Trump should enact a travel ban from Germany, France, Belgium...etc.

Your question is based upon a false narrative. We're discussing trumps ban on refugees. There's not been a single killing in America by one of those people who have already been let in. You can't argue what we're debating so you're trying to change the topic.
1. No. You dodged the question.

2. No. YOU are trying to limit discussion to YOUR point / issue, which is NOT the topic of the thread (either).
I'm not answering your off-topic questions. The topic is banning Muslim refugees into the U.S.. The OP points out that countries with terrorists who have attacked us are not on the list while Trump bans refugees from countries which have not attacked us in the U.S.. I'm not aiding you in your efforts to derail the thread to something other than that.
I'm not answering your off-topic questions.

Of course you're not - you're too busy asking your own 'off-topic' questions. :p

(One of the San Bernardino terrorists was a Pakistani that applied for a Visa and was given one by the Obama administration after pi$$-poor vetting...and ended up murdering 14 Americans in a terrorist attack. Trump is not just instituting a temporary ban on REFUGEES but is calling for a delay of people with green cards / visas etc as well. My question is NOT off-topic. You Lose.)
Oh? How many Americans were killed in the U.S. by Muslim refugees?
Off the top of my head, at least 12.

One has already committed a terrorist attack in Ca that killed 12. Our top Intel experts have already declared ISIS / terrorists are / have already infiltrated the ranks of refugees. President Obama and the refugee / individual to whom he gave a Visa have already proven the Intel Expert's warnings are valid and that the Obama administration's vetting process is pi$$-poor. The process is in need of up-grading.

Just curious, how many dead Americans are you willing to have so as not to appear to be 'racist' / to be 'politically correct' / so other nations won't get mad at us for strengthening our security to protect American lives? 12 dead Americans obviously wasn't the magic number.

So how many dead Americans is enough to begin strenuously vetting in-bound 'refugees', before inconveniencing THEM is not as important as saving American lives?
Bullshit, the San Bernadino killers were not refugees. One was an American citizen and the other was his wife who came from a country that Trump did not ban.

Citizenship Status does not matter. You being a Liar & a Liberal are simply trying to split hairs because of the Cult you belong in that forces you to defend liberalism at all cost does matter in this discussion. One cannot have an honest discussion with a dishonest liberal.

You hate America, and you are a citizen, so what does Citizenship have to do with Hatred and Violence? The Fact is, they were immigrants, and the descendents of immgrants.

The fact is Obama Bin Lying had a "SECRET POLICY" which prevented immigration officials from looking at these people's social media accounts.

And they were preaching JIHAD, both of them.

Those days are gone. No more Trojan Horses. No more looking the other way and tolerating intolerance.

We are not going to allow it.

Both of them had professional encryption software on their phones.
There is only one reason for that, and that was to conceal their terrorists communications.
And not only that, some Farook family members were on a Terrorist Watch List.

And whether they are from the 7 countries on the travel ban list, or from the 45 that are not, immigrants, especially from the Middle East are all going to be Vetted, and have their backgrounds thoroughly checked before they enter The US.

There is no right by Non Citizens to Enter the US. It is a privilege granted to them upon approval of the US Government on a case by case basis.

Inside the Immigration File of San Bernardino Shooter Malik
I'm not splitting hairs, you fucking idiot. I'm talking about the topic. Which is the threat of Muslim refugees coming into America. We're not discussing American citizens who go on a rampage. We're talking about the threat of Muslim refugees coming into the U.S.. There's not been one single American killed in the US by one of those refugees. You freaks on the right are so pent up with lust for defending Trump, you can't stay on topic because the real facts don't support him and no one gives a shit about your alternative facts.

So not a single "so called" refugee has committed any kind of hate crime, honor killing, or raped anyone because they weren't wearing a Burka in this country or in any other nation that took them in?


I asked you a question. Why are you against a LEGAL moratorium on immigration from a handful of nations?

We know that there are terrorist training centers in these nations, and if people are not coming from those nations, they are traveling to these centers to be further indoctrinated, or conversing with people Online, or through their cell phones, running the so called education programs to indoctrinate people.

Obama picked these 7 Nations for a reason, and that is because they have the most hostile intentions against Western Democracy and they are a hot bed or radicalism.

46 Islamic Nations have no such moratorium, so your limp wristed argument falls flat. And this Moratorium itself was suggested by The Obama Administration, who chose not to act upon it, because of Snow Flakes like you who would get their panties in a bind and call anyone who disagreed with them, IDIOTS.

