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Trump shares stage with talkshow host who describes Jews as "stinking excrement"

Of course, this is embarrassing, childish equivocation, as the headline is factual. Why the pearl clutching? So your far right wing heroes got caught hanging with far right wing idiots. Did you put on your surprised face?
More flatulence from Farty. How typical. The headline is of course absolutely false. As for Pearl clutching, why DO you react in that faggoty fashion? You leftards despise the truth. You’re quite the little acolyte.
In the vast majority of cases, the condemnation expressed for Israel is driven by antisemitism. There is no other way to explain why other countries, guilty of so much worse, barely get a passing frown, and all the venom goes to the little Jewish country. It is the double standards that reveal it.

But certainly, the snark with which people speak about “the Zionists,” as a synonym for Jews, is an even more obvious reveal of antisemitism.
The best way of determine whether it is antisemitic or not (imo) is if Israel is being uniquely singled out for something many other countries do. For example, Hamas lobs rockets into Israel’s civilian areas, Israel has a right to respond and protect it’s citizens, like any other nation. Denying that while allowing other nations that right could be antisemitic. But objecting to settlement expansions, the unequal justice system, the way Jews, but not Palestinians can reclaim property…those sort of things are not anti-Semitic and labeling them as such shuts down debate and perpetrates injustice.
Most democrats want Israel to give up every protection they have against a world that has vowed to drive Israel into the sea.

The aim of the Democrat Party is the end of the State of Israel. First the West Bank, then Gaza, then half of Jerusalem, then the Temple Mount.
Absolutely! And the goal of BDS is to dismantle Israel. How can a movement geared to the destruction of Israel, the one and only Jewish country in the world, be seen as anything other than antisemitic?

And before any liberal jumps in to say that BDS isn’t trying to destroy Israel completely….yes, it is. Its purpose is to DELEGITIMIZE the Jewish state.

More flatulence from Farty. How typical. The headline is of course absolutely false. As for Pearl clutching, why DO you react in that faggoty fashion? You leftards despise the truth. You’re quite the little acolyte.
Nah, spot on. Have your hissy, cultist. Changes nothing.
Most democrats want Israel to give up every protection they have against a world that has vowed to drive Israel into the sea.

The aim of the Democrat Party is the end of the State of Israel. First the West Bank, then Gaza, then half of Jerusalem, then the Temple Mount.
The Muslim squad members were trying to get Congress to defund the Iron Dome in order to hang the Jews out to dry, so to speak.
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Nah, spot on. Have your hissy, cultist. Changes nothing.
You have a “spot on” your underoos from your flatulence. It’s your hissy fit, bitch. Have a good soak in a tub. Wash yourself while you’re at it.

I agree that you’re a cultist. And your petty lies and distortions do change nothing. 👍
In the vast majority of cases, the condemnation expressed for Israel is driven by antisemitism. There is no other way to explain why other countries, guilty of so much worse, barely get a passing frown, and all the venom goes to the little Jewish country. It is the double standards that reveal it.

But certainly, the snark with which people speak about “the Zionists,” as a synonym for Jews, is an even more obvious reveal of antisemitism.
protest warrior unjust occupation muslim land.jpg
The best way of determine whether it is antisemitic or not (imo) is if Israel is being uniquely singled out for something many other countries do. For example, Hamas lobs rockets into Israel’s civilian areas, Israel has a right to respond and protect it’s citizens, like any other nation. Denying that while allowing other nations that right could be antisemitic. But objecting to settlement expansions, the unequal justice system, the way Jews, but not Palestinians can reclaim property…those sort of things are not anti-Semitic and labeling them as such shuts down debate and perpetrates injustice.
Objecting to very specific policies is not necessarily antisemitic, which is why I said criticism of Israel is antisemitic “in the vast majority of cases” and not “in 100% of the cases.” I agree there are exceptions, albeit rarely.

But if you question most people who are criticizing Israel, you will find that have very little knowledge of the complexities of the conflict and absolutely NO knowledge of the wrong the Palestinians are guilty of. Very few know that Muslims are granted citizenship in Israel and even hold elected office. Neither do they know that the West Bank was Jordan, but they lost it when they attacked Israel in an effort to destroy it. They just “know” somehow that the Jews are in the wrong, and 100% of the time.

Another giveaway that antisemitism is usually behind the Israel-bashing is that in every single thread complaining about Israel, the ones complaining will, sooner rather than later, start in with general, sweeping negative remarks about Jews. (In fairness, you are one of the few exceptions.) For example (a real-life example), a critic of Israel will be complaining about Israel, and all of a sudden add in “that’s just how Jews are. They always have to get their way.” This type of thing happens without fail, in every Israel thread.

