Trump Slithers Away From Bigoted Remarks; State Tampers With Clinton Email Classfications(?). . .


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The nowhere famously captioned video of Trump impersonating a disabled person, according to Trump(?), is that he is not disparaging just the one of them. So apparently he wants to assure us all: That actually he was disparaging them all--and as all mentally disabled to boot(?)!

From US Department of State, he even has a Monday Morning counterpart. There is another release of Clinton emails, and after Department of State tampered with still more of them(?)!

"There are several emails in the latest release -- many which are heavily redacted -- bearing a "CLASSIFIED" stamp. The State Department says that these are new stamps applied by officials at the State Department, and the stamps do not indicate that the information in the emails was classified at the time Clinton sent them."

So in American Politics, for now: We get the truth(?), the whole truth(?), and mostly the truth all doctored up to fit someone's agenda--or mental illness(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes come from Ivy League universities, mentally afflicted(?)! Many now maybe work at CIA(?)! There are famous "classified" reports of Weapons of Mass Destruction. There are probably "classified" documents relating to some new secular kamikaze organization in Syria(?)!. . . maybe thought soon to die. . . .maybe somewhere(?)! Maybe "Classified" really means, "Embarrassed(?)!)
sure he gets it Jake , he just doesn't care what you libs , dems progressives think or react .
Does anyone CARE if Trump made fun of a liberal disables piece of shit... Well, the PHONY OUTRAGE of the left above would! But who really gives a shit, even remarks about muslims, Mexicans, UGLY BLEEDING WOMEN, etc.!

It's NOT about the ancillary things he says, it's all about what HE WILL DO, that MILLIONS believe in him, having WITNESSED that he does what he says in business, and they realize that NO ONE ELSE will do what he said he would do BUT THE DONALD! ..... Blowing up the PC crowd, and I can't wait for his NEXT STICK OF DYNAMITE to go off!
sure he gets it Jake , he just doesn't care what you libs , dems progressives think or react .

That's pissing the left off big time.
The far right are losers, folks in the GOP like me are mainstream, and we are not far left losers anymore than we are losers like BL or pismoe or bob blaylock or correll or Redfish and so forth.

Oh, and the loser immediately above in #5.
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sure he gets it Jake , he just doesn't care what you libs , dems progressives think or react .

That's pissing the left off big time.
The far right are losers, folks in the GOP like me are mainstream, and we are not far left losers anymore than we are losers like BL or pismoe or bob blaylock or correll or Redfish and so forth.

You're a subversive scumbag, your post continually PROVE IT, and EVERYONE know it....
sure he gets it Jake , he just doesn't care what you libs , dems progressives think or react .

That's pissing the left off big time.
The far right are losers, folks in the GOP like me are mainstream, and we are not far left losers anymore than we are losers like BL or pismoe or bob blaylock or correll or Redfish and so forth.

You're a subversive scumbag, your post continually PROVE IT, and EVERYONE know it....

Libs only think they are clever, its hilarious.
sure he gets it Jake , he just doesn't care what you libs , dems progressives think or react .

That's pissing the left off big time.
The far right are losers, folks in the GOP like me are mainstream, and we are not far left losers anymore than we are losers like BL or pismoe or bob blaylock or correll or Redfish and so forth.

You're a subversive scumbag, your post continually PROVE IT, and EVERYONE know it....

Libs only think they are clever, its hilarious.

All of the subversives here, TOGETHER would just break 100 on an IQ test... I believe that might be 30 of them or so! Some are so dumb, they don't register on a IQ scale!
It is generally noted, even among Republicans, that Trump's support is constant. 25% or so polled always support Trump. The other 75% support others. The support is not consistent, among the majority of GOP. Then there are the Democrats. Trump can be called, but likely he will not be chosen.

Why bring that up? Whether 'tis narcissist, or other mental illness--Trump is incapable of Outreach, coalition creation, and so probably incapable of governing. The outreach inability translates to zero or minus coattails. Even the remote likelihood of an election victory puts the Trump White House up against liberals and democrats in both federal legislations--likely in many state houses--likely in many dog pounds(?). The one Alabama Senator's cousins--the Senator who supports Trump--may be the exception in at least some dog pounds.

If he strays from his base, even worse, in the Vice Presidential choice--Too many Republicans will not show up. See paragraph above.

There are secular Kamikazes who claim that the practice of Islam puts them firmly in the faith. There are Trump supporters--likely Tea Party--who claim that the label, "Republican" puts them firmly in the faith(?). . . .And especially if no one else shows up(?)!

Clinton, in contrast, mostly has to deal with evidence that Department of State admits that it has already doctored, and re-done?!?

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Many White Eyes go to health clubs--mainly to run in same place! Many then go to work(?)!)
It is generally noted, even among Republicans, that Trump's support is constant. 25% or so polled always support Trump. The other 75% support others. The support is not consistent, among the majority of GOP. Then there are the Democrats. Trump can be called, but likely he will not be chosen.

