Trump sold out the Kurds and would do the same to Ukraine.

Is the Donald Trump who would have stood up to Putin the same Trump who folded like a cheap suit on support for the Kurds in Syria ? Are they by any chance related ?

If so it makes his carnival tour claims ring a bit hollow. His only contribution to this crisis amounts to a lpve fest for Putin and a suggestion that US planes be rebranded in Chinese livery.

He has little of substance to offer.

Anyway is it the same Trump ?

Send in the British forces, Tommy. What are you guys waiting for?
Wow, the token blacks sure do mop the floor with the GOP dumbfucks. Ask Obama. Maybe they aren't tokens? But you went right to it. Interesting.
Like Clarence Thomas? Would you have felt it better to call her an Uncle Tom, just like Democrats call black Republicans?

Just trying to figure out where the double standard applies.
What does your i

What does your link have to do with anything? I am not going to read an article you never read and spoonfeed it back to you.

2nd paragraph:
"President Donald J. Trump ordered the attack on Al-Shayrat Air Base, the base from which the chemical attack on Syria’s Idlib province was launched. The missiles were launched from U.S. Navy ships in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. "
and you can't find a link about the one you ARE taking about.

Lay off the moonshine.
Sure I can . Trump designated troop levels and ops to the dept of defense. A bizarre and surprising announcement.

So no Trump had nothing to do with an attack that killed may people, including Russian mercenaries.

He didn't even take credit for it. It's a bizarre cult talking point.
He didn't. He had no idea that even happened until after it happened.

Poor trumpanzees...brick wall after brick wall...
he was the CIC at the time ! Trump drew a red line on the use of chems and when it was crossed 200 Russians were bombed ! tell us woman.... what happened when Obama's red line got crossed ?

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