Trump should have done the debate, AIPAC will be a huge embarresment

I still don't get why so many American Jews support Democrats. That Party turned its back on Israel a long time ago. Most Left Wing Democrats are vehemently Anti-Israel. Yet most American Jews continue to support the Party. Personally, I view them as Uncle Toms at this point.

And Trump hasn't said or done anything to insult the Jewish People. Yes, he does oppose Illegal Immigration, but so do millions & millions of other Americans. That doesn't make him a 'Racist' in any way. So, any 'walk-out' will only do a disservice to Israel and the Jewish People. Hopefully, common sense and decency will prevail. He should be heard.

Because Jews are smart enough to see past a bunch of made up accusations, and recognize the lack of integrity it takes to produce those lies.

The man has never insulted Isreal or the Jewish People. Opposing Illegal Immigration does not make you a 'Racist.' Those accusations are the lies. American Jews really do need to reconsider their support for the Democrat Party. It's a Party that's turned its back on Israel.

Well, maybe it's proof that American Jews care about other issues than just Israel.

Trump has never insulted Israel or the Jewish People. They have no reason to 'walk out' on him speaking. He should be heard.
He is being heard and a large segment of the population doesn't like what they are hearing irrespective of religion.

Those folks aren't listening to what he's saying. They're listening to what others are saying he's saying. He's fighting for Americans. And we haven't seen that in a long time. So I can see that being a bit shocking to many Americans. They've become accustomed to corrupt career Politicians in both Parties shitting on them. I really do hope he wins. We need real change.
Then why is Trump pandering to them?
Votes, duh
The assertion was made that Trump already had the popular support needed. Try to keep up.
Someone else's assumptions dictate Trump's campaign? Try to exercise common sense
Lol, are you off your meds gramps? Why do you think I asked the question in the first place.
Because you didn't understand the reason ANY candidate goes anywhere.

I thought it was common knowledge that publicity, votes & photo ops are the only reason any candidate goes anywhere
I understand that all Presidential candidates are beholden to AIPAC, including Trump. Another poster made the assertion that Trump wasn't beholden to them. That is why I asked the question of that individual. If you don't have the intellect to follow along then mind your own business.
I still don't get why so many American Jews support Democrats. That Party turned its back on Israel a long time ago. Most Left Wing Democrats are vehemently Anti-Israel. Yet most American Jews continue to support the Party. Personally, I view them as Uncle Toms at this point.

And Trump hasn't said or done anything to insult the Jewish People. Yes, he does oppose Illegal Immigration, but so do millions & millions of other Americans. That doesn't make him a 'Racist' in any way. So, any 'walk-out' will only do a disservice to Israel and the Jewish People. Hopefully, common sense and decency will prevail. He should be heard.
I'm getting the whiff of fascism from Trump -- nothing blatant, but it's there, and it is troubling some Jewish people for understandable reasons.
I still don't get why so many American Jews support Democrats. That Party turned its back on Israel a long time ago. Most Left Wing Democrats are vehemently Anti-Israel. Yet most American Jews continue to support the Party. Personally, I view them as Uncle Toms at this point.

And Trump hasn't said or done anything to insult the Jewish People. Yes, he does oppose Illegal Immigration, but so do millions & millions of other Americans. That doesn't make him a 'Racist' in any way. So, any 'walk-out' will only do a disservice to Israel and the Jewish People. Hopefully, common sense and decency will prevail. He should be heard.
I'm getting the whiff of fascism from Trump -- nothing blatant, but it's there, and it is troubling some Jewish people for understandable reasons.

Yes, because Anti-Semite Fascists often show up to speak at AIPAC. God you're a bleepin moron.
The AIPAC meeting will be a huge embarrassment. Not only will Hillary & Ted get polite receptions, tyhere will be a huge walkout for Trump.

He really should have done the debate. he would only have humiliated himself. He wouldn't have others get in the fun
When Trump Speaks at AIPAC, Let's All Walk Out
Whatever else he may do to our political landscape, Trump also presents us, particularly us American Jews, with a golden opportunity. For decades, we’ve allowed our core ethical principles to ossify into talking points. We spoke of tikkun olam, a principle so ephemeral and universal it equally applies to Jews, Zoroastrians, and fans of the Detroit Tigers, offering little by way of real theological guidance. When we took up real causes—Israel, say, or the economy, or racial justice—we often chose to do it from within the well-dug trenches of party lines or ideological divides. Trump gives us a chance to come together over a very basic principle and say that as Jews—secular and religious, Democrats and Republicans, poets and podiatrists—we feel compelled by the very tenets of our faith to reject a man who lacks any respect for the very principles of pluralism that have made this country such a welcoming home for Jews and have allowed us to thrive here for more than two centuries.

