Trump should not extradite Julian Assange.

Assange should be extradited, sworn in and then give public testimony about Seth Rich giving him Podesta’s emails and ask him about his feelings on Seth Rich’s death shortly after giving Assange the dirt on Clinton.

Mueller should be asked why he ignored Seth Rich’s Death and Ignored The Origin of The Dirty Dossier.
Nobody in Washington even has the balls to say the name Seth Rich anymore.
Because they don't want to be associated with a fringe conspiracy theory.
Assange stated that Seth Rich was his source for stolen DNC emails.
Now read that again and tell me his murder is a conspiracy theory.
We can't allow the US government to do this without our voices being heard.
This is an attack on journalism and free speech, and our SO-CALLED liberal media is disgracefully silent. Shame on you Chuck Todd and George Stephanopoulos.

A hearing on the US effort to extradite Julian Assange for charges brought under the Espionage Act has begun in London. Satirist and broadcaster Randy Credico, a friend of Assange, discusses the stakes involved: an unprecedented assault on press freedom and a media publisher who has exposed the crimes and secrets of the US establishment.

Say what you want about him, Randy is a straight shooter.

Assange is not a journalist, he is a fence that deals in stolen merchandise...nothing more.

With Gator I have to agree on this. Fencing stolen property is illegal, regardless if you personally stole it or not!

You can't say he didn't bring it on himself.
As if embarrassing the Pentagon and both Bush & Obama administrations wasn't enough, Wikileaks went after the DNC and Clinton's and then the CIA with all the Vault 7 stuff.

At some point if you're as smart as he is, you've gotta say " I better find a nice safe hiding place and lay low for awhile..." instead of running around Sweden chasing young tail.
We can't allow the US government to do this without our voices being heard.
This is an attack on journalism and free speech, and our SO-CALLED liberal media is disgracefully silent. Shame on you Chuck Todd and George Stephanopoulos.

A hearing on the US effort to extradite Julian Assange for charges brought under the Espionage Act has begun in London. Satirist and broadcaster Randy Credico, a friend of Assange, discusses the stakes involved: an unprecedented assault on press freedom and a media publisher who has exposed the crimes and secrets of the US establishment.

Say what you want about him, Randy is a straight shooter.

It's funny how the RIght wanted Assange's head on a platter for the Iraq War document leaks. Now they are ready to knight the little marxist prick.

You sound pissed off.....
Actually, Assange helped Trump to be elected by revealing a lot of ugly truth about Hillary.
True enough, but Assange had no relationship with Donnie. He was just exposing the crazy bitch for what she is. Likely resulted in Seth Rich getting murdered.

If Donnie weren’t such an asshole, he’d demand Assange be freed and Manning too.

Both Assange and Manning are scum. They got people killed who shouldn't have been outed, but then both ends of the wingnut spectrum wouldn't love those two if they were sane anyway.

And since when did Assange become a 'straight shooter'? lol that's funny.
[QUOTE="Angelo, post: 24128155, member: 71720"
Another pathetic Democrat hypocrite. :icon_rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

Not even close, silly boy. Both PArties rely on dumbasses who follow gossip mongers and think they're 'straight shooters'. Assange is just another self-centered sociopath who wanted to be a Player, like all fake 'journalists' are under their veneers of 'objectivity'. Assange appeals to conspiritards and traitors mostly.
. Not even close, silly boy. Both PArties rely on dumbasses who follow gossip mongers and think they're 'straight shooters'. Assange is just another self-centered sociopath who wanted to be a Player, like all fake 'journalists' are under their veneers of 'objectivity'. Assange appeals to conspiritards and traitors mostly.

You should watch this a learn something.
. Not even close, silly boy. Both PArties rely on dumbasses who follow gossip mongers and think they're 'straight shooters'. Assange is just another self-centered sociopath who wanted to be a Player, like all fake 'journalists' are under their veneers of 'objectivity'. Assange appeals to conspiritards and traitors mostly.

You should watch this a learn something.

You should learn to spot marketing gimmicks and people manipulating you.
Assange should be extradited, sworn in and then give public testimony about Seth Rich giving him Podesta’s emails and ask him about his feelings on Seth Rich’s death shortly after giving Assange the dirt on Clinton.