That kind makes you an Idiot being that you disagree with the 7 Nations The Obama Administration targeted for this very action, but refused to carry out the policy.

Why do you disagree with the 7 Nations Obama targeted for closer scrutiny?
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"Obama and his five presidential predecessors all used their executive powers to temporarily ban certain immigrants, including Muslims from entering the United States.


— July 25, 2011. Barred those under a UN travel ban, or who broke 29 executive orders covering transactions with terrorists.

— Aug. 4, 2012. Banned anybody involved in war crimes, or just about any other crime including human rights violations.

— April 23, 2012. Barred those helping Syria or Iran, or involved in human rights abuses for those governments.

— May 1, 2012. Another block on those helping Iran and Syria.

— April 3, 2014. Banned anyone known to threaten South Sudan.

— March 6, 2014 . Barred entry of those claiming government authority in the Crimea region of Ukraine, presumably on behalf of Moscow.

He cited the very same section of law that many critics of his policies have asked him to use, “section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952.” It says, “Whenever the president finds that the entry of aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, the president may, by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or non-immigrant’s or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”

He used the same provision five other times, one more in 2011, twice in 2012 and twice in 2014. In those, he targeted people aiding Iran, Syria, Crimea, and those involved in war crimes."
I'm not answering your off-topic questions.

Of course you're not - you're too busy asking your own 'off-topic' questions. :p

(One of the San Bernardino terrorists was a Pakistani that applied for a Visa and was given one by the Obama administration after pi$$-poor vetting...and ended up murdering 14 Americans in a terrorist attack. Trump is not just instituting a temporary ban on REFUGEES but is calling for a delay of people with green cards / visas etc as well. My question is NOT off-topic. You Lose.)

Umm, no, he's not looking to ban anyone from Pakistan.

You're such a fucking idiot. If you weren't so amusing, I'd put you on ignore.
Oh? How many Americans were killed in the U.S. by Muslim refugees?
Off the top of my head, at least 12.

One has already committed a terrorist attack in Ca that killed 12. Our top Intel experts have already declared ISIS / terrorists are / have already infiltrated the ranks of refugees. President Obama and the refugee / individual to whom he gave a Visa have already proven the Intel Expert's warnings are valid and that the Obama administration's vetting process is pi$$-poor. The process is in need of up-grading.

Just curious, how many dead Americans are you willing to have so as not to appear to be 'racist' / to be 'politically correct' / so other nations won't get mad at us for strengthening our security to protect American lives? 12 dead Americans obviously wasn't the magic number.

So how many dead Americans is enough to begin strenuously vetting in-bound 'refugees', before inconveniencing THEM is not as important as saving American lives?
Bullshit, the San Bernadino killers were not refugees. One was an American citizen and the other was his wife who came from a country that Trump did not ban.

Citizenship Status does not matter. You being a Liar & a Liberal are simply trying to split hairs because of the Cult you belong in that forces you to defend liberalism at all cost does matter in this discussion. One cannot have an honest discussion with a dishonest liberal.

You hate America, and you are a citizen, so what does Citizenship have to do with Hatred and Violence? The Fact is, they were immigrants, and the descendents of immgrants.

The fact is Obama Bin Lying had a "SECRET POLICY" which prevented immigration officials from looking at these people's social media accounts.

And they were preaching JIHAD, both of them.

Those days are gone. No more Trojan Horses. No more looking the other way and tolerating intolerance.

We are not going to allow it.

Both of them had professional encryption software on their phones.
There is only one reason for that, and that was to conceal their terrorists communications.
And not only that, some Farook family members were on a Terrorist Watch List.

And whether they are from the 7 countries on the travel ban list, or from the 45 that are not, immigrants, especially from the Middle East are all going to be Vetted, and have their backgrounds thoroughly checked before they enter The US.

There is no right by Non Citizens to Enter the US. It is a privilege granted to them upon approval of the US Government on a case by case basis.

Inside the Immigration File of San Bernardino Shooter Malik
I'm not splitting hairs, you fucking idiot. I'm talking about the topic. Which is the threat of Muslim refugees coming into America. We're not discussing American citizens who go on a rampage. We're talking about the threat of Muslim refugees coming into the U.S.. There's not been one single American killed in the US by one of those refugees. You freaks on the right are so pent up with lust for defending Trump, you can't stay on topic because the real facts don't support him and no one gives a shit about your alternative facts.

So not a single "so called" refugee has committed any kind of hate crime, honor killing, or raped anyone because they weren't wearing a Burka in this country or in any other nation that took them in?