There’s not much we can do, sadly, to curb Trump’s rise; democracies let voters make their own choices, even if these choices are ruinous for them and for the nation. But there’s one symbolic action we can, and must, take: when Trump swaggers on to the podium Monday night, let us leave. Not one or two but all of us, not a trickle but a torrent. Let him speak to an empty room, and let the cable news channels carrying the latest Trump spectacle marvel that one group of Americans—not particularly large, not particularly influential—had the courage to say enough to this shameful circus of lies and violence, turn its back, literally, to this dangerous demagogue, and walk out. "
Yesterday I watched some coverage of the National Press Club gathering that invited pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli speakers to give talks on their positions (it was on C-Span). Oh, brother, if AIPAC is anything like that, Donald's in trouble. Those people were actually educated and articulate on the issues.
Votes, duh
The assertion was made that Trump already had the popular support needed. Try to keep up.
Someone else's assumptions dictate Trump's campaign? Try to exercise common sense
Lol, are you off your meds gramps? Why do you think I asked the question in the first place.
Because you didn't understand the reason ANY candidate goes anywhere.

I thought it was common knowledge that publicity, votes & photo ops are the only reason any candidate goes anywhere
I understand that all Presidential candidates are beholden to AIPAC, including Trump. Another poster made the assertion that Trump wasn't beholden to them. That is why I asked the question of that individual. If you don't have the intellect to follow along then mind your own business.

You asked a question. I answered. No need to be so defensive lol
Because Jews are smart enough to see past a bunch of made up accusations, and recognize the lack of integrity it takes to produce those lies.

The man has never insulted Isreal or the Jewish People. Opposing Illegal Immigration does not make you a 'Racist.' Those accusations are the lies. American Jews really do need to reconsider their support for the Democrat Party. It's a Party that's turned its back on Israel.

Well, maybe it's proof that American Jews care about other issues than just Israel.

Trump has never insulted Israel or the Jewish People. They have no reason to 'walk out' on him speaking. He should be heard.
He is being heard and a large segment of the population doesn't like what they are hearing irrespective of religion.

Those folks aren't listening to what he's saying. They're listening to what others are saying he's saying. He's fighting for Americans. And we haven't seen that in a long time. So I can see that being a bit shocking to many Americans. They've become accustomed to corrupt career Politicians in both Parties shitting on them. I really do hope he wins. We need real change.
He's fighting for Americans. And we haven't seen that in a long time.
We see it in every election cycle. He has just taken the rhetoric to a new level. I don't see what others see, what makes him any more credible than any other politician at this point. He is a salesman. He has people convinced that he is not beholden to AIPAC on the eve of his address before AIPAC. :wtf:
I still don't get why so many American Jews support Democrats. That Party turned its back on Israel a long time ago. Most Left Wing Democrats are vehemently Anti-Israel. Yet most American Jews continue to support the Party. Personally, I view them as Uncle Toms at this point.

And Trump hasn't said or done anything to insult the Jewish People. Yes, he does oppose Illegal Immigration, but so do millions & millions of other Americans. That doesn't make him a 'Racist' in any way. So, any 'walk-out' will only do a disservice to Israel and the Jewish People. Hopefully, common sense and decency will prevail. He should be heard.
I'm getting the whiff of fascism from Trump -- nothing blatant, but it's there, and it is troubling some Jewish people for understandable reasons.

Yes, because Anti-Semite Fascists often show up to speak at AIPAC. God you're a bleepin moron.
No one said he was anti-semitic. He has some fascist tendencies and if you don't believe me, ask some of the people who plan to boycott or walk out of the AIPAC conference! I may be a moron, but I'm not alone on this.
The AIPAC meeting will be a huge embarrassment. Not only will Hillary & Ted get polite receptions, tyhere will be a huge walkout for Trump.

