Trump slammed by Parkland Hero students at Rally

One had to notice that there were no such complaints during the previous administration, when there were multiple school shootings. Somehow Trump is too blame, but Obama was not? One is interested to hear the teachers' rationalizations on that.

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Just listen.




You don't have the right to say anything except "we're sorry, we're going to fix it..."

what is it she knows? anything? other than her school got shot up by a nut job? I take no political crap from kids who have zero experience in the business of guns. You think she sets the standards for her home? she dictates to her parents how it's gonna be? LOL you fking leftist eat this shit up like candy.

BTW, Hitler wannabees bringing kids into a war.
Makes me think she is being backed up the the establishment Deep State. Why is she so reluctant to blame the FBI for not moving to have his guns confiscated when he had clearly been doing some shady and pretty loony things?
One had to notice that there were no such complaints during the previous administration, when there were multiple school shootings. Somehow Trump is too blame, but Obama was not? One is interested to hear the teachers' rationalizations on that.

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well I just want to know if the children run the asylum there at that school. I mean they think they run the country now.
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump says he's signed a memo directing the Justice Department to propose regulations to "ban all devices" like bump stocks used in last year's Las Vegas massacre.
I don't usually follow or read anything from Gateway, but they seem to be the only ones covering the Deep State angle of this story right now.

EXPOSED: School Shooting Survivor Turned Activist David Hogg's Father in FBI, Appears To Have Been Coached On Anti-Trump Lines [VIDEO]

Media Star Students Who Survived School Shooting to Snub Meeting Pres. Trump for Jake Tapper CNN Show; May Skip School Reopening if Interview Schedule Interferes

Some of Trump's most fervent supporters have started to criticize a school-shooting survivor who has made a flurry of media appearances






If folks go to this, it's because their minds have been artificially molded and they are not living an authentic life.
Wow this is groundbreaking news. They are fooling us all trying to ruin the constitution!

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