Trump Significantly Weakened NATO and Enabled Putin

Putin thought Germany would leave NATO. Trump tried to help that happen but thank God Trump was not reelected. If Trump was still in office Putin would not have to invade, all he would have to do is give the Trump gang incriminatory evidence on Biden and Trump would give him Ukraine. If he could.

Actually I think it wasn't that Trump would give Ukraine to Putin, but that Trump would keep Ukraine out of NATO. Putin constantly talked about how he didn't want NATO right on the Russian boarder.
And keeping Ukraine out of NATO was Putin's number one goal.

Russia fears that, if Ukraine would join Nato, the forces of Nato nations would be at its borders.

Putin has objected Nato expansion." America is at our doorstep with missiles". How will America, feel if Missiles are deployed at Canada or Mexico's borders? Putin has asked in December 2021. If Ukraine becomes a Nato member, then Russia would be totally circled, which is not acceptable for Putin.
False. Shokin was not actively investigating Burisma. Instead, he sat on investigations of Burisma and its owner for about 2 years until he was forced out. Only after Shokin was outed was there any kind of prosecution which led to Burisma's owner being fined millions in back taxes.

Biden getting Shokin thrown out did nothing to help his son.
Not according to Shokin himself as he specifically stated that he was investigating Burisma's founder but was asked to stop for fear of not getting US aid. Hunter was hired to provide "protection". Think about it, Hunter didn't just happen to be on the board of Ukrainian company while his dad was the point man for US and Ukraine relations.
Not according to Shokin himself as he specifically stated that he was investigating Burisma's founder but was asked to stop for fear of not getting US aid. Hunter was hired to provide "protection". Think about it, Hunter didn't just happen to be on the board of Ukrainian company while his dad was the point man for US and Ukraine relations.
That's what Shokin claimed years later, not back then. Back then he's on record for protecting Burisma Holdings and its owner for 2 years from prosecution.
Not according to Shokin himself as he specifically stated that he was investigating Burisma's founder but was asked to stop for fear of not getting US aid. Hunter was hired to provide "protection". Think about it, Hunter didn't just happen to be on the board of Ukrainian company while his dad was the point man for US and Ukraine relations.

Shokin lied to protect his ass.
Here's the truth

Poroshenko’s handpicked prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin, not only failed to properly investigate high-profile cases of corruption but was personally implicated in a shakedown run by two subordinates who became known throughout Ukraine as the “diamond prosecutors,” because stashes of diamonds were found in their homes.

Bowing to pressure from international donors, the Ukrainian Parliament voted on Tuesday to remove a prosecutor general who had clung to power for months despite visible signs of corruption.

The United States and other Western nations had for months called for the ousting of Mr. Shokin, who was widely criticized for turning a blind eye to corrupt practices and for defending the interests of a venal and entrenched elite. He was one of several political figures in Kiev whom reformers and Western diplomats saw as a worrying indicator of a return to past corrupt practices, two years after a revolution that was supposed to put a stop to self-dealing by those in power.
That's what Shokin claimed years later, not back then. Back then he's on record for protecting Burisma Holdings and its owner for 2 years from prosecution.
Shokin and his hand picked "diamond prosecutors"

In one high-profile example, known in Ukraine as the case of the “diamond prosecutors,” troves of diamonds, cash and other valuables were found in the homes of two of Mr. Shokin’s subordinates, suggesting that they had been taking bribes.
Shokin lied to protect his ass.
Here's the truth

Poroshenko’s handpicked prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin, not only failed to properly investigate high-profile cases of corruption but was personally implicated in a shakedown run by two subordinates who became known throughout Ukraine as the “diamond prosecutors,” because stashes of diamonds were found in their homes.

Bowing to pressure from international donors, the Ukrainian Parliament voted on Tuesday to remove a prosecutor general who had clung to power for months despite visible signs of corruption.

The United States and other Western nations had for months called for the ousting of Mr. Shokin, who was widely criticized for turning a blind eye to corrupt practices and for defending the interests of a venal and entrenched elite. He was one of several political figures in Kiev whom reformers and Western diplomats saw as a worrying indicator of a return to past corrupt practices, two years after a revolution that was supposed to put a stop to self-dealing by those in power.

Amazing that you believe the spin. Either Biden didn’t know his son was working on the board at Burisma (making BIG money) and therefore he wanted them to be investigated or he knew his son was on the board of Burisma and did not want his son to be caught up in an investigation. Which do you think is more likely? We all know he lied when he stated that he didn’t know because there are pictures of him and Hunter along with some Burisma execs playing golf. Maybe Hunter just told his dad they were just some Ukrainian buddies of his that he met when bowling one night. LOL…The media spun and the lemmings are fell for it. Think for yourself.
Amazing that you believe the spin. Either Biden didn’t know his son was working on the board at Burisma (making BIG money) and therefore he wanted them to be investigated or he knew his son was on the board of Burisma and did not want his son to be caught up in an investigation. Which do you think is more likely? We all know he lied when he stated that he didn’t know because there are pictures of him and Hunter along with some Burisma execs playing golf. Maybe Hunter just told his dad they were just some Ukrainian buddies of his that he met when bowling one night. LOL…The media spun and the lemmings are fell for it. Think for yourself.

