Trump Shifts $7.2 billion to Border Wall. Liberal Heads Explode Everywhere


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is hilarious.

Washington Post: Donald Trump Will Transfer $7.2 Billion for Border Wall

The orange whore has no right to do this. He is stealing. This money has already been earmarked by Congress for other expenditures. Waste of money. The whore's wall will not be built.
The orange whore has no right to do this. He is stealing. This money has already been earmarked by Congress for other expenditures. Waste of money. The whore's wall will not be built.
He-he, there's a liberal head exploding!
It is the job of Congress to allocate funds, not the executive branch. Look it up. The executive branch of government cannot negate the legislative branch of government.
The orange whore has no right to do this. He is stealing. This money has already been earmarked by Congress for other expenditures. Waste of money. The whore's wall will not be built.
He-he, there's a liberal head exploding!
It is the job of Congress to allocate funds, not the executive branch. Look it up. The executive branch of government cannot negate the legislative branch of government.
The orange whore has no right to do this. He is stealing. This money has already been earmarked by Congress for other expenditures. Waste of money. The whore's wall will not be built.
Don't you just love it when the ABNORMALS state shit that has absolutely nothing to do with reality....especially when a radical leftist lesbian bitches!....ROTFLMFAO!
The orange whore has no right to do this. He is stealing. This money has already been earmarked by Congress for other expenditures. Waste of money. The whore's wall will not be built.
He-he, there's a liberal head exploding!
It is the job of Congress to allocate funds, not the executive branch. Look it up. The executive branch of government cannot negate the legislative branch of government.

Fuck congress. The are corrupt pieces of shit

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Go ahead, call Trumps billion dollar bumble 'winning' , the fed will simply rape the treasury for QE5, QE6, etc....

The orange whore has no right to do this. He is stealing. This money has already been earmarked by Congress for other expenditures. Waste of money. The whore's wall will not be built.
He-he, there's a liberal head exploding!
It is the job of Congress to allocate funds, not the executive branch. Look it up. The executive branch of government cannot negate the legislative branch of government.

Yeah....tough shit eh?

The orange whore has no right to do this. He is stealing. This money has already been earmarked by Congress for other expenditures. Waste of money. The whore's wall will not be built.
Those Illegal democrat voters and child traffickers belong up here!
Trump can go on National TV tonight and claim the wall is finished and Mexico paid for it plus interest...….and Trumpers will believe it if they think such gas lighting will "trigger" the libs...
The orange whore has no right to do this. He is stealing. This money has already been earmarked by Congress for other expenditures. Waste of money. The whore's wall will not be built.

So far, Trump’s deputies have built a little over 100 miles of upgraded “wall system” and are in the process of planning and building another 350 miles.
So it took him 3.5 years to upgrade 100 miles of wall and how many billions?
I’m a taxpayer and I authorize it
really....why not just give the wall work to all those mexicans anyways......that way Trump can continue with his 'mexico built it' shtick....~S~

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