I asked you a question. Why are you against a LEGAL moratorium on immigration from a handful of nations?

We know that there are terrorist training centers in these nations, and if people are not coming from those nations, they are traveling to these centers to be further indoctrinated, or conversing with people Online, or through their cell phones, running the so called education programs to indoctrinate people.

Obama picked these 7 Nations for a reason, and that is because they have the most hostile intentions against Western Democracy and they are a hot bed or radicalism.

46 Islamic Nations have no such moratorium, so your limp wristed argument falls flat. And this Moratorium itself was suggested by The Obama Administration, who chose not to act upon it, because of Snow Flakes like you who would get their panties in a bind and call anyone who disagreed with them, IDIOTS.

That kind makes you an Idiot being that you disagree with the 7 Nations The Obama Administration targeted for this very action, but refused to carry out the policy.

Why do you disagree with the 7 Nations Obama targeted for closer scrutiny?
I've answered your question, you're just too stupid conservative to notice -- because not one of those refugees has killed anyone here.
Oh? How many Americans were killed in the U.S. by Muslim refugees?
Off the top of my head, at least 12.

One has already committed a terrorist attack in Ca that killed 12. Our top Intel experts have already declared ISIS / terrorists are / have already infiltrated the ranks of refugees. President Obama and the refugee / individual to whom he gave a Visa have already proven the Intel Expert's warnings are valid and that the Obama administration's vetting process is pi$$-poor. The process is in need of up-grading.

Just curious, how many dead Americans are you willing to have so as not to appear to be 'racist' / to be 'politically correct' / so other nations won't get mad at us for strengthening our security to protect American lives? 12 dead Americans obviously wasn't the magic number.

So how many dead Americans is enough to begin strenuously vetting in-bound 'refugees', before inconveniencing THEM is not as important as saving American lives?
Bullshit, the San Bernadino killers were not refugees. One was an American citizen and the other was his wife who came from a country that Trump did not ban.

Citizenship Status does not matter. You being a Liar & a Liberal are simply trying to split hairs because of the Cult you belong in that forces you to defend liberalism at all cost does matter in this discussion. One cannot have an honest discussion with a dishonest liberal.

You hate America, and you are a citizen, so what does Citizenship have to do with Hatred and Violence? The Fact is, they were immigrants, and the descendents of immgrants.

The fact is Obama Bin Lying had a "SECRET POLICY" which prevented immigration officials from looking at these people's social media accounts.

And they were preaching JIHAD, both of them.

Those days are gone. No more Trojan Horses. No more looking the other way and tolerating intolerance.

We are not going to allow it.

Both of them had professional encryption software on their phones.
There is only one reason for that, and that was to conceal their terrorists communications.
And not only that, some Farook family members were on a Terrorist Watch List.

And whether they are from the 7 countries on the travel ban list, or from the 45 that are not, immigrants, especially from the Middle East are all going to be Vetted, and have their backgrounds thoroughly checked before they enter The US.

There is no right by Non Citizens to Enter the US. It is a privilege granted to them upon approval of the US Government on a case by case basis.

Inside the Immigration File of San Bernardino Shooter Malik
I'm not splitting hairs, you fucking idiot. I'm talking about the topic. Which is the threat of Muslim refugees coming into America. We're not discussing American citizens who go on a rampage. We're talking about the threat of Muslim refugees coming into the U.S.. There's not been one single American killed in the US by one of those refugees. You freaks on the right are so pent up with lust for defending Trump, you can't stay on topic because the real facts don't support him and no one gives a shit about your alternative facts.

Whether anyone in these supposed banned populations are a threat or not, nations and administations have the right to control their borders. This has always been recognized. Both nationally, and internationally.

I just can't, for the life of me, understand why this is suddenly an issue.

Where were these SJW protestors when Obama put the kybash on travel to and fro Crimea? What, all of a sudden, just because they voted to join Russia, those families and their friends no longer had a right to come and go?

It's all politics, nothing more.

Why do folks let the MSM do there thinking for them?

When Obama tried to stop people from visiting Crimea, where was the outrage?
Adam Garrie2 days ago 18 1,661
The hysteria surrounding Trump's temporary ban on travelers from the world's most lawless countries contrasts sharply with the actions taken by Obama to restrict access to one of the world's most beautiful places - Russia's Crimea.
When Obama tried to stop people from visiting Crimea, where was the outrage?
"When in 2014, Crimea democratically (and overwhelmingly so) decided to return home to Russia, Barack Obama and the EU lead a charge to economically destroy the peninsula. Of course like with all of the US-EU anti-Russian sanctions, it didn’t work, but what did happen was that they made it far more difficult for people to travel from Europe directly to Crimea.

