Trump should enact a travel ban from Germany, France, Belgium...etc.

Facts and history are insignificant to sore-loser, partisan, hypocritical, butt-hurt snowflakes.
Oh? How many Americans were killed in the U.S. by Muslim refugees?
Off the top of my head, at least 12.

One has already committed a terrorist attack in Ca that killed 12. Our top Intel experts have already declared ISIS / terrorists are / have already infiltrated the ranks of refugees. President Obama and the refugee / individual to whom he gave a Visa have already proven the Intel Expert's warnings are valid and that the Obama administration's vetting process is pi$$-poor. The process is in need of up-grading.

Just curious, how many dead Americans are you willing to have so as not to appear to be 'racist' / to be 'politically correct' / so other nations won't get mad at us for strengthening our security to protect American lives? 12 dead Americans obviously wasn't the magic number.

So how many dead Americans is enough to begin strenuously vetting in-bound 'refugees', before inconveniencing THEM is not as important as saving American lives?
Bullshit, the San Bernadino killers were not refugees. One was an American citizen and the other was his wife who came from a country that Trump did not ban.
Is is just the fact that there are restrictions, or is it that folks don't know history and need a reason to protest?

It takes 4 things to be a liberal

1.) You have to be opposed to Freedom of Religion
2.) You have to have a kind of hatred for our history, for Democracy, and for our Republic as it is designed.
3.) You have to be indoctrinated and immersed in liberal theology, and deny Natural Law, and Individual Liberties, and instead embrace Collectivism, Atheism, and Self Deification.
4.) Above all, you have to hate everyone, and everything that stands in the way of pushing the Socialist, Godless, Collectivist, Globalist, Humanist Dystopian Agenda.

Nothing else matters. Not even your family, your community, your flag, your country, or your neighbors, friends.

Liberalism is the ultimate pact with Hell, from which there is no escape, because Liberals hide the truth from themselves as the Truth is not in them.

Only an epiphany or traumatic event can rescue a Liberal from his Blood Cult.
I don't recall you whining bitching and moaning when Obama did it. Why is that?
what did obama do and WHY did he do it, dear? inform yourself!

What reason did Trump do, what he did?
Why does the left want more Americans murdered by terrorists, from the ME?

Have you forgotten 9/11, Fort Hood, Boston, San Bernardino, Orlando, Minnesota, etc................................................................................................................................??????????????????????
How many of them were from the 7 countries...

Europe is right, Terrorist don't need to do anything to destroy America... Trump is doing that for them...

Trump is Pro China and Pro ISIS... Just look at his actions... China had a huge week last week, Trump gift wrapped the Pacific region to them and then had a spat with the US 3rd biggest exporter... Mexico will be shopping in China in the future...

ISIS have already started using Trump in recruitment videos... Trump is despised by the rest of the world and is poster child for terrorist all over the world and don't expect Europe to help... The general European will not get Trump's back, they don't trust him one bit and they already got burnt by Bush Jr in Iraq... You can't expect them to believe a person who continuously lies.

America is isolated for 4 years. They will find it hard for Canada to pick up the phone, no politician wants to photoed with Trump, He gets no goodwill which previous American Presidents enjoyed and leveraged. Trump pissed that away cluelessly for little actual benefit.

This countries ban is a good example. This doesn't actually give any extra security. These countries are no real threat, there is plenty of options for them to circumvent, like picking someone from Saudi Arabia... But what it did achieve is alienate American Allies from the Trump Administration... Signed petition in the UK to revoke state visit is at 1.6 million...

So what looked like a strong decisive move has turned out to be weak and counter productive and allowed the real enemy recruitment tool.
In his usual narcissistic macho style. Trump has tried to fulfill one of his campaign promises that was dumb then as it is now that he is president (basically, many of us had hoped that Trump would grow up after his campaign, but we're disappointed that he is still a spoiled child as president.)

Anyway, Trump travel ban is ...well, stupid......If we look at terrorists in France, Germany, Belgium, etc., we would see that those bastards were either citizens or actually BORN in those countries......Ergo, following Trump's inanity, we should ban citizens of those countries, No????

Couple the above with the fact that Saudi Arabia (home of 15 of the 9-11 bastards) is not part of the ban, and the fact that ISIS is sending "thank you" notes to Trump for helping ISIS in recruiting more jihadists.....and you too would conclude that Trump has committed our country in yet another....fuck up.

