Trump should enact a travel ban from Germany, France, Belgium...etc.

No one cares what a lying liberal thinks about the temporary travel restrictions that were set in to motion by The Obama Administration, and put in to action by The Trump Administration.

Liberals did not even blink when Obama announced these 7 countries as being training grounds for terrorists, and sought to do this very thing, and was advised to do this very thing. 46 other Muslim countries have no such restrictions in place at all, so liberals here again, being the haters and liars they are, are making mountains out of molehills.

Tell me EXACTLY what did OBAMA's Soft on Terrorism approach, and his ignoring our Immigration Laws get us?

San Bernadino?
The Boston Marathon?
The Pulse Night Club?
Fort Hood?
The Dallas Police Massacre?

And many many more.

And lefty did not give a FLIP about Obama's line in the sand, or the 500,000 people his policies allowed to be killed in the Middle East by ISIS and the Syrian War.

Lefty cared even less about the Christians being drowned, cut assunder, crucified, raped, sold in to slavery, set on fire and beheaded.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if such things made Liberals happy, and they sat around congratulating each other on the pain Liberalism, and Obama's Policies inflicted on Christians everywhere.

Since when have we become a nation that Tolerates Intolerance, and even invites it to dinner with us, and then asks it to stay the night later?
'Trump should enact a travel ban from Germany, France, Belgium...etc.'

Barry didn't put them on the list Trump is using.
In his usual narcissistic macho style. Trump has tried to fulfill one of his campaign promises that was dumb then as it is now that he is president (basically, many of us had hoped that Trump would grow up after his campaign, but we're disappointed that he is still a spoiled child as president.)

Anyway, Trump travel ban is ...well, stupid......If we look at terrorists in France, Germany, Belgium, etc., we would see that those bastards were either citizens or actually BORN in those countries......Ergo, following Trump's inanity, we should ban citizens of those countries, No????

Couple the above with the fact that Saudi Arabia (home of 15 of the 9-11 bastards) is not part of the ban, and the fact that ISIS is sending "thank you" notes to Trump for helping ISIS in recruiting more jihadists.....and you too would conclude that Trump has committed our country in yet another....fuck up.

Because none of those countries are at war, nor are they belligerent against the US.

So, stop trying to pretend there is no difference between countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE, where there is no war, governments are friendly to us, we have military stationed there, ect., compared to countries in civil war that are terrorist breeding one is buying the phony outrage.
In his usual narcissistic macho style. Trump has tried to fulfill one of his campaign promises that was dumb then as it is now that he is president (basically, many of us had hoped that Trump would grow up after his campaign, but we're disappointed that he is still a spoiled child as president.)

Anyway, Trump travel ban is ...well, stupid......If we look at terrorists in France, Germany, Belgium, etc., we would see that those bastards were either citizens or actually BORN in those countries......Ergo, following Trump's inanity, we should ban citizens of those countries, No????

Couple the above with the fact that Saudi Arabia (home of 15 of the 9-11 bastards) is not part of the ban, and the fact that ISIS is sending "thank you" notes to Trump for helping ISIS in recruiting more jihadists.....and you too would conclude that Trump has committed our country in yet another....fuck up.

You raiser a valid point.

Unfortunately, we can't ban just the profile of those mostly likely to commit terrorism, because politics.

So, we have to let our people die.

Good job on that, liberal.
Oh? How many Americans were killed in the U.S. by Muslim refugees?

Your confusion on the past and the future is noted. I am more concerned with stopping possible future attacks, than trying to stop possible past attacks.
In his usual narcissistic macho style. Trump has tried to fulfill one of his campaign promises that was dumb then as it is now that he is president (basically, many of us had hoped that Trump would grow up after his campaign, but we're disappointed that he is still a spoiled child as president.)

Anyway, Trump travel ban is ...well, stupid......If we look at terrorists in France, Germany, Belgium, etc., we would see that those bastards were either citizens or actually BORN in those countries......Ergo, following Trump's inanity, we should ban citizens of those countries, No????

Couple the above with the fact that Saudi Arabia (home of 15 of the 9-11 bastards) is not part of the ban, and the fact that ISIS is sending "thank you" notes to Trump for helping ISIS in recruiting more jihadists.....and you too would conclude that Trump has committed our country in yet another....fuck up.

You raiser a valid point.

Unfortunately, we can't ban just the profile of those mostly likely to commit terrorism, because politics.

So, we have to let our people die.

Good job on that, liberal.
Oh? How many Americans were killed in the U.S. by Muslim refugees?

All of them. Every single killing, was done by an immigrant or a child of an immigrant. Islam is incompatible with Freedom of Religion, and Democracy.
In his usual narcissistic macho style. Trump has tried to fulfill one of his campaign promises that was dumb then as it is now that he is president (basically, many of us had hoped that Trump would grow up after his campaign, but we're disappointed that he is still a spoiled child as president.)