This was a matter of corporatist authoritarianism whereby companies in Europe whose customers would have happily paid for tickets for direct flights to Crimea, were prohibited by the government from offering such services. Of course, it was and is still entirely possible to fly from Europe to Crimea, only now one must land somewhere else in Russia before boarding a domestic flight.

When this happened there were no major (or even minor) protests in Europe or the United States about how this disenfranchised those who have families, friends or business interests in Crimea. No one seemed to care."
Umm, no, he's not looking to ban anyone from Pakistan.
Maybe he should think about doing so since the terrorist from Pakistan, sporting a fresh Visa given to her from Barry's administration, murdered 14 Americans - the largest mass shooting since the Sandy Hook Elementary attack and - at the time - the largest terrorist attack sine 9/11/01.
Off the top of my head, at least 12.

One has already committed a terrorist attack in Ca that killed 12. Our top Intel experts have already declared ISIS / terrorists are / have already infiltrated the ranks of refugees. President Obama and the refugee / individual to whom he gave a Visa have already proven the Intel Expert's warnings are valid and that the Obama administration's vetting process is pi$$-poor. The process is in need of up-grading.

Just curious, how many dead Americans are you willing to have so as not to appear to be 'racist' / to be 'politically correct' / so other nations won't get mad at us for strengthening our security to protect American lives? 12 dead Americans obviously wasn't the magic number.

So how many dead Americans is enough to begin strenuously vetting in-bound 'refugees', before inconveniencing THEM is not as important as saving American lives?
Bullshit, the San Bernadino killers were not refugees. One was an American citizen and the other was his wife who came from a country that Trump did not ban.

Citizenship Status does not matter. You being a Liar & a Liberal are simply trying to split hairs because of the Cult you belong in that forces you to defend liberalism at all cost does matter in this discussion. One cannot have an honest discussion with a dishonest liberal.

You hate America, and you are a citizen, so what does Citizenship have to do with Hatred and Violence? The Fact is, they were immigrants, and the descendents of immgrants.

The fact is Obama Bin Lying had a "SECRET POLICY" which prevented immigration officials from looking at these people's social media accounts.

And they were preaching JIHAD, both of them.

Those days are gone. No more Trojan Horses. No more looking the other way and tolerating intolerance.

We are not going to allow it.

Both of them had professional encryption software on their phones.
There is only one reason for that, and that was to conceal their terrorists communications.
And not only that, some Farook family members were on a Terrorist Watch List.

And whether they are from the 7 countries on the travel ban list, or from the 45 that are not, immigrants, especially from the Middle East are all going to be Vetted, and have their backgrounds thoroughly checked before they enter The US.

There is no right by Non Citizens to Enter the US. It is a privilege granted to them upon approval of the US Government on a case by case basis.

Inside the Immigration File of San Bernardino Shooter Malik
I'm not splitting hairs, you fucking idiot. I'm talking about the topic. Which is the threat of Muslim refugees coming into America. We're not discussing American citizens who go on a rampage. We're talking about the threat of Muslim refugees coming into the U.S.. There's not been one single American killed in the US by one of those refugees. You freaks on the right are so pent up with lust for defending Trump, you can't stay on topic because the real facts don't support him and no one gives a shit about your alternative facts.

So not a single "so called" refugee has committed any kind of hate crime, honor killing, or raped anyone because they weren't wearing a Burka in this country or in any other nation that took them in?


I asked you a question. Why are you against a LEGAL moratorium on immigration from a handful of nations?

We know that there are terrorist training centers in these nations, and if people are not coming from those nations, they are traveling to these centers to be further indoctrinated, or conversing with people Online, or through their cell phones, running the so called education programs to indoctrinate people.

Obama picked these 7 Nations for a reason, and that is because they have the most hostile intentions against Western Democracy and they are a hot bed or radicalism.

46 Islamic Nations have no such moratorium, so your limp wristed argument falls flat. And this Moratorium itself was suggested by The Obama Administration, who chose not to act upon it, because of Snow Flakes like you who would get their panties in a bind and call anyone who disagreed with them, IDIOTS.

That kind makes you an Idiot being that you disagree with the 7 Nations The Obama Administration targeted for this very action, but refused to carry out the policy.

