Trump Setting Voting / Voter Records While Hillary Losing Support

He is the bearer of their standard. And, of course, it's a very, very low standard.
Yet, compared to the Scandal Queen dogged by decades of corruption, scandal, influence peddling, attacking and demonizing her husband's victims, breaking the law, jeopardizing national security, and abandoning 4 Americans to needlessly die, he is infinitely better than the Liberals' 'standard bearer'.

Considering that every accusation posted in your screed is based on Republican lies, how can you be so ill informed. Decades of smear campaigns directed against the Clintons, which has resulted in no charges, no law suits, even after decades of investigations by Republican Congressional Committees, and even a special prosecutors hired by Republicans to go after the Clintons.

That you believe their lies, shows both the level of your gullibility, and your lack of any effort whatsoever to questions what your party tells you.
Ok I am confused by the enormous flaws in this thread.

Am I to believe that Hillary has earned millions more votes than trump but more people like trump? Am I supposed to believe trump thinks hillary is an awful candidate when he supported her senate and presidential runs?

Hillary and Trump agree on about 90% of the issues this year. I don't know why the GoP is selling trump as different and more popular than hillary. They are almost identical except she is more popular with females

Hillary is a self-serving politician who has not accomplished 1 thing besides ripping off, victimizing, or getting Americans needlessly murdered. Trump is a successful business man.

Trump is anti-Washington Establishment xareer politicians. Hillary is the Queen of Washington Establishment Career Politicians.

Hillary has broken the law, specifically the FOIA, the Federal Records Act, and has committed crimes under the Espionage Act. Trump hasn't.
Were Nutty Old Uncle Bernie to suddenly endorse Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky it is highly probable that his supporters would turn on him and show how violent they can be when inspired - not just hired.
Ok I am confused by the enormous flaws in this thread.

Am I to believe that Hillary has earned millions more votes than trump but more people like trump? Am I supposed to believe trump thinks hillary is an awful candidate when he supported her senate and presidential runs?

Hillary and Trump agree on about 90% of the issues this year. I don't know why the GoP is selling trump as different and more popular than hillary. They are almost identical except she is more popular with females

Hillary is a self-serving politician who has not accomplished 1 thing besides ripping off, victimizing, or getting Americans needlessly murdered. Trump is a successful business man.

Trump is anti-Washington Establishment xareer politicians. Hillary is the Queen of Washington Establishment Career Politicians.

Hillary has broken the law, specifically the FOIA, the Federal Records Act, and has committed crimes under the Espionage Act. Trump hasn't.

Trump scammed his student at trump university. He is facing major civil law suits.
Can you prove anything here that Hillary got indicted for any criminal activity?
Trump is successful in running a business but running a country is far more different than that. He is facing lawsuits and he is falling apart. What happen then when his own GOP tell him to take a hike? And labeled him RIGHT NOW as racist asshole.
i thought whoever got more votes meant they win. of all candidates running this year hillary has recieved the most votes. so fewer people voted this year than 2012, she still got more votes than trump. hell, 25% of california voted for republicans who arent runing for president
Yet Clinton still received more votes than Trump in the primaries.
And this is supposed to be a valid argument? You don't have a clue do you ace?
Pull your index finger out of your nose and use it to count.
Hillary will get 95% of the black vote, 90% of the Hispanic vote, Asians, Jews, LGBT, Native Americans, all folks of color, and 65%-75% of the total Woman vote, Trump looks lost now can't even run a campaign:deal:

You can't win a National election when your base is the poorly educated white trash redneck nation:laugh:, and the Hillary hating white men, who love voting for losers like Mccain, Romney..

Hillary is going to embarrass the Orangutan, worse than that dead orange rat on his dome, man this is going to be great:lmao:
Women not going to vote Democrat after they ruined all women's sports.

Would you care to post a link to support your steak sauce? Or you want me to tell you ................ What women think of Adolfo Trump?
No link needed, just logic and common sense. LGBT men who think their girls (whether they're lying or not) will destroy women's sports. Women will no longer be able to win because they have to compete against more muscular men.

You are mixing wonton soup and pizza. Care to explain that again?

Trump with his FULL force republican hi octane supporters ONLY ONLY received 1.1 million votes by himself.
I guarantee you 109% Trump will be toast in California and Florida.
BTW Romney received 1.3 million votes compared to Trump pitiful 1.1 million.
Um, hey stupid, did you ever stop to think that maybe a lot of Trump supporters didn't feel they needed to vote, being that he already has the nomination locked up??? The only ones who needed to compete for the California vote were Hillary and Bernie, hence the big numbers. Do I really have to explain this to you?
Clinton's Ex-employee who ran the Ohio primary STILL won't release the raw data proving she actually won that primary. There was voter fraud in other primaries. The Dems rigged the election with the Super Delegate crap to ensure Hillary won. In the midst of the primaries Democrats moved to try to allow felons to LEGALLY vote for them this November....and this was only the primaries. To get this criminal elected we will see unprecedented voter fraud in the up-coming election.
Ok I am confused by the enormous flaws in this thread.