Mueller should be asked why he ignored Seth Rich’s Death and Ignored The Origin of The Dirty Dossier.
Nobody in Washington even has the balls to say the name Seth Rich anymore.
Because they don't want to be associated with a fringe conspiracy theory.
Assange stated that Seth Rich was his source for stolen DNC emails.
Now read that again and tell me his murder is a conspiracy theory.
No. Assange has not said Rich was his source.
Assange should be extradited, sworn in and then give public testimony about Seth Rich giving him Podesta’s emails and ask him about his feelings on Seth Rich’s death shortly after giving Assange the dirt on Clinton.

Mueller should be asked why he ignored Seth Rich’s Death and Ignored The Origin of The Dirty Dossier.
Nobody in Washington even has the balls to say the name Seth Rich anymore.
Because they don't want to be associated with a fringe conspiracy theory.
Assange stated that Seth Rich was his source for stolen DNC emails.
Now read that again and tell me his murder is a conspiracy theory.
No. Assange has not said Rich was his source.
Well, he stated that a 27 year old was shot in the back in the streets of Washington DC, and that all his sources could be in danger. Then offered a reward for his killer.
Assange should be extradited, sworn in and then give public testimony about Seth Rich giving him Podesta’s emails and ask him about his feelings on Seth Rich’s death shortly after giving Assange the dirt on Clinton.

Mueller should be asked why he ignored Seth Rich’s Death and Ignored The Origin of The Dirty Dossier.
Nobody in Washington even has the balls to say the name Seth Rich anymore.
Because they don't want to be associated with a fringe conspiracy theory.
Assange stated that Seth Rich was his source for stolen DNC emails.
Now read that again and tell me his murder is a conspiracy theory.
No. Assange has not said Rich was his source.
Well, he stated that a 27 year old was shot in the back in the streets of Washington DC, and that all his sources could be in danger. Then offered a reward for his killer.

Yep. But he never said Seth Rich was his source.
Nobody in Washington even has the balls to say the name Seth Rich anymore.
Because they don't want to be associated with a fringe conspiracy theory.
Assange stated that Seth Rich was his source for stolen DNC emails.
Now read that again and tell me his murder is a conspiracy theory.
No. Assange has not said Rich was his source.
Well, he stated that a 27 year old was shot in the back in the streets of Washington DC, and that all his sources could be in danger. Then offered a reward for his killer.

Yep. But he never said Seth Rich was his source.
Well, there weren't too many 27 year old DNC workers shot in the back in DC that night. So we can safely assume that he was referring to Seth Rich. And then he mentioned him by name when he offered the reward.
Because they don't want to be associated with a fringe conspiracy theory.
Assange stated that Seth Rich was his source for stolen DNC emails.
Now read that again and tell me his murder is a conspiracy theory.
No. Assange has not said Rich was his source.
Well, he stated that a 27 year old was shot in the back in the streets of Washington DC, and that all his sources could be in danger. Then offered a reward for his killer.

Yep. But he never said Seth Rich was his source.
Well, there weren't too many 27 year old DNC workers shot in the back in DC that night. So we can safely assume that he was referring to Seth Rich. And then he mentioned him by name when he offered the reward.

He was definitely referring to Seth Rich, but he never said that a 27 year old that was shot was the source of the emails.
Nobody in Washington even has the balls to say the name Seth Rich anymore.
Because they don't want to be associated with a fringe conspiracy theory.
Assange stated that Seth Rich was his source for stolen DNC emails.
Now read that again and tell me his murder is a conspiracy theory.
No. Assange has not said Rich was his source.
Well, he stated that a 27 year old was shot in the back in the streets of Washington DC, and that all his sources could be in danger. Then offered a reward for his killer.

Yep. But he never said Seth Rich was his source.
Do a little research. We can discuss this, you know, without it being a threat to the DNC Empire. The DNC did some bad things in 2016. Your party would be better for it, if you fessed up, cleaned house, and rebranded yourself as The Party of Transparency and Justice. Punish all the crooked bastards who engage in all this skulduggery and kick anyone corrupt to the curb.
You'd win back moderates and JFK Democrats and Independents.