Why bring that up? Whether 'tis narcissist, or other mental illness--Trump is incapable of Outreach, coalition creation, and so probably incapable of governing. The outreach inability translates to zero or minus coattails. Even the remote likelihood of an election victory puts the Trump White House up against liberals and democrats in both federal legislations--likely in many state houses--likely in many dog pounds(?). The one Alabama Senator's cousins--the Senator who supports Trump--may be the exception in at least some dog pounds.

If he strays from his base, even worse, in the Vice Presidential choice--Too many Republicans will not show up. See paragraph above.

There are secular Kamikazes who claim that the practice of Islam puts them firmly in the faith. There are Trump supporters--likely Tea Party--who claim that the label, "Republican" puts them firmly in the faith(?). . . .And especially if no one else shows up(?)!

Clinton, in contrast, mostly has to deal with evidence that Department of State admits that it has already doctored, and re-done?!?

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Many White Eyes go to health clubs--mainly to run in same place! Many then go to work(?)!)

The Subversive NeoCommie STILL don't understand, like the RINO Elite, that Trump has created a WHOLE NEW WAY OF DOING POLITICS, and they NEVER will understand, even after he becomes president!
Trump is a narcissist. They will never admit to being wrong, nor will they apologize.
maybe PJ , I won't argue pop psychology . Only thing I know is that Trump and Cruz are better than all the other rinos and dems looking to be President in 2016 PJunkie !!
Cruz will pass Trump in the next ten days in Iowa, and I think will win it. Trump will drop back and Carson as well.

Cruz will falter in NH. Badly. Christie and Bush and Rubio and Kasich will gain some oxygen. Trump may get as much as 12%.

South Carolina will be a donny brook. Super Primary Tuesday will reduce the field to two or three moderates.
The nowhere famously captioned video of Trump impersonating a disabled person, according to Trump(?), is that he is not disparaging just the one of them. So apparently he wants to assure us all: That actually he was disparaging them all--and as all mentally disabled to boot(?)!

From US Department of State, he even has a Monday Morning counterpart. There is another release of Clinton emails, and after Department of State tampered with still more of them(?)!

"There are several emails in the latest release -- many which are heavily redacted -- bearing a "CLASSIFIED" stamp. The State Department says that these are new stamps applied by officials at the State Department, and the stamps do not indicate that the information in the emails was classified at the time Clinton sent them."

So in American Politics, for now: We get the truth(?), the whole truth(?), and mostly the truth all doctored up to fit someone's agenda--or mental illness(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes come from Ivy League universities, mentally afflicted(?)! Many now maybe work at CIA(?)! There are famous "classified" reports of Weapons of Mass Destruction. There are probably "classified" documents relating to some new secular kamikaze organization in Syria(?)!. . . maybe thought soon to die. . . .maybe somewhere(?)! Maybe "Classified" really means, "Embarrassed(?)!)
Close to a 1000 of those emails were classified:

With last night’s release from the State Department, about two-thirds of the e-mails turned over by Hillary Clinton have now been made public. That is, their headers have all been made public, but almost a thousand of them have had redactions to keep classified material from becoming public. State released another 7800 pages last night, including 328 e-mails that contained classified information, bringing the latter total to 999 overall:

The documents released today are mostly from 2012 and 2013, but include others that span her tenure as Secretary of State. The State Department has not been able to release the email in chronological order because much of it had to be set aside to be reviewed by other government agencies. Officials say many of those pages of email that have been held up were in today’s release.

One email from November 2010, titled “Follw up,” was just recently cleared by the Director of National Intelligence and deemed unclassified. The DNI had previously made public its decision to flag that email for further review. Although the content of the email was unknown until today — it was a discussion between a New York Times reporter and a spokesperson at the State Department — it and others still under scrutiny by government agencies have been seized upon by those critical of Clinton’s use of a private email server.

Ultimately this email was not deemed classified, but many other have been. A State Department official tells ABC News that in this release alone 328 documents were upgraded to a classified level, meaning that they were redacted and are unavailable for public review. So far 999 have been graded as classified.

New release of Hillary e-mails: 7800 pages, 328 classified — 999 total
Cruz will pass Trump in the next ten days in Iowa, and I think will win it. Trump will drop back and Carson as well.

Cruz will falter in NH. Badly. Christie and Bush and Rubio and Kasich will gain some oxygen. Trump may get as much as 12%.

South Carolina will be a donny brook. Super Primary Tuesday will reduce the field to two or three moderates.

Please. JakeAss....

Your crying does not change the probability of my prediction, Vigilante. I have copied and I will post it each time as it is relevant.

Your man is a loser, but so are you, so that's OK. The real character shows up in the funny above. I love to see fun made of a man like Trump who makes fun of the weak and powerless.

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