You raiser a valid point.

Unfortunately, we can't ban just the profile of those mostly likely to commit terrorism, because politics.

So, we have to let our people die.

Good job on that, liberal.
Oh? How many Americans were killed in the U.S. by Muslim refugees?

All of them. Every single killing, was done by an immigrant or a child of an immigrant. Islam is incompatible with Freedom of Religion, and Democracy.
Conservative Liar. None were killed by Muslim refugees. In fact, most of the killers were American citizens. The remaining were not refugees.

Think again Silver Tongue Liberal. Just about every killer here legally or illegally, was either an immigrant who was not vetted properly and gained legal status, or citizenship, or was the child of an immigrant from an Islamic Nation that preaches hate, and practices Islamic Law. And some of them even traveled to the ME to get training on how to carry out their evil deeds.

We have Imams in Mosques right here in this country that we allow to preach hatred, evil, and sedition against the United States. Their Visas should be revoked.

Exactly why are you against a temporary and LEGAL ban on travel from certain regions of the world to this country? It's been done numerous times throughout our history, especially in perilous times.

Obama put us at risk, allowing the so called 'refugees' (Islamic Men of Military Age) to flood in to this country, yet you had NO PROBLEMS WITH THAT AT was Obama....and just can't criticize him.....EVER?

And exactly why does EVERY LIBERAL refuse to criticize The Islamic Nations who are bound by their own Islamic Principle of "Asylum" to take in Islamic Refugees, and refuse to do so, breaking the Very Islamic Law, they claim they want to live by?

No one is guaranteed unfettered and unrestricted entry in to THE US.

Care to show me where in The Constitution It Shows The US should have Open Borders and Unrestricted Immigration?
Sadly, your ignorance is terminal and there is no cure. Not one American was killed in the U.S. by one of the Muslim refugees Obama let in. We're not talking about immigrants in general, we're talking about allowing refugees come in from the countries Trump has banned.
Oh? How many Americans were killed in the U.S. by Muslim refugees?
Off the top of my head, at least 12.

One has already committed a terrorist attack in Ca that killed 12. Our top Intel experts have already declared ISIS / terrorists are / have already infiltrated the ranks of refugees. President Obama and the refugee / individual to whom he gave a Visa have already proven the Intel Expert's warnings are valid and that the Obama administration's vetting process is pi$$-poor. The process is in need of up-grading.

Just curious, how many dead Americans are you willing to have so as not to appear to be 'racist' / to be 'politically correct' / so other nations won't get mad at us for strengthening our security to protect American lives? 12 dead Americans obviously wasn't the magic number.

So how many dead Americans is enough to begin strenuously vetting in-bound 'refugees', before inconveniencing THEM is not as important as saving American lives?
Bullshit, the San Bernadino killers were not refugees. One was an American citizen and the other was his wife who came from a country that Trump did not ban.
Remember what Liberals are all about, self destruction. They hate their miserable lives, hate US who are happy, so they invite their own death just so the rest of US must die also. That is why the liberals want Radical Muslims to come across and instead of getting rid of the, Obama lets them go, so they can kill again. Must suck to be a liberal who can never be happy.
Oh? How many Americans were killed in the U.S. by Muslim refugees?
Off the top of my head, at least 12.

One has already committed a terrorist attack in Ca that killed 12. Our top Intel experts have already declared ISIS / terrorists are / have already infiltrated the ranks of refugees. President Obama and the refugee / individual to whom he gave a Visa have already proven the Intel Expert's warnings are valid and that the Obama administration's vetting process is pi$$-poor. The process is in need of up-grading.

Just curious, how many dead Americans are you willing to have so as not to appear to be 'racist' / to be 'politically correct' / so other nations won't get mad at us for strengthening our security to protect American lives? 12 dead Americans obviously wasn't the magic number.

