Trump should comply

If they want us to leave...........they are on their own ...........we will not bail their asses out again.....
Yes we did such a great job the first time

We did. We fixed their failing infrastructure and left them with an Army and elected officials.

They lost it all shortly after we left.

Hell if not for their strategic location with Iran I'd say pull our troops out. Pull them out of the whole ME and let them get back to killing each other and blowing up their own shitholes.
How many of ours paid the price for fixing their failing infrastructure? Be nice if we could fix our own
I agree. Our infrastructure needs fixing.

One dead soldier in Iraq is one to many but war is HELL and always has been.
If they want us to leave...........they are on their own ...........we will not bail their asses out again.....
Yes we did such a great job the first time

We did. We fixed their failing infrastructure and left them with an Army and elected officials.

They lost it all shortly after we left.

Hell if not for their strategic location with Iran I'd say pull our troops out. Pull them out of the whole ME and let them get back to killing each other and blowing up their own shitholes.
How many of ours paid the price for fixing their failing infrastructure? Be nice if we could fix our own

That's our retarded political system for ya...

Let's go blow up somebody Else's infrastructure so we can pay to rebuild it but when it comes to improving our own infrastructure we're not interested because it's no fun if you can't drop smart bombs on it first. :cool:
Furious Iraqi lawmakers demand US troop withdrawal

President Donald Trump's surprise trip to Iraq may have quieted criticism at home that he had yet to visit troops in a combat zone, but it has infuriated Iraqi politicians who on Thursday demanded the withdrawal of U.S. forces.

"Arrogant" and an "a violation of national sovereignty" were but a few examples of the disapproval emanating from Baghdad following Trump's meeting Wednesday with U.S. servicemen and women at the al-Asad Airbase.

Fuck them and their POS country. Leave, cut off all aid, take every bit of equipment we can possibly carry and get the hell out. let them rot for all I care.
Well, Bone Spur did say in 2008 we should cut and run from Iraq, so...

"Declare victory and leave!"
I thought Obama already did that.
I agree. Our infrastructure needs fixing.

One dead soldier in Iraq is one to many but war is HELL and always has been.
there are many of americans who believed there was no need for war

On some wars have to be fought. WWI and WWII are examples of that.

I was never for the Iraq war. I can see why they went in as every intelligence agency in the world, ours included, said Saddam had WMD's. Still I hated to see it.
I agree. Our infrastructure needs fixing.

One dead soldier in Iraq is one to many but war is HELL and always has been.
there are many of americans who believed there was no need for war

On some wars have to be fought. WWI and WWII are examples of that.

I was never for the Iraq war. I can see why they went in as every intelligence agency in the world, ours included, said Saddam had WMD's. Still I hated to see it.
Not all our agencies .... and countries provided info that there were no womd there
I agree. Our infrastructure needs fixing.

One dead soldier in Iraq is one to many but war is HELL and always has been.
there are many of americans who believed there was no need for war

On some wars have to be fought. WWI and WWII are examples of that.

I was never for the Iraq war. I can see why they went in as every intelligence agency in the world, ours included, said Saddam had WMD's. Still I hated to see it.
Not all our agencies .... and countries provided info that there were no womd there

A lot of them did along with the intelligence agencies all over the world saying the same thing.

Oh he had it all right. He gassed his own people with it.

Many think he sent is all the Syria before we invaded. Not sure on that but its highly likely.
I agree. Our infrastructure needs fixing.

One dead soldier in Iraq is one to many but war is HELL and always has been.
there are many of americans who believed there was no need for war

On some wars have to be fought. WWI and WWII are examples of that.

I was never for the Iraq war. I can see why they went in as every intelligence agency in the world, ours included, said Saddam had WMD's. Still I hated to see it.
Not all our agencies .... and countries provided info that there were no womd there

A lot of them did along with the intelligence agencies all over the world saying the same thing.

Oh he had it all right. He gassed his own people with it.

Many think he sent is all the Syria before we invaded. Not sure on that but its highly likely.
“Obviously the administration intends to publicize all the weapons of mass destruction U.S. forces find — and there will be plenty.”

Robert Kagan, Neocon scholar, April 9, 2003

“I think you have always heard, and you continue to hear from officials, a measure of high confidence that, indeed, the weapons of mass destruction will be found.”

Ari Fleischer, April 10, 2003

“We are learning more as we interrogate or have discussions with Iraqi scientists and people within the Iraqi structure, that perhaps he destroyed some, perhaps he dispersed some. And so we will find them.”

George Bush, April 24, 2003

“Before people crow about the absence of weapons of mass destruction, I suggest they wait a bit.”

Tony Blair, 28 April, 2003

“There are people who in large measure have information that we need . . . so that we can track down the weapons of mass destruction in that country.”

Donald Rumsfeld, April 25, 2003

“We’ll find them. It’ll be a matter of time to do so.”

George Bush May 3, 2003

“I am confident that we will find evidence that makes it clear he had weapons of mass destruction.”

Colin Powell, May 4, 2003

“I never believed that we’d just tumble over weapons of mass destruction in that country.”

Donald Rumsfeld, May 4, 2003

“I’m not surprised if we begin to uncover the weapons program of Saddam Hussein — because he had a weapons program.”

George W. Bush, May 6, 2003

“U.S. officials never expected that “we were going to open garages and find” weapons of mass destruction.”

