Trump signing "Religious Liberty" Executive Order as I type this.


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
No news link as yet, watching on CNN live.

What I find absurd and ironic, that this is referred to as a "controversial" Order by CNN. What? It is controversial to defend the First Amendment? How is it controversial to defend the right of religious beliefs and their right to speak their minds based on their faith and beliefs?

As long as people aren't inciting violence, speak your mind. Be free!
No news link as yet, watching on CNN live.

What I find absurd and ironic, that this is referred to as a "controversial" Order by CNN. What? It is controversial to defend the First Amendment? How is it controversial to defend the right of religious beliefs and their right to speak their minds based on their faith and beliefs?

As long as people aren't inciting violence, speak your mind. Be free!

It allows them to keep their tax exempt status while backing political candidates which the black churches have been doing for decades for the Democrats, so even as an atheist I have no problem with it.
No news link as yet, watching on CNN live.

What I find absurd and ironic, that this is referred to as a "controversial" Order by CNN. What? It is controversial to defend the First Amendment? How is it controversial to defend the right of religious beliefs and their right to speak their minds based on their faith and beliefs?

As long as people aren't inciting violence, speak your mind. Be free!
It's not just about speaking your mind. That is covered for ministers now, who haven't been allowed to keep a tax-exempt status if they speak from the pulpit about supporting or not supporting a political candidate. Now they can. It allows religious organizations to not offer birth control and abortion under their insurance plans. What many people feared was that it would allow protections for people in business who want to refuse services to the LGBT community, but according to the admin, that is not in there now.
They have kept it under tight wraps. It will be a few hours before the actual language is posted anywhere. Even as of yesterday there were several versions of the EO floating around and no one knew which one would be chosen.
It's not really about "freedom of speech."
No news link as yet, watching on CNN live.

What I find absurd and ironic, that this is referred to as a "controversial" Order by CNN. What? It is controversial to defend the First Amendment? How is it controversial to defend the right of religious beliefs and their right to speak their minds based on their faith and beliefs?

As long as people aren't inciting violence, speak your mind. Be free!
It will be fun to watch when ALL religions take advantage of this law.
No news link as yet, watching on CNN live.

What I find absurd and ironic, that this is referred to as a "controversial" Order by CNN. What? It is controversial to defend the First Amendment? How is it controversial to defend the right of religious beliefs and their right to speak their minds based on their faith and beliefs?

As long as people aren't inciting violence, speak your mind. Be free!

Trump executive order targets birth control, church involvement in politics
No news link as yet, watching on CNN live.

What I find absurd and ironic, that this is referred to as a "controversial" Order by CNN. What? It is controversial to defend the First Amendment? How is it controversial to defend the right of religious beliefs and their right to speak their minds based on their faith and beliefs?

As long as people aren't inciting violence, speak your mind. Be free!

the only concern i'd have is the Churches could be politically bought off.
No news link as yet, watching on CNN live.

What I find absurd and ironic, that this is referred to as a "controversial" Order by CNN. What? It is controversial to defend the First Amendment? How is it controversial to defend the right of religious beliefs and their right to speak their minds based on their faith and beliefs?

As long as people aren't inciting violence, speak your mind. Be free!

the only concern i'd have is the Churches could be politically bought off.

LBJ banned churches as he feared he would be voted out of office by the Catholic's..

It was put in place because of one paranoid man.
No news link as yet, watching on CNN live.

What I find absurd and ironic, that this is referred to as a "controversial" Order by CNN. What? It is controversial to defend the First Amendment? How is it controversial to defend the right of religious beliefs and their right to speak their minds based on their faith and beliefs?

As long as people aren't inciting violence, speak your mind. Be free!

the only concern i'd have is the Churches could be politically bought off.

LBJ banned churches as he feared he would be voted out of office by the Catholic's..

It was put in place because of one paranoid man.

The only ones who think that are those who have no clue what the Government does behind closed doors which as usual proves just how clueless the uninformed public is. Is goes way beyond what your admired litle Government is capable of most don't want to face facts and choose to deny their little Governmental parents don't give a rats ass about you nor the people. Check in with reality sometime.
The EO, as long as does not give new "rights" to business owners in the public business world to deny service to particular types of people, is fine by me.

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