Am I to believe that Hillary has earned millions more votes than trump but more people like trump? Am I supposed to believe trump thinks hillary is an awful candidate when he supported her senate and presidential runs?

hillary and trump agree on about 90% of the issues this year. I don't know why the GoP is selling trump as different and more popular than hillary. They are almost identical except she is more popular with females
Hillary doesn't believe in sealing the border. Trump does.
Hillary does't believe in repatriating foreign owned corporations money by giving them a tax break so they will bring their money here where it will help Americans. Trump does.
Hillary won't get rid of Obamacare. Trump will.
Hillary doesn't give a fuck about the Vets. Trump does.
Hillary will elect Liberal judges who will make the constitution worthless. Trump won't.
Trump will initiate nation wide CC permits. Hillary won't.
Can you see the difference now, or do you still intend on playing stupid?
On the things THAT MATTER, they differ.
  • H. Clinton Received 1.5 Million FEWER Votes in 2016 than in 2008 — Dems Down 7 Million Votes
    Gateway Pundit ^ | 6/8/2016 | Jim Hoft
    It was another rough primary season for Hillary. Even after California primary Hillary Clinton STILL does not have enough pledged delegates to win the Democratic primary. As of Tuesday night Hillary Clinton has 2,203 pledged delegates. But she does have 574 super-delegates. Hillary received 15,899,116 votes this year. Bernie Sanders received 12,193,152 votes. Hillary and Bernie received 28,092,268 total primary votes this year. In 2008 Hillary Clinton received 17,493,836 primary votes. So this year Hillary received 1,594,720 FEWER primary votes than in 2008. And she lost in 2008! Horrible. More than 35,029,294 votes were cast in the 2008 Democratic primary....
Release the emails. See how many pledged delegates she has then. Transparent government my ass.
Clinton's Ex-employee who ran the Ohio primary STILL won't release the raw data proving she actually won that primary.
What "raw data"? The results are on their website:

Ohio Election Results

There was voter fraud in other primaries.


The Dems rigged the election with the Super Delegate crap to ensure Hillary won.
Really? The Super Delegate system was set up years and years ago just for Hillary? Wow, she IS good.

Amazing that you left out the part where Hillary is winning in Pledge delegates and popular vote and that it's Sanders that actually wants the will of the people overturned to have the SDs vote for him.

In the midst of the primaries Democrats moved to try to allow felons to LEGALLY vote for them this November....and this was only the primaries. To get this criminal elected we will see unprecedented voter fraud in the up-coming election.

Felons? Or people who are no longer in prison or on parole for the conviction of a felony? How many states did this occur in? Is it only Democratic former felons that have their right to vote restored?

Do you disagree with the right to vote being restored to people who have done their time?[/quote]
Trump with his FULL force republican hi octane supporters ONLY ONLY received 1.1 million votes by himself.
I guarantee you 109% Trump will be toast in California and Florida.
BTW Romney received 1.3 million votes compared to Trump pitiful 1.1 million.
Um, hey stupid, did you ever stop to think that maybe a lot of Trump supporters didn't feel they needed to vote, being that he already has the nomination locked up??? The only ones who needed to compete for the California vote were Hillary and Bernie, hence the big numbers. Do I really have to explain this to you?

That is just an excuse from a pathetic idiot like you.
Opinion from a racist asshole like you doesn't mean a diddly shit of your credibility.
Ooooooooo getting a little hacked off are we? I know I'm scoring points when a dipshit lib pulls the race card on me. You sure make an in-depth argument for your position.....not.
Trump with his FULL force republican hi octane supporters ONLY ONLY received 1.1 million votes by himself.
I guarantee you 109% Trump will be toast in California and Florida.
BTW Romney received 1.3 million votes compared to Trump pitiful 1.1 million.
Um, hey stupid, did you ever stop to think that maybe a lot of Trump supporters didn't feel they needed to vote, being that he already has the nomination locked up??? The only ones who needed to compete for the California vote were Hillary and Bernie, hence the big numbers. Do I really have to explain this to you?

That is just an excuse from a pathetic idiot like you.
Great comeback, now do you have a REAL answer or just another empty and pointless insult? :lol:
Trump with his FULL force republican hi octane supporters ONLY ONLY received 1.1 million votes by himself.
I guarantee you 109% Trump will be toast in California and Florida.
BTW Romney received 1.3 million votes compared to Trump pitiful 1.1 million.
Um, hey stupid, did you ever stop to think that maybe a lot of Trump supporters didn't feel they needed to vote, being that he already has the nomination locked up??? The only ones who needed to compete for the California vote were Hillary and Bernie, hence the big numbers. Do I really have to explain this to you?

That is just an excuse from a pathetic idiot like you.
Great comeback, now do you have a REAL answer or just another empty and pointless insult? :lol:

Who started the insult?
It doesn't matter. Trump is toast in your state of California.
Opinion from a racist asshole like you doesn't mean a diddly shit of your credibility.
Ooooooooo getting a little hacked off are we? I know I'm scoring points when a dipshit lib pulls the race card on me. You sure make an in-depth argument for your position.....not.

Making an opinion based from your hatred and racism is pure ............................. Worthless and meaningless. Come back to me when you have something worth talking about.
Making an opinion based from your hatred and racism is pure ............................. Worthless and meaningless. Come back to me when you have something worth talking about.

Silly child...
Trump with his FULL force republican hi octane supporters ONLY ONLY received 1.1 million votes by himself.
I guarantee you 109% Trump will be toast in California and Florida.
BTW Romney received 1.3 million votes compared to Trump pitiful 1.1 million.
Um, hey stupid, did you ever stop to think that maybe a lot of Trump supporters didn't feel they needed to vote, being that he already has the nomination locked up??? The only ones who needed to compete for the California vote were Hillary and Bernie, hence the big numbers. Do I really have to explain this to you?

That is just an excuse from a pathetic idiot like you.
Great comeback, now do you have a REAL answer or just another empty and pointless insult? :lol:

Who started the insult?
It doesn't matter. Trump is toast in your state of California.
I had a valid point accompanying my insult, all you have is insults but no point.

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