Condoleezza Rice, May 12, 2003

“I just don’t know whether it was all destroyed years ago — I mean, there’s no question that there were chemical weapons years ago — whether they were destroyed right before the war, (or) whether they’re still hidden.”

Maj. Gen. David Petraeus, Commander 101st Airborne May 13, 2003
I agree. Our infrastructure needs fixing.

One dead soldier in Iraq is one to many but war is HELL and always has been.
there are many of americans who believed there was no need for war

On some wars have to be fought. WWI and WWII are examples of that.

I was never for the Iraq war. I can see why they went in as every intelligence agency in the world, ours included, said Saddam had WMD's. Still I hated to see it.
Not all our agencies .... and countries provided info that there were no womd there

A lot of them did along with the intelligence agencies all over the world saying the same thing.

Oh he had it all right. He gassed his own people with it.

Many think he sent is all the Syria before we invaded. Not sure on that but its highly likely.
Our eyes in the sky were blinded??
If it were up to me we never would have gone into Iraq.

Colin Powell tried to talk Bush out of it because removing Saddam would destabilize the region and he was oh so right.

Saddam was far from an Angel and his two sons were monsters.

No one would miss them but getting Saddam destabilized the region just as Powell said it would.
President Donald Trump's surprise trip to Iraq may have quieted criticism at home that he had yet to visit troops in a combat zone, but it has infuriated Iraqi politicians who on Thursday demanded the withdrawal of U.S. forces.

"Arrogant" and an "a violation of national sovereignty" were but a few examples of the disapproval emanating from Baghdad following Trump's meeting Wednesday with U.S. servicemen and women at the al-Asad Airbase.

Fuck them and their POS country. Leave, cut off all aid, take every bit of equipment we can possibly carry and get the hell out. let them rot for all I care.
I'm seeing this reported as if these are the complaints of western parliamentarians, but it turns out these complaining Iraqis are mostly (if not all) Muqtada Al-Sadr and his Sadrist Party. Al-Sadr was a murderous enemy of ours in the Iraq war, responsible for killing hundreds of ours.
Who would have believed in 2008 that the pseudocons would one day elect a famous cut and run Democrat who wanted Bush impeached for lying about WMDs?


The GOP is dead.

Dead, dead, dead.

Don't walk, RUN to a are mentally ill.
Here is your hero: In 2008, Donald Trump said George W. Bush should’ve been impeached.

TRUMP: When [Pelosi] first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I'm very impressed by her. I think she's a very impressive person, I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush . It just seemed like she was really going to look to impeach Bush and get him out of office. Which personally I think would have been a wonderful thing.

BLITZER: To impeach him?

TRUMP: For the war. For the war! Well, he lied! He got us into the war with lies!

BLITZER: How does the United States get out of this situation?

TRUMP: You know how they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave.


Who would have believed in 2008 that the pseudocons would one day elect a famous cut and run Democrat who wanted Bush impeached for lying about WMDs?


The GOP is dead.

Dead, dead, dead.
Remember when cut and run Democrats were terrorist lovers?

I do.

Remember when pseudocons insisted Hussein had WMDs, right up until 2015?

I do.

Remember when pseudocons said Syria's chemical weapons were given to them by Saddam Hussein?

I do.

Cut and run Democrat Trump believed Bush lied about WMDs. He said Bush should be impeached for lying about WMDs. He said we should cut and run from Iraq.

In other words, the pseudocons have elected the very epitome of everything they hated about liberal terrorist lovers in 2008.

Fucking. Amazing.
Here is your hero: In 2008, Donald Trump said George W. Bush should’ve been impeached.

TRUMP: When [Pelosi] first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I'm very impressed by her. I think she's a very impressive person, I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush . It just seemed like she was really going to look to impeach Bush and get him out of office. Which personally I think would have been a wonderful thing.

BLITZER: To impeach him?

TRUMP: For the war. For the war! Well, he lied! He got us into the war with lies!

BLITZER: How does the United States get out of this situation?

TRUMP: You know how they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave.


Who would have believed in 2008 that the pseudocons would one day elect a famous cut and run Democrat who wanted Bush impeached for lying about WMDs?


The GOP is dead.

Dead, dead, dead.

I haven't had a "hero" since I was a kid, freak. Trump isn't a "messiah" or a "cult leader" or any of the rest of it from you rubes who worshipped the half-rican....He's doing common sense things that any of us would do in his place....something you'd have be put on anti-psychotic drugs to understand.
The tards have been fed some shit Obama wrote in a book decades ago, and they have gotten themselves into a froth over it.

Trump, on the other hand, was a clear cut far left "very pro-choice" limousine liberal who hated Bush, said there were no WMDs in Iraq, and wanted us to cut and run from Iraq, and a huge donor to pro-abortion Democrats, including the Clintons.

All a fuckwit like that has to do is change the letter after his name to an R and the tards will follow him anywhere. Including right into the far left cave.

Trump has made them okay with adultery and sexual assault. Trump has made them okay with Keynesian economics. Trump has made them okay with massive overspending. Trump has made them okay with the biggest spending budget in the history of the universe. Trump has made them okay with big government. Trump has made them okay with Russia and a KGB thug. Trump has made them okay with cutting and running from ISIS.


It has been US policy for more than a decade that we will respect Iraqi sovereignty. This is probably just posturing by Iraq and nothing will come of it but if they press the issue we will have to leave.

Well, at least we're respecting someone's sovereignty, too bad it's a different country.

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