Much skulduggery occurred during the 2016 campaign year in The DNC and Clinton Campaign: From hiring Criminal Pakistani Hackers they knew had criminal records and were proven to have been ordered by Clinton and The DNC to hack in to Congressional Files so that Hillary could use the dirt she had on them to control and blackmail Congress after her coronation.

Then she and Brazile stole debate questions. She was caught wearing an ear piece in one debate where she was fed answers, and in another concealed a tablet for the same purposes. They were terrified to the point of death of Trump and could not debate him. Even with all the cheating President Trump carved up his opponents like a Mad Surgeon. It was brutal.

And then the desperation really set in, and they hired Putin and bought The Dirty Russian Dossier and Spied on The Trump Campaign to try to defeat him, then took that initiative and turned it in to a full blown COUP, COUP 1 and COUP 2. made a public statement that he personally helped Seth Rich upload the Podesta Emails given to Seth Rich by a Rogue Pakistani Hacker and Fellow Sanders Fan, because they wanted The DNC exposed for what they were doing to Sanders. Assange confirmed's statement and said he would testify under oath to that fact.

Those are facts. Call them Conspiracy Theories, but those are facts, based on actual evidence and public statements. Assange and offered to go under oath and make public testimony to what they knew. 4 years later, no one has the balls to take them up on the offer and instead the deep state is trying to keep Assange locked up and silenced.
Assange stated that Seth Rich was his source for stolen DNC emails.
Now read that again and tell me his murder is a conspiracy theory.
No. Assange has not said Rich was his source.
Well, he stated that a 27 year old was shot in the back in the streets of Washington DC, and that all his sources could be in danger. Then offered a reward for his killer.

Yep. But he never said Seth Rich was his source.
Well, there weren't too many 27 year old DNC workers shot in the back in DC that night. So we can safely assume that he was referring to Seth Rich. And then he mentioned him by name when he offered the reward.

He was definitely referring to Seth Rich, but he never said that a 27 year old that was shot was the source of the emails.
Damn dude. Wake up. Right after the murder, he stated that his sources needed to be more careful. You want me to draw you a picture?
No. Assange has not said Rich was his source.
Well, he stated that a 27 year old was shot in the back in the streets of Washington DC, and that all his sources could be in danger. Then offered a reward for his killer.

Yep. But he never said Seth Rich was his source.
Well, there weren't too many 27 year old DNC workers shot in the back in DC that night. So we can safely assume that he was referring to Seth Rich. And then he mentioned him by name when he offered the reward.

He was definitely referring to Seth Rich, but he never said that a 27 year old that was shot was the source of the emails.
Damn dude. Wake up. Right after the murder, he stated that his sources needed to be more careful. You want me to draw you a picture?
I know. He was playing you. He got you to think a thing without ever having to actually say it.

You bought it.
Well, he stated that a 27 year old was shot in the back in the streets of Washington DC, and that all his sources could be in danger. Then offered a reward for his killer.

Yep. But he never said Seth Rich was his source.
Well, there weren't too many 27 year old DNC workers shot in the back in DC that night. So we can safely assume that he was referring to Seth Rich. And then he mentioned him by name when he offered the reward.

He was definitely referring to Seth Rich, but he never said that a 27 year old that was shot was the source of the emails.
Damn dude. Wake up. Right after the murder, he stated that his sources needed to be more careful. You want me to draw you a picture?
I know. He was playing you. He got you to think a thing without ever having to actually say it.

You bought it.
Yeah. Ok.
Yep. But he never said Seth Rich was his source.
Well, there weren't too many 27 year old DNC workers shot in the back in DC that night. So we can safely assume that he was referring to Seth Rich. And then he mentioned him by name when he offered the reward.

He was definitely referring to Seth Rich, but he never said that a 27 year old that was shot was the source of the emails.
Damn dude. Wake up. Right after the murder, he stated that his sources needed to be more careful. You want me to draw you a picture?
I know. He was playing you. He got you to think a thing without ever having to actually say it.

You bought it.
Yeah. Ok.

Dude, we know way too much about where the emails were hacked, by who and how and when they were transferred to Wikileaks your the Seth Rich story to be anything more than a fringe conspiracy theory.

All based on something that Assange took a lot of care to not actually say.

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