Trump Significantly Weakened NATO and Enabled Putin

As an American who takes pride in our democratic tradition, I guess I'm particularly sensitive about cry baby losers who crap on our democratic process and deploy goons to attack Congress based upon self-serving, blatant lies.

It doesn't seem to bother some, but that's just the way I am.
Like in 2016?
Like in 2016?
No loser's goons attacked Congress in 2016, nor had any loser's goons attacked Congress following any prior U.S. presidential election going back to 1789. That had been a proud, democratic tradition of peaceful transfers of power that had been admired internationally.

You idiot, that was from before Mueller's investigation was completed. Meaning Mueller had access to that information but found evidence to support Russia was behind the hackings.

Try harder next time. You'll still fail as you always do, but if you're lucky, you won't swing and totally miss like you just did.

What evidence has there been? Mueller threw out some show indictments of Russians he knew would never have to show up So it looked like his $33 MILLION wasn’t completed pissed away.

Remember when one of those indicted actually called his bluff in court and Mueller had nothing?

Do the treasonous traitor Trumper trash still support Putin????????

"he's my Czar"
Pathetic traitor Trumper talk

Margerie Greene supports Putin and is a traitor.

Why do trash Trumpers support Putin. Putin is trash. Trump is trash. and Trumpers are trash.

The GOP is the scum of the earth along with Putin.

Do the treasonous traitor Trumper trash still support Putin????????

"he's my Czar"
Pathetic traitor Trumper talk

Margerie Greene supports Putin and is a traitor.

Why do trash Trumpers support Putin. Putin is trash. Trump is trash. and Trumpers are trash.

The GOP is the scum of the earth along with Putin.
Thanks fir proving as always you hate America.yeah the Demonrats are not scum of the earth,you love the demonrat party burning down cities and buildings.
Putin had things the way he wanted them with the orange buffoon in office.

NATO, his biggest perceived threat, was unstable and weakened after the "Leader of the Free World" (ha ha) had told them to go fuck themselves. "You need us more than we need you." Plus, he knew/knows what fans he has in the buffoon and his cult.

This was his chance. He had to hope that NATO was still weak. Plus Germany, the closest thing to a replacement for a hiding America, was so dependent on Russian oil that he figured they'd have to stay soft. His moves make sense for him. Fortunately, NATO found its bearings again, with the USA back in the lead.

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What evidence has there been? Mueller threw out some show indictments of Russians he knew would never have to show up So it looked like his $33 MILLION wasn’t completed pissed away.

Remember when one of those indicted actually called his bluff in court and Mueller had nothing?

I gave you the link. It's your job to learn.
No loser's goons attacked Congress in 2016, nor had any loser's goons attacked Congress following any prior U.S. presidential election going back to 1789. That had been a proud, democratic tradition of peaceful transfers of power that had been admired internationally.
sure they did, they wore vagina's on their heads, you missed it huh?


sure they did, they wore vagina's on their heads, you missed it huh?
Your need to contrive diversions from the Cry Baby Loser's goon attack on Congress is noted, but the identification, apprehension, and ongoing prosecutions of hundreds of his goons makes that difficult for you.

Our system of jurisprudence is based upon credible, empirical data, not a cult's ideological dogma.
Your need to contrive diversions from the Cry Baby Loser's goon attack on Congress is noted, but the identification, apprehension, and ongoing prosecutions of hundreds of his goons makes that difficult for you.

Our system of jurisprudence is based upon credible, empirical data, not a cult's ideological dogma.
hahahhahahahahaha you're a loser, always be a loser, loser.

Here's your crier.

Bray all you must. The reality remains that hundreds of the Cry Baby Loser's goons who attacked Congress have been identified, apprehended, and are being prosecuted and convicted, or have confessed.

Again, American jurisprudence is based upon credible, empirical data, not a crackpot cult's ideological dogma.

Trump's "savvy genius" is having a difficult time as well.
Bray all you must. The reality remains that hundreds of the Cry Baby Loser's goons who attacked Congress have been identified, apprehended, and are being prosecuted and convicted, or have confessed.

Again, American jurisprudence is based upon credible, empirical data, not a crackpot cult's ideological dogma.

Trump's "savvy genius" is having a difficult time as well.
You won't get away from your crying loser. TDSing daily in here is my evidence.

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