Trump Should Use His Bully Pulpit to Expose Mueller's Corruption


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
One of the most common sense approaches to the witch hunt that I've seen so far. The president must speak up and continually expose what is going on and how members of the DOJ and FBI have done everything they can to thwart the will of the people.

The FBI’s anti-Trump hate texts by its “nonpartisan public servants,” the DoJ’s continued obstruction of the investigation into its misconduct, the leaks and the lies – it is all part and parcel of the real scandal. A bunch of leftist bureaucrats got mad that Donald Trump beat Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit, denying them the sinecures she would have granted them in gratitude for covering up her myriad crimes, and decided to frame the man the American people elected.

This is not justice. This is a coup by sore losers.

More @ Kurt Schlichter - Talk to Mueller? No, Trump Should Use His Bully Pulpit to Expose Mueller's Corruption
The CEC feedback loop is fascinating.

You guys really believe that this a good strategy.
Who knows more about corruption than Trump? He's a past master, so he sees it in everyone.
it's working out well so far

for mueller and the american people

not so much for the czar of all the burroughs
One of the most common sense approaches to the witch hunt that I've seen so far. The president must speak up and continually expose what is going on and how members of the DOJ and FBI have done everything they can to thwart the will of the people.

The FBI’s anti-Trump hate texts by its “nonpartisan public servants,” the DoJ’s continued obstruction of the investigation into its misconduct, the leaks and the lies – it is all part and parcel of the real scandal. A bunch of leftist bureaucrats got mad that Donald Trump beat Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit, denying them the sinecures she would have granted them in gratitude for covering up her myriad crimes, and decided to frame the man the American people elected.

This is not justice. This is a coup by sore losers.

More @ Kurt Schlichter - Talk to Mueller? No, Trump Should Use His Bully Pulpit to Expose Mueller's Corruption
LongKnife, because the Democratic Party is a crazy political cult.
Cults do not care how corrupt that their leaders are.
This whole Mueller Russian Collusion investigation is 110% political and baseless.
The real scandal here is the Dossiergate Scandal.
Obama and Hillary used the FBI to spy on Trump and to smear Trump before the election and after the election.
This is a travesty of justice.
The Democrats are turning America into a banana republic with their dirty politics.

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