So how many dead Americans is enough to begin strenuously vetting in-bound 'refugees', before inconveniencing THEM is not as important as saving American lives?
Bullshit, the San Bernadino killers were not refugees. One was an American citizen and the other was his wife who came from a country that Trump did not ban.
Remember what Liberals are all about, self destruction. They hate their miserable lives, hate US who are happy, so they invite their own death just so the rest of US must die also. That is why the liberals want Radical Muslims to come across and instead of getting rid of the, Obama lets them go, so they can kill again. Must suck to be a liberal who can never be happy.
Great, more fucking nuttery. Maybe you can answer this question honestly where no other conservative would... how many Americans were killed in the U.S. by those refugees allowed in?
Bullshit, the San Bernadino killers were not refugees. One was an American citizen and the other was his wife who came from a country that Trump did not ban.
I am pointing out that a temporary ban until the BROKEN US vetting system can be fixed / made better is not a bad idea. Obama's vetting process failed to prevent a future terrorist from getting a Visa, and as a result 14 Americans are dead.

Vetting system? The Russian Government informed Barry that the Tsarnaev Brothers were potential terrorists, that the older brother traveled to and attended a terrorist training camp held by Al Qaeda. Knowing who they were and what the older brother had done AND having been warned by the Russian government, the Obama administration failed to prevent the Boston marathon Bombing.

AFTERWARDS the Obama administration flashed their pictures up on TV and asked Americans to help identify them...EVEN THOUGH OBAMA ALREADY KNEW WHO THEY WERE! He was trying to cover up his own F* UP of allowing it to happen. Even after being TOLD these 2 were potential terrorists Barry couldn't prevent the attack.

Barry picked these 7 nations as threats. Trump used Barry's list to do what has already been done 6 times before in this nation's history.

So, back to my question - how many dead Americans are needed before liberals believe we should have greater control of who comes into our country.

Personally, once the older Tsarnaev brother left the country - if it would have been discovered he was attending an Al Qaeda training camp before he tried to return home, I would have 'red flagged' him and never allowed him back into the country.
"Republican sources tell us that the Department of Homeland Security may issue "implementation guidance" that would allow for softening, and even policy changes, to President Trump's travel restrictions on migrants. The White House insists that any further guidance wouldn't constitute a walk-back."

1. You knew this had to be coming. Trial and error - institute something then tweak it based on reaction and / or policy review.

2. YES, yes it is part of a partial 'walk-back'. Trying to claim it isn't is part of standard Washington Ego protection we have seen in similar cases for decades.

Under fire, Trump weighs new changes to refugee ban
In his usual narcissistic macho style. Trump has tried to fulfill one of his campaign promises that was dumb then as it is now that he is president (basically, many of us had hoped that Trump would grow up after his campaign, but we're disappointed that he is still a spoiled child as president.)

Anyway, Trump travel ban is ...well, stupid......If we look at terrorists in France, Germany, Belgium, etc., we would see that those bastards were either citizens or actually BORN in those countries......Ergo, following Trump's inanity, we should ban citizens of those countries, No????

Couple the above with the fact that Saudi Arabia (home of 15 of the 9-11 bastards) is not part of the ban, and the fact that ISIS is sending "thank you" notes to Trump for helping ISIS in recruiting more jihadists.....and you too would conclude that Trump has committed our country in yet another....fuck up.
I agree on the Saudi Arabia thingy and think it is because the big fat Saudi king my get angry when his private entrepreneurs get banned.
On the other hand we have an Obama ban of refugees in 2011 and nobody of the oh so outraged protesters lifted a finger.
When did the public find out about Obama's ban and for what reason was there a ban?
So you are the second one bringing in the reason for Obama´s ban order without explaining it. I think the reason is clear: ISIS terrorism.
Bullshit, the San Bernadino killers were not refugees. One was an American citizen and the other was his wife who came from a country that Trump did not ban.
I am pointing out that a temporary ban until the BROKEN US vetting system can be fixed / made better is not a bad idea. Obama's vetting process failed to prevent a future terrorist from getting a Visa, and as a result 14 Americans are dead.

Vetting system? The Russian Government informed Barry that the Tsarnaev Brothers were potential terrorists, that the older brother traveled to and attended a terrorist training camp held by Al Qaeda. Knowing who they were and what the older brother had done AND having been warned by the Russian government, the Obama administration failed to prevent the Boston marathon Bombing.

AFTERWARDS the Obama administration flashed their pictures up on TV and asked Americans to help identify them...EVEN THOUGH OBAMA ALREADY KNEW WHO THEY WERE! He was trying to cover up his own F* UP of allowing it to happen. Even after being TOLD these 2 were potential terrorists Barry couldn't prevent the attack.

Barry picked these 7 nations as threats. Trump used Barry's list to do what has already been done 6 times before in this nation's history.

