and crime statistics.

Read the OP he made it about race and crime statistics from the first post.
Can you explain why you think black youth aren't smart to get into college without the help of white politicians?

Hundreds of years of being held down by whites? How about that?

You think a white kid from a private prep school & a black kid from the inner city has the sane opportunity? Really?

So you think whites make blacks stupid?
Yep, the bigot/racist duo will use DOJ assets to fight for all the white folks being discriminated against by colleges & universities.

Unarmed blacks continue to gunned down by police - so what.

Transgendered discriminated against by States & Communities - Who cares?

Voter suppression target millions of minorities - Good for us.

But OM MG OMG some lily white rich kid from some fancy dancy prep school doesn't get into Harvard because some black kid with lower scores from the inner city does.

Of all the various types of discrimination in the country, This is what Agent Orange deems as important.

I find it funny that the guy who needed daddy to get him into his alma mater (yes, the orange sociopath) is all upset that people who deserve to get in who aren't legacies can go to college.

I mean... how else do you make sure you have a constant cheap source of labor than by putting your foot on upward mobility?

Putting all that aside, don't you think this discrimination is unfair?
People are all created equal. What happens after that largely depends on luck, work ethic and family. If the cry babies would stop blaming everyone else for their situation they might have actually gotten somewhere.
So a person like Mitt Romney had rte exact same opportunity as a black kid born in the ghetto.

Mitt Romney wasn't wealthy as a child
I wonder how long it will take for someone to work up the courage to tell Trump that (1) quotas are illegal; (2) private universities have the right to admit whoever the hell they please, and (3) there are already laws protecting whites from being "discriminated against" due to race. They have been defended in court.

Trump and Sessions (Sessions is no surprise, to be sure) are making yet another embarrassingly knuckle dragging decision here.
I wonder how long it will take for someone to work up the courage to tell Trump that (1) quotas are illegal; (2) private universities have the right to admit whoever the hell they please, and (3) there are already laws protecting whites from being "discriminated against" due to race. They have been defended in court.

Trump and Sessions (Sessions is no surprise, to be sure) are making yet another embarrassingly knuckle dragging decision here.

Didn't the Supreme Court rule that universities could skew their admittences in order to promote diversity?
I wonder how long it will take for someone to work up the courage to tell Trump that (1) quotas are illegal; (2) private universities have the right to admit whoever the hell they please, and (3) there are already laws protecting whites from being "discriminated against" due to race. They have been defended in court.

Trump and Sessions (Sessions is no surprise, to be sure) are making yet another embarrassingly knuckle dragging decision here.
So if a company needs to hire twenty people for it's field ops, they can't? LOL!
Diversity in the student body is a good thing - no reason why schools shouldn't be allowed to promote it.
We are talking about unarmed black men, some who committed no crime, killed by police without hardly an investigation. Don't lie & talk about crime, This is not about crime.

Unarmed blacks charging and attacking police officers like Mike Brown? Save your debunked BLM terrorist talking points for someone else pal, blacks commit way more crimes which is why they come into contact with police far more often, both the percentage of white and blacks shot by police are directly proportional to their crime rate.

Gerrymandering is about race because they group heavily majority Democrat areas ( inner cities, etc) that are mostly black & take away their voice in government.

It has nothing to do with race and everything to do with party affiliation, unfortunatey blacks are lazy and vote for the party that will give them the most free shit.

So, you think it is OK to discriminate against people suffering from a mental disorder? Do you know what a mental disorder is? So I should post a sign at my restaurant: We don't serve depressed people"? Extreme racism, like yours, is a mental disorder (Is Extreme Racism a Mental Illness?: Yes: It can be a delusional symptom of psychotic disorders)

That's not the type of discrimination that is occurring, banning them from the military or not allowing them the use of the opposite sex's bathroom, or not calling them by their madeup pronoun is not the equivalent of refusing to serve someone at a restaurant, and I absolutely believe a mental disorder is grounds for discrimination in certain circumstances eg I don't want a paranoid schizophrenic or someone with bipolar disorder serving in the military anymore than I want a person suffering gender dysphoria serving especially considering their suicide and depression rates.

Go ahead & blame your failure in life on those evil minorities. Damn them for not knowing their place, right?

I support an equal society you support a society which discriminates based on race.
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I wonder how long it will take for someone to work up the courage to tell Trump that (1) quotas are illegal; (2) private universities have the right to admit whoever the hell they please, and (3) there are already laws protecting whites from being "discriminated against" due to race. They have been defended in court.

Trump and Sessions (Sessions is no surprise, to be sure) are making yet another embarrassingly knuckle dragging decision here.

Didn't the Supreme Court rule that universities could skew their admittences in order to promote diversity?
I think there was a decision re: Univ of Texas not long before Scalia died.
I wonder how long it will take for someone to work up the courage to tell Trump that (1) quotas are illegal; (2) private universities have the right to admit whoever the hell they please, and (3) there are already laws protecting whites from being "discriminated against" due to race. They have been defended in court.

Trump and Sessions (Sessions is no surprise, to be sure) are making yet another embarrassingly knuckle dragging decision here.
So if a company needs to hire twenty people for it's field ops, they can't? LOL!
What in hell does that question propose to mean, Mike?
I wonder how long it will take for someone to work up the courage to tell Trump that (1) quotas are illegal; (2) private universities have the right to admit whoever the hell they please, and (3) there are already laws protecting whites from being "discriminated against" due to race. They have been defended in court.

Trump and Sessions (Sessions is no surprise, to be sure) are making yet another embarrassingly knuckle dragging decision here.
So if a company needs to hire twenty people for it's field ops, they can't? LOL!
What in hell does that question propose to mean, Mike?
They need twenty people. Thats a quota!
Diversity in the student body is a good thing - no reason why schools shouldn't be allowed to promote it.
except that it discriminates against whites.Don't bother asking me for a link or asking me to prove it or any of the games you play. Hardly a day goes by that a school doesn't make the paper for some white bashing crap!

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