Why do you disagree with the 7 Nations Obama targeted for closer scrutiny?
I've answered your question, you're just too stupid conservative to notice -- because not one of those refugees has killed anyone here.

Immigrants have killed many Americans, both From Mexico, and from Islamic Nations.

It's a Legal and Lawful Executive Order, so I ask you again, why are you against LEGAL LAWFUL ORDERS, and opposed to the ban on 7 Nations that Obama Identified for such action?

I know you can't help it to be a lying liberal, but I want to see you try to extricate yourself out of the corner you painted yourself in.

Of course, you will dodge the obvious answer.

Why aren't you criticizing Obama for telling Russia that their Diplomats were not allowed to travel here and had to be "deported" so to speak?

And his justification for that was.........."a hunch"?
It's not all about immigrant terrorist attacks, either. There are other reasons to keep them out if better vetting reveals the need to:

Indian Immigrants Plead Guilty to Human Smuggling

"Indian immigrants Nileshkumar Patel, 42, and Harsad Mehta, 68, admitted to conspiring with foreign nationals to smuggle them into the U.S. for commercial advantage and financial gain, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency said in a news release. Patel and Mehta were each charged with one count of human smuggling."

Human Trafficking....
US military: 30,000 potential terrorist migrants infiltrated southern border in 2015

"“Networks that specialize in smuggling individuals from regions of terrorist concern, mainly from the Afghanistan-Pakistan region, the Middle East, and East Africa, are indeed a concern for Southcom and other interagency security partners who support our country’s national security,” Army Col. Lisa A. Garcia told the Washington Free Beacon. “In 2015, we saw a total of 331,000 migrants enter the southwestern border between the U.S. and Mexico, of that we estimate more than 30,000 of those were from countries of terrorist concern,” she said."


"A review by the Majority Staff of the House Homeland Security Committee concludes that the
Administration’s proposal will have a limited impact on alleviating the overall crisis but could have serious ramifications for U.S. homeland security. Additionally, widespread security gaps across Europe are increasing the terrorism risk to our allies and present long-term implications for the U.S. homeland.

Syrian refugees have also reported sporadically that they have witnessed suspected ISIS fighters in their midst.

An international terrorism research organization published a bulletin in September warning that there were already a number of reported cases of ISIS infiltration of refugee routes.

FBI Director James Comey explained that “there is risk associated with bringing anybody in
from the outside, but especially from a conflict zone like [Syria]…My concern there is that there are certain gaps I don’t want to talk about publicly in the data available to us

Given the current high-threat environment, agencies are stretched extremely thin in terms
of their ability to monitor suspects and disrupt plots. This year the FBI has been forced to confront nearly a thousand terrorism-related cases in every single U.S. state, according to FBI Director Comey, straining law enforcement resources.

Mediterranean and Balkan countries risk becoming a new “terrorist turnpike” into
the West due to particularly poor information sharing and weak vetting systems.

Rather than stop the flows, some of these countries are accelerating the travel of refugees
toward their final destinations
... This makes it even easier for potential extremists to make their way...undetected.

Syrian refugee populations in Europe have already been directly targeted by
extremists for recruitment, and in the long run certain communities in which they resettle are likely to become “fertile soil” for violent radicalization.

America’s security is put at risk when partner countries fail to conduct adequate
counterterrorism checks on refugees and are unable to cope with the radicalization challenges created by mass migration.


1. Immediate action must be taken to temporarily suspend the admission of Syrian refugees into the United States until the nation’s leading intelligence and law enforcement agencies can certify the refugee screening process is adequate to detect individuals with terrorist ties."

In this whole Immigrant argument most everyone is overlooking the fact that Barry is the one who created the entire refugee problem to begin with!
It seems that the left might be serious about a travel ban on our NATO allies. The angrier they get the more incoherent they become. You almost gotta laugh that the hypocritical left applauded the president authorizing the bombing of a defenseless country that posed no threat to the U.S. about 20 years ago but they have their panties in a bunch about a 4 month long travel restriction.
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In his usual narcissistic macho style. Trump has tried to fulfill one of his campaign promises that was dumb then as it is now that he is president (basically, many of us had hoped that Trump would grow up after his campaign, but we're disappointed that he is still a spoiled child as president.)

Anyway, Trump travel ban is ...well, stupid......If we look at terrorists in France, Germany, Belgium, etc., we would see that those bastards were either citizens or actually BORN in those countries......Ergo, following Trump's inanity, we should ban citizens of those countries, No????

