Trump sold out the Kurds and would do the same to Ukraine.

Ive been reading that Trumps presence in the White House would have deterred Putin from invading Ukraine. It seems to be a false narrative based on nothing in particular o5her than misplaced partisanship.
In fact the evidence of the Kurdish betrayal is that trump is hopelessly out of his depth when an issue cant be sorted with a tweet.

I just wonder where the intellect to sort out Ukraine would come from.
I just wonder where the intellect to sort out Ukraine would come from.
It won't come from Biden or his puppet masters.
Ive been reading that Trumps presence in the White House would have deterred Putin from invading Ukraine. It seems to be a false narrative based on nothing in particular o5her than misplaced partisanship.
In fact the evidence of the Kurdish betrayal is that trump is hopelessly out of his depth when an issue cant be sorted with a tweet.

I just wonder where the intellect to sort out Ukraine would come from.
What a stupid claim you make since Trump didn't help Russia at all and Putin never invaded Ukraine while he was in office 4 years therefore your idiotic statement was dead on arrival.

You can't seem to notice that Russia and Ukraine didn't attack while Trump was in office not only that Trump tried hard to keep Russia from attacking with many sanctions to compel them not to attack anyone.

Brookings Institute has a complete listing of Sanctions all 52 of them some hurts Russia deeply,

On the record: The U.S. administration’s actions on Russia


Trump also fought for NATO to INCREASE their support for Military budget which the NATO Chief gave credit to Trump when they increased their support.

NATO chief thanks Trump for leadership on military spending

Both actions from Trump and his administration weakened Russia.

Trump was no friend of Putin or Russia.
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Ive been reading that Trumps presence in the White House would have deterred Putin from invading Ukraine. It seems to be a false narrative based on nothing in particular o5her than misplaced partisanship.
No, I don't think that would have anything to do with Russia's decision to draw the line. Much more likely that Trump had no interest in pushing Russia to war.

America's presidents don't make final decisions on their country's aggressions but they influence the decisions.
Trump wouldn't contribute to America's needs for war but to understand that, you have to understand that this war is America's push against Russia's security and hence the eventual breakup of Russia resulting in no opposition to the US.
In fact the evidence of the Kurdish betrayal is that trump is hopelessly out of his depth when an issue cant be sorted with a tweet.

I just wonder where the intellect to sort out Ukraine would come from.
Basically correct that thinking was over Trump's pay grade, but also of no strategic gain for a mind like Trump's.

The only way Trump could have been convinced to support US plans for war would have been in presenting it in a way that could be Putin's challenge to Trump's manlihood.

Seriously Tommy, we should all know by now how immature and ignorant Trump was.
Ive been reading that Trumps presence in the White House would have deterred Putin from invading Ukraine. It seems to be a false narrative based on nothing in particular o5her than misplaced partisanship.
In fact the evidence of the Kurdish betrayal is that trump is hopelessly out of his depth when an issue cant be sorted with a tweet.

I just wonder where the intellect to sort out Ukraine would come from.
I disagree, Trump was a loose cannon to the rest of the world, the left's mantra that he was a war monger and could not be trusted. They had no idea what his response would be so they didn't push the envelope. That is the better side of being unpredictable.

Is the Donald Trump who would have stood up to Putin the same Trump who folded like a cheap suit on support for the Kurds in Syria ? Are they by any chance related ?

If so it makes his carnival tour claims ring a bit hollow. His only contribution to this crisis amounts to a lpve fest for Putin and a suggestion that US planes be rebranded in Chinese livery.

He has little of substance to offer.

Anyway is it the same Trump ?
Really? The Kurds have been the pawns of both the US and Great Britain for over a hundred years, pawns to be used or sacrificed depending on which major power in that region is a British or American "ally" or not. That is the reality. Neither Great Britain nor the US nor the Chinese nor the Russians care about the Kurds except in how they can be used to further each power's aims in the region.
Tommy, the US support of the Kurds was only in the interest of opposing Saddam. It was the same tactic as was used with Iran/Iraq as opposing forces to be used for military gain.