He really should have done the debate. he would only have humiliated himself. He wouldn't have others get in the fun
When Trump Speaks at AIPAC, Let's All Walk Out
Whatever else he may do to our political landscape, Trump also presents us, particularly us American Jews, with a golden opportunity. For decades, we’ve allowed our core ethical principles to ossify into talking points. We spoke of tikkun olam, a principle so ephemeral and universal it equally applies to Jews, Zoroastrians, and fans of the Detroit Tigers, offering little by way of real theological guidance. When we took up real causes—Israel, say, or the economy, or racial justice—we often chose to do it from within the well-dug trenches of party lines or ideological divides. Trump gives us a chance to come together over a very basic principle and say that as Jews—secular and religious, Democrats and Republicans, poets and podiatrists—we feel compelled by the very tenets of our faith to reject a man who lacks any respect for the very principles of pluralism that have made this country such a welcoming home for Jews and have allowed us to thrive here for more than two centuries.

There’s not much we can do, sadly, to curb Trump’s rise; democracies let voters make their own choices, even if these choices are ruinous for them and for the nation. But there’s one symbolic action we can, and must, take: when Trump swaggers on to the podium Monday night, let us leave. Not one or two but all of us, not a trickle but a torrent. Let him speak to an empty room, and let the cable news channels carrying the latest Trump spectacle marvel that one group of Americans—not particularly large, not particularly influential—had the courage to say enough to this shameful circus of lies and violence, turn its back, literally, to this dangerous demagogue, and walk out. "
Yesterday I watched some coverage of the National Press Club gathering that invited pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli speakers to give talks on their positions (it was on C-Span). Oh, brother, if AIPAC is anything like that, Donald's in trouble. Those people were actually educated and articulate on the issues.

There are a lot of Self-Hating Jewish Democrats in AIPAC. They don't mind supporting a Party that turned its back on Israel years ago. They're 'Uncle Toms.' They'll be the ones staging a 'Walk-Out' when Trump speaks. Not all AIPAC members are Uncle Tom Democrats. They'll show respect and decency.
I still don't get why so many American Jews support Democrats. That Party turned its back on Israel a long time ago. Most Left Wing Democrats are vehemently Anti-Israel. Yet most American Jews continue to support the Party. Personally, I view them as Uncle Toms at this point.

And Trump hasn't said or done anything to insult the Jewish People. Yes, he does oppose Illegal Immigration, but so do millions & millions of other Americans. That doesn't make him a 'Racist' in any way. So, any 'walk-out' will only do a disservice to Israel and the Jewish People. Hopefully, common sense and decency will prevail. He should be heard.
I'm getting the whiff of fascism from Trump -- nothing blatant, but it's there, and it is troubling some Jewish people for understandable reasons.

Yes, because Anti-Semite Fascists often show up to speak at AIPAC. God you're a bleepin moron.
No one said he was anti-semitic. He has some fascist tendencies and if you don't believe me, ask some of the people who plan to boycott or walk out of the AIPAC conference! I may be a moron, but I'm not alone on this.

Yes, fighting for Americans now = 'Fascism' to braindead Democats. What a sad state of affairs.
The man has never insulted Isreal or the Jewish People. Opposing Illegal Immigration does not make you a 'Racist.' Those accusations are the lies. American Jews really do need to reconsider their support for the Democrat Party. It's a Party that's turned its back on Israel.

Well, maybe it's proof that American Jews care about other issues than just Israel.

Trump has never insulted Israel or the Jewish People. They have no reason to 'walk out' on him speaking. He should be heard.
He is being heard and a large segment of the population doesn't like what they are hearing irrespective of religion.

Those folks aren't listening to what he's saying. They're listening to what others are saying he's saying. He's fighting for Americans. And we haven't seen that in a long time. So I can see that being a bit shocking to many Americans. They've become accustomed to corrupt career Politicians in both Parties shitting on them. I really do hope he wins. We need real change.
He's fighting for Americans. And we haven't seen that in a long time.
We see it in every election cycle. He has just taken the rhetoric to a new level. I don't see what others see, what makes him any more credible than any other politician at this point. He is a salesman. He has people convinced that he is not beholden to AIPAC on the eve of his address before AIPAC. :wtf:

He isn't receiving special interest lobbyist money. He isn't receiving Tax Dollars to fund his campaign. And he isn't even asking his supporters to give him their money. What other candidate is doing that?
98% of the country will never even know about this conference. Machado about nothing

Gotta agree. A few self-hating Uncle Tom Democrats will stage their 'Wak-Out', and then it'll be over. A couple Democrat Media Outlets like CNN and NBC will give it wall-to-wall coverage. But who really watches those trainwreck networks anymore?
I still don't get why so many American Jews support Democrats. That Party turned its back on Israel a long time ago. Most Left Wing Democrats are vehemently Anti-Israel. Yet most American Jews continue to support the Party. Personally, I view them as Uncle Toms at this point.

