Trump/Sessions want to protrect white people from discrimination

White people complaining about discrimination. Lol. What a time to be alive.
I know, right? They are so persecuted

White males are the only legally discriminated groups at the Federal, State, and private levels of society so spare me your bullshit. Because I am white I am not entitled to the same government subsidies including housing and food as minorities in my same tax bracket, I am not governed by the same federal banking regulations for loans as minorities and recent immigrants, I am not entitled to the same government grants for businesses as minorities and recent immigrabts, I can be denied employment or access to education in favor of less qualified minorities in order for them to meet racial quotas, etc etc etc
Oh go fuck yourself you pompous racist ass.

You can apply & get all those benefits,. There is no race criteria.

You are a lying faggot:

The Fed - Community Reinvestment Act

Government Grants For Minority | Women and African American

Paths to Homeownership for Low-Income and Minority Households | HUD USER

Mortgage Programs for Minorities

African American grants and assistance programs

Grants for Immigrants - GrantWatch
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Hundreds of years of being held down by whites? How about that?

They changed the blacks genetic makeup to give them lower IQs than whites? Did they do the same in Africa? Shove your professional victimology up your ass, Asians were held down too yet they prosper.
Yep, the bigot/racist duo will use DOJ assets to fight for all the white folks being discriminated against by colleges & universities.

Unarmed blacks continue to gunned down by police - so what.

Transgendered discriminated against by States & Communities - Who cares?

Voter suppression target millions of minorities - Good for us.

But OM MG OMG some lily white rich kid from some fancy dancy prep school doesn't get into Harvard because some black kid with lower scores from the inner city does.

Of all the various types of discrimination in the country, This is what Agent Orange deems as important.
Bring back lynching that's what. I say
And OMG a smart uppitynixxer?
Can't bear the thought
Yep, the bigot/racist duo will use DOJ assets to fight for all the white folks being discriminated against by colleges & universities.

Unarmed blacks continue to gunned down by police - so what.

Transgendered discriminated against by States & Communities - Who cares?

Voter suppression target millions of minorities - Good for us.

But OM MG OMG some lily white rich kid from some fancy dancy prep school doesn't get into Harvard because some black kid with lower scores from the inner city does.

Of all the various types of discrimination in the country, This is what Agent Orange deems as important.
So do tell.
Would you rather be black or white?
Do tell, free cell phones!!!!
Usually dead silence
Hundreds of years of being held down by whites? How about that?

They changed the blacks genetic makeup to give them lower IQs than whites? Did they do the same in Africa? Shove your professional victimology up your ass, Asians were held down too yet they prosper.
Who is they? You have a PhD in genealogy?
Whoops high school (maybe) white boy probably

"They" would be whites. Numerous studies have shown that blacks on average have lower IQs than whites and whites have lower IQs than Asian, IQs are 80% genetic hence my question. If you have a problem it's with science and facts not with me.
Hundreds of years of being held down by whites? How about that?

They changed the blacks genetic makeup to give them lower IQs than whites? Did they do the same in Africa? Shove your professional victimology up your ass, Asians were held down too yet they prosper.
Shove up your ass? Dead giveaway for zero education.
Yours? You can't tell

Try writing English properly before you criticise the education levels of others you stupid faggot.
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Yep, the bigot/racist duo will use DOJ assets to fight for all the white folks being discriminated against by colleges & universities.

Unarmed blacks continue to gunned down by police - so what.

Transgendered discriminated against by States & Communities - Who cares?

Voter suppression target millions of minorities - Good for us.

But OM MG OMG some lily white rich kid from some fancy dancy prep school doesn't get into Harvard because some black kid with lower scores from the inner city does.

Of all the various types of discrimination in the country, This is what Agent Orange deems as important.

Affirmative Racism has gone on long enough and has been allowed to destroy the educations of American blacks too long.......even American Asians are supporting Trump in this....

Asian Group Comes Out In Support Of DOJ Effort To Curb Affirmative Action
Yep, the bigot/racist duo will use DOJ assets to fight for all the white folks being discriminated against by colleges & universities.

Unarmed blacks continue to gunned down by police - so what.

Transgendered discriminated against by States & Communities - Who cares?

Voter suppression target millions of minorities - Good for us.

But OM MG OMG some lily white rich kid from some fancy dancy prep school doesn't get into Harvard because some black kid with lower scores from the inner city does.

Of all the various types of discrimination in the country, This is what Agent Orange deems as important.

White kids are discriminated against by colleges. The fact they accept lower qualified people on the basis of skin color proves it.

Unarmed blacks aren't being gunned down by police any more than whites.

People don't have to be forced to treat cross-dressing queers like women, just because they are pretending to be women.

Can you provide an example of any minority that can't register to vote and go to a poll to vote on Election Day?
I think Affirmative Action gives a hand up to minorities, and too bad if a couple white kids or Asian kids have to go to Yale or Georgetown instead of Harvard. It's their call. Trump is baying at the moon.
White people complaining about discrimination. Lol. What a time to be alive.
It's interesting how little you care about discrimination against white people. In fact, you think it's funny. What does that say about you as a person?
I think Affirmative Action gives a hand up to minorities, and too bad if a couple white kids or Asian kids have to go to Yale or Georgetown instead of Harvard. It's their call. Trump is baying at the moon.
So because they are white and Asian, you don't care if they are discriminated against? Thanks for being honest about your racism.
Yep, the bigot/racist duo will use DOJ assets to fight for all the white folks being discriminated against by colleges & universities.

Unarmed blacks continue to gunned down by police - so what.

Transgendered discriminated against by States & Communities - Who cares?

Voter suppression target millions of minorities - Good for us.

But OM MG OMG some lily white rich kid from some fancy dancy prep school doesn't get into Harvard because some black kid with lower scores from the inner city does.