So, back to my question - how many dead Americans are needed before liberals believe we should have greater control of who comes into our country.

Personally, once the older Tsarnaev brother left the country - if it would have been discovered he was attending an Al Qaeda training camp before he tried to return home, I would have 'red flagged' him and never allowed him back into the country.
Your question is based upon a false narrative. We're discussing trumps ban on refugees. There's not been a single killing in America by one of those people who have already been let in. You can't argue what we're debating so you're trying to change the topic.
Oh? How many Americans were killed in the U.S. by Muslim refugees?
Off the top of my head, at least 12.

One has already committed a terrorist attack in Ca that killed 12. Our top Intel experts have already declared ISIS / terrorists are / have already infiltrated the ranks of refugees. President Obama and the refugee / individual to whom he gave a Visa have already proven the Intel Expert's warnings are valid and that the Obama administration's vetting process is pi$$-poor. The process is in need of up-grading.

Just curious, how many dead Americans are you willing to have so as not to appear to be 'racist' / to be 'politically correct' / so other nations won't get mad at us for strengthening our security to protect American lives? 12 dead Americans obviously wasn't the magic number.

So how many dead Americans is enough to begin strenuously vetting in-bound 'refugees', before inconveniencing THEM is not as important as saving American lives?
Bullshit, the San Bernadino killers were not refugees. One was an American citizen and the other was his wife who came from a country that Trump did not ban.

Citizenship Status does not matter. You being a Liar & a Liberal are simply trying to split hairs because of the Cult you belong in that forces you to defend liberalism at all cost does matter in this discussion. One cannot have an honest discussion with a dishonest liberal.

You hate America, and you are a citizen, so what does Citizenship have to do with Hatred and Violence? The Fact is, they were immigrants, and the descendents of immgrants.

The fact is Obama Bin Lying had a "SECRET POLICY" which prevented immigration officials from looking at these people's social media accounts.

And they were preaching JIHAD, both of them.

Those days are gone. No more Trojan Horses. No more looking the other way and tolerating intolerance.

We are not going to allow it.

Both of them had professional encryption software on their phones.
There is only one reason for that, and that was to conceal their terrorists communications.
And not only that, some Farook family members were on a Terrorist Watch List.

And whether they are from the 7 countries on the travel ban list, or from the 45 that are not, immigrants, especially from the Middle East are all going to be Vetted, and have their backgrounds thoroughly checked before they enter The US.

There is no right by Non Citizens to Enter the US. It is a privilege granted to them upon approval of the US Government on a case by case basis.

Inside the Immigration File of San Bernardino Shooter Malik

I don't recall you whining bitching and moaning when Obama did it. Why is that?
what did obama do and WHY did he do it, dear? inform yourself!

What reason did Trump do, what he did?
Why does the left want more Americans murdered by terrorists, from the ME?

Have you forgotten 9/11, Fort Hood, Boston, San Bernardino, Orlando, Minnesota, etc................................................................................................................................??????????????????????
How many of them were from the 7 countries...

Europe is right, Terrorist don't need to do anything to destroy America... Trump is doing that for them...

Trump is Pro China and Pro ISIS... Just look at his actions... China had a huge week last week, Trump gift wrapped the Pacific region to them and then had a spat with the US 3rd biggest exporter... Mexico will be shopping in China in the future...

ISIS have already started using Trump in recruitment videos... Trump is despised by the rest of the world and is poster child for terrorist all over the world and don't expect Europe to help... The general European will not get Trump's back, they don't trust him one bit and they already got burnt by Bush Jr in Iraq... You can't expect them to believe a person who continuously lies.

America is isolated for 4 years. They will find it hard for Canada to pick up the phone, no politician wants to photoed with Trump, He gets no goodwill which previous American Presidents enjoyed and leveraged. Trump pissed that away cluelessly for little actual benefit.

This countries ban is a good example. This doesn't actually give any extra security. These countries are no real threat, there is plenty of options for them to circumvent, like picking someone from Saudi Arabia... But what it did achieve is alienate American Allies from the Trump Administration... Signed petition in the UK to revoke state visit is at 1.6 million...

So what looked like a strong decisive move has turned out to be weak and counter productive and allowed the real enemy recruitment tool.
None of that makes sense or is reality.
In his usual narcissistic macho style. Trump has tried to fulfill one of his campaign promises that was dumb then as it is now that he is president (basically, many of us had hoped that Trump would grow up after his campaign, but we're disappointed that he is still a spoiled child as president.)