And Trump hasn't said or done anything to insult the Jewish People. Yes, he does oppose Illegal Immigration, but so do millions & millions of other Americans. That doesn't make him a 'Racist' in any way. So, any 'walk-out' will only do a disservice to Israel and the Jewish People. Hopefully, common sense and decency will prevail. He should be heard.

Because Jews are smart enough to see past a bunch of made up accusations, and recognize the lack of integrity it takes to produce those lies.
Did you think that up as you were stealing the Whitehouse furniture?

I always expect something dumb from you, and you never disappoint.
Well, maybe it's proof that American Jews care about other issues than just Israel.

Trump has never insulted Israel or the Jewish People. They have no reason to 'walk out' on him speaking. He should be heard.
He is being heard and a large segment of the population doesn't like what they are hearing irrespective of religion.

Those folks aren't listening to what he's saying. They're listening to what others are saying he's saying. He's fighting for Americans. And we haven't seen that in a long time. So I can see that being a bit shocking to many Americans. They've become accustomed to corrupt career Politicians in both Parties shitting on them. I really do hope he wins. We need real change.
He's fighting for Americans. And we haven't seen that in a long time.
We see it in every election cycle. He has just taken the rhetoric to a new level. I don't see what others see, what makes him any more credible than any other politician at this point. He is a salesman. He has people convinced that he is not beholden to AIPAC on the eve of his address before AIPAC. :wtf:

He isn't receiving special interest lobbyist money. He isn't receiving Tax Dollars to fund his campaign. And he isn't even asking his supporters to give him their money. What other candidate is doing that?
We are only in the primaries, I am skeptical that he can maintain that distinction throughout the general election. As if that adds credibility to his proposals anyway. There is something not quite right about the man, I don't trust him. He can't stand up to AIPAC, which is a fail in my book.
Trump has never insulted Israel or the Jewish People. They have no reason to 'walk out' on him speaking. He should be heard.
He is being heard and a large segment of the population doesn't like what they are hearing irrespective of religion.

Those folks aren't listening to what he's saying. They're listening to what others are saying he's saying. He's fighting for Americans. And we haven't seen that in a long time. So I can see that being a bit shocking to many Americans. They've become accustomed to corrupt career Politicians in both Parties shitting on them. I really do hope he wins. We need real change.
He's fighting for Americans. And we haven't seen that in a long time.
We see it in every election cycle. He has just taken the rhetoric to a new level. I don't see what others see, what makes him any more credible than any other politician at this point. He is a salesman. He has people convinced that he is not beholden to AIPAC on the eve of his address before AIPAC. :wtf:

He isn't receiving special interest lobbyist money. He isn't receiving Tax Dollars to fund his campaign. And he isn't even asking his supporters to give him their money. What other candidate is doing that?
We are only in the primaries, I am skeptical that he can maintain that distinction throughout the general election. As if that adds credibility to his proposals anyway. There is something not quite right about the man, I don't trust him. He can't stand up to AIPAC, which is a fail in my book.

It's a tough call, the losers are working very hard to get him labelled a 'Racist.' So not showing up, kinda plays into their hands on that. It is a tough call for him.
He is being heard and a large segment of the population doesn't like what they are hearing irrespective of religion.

Those folks aren't listening to what he's saying. They're listening to what others are saying he's saying. He's fighting for Americans. And we haven't seen that in a long time. So I can see that being a bit shocking to many Americans. They've become accustomed to corrupt career Politicians in both Parties shitting on them. I really do hope he wins. We need real change.
He's fighting for Americans. And we haven't seen that in a long time.
We see it in every election cycle. He has just taken the rhetoric to a new level. I don't see what others see, what makes him any more credible than any other politician at this point. He is a salesman. He has people convinced that he is not beholden to AIPAC on the eve of his address before AIPAC. :wtf:

He isn't receiving special interest lobbyist money. He isn't receiving Tax Dollars to fund his campaign. And he isn't even asking his supporters to give him their money. What other candidate is doing that?
We are only in the primaries, I am skeptical that he can maintain that distinction throughout the general election. As if that adds credibility to his proposals anyway. There is something not quite right about the man, I don't trust him. He can't stand up to AIPAC, which is a fail in my book.