Of all the various types of discrimination in the country, This is what Agent Orange deems as important.

White kids are discriminated against by colleges. The fact they accept lower qualified people on the basis of skin color proves it.

Unarmed blacks aren't being gunned down by police any more than whites.

People don't have to be forced to treat cross-dressing queers like women, just because they are pretending to be women.

Can you provide an example of any minority that can't register to vote and go to a poll to vote on Election Day?

Colleges are perfectly free to base admissions to their universities based on a wide range of factors. It is reasonable to think a kid from the ghetto with lower test scores is quite a bit smarter than the prep school rich kid with years of test prep. So "qualified" is not just what is on paper.
Unarmed blacks are indeed gunned down more often without sufficient investigations. Its not just the actual killing but what happened after.
You are free to be the bigot you are. But you can't legislate it regardless how often to try.

Lets look at a person in my county that did not have a photo ID because they did not drive. Republicans passed a voter photo D law that would have prevented her voting unless she jumped through hoops. Get a copy of their birth certificate., Find transportation to the photo ID center. Meanwhile, most whites already had one. Republicans knew damn well that 10-12% of eligible voters did not have a photo ID> They knew this group was disproportionately poor, black & democrat voters.

When they more polling places far away from black neighborhoods..

When they do not erect enough polling stations & create a two hour line.

All methods of Republican cheating. Cheating black of their voice in government. I am sure an America hating POS like you thinks that is just great.
Hundreds of years of being held down by whites? How about that?

They changed the blacks genetic makeup to give them lower IQs than whites? Did they do the same in Africa? Shove your professional victimology up your ass, Asians were held down too yet they prosper.
Shove up your ass? Dead giveaway for zero education.
Yours? You can't tell

Try writing English properly before you criticise the education levels of others you stupid faggot.
I am better educated than you. I am smarter than you. I am better informed than you. Deal with that you racist POS.

BTW you misspelled criticize Mr OMG OMG OMG Proper English
Colleges are perfectly free to base admissions to their universities based on a wide range of factors.

Not if that factor is based on race rather than merit you racist piece of shit, fuck you and your discrimination.

Unarmed blacks are indeed gunned down more often without sufficient investigations. Its not just the actual killing but what happened after.

Not as a % of the population which commits violent crimes, shootings are proportional for both whites and blacks in that regard. Save your debunked hands up don't shoot propaganda for the normies faggot.

Lets look at a person in my county that did not have a photo ID because they did not drive.

How did they survive this long? You can't get a bank account, cash a check, get your electricty turned on, start a cable account, get a cell phone account, basically anything a functional member of society has to do on a regular basis without a photo ID you lying faggot.

This video proves what a laughable racist piece of shit you are:

Yep, the bigot/racist duo will use DOJ assets to fight for all the white folks being discriminated against by colleges & universities.

Unarmed blacks continue to gunned down by police - so what.

Transgendered discriminated against by States & Communities - Who cares?

Voter suppression target millions of minorities - Good for us.

But OM MG OMG some lily white rich kid from some fancy dancy prep school doesn't get into Harvard because some black kid with lower scores from the inner city does.

Of all the various types of discrimination in the country, This is what Agent Orange deems as important.

More unarmed whites are killed by cops then blacks killed by cops and the vast majority of cop shootings of blacks are justified.

If you thinking requirement ID to vote is voter suppression then you are a fucking racist.l moron (if you are black and think this way then you are a pathetic loser). You think so little of black and brown people that they are too stupid to get valid ID. Word to worthless racist, they are just as capable as you or I to get a valid ID. I can't believe this is even an issue

Transgender people are mentally ill. You can't change your gender no matter how much you mutilate and drug yourself. They shouldn't be able to go into the opposite sex bath or locker room and they sure as hell shouldn't operate weapons of war. We want to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill.

You know fucko not all white people in America are rich. In fact most are not rich. The rich, regardless of there race or religion, usually get special treatment. It is not a race thing it is class and money thing. However poor whites, who are just as disadvantaged as poor blacks, don't get the preferential treatment blacks and browns get and that is in and of itself racist. It should be on merit and not race!

Session is right to stomp this out. Are liberals that fucked up that they really believe racism is bad unless it is racist against white people!

Get a clue loser (or a gun and shoot yourself, you won't be missed)!

Sent from my iPhone using
Diversity in the student body is a good thing - no reason why schools shouldn't be allowed to promote it.

There is if they are discriminating based on race not merit.
They discriminate with legacy admissions. Usually in favor of rich white benefactors. So what?

The truth of the matter is admissions has never been about just merit. It's looking at the person as a whole package, their interests, are they a good fit, there overall application. As long as the min criteria for admissions are met, the can select who they want for what ever reasons they want and if criteria includes diversity that is their right as an institution.
Yep, the bigot/racist duo will use DOJ assets to fight for all the white folks being discriminated against by colleges & universities.

Unarmed blacks continue to gunned down by police - so what.

Transgendered discriminated against by States & Communities - Who cares?

Voter suppression target millions of minorities - Good for us.

But OM MG OMG some lily white rich kid from some fancy dancy prep school doesn't get into Harvard because some black kid with lower scores from the inner city does.

Of all the various types of discrimination in the country, This is what Agent Orange deems as important.

White kids are discriminated against by colleges. The fact they accept lower qualified people on the basis of skin color proves it.

Unarmed blacks aren't being gunned down by police any more than whites.

People don't have to be forced to treat cross-dressing queers like women, just because they are pretending to be women.

Can you provide an example of any minority that can't register to vote and go to a poll to vote on Election Day?

White kids are discriminated against? Instead of reading rw media you ought to take a walk on some of these campuses.

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