Trump most likely had no feelings for the Kurds after they had served America's purpose. Or he could have been advised that was the case.
Really? The Kurds have been the pawns of both the US and Great Britain for over a hundred years, pawns to be used or sacrificed depending on which major power in that region is a British or American "ally" or not. That is the reality. Neither Great Britain nor the US nor the Chinese nor the Russians care about the Kurds except in how they can be used to further each power's aims in the region.
You got that right pal!
It's all much more dirty and ugly than anyone could imagine. And sad to say that the Ukrainians are being used for the same purpose.
It won't come from Biden or his puppet masters.
WillHaftawaite, I have no problem with what Biden has done, regarding Ukraine and the Russian aggression against their neighbor and former satellite.
I got to say, though, while being no big believer in puppet masters pulling hard strings behind the scenes, I have to wonder about many of Joe's other decisions, starting with pick of running mate, obviously his announced change to the border on day 1 or 2 of his administration and other things. It prompts the question, "Who in the fuck, might these puppet masters" be if they exist, and why would the links not readily appear? I have wondered about anomalous stupid moves, made for no particular good reason by normal seeming presidents back through the day of the Son-Of-A-Bush, also applying to people who only ran for President, such a John McCain's pick of Sarah Palin, and the rise of the bastard hard right activists to political office and influence, without automatic rejection to most deserved obscurity. I know your leanings and have no problem with them, even when we do not agree, but you read all this crap, even more than I, and if you had any insight, I would be open to read it.
You got that right pal!
It's all much more dirty and ugly than anyone could imagine. And sad to say that the Ukrainians are being used for the same purpose.
Tommy's just playing at partisan politics, of course almost everyone here (and worldwide) plays at partisan politics which provides me no shortage of comedic material. International politics is Machiavellian at best, everyone is a pawn be they high or low.
Tommy, the US support of the Kurds was only in the interest of opposing Saddam. It was the same tactic as was used with Iran/Iraq as opposing forces to be used for military gain.

Trump most likely had no feelings for the Kurds after they had served America's purpose. Or he could have been advised that was the case.
And Saddam was used for opposing the Shah. I get the feeling that Ukraine is being helped only because of Russia and somewhere down the road, Ukraine will become the enemy, just as Saddam was.
WillHaftawaite, I have no problem with what Biden has done, regarding Ukraine and the Russian aggression against their neighbor and former satellite.
I got to say, though, while being no big believer in puppet masters pulling hard strings behind the scenes, I have to wonder about many of Joe's other decisions, starting with pick of running mate, obviously his announced change to the border on day 1 or 2 of his administration and other things. It prompts the question, "Who in the fuck, might these puppet masters" be if they exist, and why would the links not readily appear? I have wondered about anomalous stupid moves, made for no particular good reason by normal seeming presidents back through the day of the Son-Of-A-Bush, also applying to people who only ran for President, such a John McCain's pick of Sarah Palin, and the rise of the bastard hard right activists to political office and influence, without automatic rejection to most deserved obscurity. I know your leanings and have no problem with them, even when we do not agree, but you read all this crap, even more than I, and if you had any insight, I would be open to read it.

To put it bluntly, 'swamp things'.

Faceless, unknown men, who pull the strings of those we think are in power.

McCain was told to pick a female VP to improve his chances.

Obama was told to pick Biden for the years of experience he had, years Obama lacked.


who knows? He obviously didn't listen to anyone.

Biden, told to pick a black female, to appease the woke and BLM crowds.

Same reason he was told to pick a black female for SCOTUS.

Considering his past comments regarding blacks, I'm surprised he went along with it.

But, who pulls the strings?

:dunno: :dunno: :dunno:

Imagine if you will, a nation run by people who want to eradicate 1/3 of the human race and then enslave the survivors.

That's Ukraine today

Is the Donald Trump who would have stood up to Putin the same Trump who folded like a cheap suit on support for the Kurds in Syria ? Are they by any chance related ?

If so it makes his carnival tour claims ring a bit hollow. His only contribution to this crisis amounts to a lpve fest for Putin and a suggestion that US planes be rebranded in Chinese livery.

He has little of substance to offer.

Anyway is it the same Trump ?
Spot on Tommy. Yes he would.
To put it bluntly, 'swamp things'.

Faceless, unknown men, who pull the strings of those we think are in power.

McCain was told to pick a female VP to improve his chances.

Obama was told to pick Biden for the years of experience he had, years Obama lacked.


who knows? He obviously didn't listen to anyone.