Couple the above with the fact that Saudi Arabia (home of 15 of the 9-11 bastards) is not part of the ban, and the fact that ISIS is sending "thank you" notes to Trump for helping ISIS in recruiting more jihadists.....and you too would conclude that Trump has committed our country in yet another....fuck up.

For the billionth time, it's not a MUSLIM ban. Why is this so difficult to understand?

And yes, dual citizenships are being blocked too.

Besides that, who said the purpose was to try and weed out 100% of the cases? I am pretty sure that we are just fine with the 99.99999%. You even figured out as much, it's a good compromise between security and flexibility.
For the billionth time, it's not a MUSLIM ban. Why is this so difficult to understand?

And yes, dual citizenships are being blocked too.

Besides that, who said the purpose was to try and weed out 100% of the cases? I am pretty sure that we are just fine with the 99.99999%. You even figured out as much, it's a good compromise between security and flexibility.
If it is a Muslim Ban then Obama is responsible - HE came up with the list.
Bullshit, the San Bernadino killers were not refugees. One was an American citizen and the other was his wife who came from a country that Trump did not ban.

Citizenship Status does not matter. You being a Liar & a Liberal are simply trying to split hairs because of the Cult you belong in that forces you to defend liberalism at all cost does matter in this discussion. One cannot have an honest discussion with a dishonest liberal.

You hate America, and you are a citizen, so what does Citizenship have to do with Hatred and Violence? The Fact is, they were immigrants, and the descendents of immgrants.

The fact is Obama Bin Lying had a "SECRET POLICY" which prevented immigration officials from looking at these people's social media accounts.

And they were preaching JIHAD, both of them.

Those days are gone. No more Trojan Horses. No more looking the other way and tolerating intolerance.

We are not going to allow it.

Both of them had professional encryption software on their phones.
There is only one reason for that, and that was to conceal their terrorists communications.
And not only that, some Farook family members were on a Terrorist Watch List.

And whether they are from the 7 countries on the travel ban list, or from the 45 that are not, immigrants, especially from the Middle East are all going to be Vetted, and have their backgrounds thoroughly checked before they enter The US.

There is no right by Non Citizens to Enter the US. It is a privilege granted to them upon approval of the US Government on a case by case basis.

Inside the Immigration File of San Bernardino Shooter Malik
I'm not splitting hairs, you fucking idiot. I'm talking about the topic. Which is the threat of Muslim refugees coming into America. We're not discussing American citizens who go on a rampage. We're talking about the threat of Muslim refugees coming into the U.S.. There's not been one single American killed in the US by one of those refugees. You freaks on the right are so pent up with lust for defending Trump, you can't stay on topic because the real facts don't support him and no one gives a shit about your alternative facts.

So not a single "so called" refugee has committed any kind of hate crime, honor killing, or raped anyone because they weren't wearing a Burka in this country or in any other nation that took them in?


I asked you a question. Why are you against a LEGAL moratorium on immigration from a handful of nations?

We know that there are terrorist training centers in these nations, and if people are not coming from those nations, they are traveling to these centers to be further indoctrinated, or conversing with people Online, or through their cell phones, running the so called education programs to indoctrinate people.

Obama picked these 7 Nations for a reason, and that is because they have the most hostile intentions against Western Democracy and they are a hot bed or radicalism.

46 Islamic Nations have no such moratorium, so your limp wristed argument falls flat. And this Moratorium itself was suggested by The Obama Administration, who chose not to act upon it, because of Snow Flakes like you who would get their panties in a bind and call anyone who disagreed with them, IDIOTS.

That kind makes you an Idiot being that you disagree with the 7 Nations The Obama Administration targeted for this very action, but refused to carry out the policy.

Why do you disagree with the 7 Nations Obama targeted for closer scrutiny?
I've answered your question, you're just too stupid conservative to notice -- because not one of those refugees has killed anyone here.

Immigrants have killed many Americans, both From Mexico, and from Islamic Nations.

It's a Legal and Lawful Executive Order, so I ask you again, why are you against LEGAL LAWFUL ORDERS, and opposed to the ban on 7 Nations that Obama Identified for such action?

I know you can't help it to be a lying liberal, but I want to see you try to extricate yourself out of the corner you painted yourself in.

Of course, you will dodge the obvious answer.

Why aren't you criticizing Obama for telling Russia that their Diplomats were not allowed to travel here and had to be "deported" so to speak?

And his justification for that was.........."a hunch"?
I'm not answering your question again. Stop asking and re-read my answer.

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