Utter bullshit. Shokin is on record of taking no action on Burisma for the two years he was on the case. At one point, Great Britain had to unfreeze $23 million of Zlochevsky's assets after Shokin stonewalled their investigation into Zlochevsky for almost a year.

Oh, and that photo you claim was with Burisma execs?? Was actually a photo with one of Hunter's close friends, Devon Archer, who was on the Board of Directors with Hunter.

You've been duped again.
Trump surrendered and then Biden withdrew the last remaining troops Trump had left. Again, it was Trump who made a deal with terrorists.
Total bullshit. If Trump won in 2020 we wouldn't have had the catastrophe Xiden made, period.
To state otherwise is nonsense.
We don't know the details of the Trump withdrawal plan, we do know the Xiden plan was a catastrophe.
Total bullshit. If Trump won in 2020 we wouldn't have had the catastrophe Xiden made, period.
To state otherwise is nonsense.
We don't know the details of the Trump withdrawal plan, we do know the Xiden plan was a catastrophe.

We'll never know but you're conflating the final exit with Trump's surrender to terrorists.
We'll never know but you're conflating the final exit with Trump's surrender to terrorists.
I'm conflating Xiden's catastrophic exit plan with Trump's unknown exit plan.
Both Trump and Xiden committed to ending the 20-year war, its just the exit details that are in dispute.
If Trump left 2,500 non-combatant advisors there would that have been enough to stabilize the AFG army?
We'll never know. We do know Xiden nixed the 2,500 advisors recommended by the US military.
I'm conflating Xiden's catastrophic exit plan with Trump's unknown exit plan.
Both Trump and Xiden committed to ending the 20-year war, its just the exit details that are in dispute.
If Trump left 2,500 non-combatant advisors there would that have been enough to stabilize the AFG army?
We'll never know. We do know Xiden nixed the 2,500 advisors recommended by the US military.

Not what I said. Again ... you're conflating Biden's final exit with Trump's surrender to terrorists. I said nothing about a Trump exit plan.
Not what I said. Again ... you're conflating Biden's final exit with Trump's surrender to terrorists. I said nothing about a Trump exit plan.
Trump did not surrender. Biden surrendered.
Under Trump no Americans were killed for over a year, the peace plan and US drawdown was working, the AFG national Army was 300,000 strong.
The AFG government was in-place and working.
Then the surrender monkey got in and bailed.
Trump did not surrender. Biden surrendered.
Under Trump no Americans were killed for over a year, the peace plan and US drawdown was working, the AFG national Army was 300,000 strong.
The AFG government was in-place and working.
Then the surrender monkey got in and bailed.
Nope, Trump did. Trump negotiated pulling out of Afghanistan with terrorists. That was surrendering.
Nope, Trump did. Trump negotiated pulling out of Afghanistan with terrorists. That was surrendering.
You either pullout or stay in AFG forever, duh. 20-years, many lives, and $trillions wasted are more than enough for that shit-hole.
Trump negotiated a competent pullout, with no US casualties for over a year.
Biden fucked it up, just ask our NATO allies, who hold Biden in CONTEMPT, not Trump, but Biden in CONTEMPT.
You can try to spin the truth, but we all know whose plan pulled us out, and that it was a catastrophe, just ask the US generals who recommended against the Biden plan. Biden is too stupid to be president and commander-in-chief.

p.s. what did Trump "surrender"? hint: nothing.

p.s. did Biden follow Trump's withdrawal agreement? hint: no, he made his own plan
You either pullout or stay in AFG forever, duh. 20-years, many lives, and $trillions wasted are more than enough for that shit-hole.
Trump negotiated a competent pullout, with no US casualties for over a year.
Biden fucked it up, just ask our NATO allies, who hold Biden in CONTEMPT, not Trump, but Biden in CONTEMPT.
What you're describing would be had Trump negotiated withdrawal with the Afghan government. He didn't do that -- he surrendered to the terrorists.
You either pullout or stay in AFG forever, duh. 20-years, many lives, and $trillions wasted are more than enough for that shit-hole.
Trump negotiated a competent pullout, with no US casualties for over a year.
Biden fucked it up, just ask our NATO allies, who hold Biden in CONTEMPT, not Trump, but Biden in CONTEMPT.
You can try to spin the truth, but we all know whose plan pulled us out, and that it was a catastrophe, just ask the US generals who recommended against the Biden plan. Biden is too stupid to be president and commander-in-chief.
Yes, let's ask the U.S. generals...

The collapse of the Afghan government and its security forces can be traced to a 2020 agreement between the Taliban and the Trump administration that promised a complete US troop withdrawal, senior Pentagon officials have told Congress.
A shrewd dictator like Putin cannot take sides in the politics of a different country. A billionaire like Trump would not give such a blackmail opportunity to a dictator like Putin. Russia pays for its liberal-capital failure with despotism and militarism. That's why there is Russia and Assad in Syria. USA - China, let's produce, let's shop, I think there is an expectation that Russia will fight for US-CHINA in the middle east... Russian politics does this willingly, not by force, or it will go bankrupt.

This is not an ethnic problem. As many people's welfare increases, they begin to consume much more than they contribute to their own economy and the world economy.
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