Trump should “say nothing" about Lewis' death

The far right radical extremists on this thread obviously never had a mother who taught them if you don't have something nice to say, it's best to not say anything at all.

Shame on all of you.

Oh please, we raise our children the right way, obviously you loons don't....
No careers, sucking government teat, railing against America, getting shot dead in slums.

You're clueless
The clue. Dana was correct about far right radical extremists and you admitted to being one.

I admitted to being a good parent, "0".

Our children would view you and bawl baby Dana with contempt.

They're being raised right, make their own way..

If only yers had you wouldn't be viewed as a sniveling little nothing.

The race baiter is dead, that's too bad but next week? Nobody will care
The far right radical extremists on this thread obviously never had a mother who taught them if you don't have something nice to say, it's best to not say anything at all.

Shame on all of you.

Pity so few liberals had mothers who cared enough to teach them anything other than blind obedience. But it could be worse. There's be many more such had they not been aborted....murdered.
"Please don’t comment on the life of Congressman Lewis. Your press secretary released a statement, leave it at that," Rep. Karen Bass, D-Calif., chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, of which Lewis was a member, tweeted Saturday. "Please let us mourn in peace."


In fact, most – if not all – on the right should remain silent, considering far too many conservatives continue to defend that which Lewis fought against.
And what did Lewis fight against?.....he was in office for 50 years!!!!and blacks are still poor and rioting in the streets.....Trump did more for African Americans in three years than Lewis did in 50.....

If you could just get black people to agree with you, you might have something.
"Please don’t comment on the life of Congressman Lewis. Your press secretary released a statement, leave it at that," Rep. Karen Bass, D-Calif., chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, of which Lewis was a member, tweeted Saturday. "Please let us mourn in peace."


In fact, most – if not all – on the right should remain silent, considering far too many conservatives continue to defend that which Lewis fought against.
Quit making him out to be some kind of a hero. Its a bummer that a man died, but thats the extent of it. People die every day.
The far right radical extremists on this thread obviously never had a mother who taught them if you don't have something nice to say, it's best to not say anything at all.

Shame on all of you.

Oh please, we raise our children the right way, obviously you loons don't....
No careers, sucking government teat, railing against America, getting shot dead in slums.

You're clueless
The clue. Dana was correct about far right radical extremists and you admitted to being one.

I admitted to being a good parent, "0".

Our children would view you and bawl baby Dana with contempt.

They're being raised right, make their own way..

If only yers had you wouldn't be viewed as a sniveling little nothing.

The race baiter is dead, that's too bad but next week? Nobody will care
Does not change what you admitted. Which ass you talking out of now Ms. 2ass so high and mighty?

You're being played and you make a great Lemming.

If you are a conspiracy theory nut, then just say you are a conspiracy theory nut

Long before people decide enough is enough, ALL Americans will be disarmed so a Civil War is highly unlikely.
Agenda21 is a UN directive, to be completed by 2050. China signed the agreement (hence covid19)
Are you familiar with Agenda21? It really explains EVERYTHING going on today. EVERYTHING.

If you believe America is going the wrong really should watch this informative video.

Wow, politicizing his death is now acceptable.....

The President didn't have to say anything, yet gets castigated for saying nothing.

"Please don’t comment on the life of Congressman Lewis. Your press secretary released a statement, leave it at that," Rep. Karen Bass, D-Calif., chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, of which Lewis was a member, tweeted Saturday. "Please let us mourn in peace."


In fact, most – if not all – on the right should remain silent, considering far too many conservatives continue to defend that which Lewis fought against.
Eh I agree. Lewis was a piece of shit and had a hand in destroying America in the 60's. Good riddance. No need to say a damn thing about him.
Oh don’t worry, there will a statue of him soon and he will be immortalized the world over as the great leader he was.
You and your knuckle dragging friends whom worship the orange turd stinking up the White House, on the other hand, will join the ranks of the lowlifes and racists, the bigoted and ignorant trash that has cluttered up our country for far to long. History will not be kind to you.
I say time to take out the trash.
We are headed towards tribalism. Most people will not care about a statue to him because they will be living in a completely different environment. The effectiveness of he and others from the 60's flat lined a couple of decades ago as they put morals on the backburner for social programs. He would have been more effective living in an area preaching and doing the work of God and blistering people for not living the way that promotes a better living, stronger relationships, and less violence.
The far right radical extremists on this thread obviously never had a mother who taught them if you don't have something nice to say, it's best to not say anything at all.

Shame on all of you.

Oh please, we raise our children the right way, obviously you loons don't....
No careers, sucking government teat, railing against America, getting shot dead in slums.

You're clueless
The clue. Dana was correct about far right radical extremists and you admitted to being one.

I admitted to being a good parent, "0".

Our children would view you and bawl baby Dana with contempt.

They're being raised right, make their own way..

If only yers had you wouldn't be viewed as a sniveling little nothing.

The race baiter is dead, that's too bad but next week? Nobody will care
Does not change what you admitted. Which ass you talking out of now Ms. 2ass so high and mighty?

Now now, Twatwaflle,you need to realize that absolutely no little leftist cksucker will ever intimade me.