It's a tough call, the losers are working very hard to get him labelled a 'Racist.' So not showing up, kinda plays into their hands on that. It is a tough call for him.
Then being labeled a racist hasn't stopped him until now. When the rubber meets the road he can't say no to the most powerful lobby in the land. I will be very interested to hear his comments.
Those folks aren't listening to what he's saying. They're listening to what others are saying he's saying. He's fighting for Americans. And we haven't seen that in a long time. So I can see that being a bit shocking to many Americans. They've become accustomed to corrupt career Politicians in both Parties shitting on them. I really do hope he wins. We need real change.
He's fighting for Americans. And we haven't seen that in a long time.
We see it in every election cycle. He has just taken the rhetoric to a new level. I don't see what others see, what makes him any more credible than any other politician at this point. He is a salesman. He has people convinced that he is not beholden to AIPAC on the eve of his address before AIPAC. :wtf:

He isn't receiving special interest lobbyist money. He isn't receiving Tax Dollars to fund his campaign. And he isn't even asking his supporters to give him their money. What other candidate is doing that?
We are only in the primaries, I am skeptical that he can maintain that distinction throughout the general election. As if that adds credibility to his proposals anyway. There is something not quite right about the man, I don't trust him. He can't stand up to AIPAC, which is a fail in my book.

It's a tough call, the losers are working very hard to get him labelled a 'Racist.' So not showing up, kinda plays into their hands on that. It is a tough call for him.
Then being labeled a racist hasn't stopped him until now. When the rubber meets the road he can't say no to the most powerful lobby in the land. I will be very interested to hear his comments.

Keep in mind, he isn't accepting any money from special interest lobbyist groups. He'll speak at the event, but he won't be receiving any money.
they've done enough debates for gawds sake. don't see any wailings over the paltry amount of Debates from the Democrat party and they were on weekends and during playoff football games.
We see it in every election cycle. He has just taken the rhetoric to a new level. I don't see what others see, what makes him any more credible than any other politician at this point. He is a salesman. He has people convinced that he is not beholden to AIPAC on the eve of his address before AIPAC. :wtf:

He isn't receiving special interest lobbyist money. He isn't receiving Tax Dollars to fund his campaign. And he isn't even asking his supporters to give him their money. What other candidate is doing that?
We are only in the primaries, I am skeptical that he can maintain that distinction throughout the general election. As if that adds credibility to his proposals anyway. There is something not quite right about the man, I don't trust him. He can't stand up to AIPAC, which is a fail in my book.

It's a tough call, the losers are working very hard to get him labelled a 'Racist.' So not showing up, kinda plays into their hands on that. It is a tough call for him.
Then being labeled a racist hasn't stopped him until now. When the rubber meets the road he can't say no to the most powerful lobby in the land. I will be very interested to hear his comments.

Keep in mind, he isn't accepting any money from special interest lobbyist groups. He'll speak at the event, but he won't be receiving any money.
Hope he has deeper pockets then, I think he is going to need more money before it is all said and done.
Summary data for Donald Trump, 2016 Cycle | OpenSecrets
We see it in every election cycle. He has just taken the rhetoric to a new level. I don't see what others see, what makes him any more credible than any other politician at this point. He is a salesman. He has people convinced that he is not beholden to AIPAC on the eve of his address before AIPAC. :wtf:

He isn't receiving special interest lobbyist money. He isn't receiving Tax Dollars to fund his campaign. And he isn't even asking his supporters to give him their money. What other candidate is doing that?
We are only in the primaries, I am skeptical that he can maintain that distinction throughout the general election. As if that adds credibility to his proposals anyway. There is something not quite right about the man, I don't trust him. He can't stand up to AIPAC, which is a fail in my book.

It's a tough call, the losers are working very hard to get him labelled a 'Racist.' So not showing up, kinda plays into their hands on that. It is a tough call for him.
Then being labeled a racist hasn't stopped him until now. When the rubber meets the road he can't say no to the most powerful lobby in the land. I will be very interested to hear his comments.

Keep in mind, he isn't accepting any money from special interest lobbyist groups. He'll speak at the event, but he won't be receiving any money.
BTW, candidates don't go to AIPAC for money necessarily. AIPAC doesn't give donations to candidates directly. What candidates do more generally is go and affirm their loyalty to Israel. We will see what your boy does. :cool:

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