Biden, told to pick a black female, to appease the woke and BLM crowds.

Same reason he was told to pick a black female for SCOTUS.

Considering his past comments regarding blacks, I'm surprised he went along with it.

But, who pulls the strings?

:dunno: :dunno: :dunno:

I can understand recommendations for a female VP and/or a black female VP, but cannot understand either of those two specifically chosen. I have no problem with how Obama actually did during his 8 overall, though many things should have been done different, but do not understand how he came about, with the known associates and baggage he had, for a freshman congressman. I can understand wanting to change the border, by Joe, but can't even understand announcing that kind of change, without a plan to handle what even the most casual observer would have predicted as a direct outcome. Even if you wanted change, any idiot would not have announced and with immediate action. It made no sense, at all. I do not believe in deep staters with the power to order, but with being and staying and hiding in the background offices of government itself. I do understand deep staters doing something like the gun thing under Obama and Obama being the fall guy for it. Son-Of-A-Bush was a fall guy for somebody (I assumed the military industrial complex) Eisenhower warned about. If these behind the scenes power brokers do exist and everybody else are just pawns, I figure Nancy, Chucky, and Turtle know who they are better than anybody and are briefed with the agenda and what move they are to make to facilitate, as they are the only ones that actually have to line up the cast. What about Father Ron? Did he ever sound like the type that would let a lousy Lt. Colonel trade missiles off the books to fund an illegal war Congress had decided and said, "We ain't supporting". Was Billy Barr a player, a stooge, a go between or what? I've been interesting places and seen interesting things at unusual levels for one of the lil indians, but not enough to understand.
I can understand recommendations for a female VP and/or a black female VP, but cannot understand either of those two specifically chosen.
I can.

Palin: looks, and to shore up the dumber and more extreme parts of the GOP base. McCain was already getting RINO attacks from the right.

Harris: looks and charisma, chosen to help win an election. Helped win by 7 million votes
I can.

Palin: looks, and to shore up the dumber and more extreme parts of the GOP base. McCain was already getting RINO attacks from the right.

Harris: looks and charisma, chosen to help win an election. Helped win by 7 million votes
Both of the guys were actually smart enough to know that an intelligent VP could be an asset if they had the experience. One of them had medical problems known to him that might have prevented him finishing his term. The other still has it together (I suspect) but was and is very old for the office and at an age where sh#t happens and sometimes happens quick. I could have easily voted McCain if he had a different female VP. I care not whether a VP looks good in or out of a dress, but stupid, inexperience, not even finished a single term as governor of the small population far off Alaska. No way. Harris gave me serious doubts. Amy would have been much better if she had been asked and accepted, as would others, probably another black female, though I do not know who that could have been. I never expected much out of her, just hoping she would learn and not be an embarrassment. Neither turned out to be the case.
I hope Joe does not run. If he does, he will have to pick a VP with a clue or there is no way, I will gamble on Harris not becoming President again. It would force me to go 3rd party for the second time in my life, me being 70 at that time. No way I would give a trumper the time of day. If I have my way, we will still have elections where the vote counts as the will of the people whether choosing a somebody with a clue and willing to stand up to the pressures or not.
Both of the guys were actually smart enough to know that an intelligent VP could be an asset if they had the experience
And both saw winning the election as the top priority. Don't you think?

McCain even expressed his doubts over Palin, but ran with her anyway. Whoops. What a thorough goddamn embarrassment.

And now the orange slob has invited her back into he fold. Only the best people.
No, I don't think that would have anything to do with Russia's decision to draw the line. Much more likely that Trump had no interest in pushing Russia to war.

America's presidents don't make final decisions on their country's aggressions but they influence the decisions.
Trump wouldn't contribute to America's needs for war but to understand that, you have to understand that this war is America's push against Russia's security and hence the eventual breakup of Russia resulting in no opposition to the US.

Basically correct that thinking was over Trump's pay grade, but also of no strategic gain for a mind like Trump's.

The only way Trump could have been convinced to support US plans for war would have been in presenting it in a way that could be Putin's challenge to Trump's manlihood.

Seriously Tommy, we should all know by now how immature and ignorant Trump was.
ask the 200 Russians Trump bombed in Syria ..

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