Lewis was a race hustler and just own up, next week even you will have forgotten the low IQ racist
Rep. Karen Bass, D-Calif., chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, of which Lewis was a member, tweeted Saturday. "Please let us mourn in peace."
The Congressional White Caucus says, "no!"
Also, dont make democrat congressmen out to be heros. Most of them are complete morons. Some of them even think Guam can tip over if you build a military base on the island. Maybe MORE democrat congressmen dying would be a good thing.
The far right radical extremists on this thread obviously never had a mother who taught them if you don't have something nice to say, it's best to not say anything at all.

Shame on all of you.

Oh please, we raise our children the right way, obviously you loons don't....
No careers, sucking government teat, railing against America, getting shot dead in slums.

You're clueless
The clue. Dana was correct about far right radical extremists and you admitted to being one.

I admitted to being a good parent, "0".

Our children would view you and bawl baby Dana with contempt.

They're being raised right, make their own way..

If only yers had you wouldn't be viewed as a sniveling little nothing.

The race baiter is dead, that's too bad but next week? Nobody will care
Does not change what you admitted. Which ass you talking out of now Ms. 2ass so high and mighty?

Now now, Twatwaflle,you need to realize that absolutely no little leftist cksucker will ever intimade me.

Lewis was a race hustler and just own up, next week even you will have forgotten the low IQ racist
Better check you BP. Someone is agitated.
"Please don’t comment on the life of Congressman Lewis. Your press secretary released a statement, leave it at that," Rep. Karen Bass, D-Calif., chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, of which Lewis was a member, tweeted Saturday. "Please let us mourn in peace."


In fact, most – if not all – on the right should remain silent, considering far too many conservatives continue to defend that which Lewis fought against.
And what did Lewis fight against?.....he was in office for 50 years!!!!and blacks are still poor and rioting in the streets.....Trump did more for African Americans in three years than Lewis did in 50.....

If you could just get black people to agree with you, you might have something.
The stupid pride thing you know. The wrong kind of pride causes a lot of misery.
The far right radical extremists on this thread obviously never had a mother who taught them if you don't have something nice to say, it's best to not say anything at all.

Shame on all of you.

Oh please, we raise our children the right way, obviously you loons don't....
No careers, sucking government teat, railing against America, getting shot dead in slums.

You're clueless
The clue. Dana was correct about far right radical extremists and you admitted to being one.

I admitted to being a good parent, "0".

Our children would view you and bawl baby Dana with contempt.

They're being raised right, make their own way..

If only yers had you wouldn't be viewed as a sniveling little nothing.

The race baiter is dead, that's too bad but next week? Nobody will care
Does not change what you admitted. Which ass you talking out of now Ms. 2ass so high and mighty?

Now now, Twatwaflle,you need to realize that absolutely no little leftist cksucker will ever intimade me.

Lewis was a race hustler and just own up, next week even you will have forgotten the low IQ racist
Better check you BP. Someone is agitated.

Hardly old man. I'm toying with you

Yer whiny, come next week you'll have forgotten Lewis Dana will dry her tears...faux tears and life goes on.

Effin loons
"Please don’t comment on the life of Congressman Lewis. Your press secretary released a statement, leave it at that," Rep. Karen Bass, D-Calif., chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, of which Lewis was a member, tweeted Saturday. "Please let us mourn in peace."


In fact, most – if not all – on the right should remain silent, considering far too many conservatives continue to defend that which Lewis fought against.
I know nothing of him, but if he believed that all humanity is equal regardless of race and supported freedom and the freedom of speech, then my sympathy goes out to any family members.
If he would have been more aligned with the Marxist BLM, then he can rot.

He worked all his life for equality for everyone.

When he was a child he went to the library to read and check out books. Something we don't think twice about today. When he did it the first time he was turned away being told that the library was for white people.

He started working with Martin Luther Kink Jr when he was around 20 years old. He was one of the speakers at King's "I Have A Dream" speech and march in DC.

He and Mr. King lead marchers from a church in over a bridge in Selma Alabama where Mr. Lewis nearly lost his life being beaten by the police.

He was part of the Freedom Riders in the 50s and early 60s.

Screen Shot 2020-07-18 at 11.40.56 AM.png

He lived a life of peace and nonviolence.

The world is a much better place for him being here.

He worked his whole life for the better of our nation our people and our world. His list of accomplishments is just too long to list but here is his Wiki page:

He was a great man.
"Please don’t comment on the life of Congressman Lewis. Your press secretary released a statement, leave it at that," Rep. Karen Bass, D-Calif., chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, of which Lewis was a member, tweeted Saturday. "Please let us mourn in peace."


In fact, most – if not all – on the right should remain silent, considering far too many conservatives continue to defend that which Lewis fought against.

Thank you and I can't agree more.

I started crying when Brian Williams announced that he died.

Mr. Lewis has been a hero of mine all my life.

He was a great man who left a great legacy for the rest of the nation.

Everyone who loves America, freedom, justice and equal rights is mourning today.

RIP Mr. Lewis. We will take it from here. You gave us a great example to follow.

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