And finally, the most telling is the double standards. When the U.N. Issues more resolutions against Israel for human rights violations than Syria, Iraq, and Iran COMBINED, when they are such worse offenders, it’s antisemitism driving the criticism.

And it’s a crying shame that the Dems are part of the anti-Israel movement, which explains the rising tolerance for Jew-haters within your party.
I am old and became a registered democrat on the DAY I turned
21. I am descended from ONLY DEMOCRATS ----and I and my
forebears are and have been ALL LIBERAL. At the present time
the donkey is PIXILATED and FASCIST. I am still a registered
democrat but in the past few years have NOT voted for democrat
candidates -----at all
Well, with all due respect, sometimes old people do get a little “pixilated.”

As for saying Democrats today are “FASCIST,” that is frankly a disgraceful example of Republican — really “Orwellian” — propaganda. It is violent language, part of Republican / MAGA “big lie” attacks on the Democratic Party.

I’m not a Democrat but I find it crude and offensive. It also seems to me especially inappropriate for Jews to speak this way, as they presumably should know something about real fascism and fascist anti-Semitic propaganda. Maybe you just spoke out emotionally about your disappointment with “the Donkey”?

The Democratic Party has aided Israel since its creation, and in Congress yearly supports it, voting for billions in taxpayer-paid assistance. Democrats like Schumer and Pelosi if anything have bent the stick too far toward supporting the only nuclear armed state in the Middle East. Israel has evolved into an economically and militarily powerful (if small) “apartheid state.” It is a truly tragic evolution, though not really surprising under the circumstances. Nobody, least of all I, have easy workable answers to resolving the deep Israeli / Palestinian enmity that exists.

But when critics, be they Democrats or Republicans or independents, speak out against real Israeli excesses — or oppose further U.S. aid — they ought not to be accused of being anti-Semites or … “FASCIST.”
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Well, with all due respect, sometimes old people do get a little “pixilated.”

As for saying Democrats today are “FASCIST,” that is frankly a disgraceful example of Republican — really “Orwellian” — propaganda. It is violent language, part of Republican / MAGA “big lie” attacks on the Democratic Party.

I’m not a Democrat but I find it crude and offensive. It also seems to me especially inappropriate for Jews to speak this way, as they presumably should know something about real fascism and fascist anti-Semitic propaganda. Maybe you just spoke out emotionally about your disappointment with “the Donkey”?

The Democratic Party has aided Israel since its creation, and in Congress yearly supports it, voting for billions in taxpayer-paid assistance. Democrats like Schumer and Pelosi if anything have bent the stick too far toward supporting the only nuclear armed state in the Middle East. Israel has evolved into an economically and militarily powerful (if small) “apartheid state.” It is a truly tragic evolution, though not really surprising under the circumstances. Nobody, least of all I, have easy workable answers to resolving the deep Israeli / Palestinian enmity that exists.

But when critics, be they Democrats or Republicans or independents, speak out against real Israeli excesses — or oppose further U.S. aid — they ought not to be accused of being anti-Semites or … “FASCIST.”
OMFG. You just demeaned Jews who won’t vote for Democrats, and then advanced the DISGUSTING LIE of the Democrat Party that “Israel is an apartheid state.” Do you Israel-haters even HEAR yourselves??

Basically, you are condemning Jews for not going along with the party that hates Israel and lies about the Jewish state, while defending the HAMAS-led Palestinians who would like it wiped off the face of the earth.

And are you Jewish? Because if not, you are every bit as nauseating at white Democrats who call blacks “Uncle Toms” if they vote Republican.
No point in talking with you. You seem completely hysterical and totally unable to maintain a civil discussion. Your charges against me are off-the-wall crazy.
No point in talking with you. You seem completely hysterical and totally unable to maintain a civil discussion. Your charges against me are off-the-wall crazy.
Just pointing out your condemnation of Jews who won’t vote for the Party who is calling Israel an “Apartheid state.” Sad that you can’t see the disconnect.
More lies, hysteria, and lunacy from Lisa558.

If any of her friends are here, please talk to her — privately — and urge her to take her medicine. :(
More lies, hysteria, and lunacy from Lisa558.

If any of her friends are here, please talk to her — privately — and urge her to take her medicine. :(
Nothing hysterical about pointing out why a Jew might shy away from voting for the Party that targets the sole Jewish county for disproportionate condemnation and falsely calls it an apartheid country.

But just like a leftist, you put your hands over your ears to what I am saying, and insult and mock a Jew woman because she won’t vote for the anti-Israel party. It is THAT very intolerance and nastiness from Democrats that, in part at least, had me move away from my Democrat Roots.

You liberals will learn at midterms that taunting, mocking, and insulting people who disagree with you loses you voters.

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