Anyway, Trump travel ban is ...well, stupid......If we look at terrorists in France, Germany, Belgium, etc., we would see that those bastards were either citizens or actually BORN in those countries......Ergo, following Trump's inanity, we should ban citizens of those countries, No????

Couple the above with the fact that Saudi Arabia (home of 15 of the 9-11 bastards) is not part of the ban, and the fact that ISIS is sending "thank you" notes to Trump for helping ISIS in recruiting more jihadists.....and you too would conclude that Trump has committed our country in yet another....fuck up.
I agree on the Saudi Arabia thingy and think it is because the big fat Saudi king my get angry when his private entrepreneurs get banned.
On the other hand we have an Obama ban of refugees in 2011 and nobody of the oh so outraged protesters lifted a finger.
When did the public find out about Obama's ban and for what reason was there a ban?
On the other hand we have an Obama ban of refugees in 2011 and nobody of the oh so outraged protesters lifted a finger.

Since other ignorant right wingers have raised thsi point.....LOOK up the difference and.....well, apologize.

"you" need to apologize, "the differences" are not material "in terms of" the reasons leftists are "protesting." The only difference "there is the" R after Trump "versus" the D "after" Obama
In his usual narcissistic macho style. Trump has tried to fulfill one of his campaign promises that was dumb then as it is now that he is president (basically, many of us had hoped that Trump would grow up after his campaign, but we're disappointed that he is still a spoiled child as president.)

Anyway, Trump travel ban is ...well, stupid......If we look at terrorists in France, Germany, Belgium, etc., we would see that those bastards were either citizens or actually BORN in those countries......Ergo, following Trump's inanity, we should ban citizens of those countries, No????

Couple the above with the fact that Saudi Arabia (home of 15 of the 9-11 bastards) is not part of the ban, and the fact that ISIS is sending "thank you" notes to Trump for helping ISIS in recruiting more jihadists.....and you too would conclude that Trump has committed our country in yet another....fuck up.

You raiser a valid point.

Unfortunately, we can't ban just the profile of those mostly likely to commit terrorism, because politics.

So, we have to let our people die.

Good job on that, liberal.
Oh? How many Americans were killed in the U.S. by Muslim refugees?

All of them. Every single killing, was done by an immigrant or a child of an immigrant. Islam is incompatible with Freedom of Religion, and Democracy.
Conservative Liar. None were killed by Muslim refugees. In fact, most of the killers were American citizens. The remaining were not refugees.
In his usual narcissistic macho style. Trump has tried to fulfill one of his campaign promises that was dumb then as it is now that he is president (basically, many of us had hoped that Trump would grow up after his campaign, but we're disappointed that he is still a spoiled child as president.)

Anyway, Trump travel ban is ...well, stupid......If we look at terrorists in France, Germany, Belgium, etc., we would see that those bastards were either citizens or actually BORN in those countries......Ergo, following Trump's inanity, we should ban citizens of those countries, No????

Couple the above with the fact that Saudi Arabia (home of 15 of the 9-11 bastards) is not part of the ban, and the fact that ISIS is sending "thank you" notes to Trump for helping ISIS in recruiting more jihadists.....and you too would conclude that Trump has committed our country in yet another....fuck up.

You raiser a valid point.

Unfortunately, we can't ban just the profile of those mostly likely to commit terrorism, because politics.

So, we have to let our people die.

Good job on that, liberal.
Oh? How many Americans were killed in the U.S. by Muslim refugees?

Your confusion on the past and the future is noted. I am more concerned with stopping possible future attacks, than trying to stop possible past attacks.
There is no confusion. You're whining about a problem that doesn't exist while ignoring one that does.
So, stop trying to pretend there is no difference between countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE, where there is no war, governments are friendly to us, we have military stationed there, ect., compared to countries in civil war that are terrorist breeding one is buying the phony outrage.

So, we have NO US military stationed in Iraq??? LOL

(Good Lord, right wingers are stupid)
See? You don't know that allowing Islamists into the country could result in dead Americans. How could you not know this?

Careful there, moron.....Even the orange clown openly stated that it is NOT a ban on Muslims......
Oh? How many Americans were killed in the U.S. by Muslim refugees?
Off the top of my head, at least 12.

One has already committed a terrorist attack in Ca that killed 12. Our top Intel experts have already declared ISIS / terrorists are / have already infiltrated the ranks of refugees. President Obama and the refugee / individual to whom he gave a Visa have already proven the Intel Expert's warnings are valid and that the Obama administration's vetting process is pi$$-poor. The process is in need of up-grading.

Just curious, how many dead Americans are you willing to have so as not to appear to be 'racist' / to be 'politically correct' / so other nations won't get mad at us for strengthening our security to protect American lives? 12 dead Americans obviously wasn't the magic number.