Anyway, Trump travel ban is ...well, stupid......If we look at terrorists in France, Germany, Belgium, etc., we would see that those bastards were either citizens or actually BORN in those countries......Ergo, following Trump's inanity, we should ban citizens of those countries, No????

Couple the above with the fact that Saudi Arabia (home of 15 of the 9-11 bastards) is not part of the ban, and the fact that ISIS is sending "thank you" notes to Trump for helping ISIS in recruiting more jihadists.....and you too would conclude that Trump has committed our country in yet another....fuck up.
I agree on the Saudi Arabia thingy and think it is because the big fat Saudi king my get angry when his private entrepreneurs get banned.
On the other hand we have an Obama ban of refugees in 2011 and nobody of the oh so outraged protesters lifted a finger.
When did the public find out about Obama's ban and for what reason was there a ban?
So you are the second one bringing in the reason for Obama´s ban order without explaining it. I think the reason is clear: ISIS terrorism.
Why not answer the question? When did Americans find out about Obama's ban?
Oh? How many Americans were killed in the U.S. by Muslim refugees?
Off the top of my head, at least 12.

One has already committed a terrorist attack in Ca that killed 12. Our top Intel experts have already declared ISIS / terrorists are / have already infiltrated the ranks of refugees. President Obama and the refugee / individual to whom he gave a Visa have already proven the Intel Expert's warnings are valid and that the Obama administration's vetting process is pi$$-poor. The process is in need of up-grading.

Just curious, how many dead Americans are you willing to have so as not to appear to be 'racist' / to be 'politically correct' / so other nations won't get mad at us for strengthening our security to protect American lives? 12 dead Americans obviously wasn't the magic number.

So how many dead Americans is enough to begin strenuously vetting in-bound 'refugees', before inconveniencing THEM is not as important as saving American lives?
Bullshit, the San Bernadino killers were not refugees. One was an American citizen and the other was his wife who came from a country that Trump did not ban.
Remember what Liberals are all about, self destruction. They hate their miserable lives, hate US who are happy, so they invite their own death just so the rest of US must die also. That is why the liberals want Radical Muslims to come across and instead of getting rid of the, Obama lets them go, so they can kill again. Must suck to be a liberal who can never be happy.
Great, more fucking nuttery. Maybe you can answer this question honestly where no other conservative would... how many Americans were killed in the U.S. by those refugees allowed in?
How many US citizens have been butchered at the hands of Radical Muslims who have sworn to kill all of US? You on the other hand turn a blind eye, while refugees in Europe have taken trucks and run over People just trying to be happy. And when it happens here, now it will be Trumps fault, even though it was Obama's policies that have brought 100's of thousands of Muslims into this country. If a Radical Muslims blew up Obama's new house, would you blame Trump for that? Or would it be a consequence of too many stupid people who voted for Hope and Change, the fundamental transformation of America?
"Republican sources tell us that the Department of Homeland Security may issue "implementation guidance" that would allow for softening, and even policy changes, to President Trump's travel restrictions on migrants. The White House insists that any further guidance wouldn't constitute a walk-back."

1. You knew this had to be coming. Trial and error - institute something then tweak it based on reaction and / or policy review.

2. YES, yes it is part of a partial 'walk-back'. Trying to claim it isn't is part of standard Washington Ego protection we have seen in similar cases for decades.

Under fire, Trump weighs new changes to refugee ban

It's the purpose of "The Pause" because The Obama Administration refused to do anything about this issue, and even issued secret orders to Immigration Officials to Ignore the Social Media Accounts of Terrorists, and So Called Refugees.

The Pause is nothing but a review of immigration policy from troubled areas in the world.

The Pause is a correction, for something Obama himself was told had to be done to protect America but refused to do it.

He was too busy appeasing our enemies and coddling people who hate us to do his job.
Oh? How many Americans were killed in the U.S. by Muslim refugees?
Off the top of my head, at least 12.

One has already committed a terrorist attack in Ca that killed 12. Our top Intel experts have already declared ISIS / terrorists are / have already infiltrated the ranks of refugees. President Obama and the refugee / individual to whom he gave a Visa have already proven the Intel Expert's warnings are valid and that the Obama administration's vetting process is pi$$-poor. The process is in need of up-grading.