So how many dead Americans is enough to begin strenuously vetting in-bound 'refugees', before inconveniencing THEM is not as important as saving American lives?
So, stop trying to pretend there is no difference between countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE, where there is no war, governments are friendly to us, we have military stationed there, ect., compared to countries in civil war that are terrorist breeding one is buying the phony outrage.

So, we have NO US military stationed in Iraq??? LOL

(Good Lord, right wingers are stupid)

As deployed in a war zone yes. There is a difference, you dumb twat.
In his usual narcissistic macho style. Trump has tried to fulfill one of his campaign promises that was dumb then as it is now that he is president (basically, many of us had hoped that Trump would grow up after his campaign, but we're disappointed that he is still a spoiled child as president.)

Anyway, Trump travel ban is ...well, stupid......If we look at terrorists in France, Germany, Belgium, etc., we would see that those bastards were either citizens or actually BORN in those countries......Ergo, following Trump's inanity, we should ban citizens of those countries, No????

Couple the above with the fact that Saudi Arabia (home of 15 of the 9-11 bastards) is not part of the ban, and the fact that ISIS is sending "thank you" notes to Trump for helping ISIS in recruiting more jihadists.....and you too would conclude that Trump has committed our country in yet another....fuck up.

You raiser a valid point.

Unfortunately, we can't ban just the profile of those mostly likely to commit terrorism, because politics.

So, we have to let our people die.

Good job on that, liberal.
Oh? How many Americans were killed in the U.S. by Muslim refugees?

All of them. Every single killing, was done by an immigrant or a child of an immigrant. Islam is incompatible with Freedom of Religion, and Democracy.
Conservative Liar. None were killed by Muslim refugees. In fact, most of the killers were American citizens. The remaining were not refugees.

Think again Silver Tongue Liberal. Just about every killer here legally or illegally, was either an immigrant who was not vetted properly and gained legal status, or citizenship, or was the child of an immigrant from an Islamic Nation that preaches hate, and practices Islamic Law. And some of them even traveled to the ME to get training on how to carry out their evil deeds.

We have Imams in Mosques right here in this country that we allow to preach hatred, evil, and sedition against the United States. Their Visas should be revoked.

Exactly why are you against a temporary and LEGAL ban on travel from certain regions of the world to this country? It's been done numerous times throughout our history, especially in perilous times.

Obama put us at risk, allowing the so called 'refugees' (Islamic Men of Military Age) to flood in to this country, yet you had NO PROBLEMS WITH THAT AT was Obama....and just can't criticize him.....EVER?

And exactly why does EVERY LIBERAL refuse to criticize The Islamic Nations who are bound by their own Islamic Principle of "Asylum" to take in Islamic Refugees, and refuse to do so, breaking the Very Islamic Law, they claim they want to live by?

No one is guaranteed unfettered and unrestricted entry in to THE US.

Care to show me where in The Constitution It Shows The US should have Open Borders and Unrestricted Immigration?
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In his usual narcissistic macho style. Trump has tried to fulfill one of his campaign promises that was dumb then as it is now that he is president (basically, many of us had hoped that Trump would grow up after his campaign, but we're disappointed that he is still a spoiled child as president.)

Anyway, Trump travel ban is ...well, stupid......If we look at terrorists in France, Germany, Belgium, etc., we would see that those bastards were either citizens or actually BORN in those countries......Ergo, following Trump's inanity, we should ban citizens of those countries, No????

Couple the above with the fact that Saudi Arabia (home of 15 of the 9-11 bastards) is not part of the ban, and the fact that ISIS is sending "thank you" notes to Trump for helping ISIS in recruiting more jihadists.....and you too would conclude that Trump has committed our country in yet another....fuck up.

You raiser a valid point.

Unfortunately, we can't ban just the profile of those mostly likely to commit terrorism, because politics.

So, we have to let our people die.

Good job on that, liberal.
Oh? How many Americans were killed in the U.S. by Muslim refugees?

Your confusion on the past and the future is noted. I am more concerned with stopping possible future attacks, than trying to stop possible past attacks.
There is no confusion. You're whining about a problem that doesn't exist while ignoring one that does.

What problem am I ignoring?
Is is just the fact that there are restrictions, or is it that folks don't know history and need a reason to protest?
Conservative Liar. None were killed by Muslim refugees. In fact, most of the killers were American citizens. The remaining were not refugees.
The 'individual' who killed the 14 Americans in California was NOT an American citizen. She was given a Visa and welcomed into the US by the Obama administration after his pi$$-poor vetting process allowed her to enter the US.

Tashfeen Malik was Pakistani and was given a Visa by the Obama administration.

14 people were killed and 22 others were seriously injured in her and her accomplice's terrorist attack in San Bernardino, Ca. Along with the mass shooting they tried to bomb the Inland Regional Center there in San Bernardino.

The attack was the deadliest mass shooting in the U.S. since the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary shooting and the deadliest terrorist attack, at that point, to occur in the U.S. since the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attack.

2015 San Bernardino attack - Wikipedia

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