Just curious, how many dead Americans are you willing to have so as not to appear to be 'racist' / to be 'politically correct' / so other nations won't get mad at us for strengthening our security to protect American lives? 12 dead Americans obviously wasn't the magic number.

So how many dead Americans is enough to begin strenuously vetting in-bound 'refugees', before inconveniencing THEM is not as important as saving American lives?
Bullshit, the San Bernadino killers were not refugees. One was an American citizen and the other was his wife who came from a country that Trump did not ban.

Citizenship Status does not matter. You being a Liar & a Liberal are simply trying to split hairs because of the Cult you belong in that forces you to defend liberalism at all cost does matter in this discussion. One cannot have an honest discussion with a dishonest liberal.

You hate America, and you are a citizen, so what does Citizenship have to do with Hatred and Violence? The Fact is, they were immigrants, and the descendents of immgrants.

The fact is Obama Bin Lying had a "SECRET POLICY" which prevented immigration officials from looking at these people's social media accounts.

And they were preaching JIHAD, both of them.

Those days are gone. No more Trojan Horses. No more looking the other way and tolerating intolerance.

We are not going to allow it.

Both of them had professional encryption software on their phones.
There is only one reason for that, and that was to conceal their terrorists communications.
And not only that, some Farook family members were on a Terrorist Watch List.

And whether they are from the 7 countries on the travel ban list, or from the 45 that are not, immigrants, especially from the Middle East are all going to be Vetted, and have their backgrounds thoroughly checked before they enter The US.

There is no right by Non Citizens to Enter the US. It is a privilege granted to them upon approval of the US Government on a case by case basis.

Inside the Immigration File of San Bernardino Shooter Malik
I'm not splitting hairs, you fucking idiot. I'm talking about the topic. Which is the threat of Muslim refugees coming into America. We're not discussing American citizens who go on a rampage. We're talking about the threat of Muslim refugees coming into the U.S.. There's not been one single American killed in the US by one of those refugees. You freaks on the right are so pent up with lust for defending Trump, you can't stay on topic because the real facts don't support him and no one gives a shit about your alternative facts.
Your question is based upon a false narrative. We're discussing trumps ban on refugees. There's not been a single killing in America by one of those people who have already been let in. You can't argue what we're debating so you're trying to change the topic.
1. No. You dodged the question.

2. No. YOU are trying to limit discussion to YOUR point / issue, which is NOT the topic of the thread (either).
Oh? How many Americans were killed in the U.S. by Muslim refugees?
Off the top of my head, at least 12.

One has already committed a terrorist attack in Ca that killed 12. Our top Intel experts have already declared ISIS / terrorists are / have already infiltrated the ranks of refugees. President Obama and the refugee / individual to whom he gave a Visa have already proven the Intel Expert's warnings are valid and that the Obama administration's vetting process is pi$$-poor. The process is in need of up-grading.

Just curious, how many dead Americans are you willing to have so as not to appear to be 'racist' / to be 'politically correct' / so other nations won't get mad at us for strengthening our security to protect American lives? 12 dead Americans obviously wasn't the magic number.

So how many dead Americans is enough to begin strenuously vetting in-bound 'refugees', before inconveniencing THEM is not as important as saving American lives?
Bullshit, the San Bernadino killers were not refugees. One was an American citizen and the other was his wife who came from a country that Trump did not ban.
Remember what Liberals are all about, self destruction. They hate their miserable lives, hate US who are happy, so they invite their own death just so the rest of US must die also. That is why the liberals want Radical Muslims to come across and instead of getting rid of the, Obama lets them go, so they can kill again. Must suck to be a liberal who can never be happy.
Great, more fucking nuttery. Maybe you can answer this question honestly where no other conservative would... how many Americans were killed in the U.S. by those refugees allowed in?
How many US citizens have been butchered at the hands of Radical Muslims who have sworn to kill all of US? You on the other hand turn a blind eye, while refugees in Europe have taken trucks and run over People just trying to be happy. And when it happens here, now it will be Trumps fault, even though it was Obama's policies that have brought 100's of thousands of Muslims into this country. If a Radical Muslims blew up Obama's new house, would you blame Trump for that? Or would it be a consequence of too many stupid people who voted for Hope and Change, the fundamental transformation of America?
Try re-reading the question I actually asked; not the one you imagined.

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