Trump Spokeswoman Katrina Pierson Just Got Handed Her @SS

Who else running for public office on their alleged intelligence and little else...has refused to release proof of that college transcripts?

To put it in terms that even YOU can understand, NoTea...if someone's resume contains years of successful business experience...numerous legislative accomplishments...awards for exceptional performance in their given field...then a prospective employer really wouldn't CARE what they got for grades in college. They'd be hired for what they did AFTER they left school! But when someone's only real "accomplishment" in life is getting named the first black President of the Harvard Law Review and graduating with honors from Harvard Law School it should make you scratch your head in wonder if THAT person doesn't want to release their college transcripts!

You're dodging the question O'Donnell asked, OldTwit. Just like Trump's trollope today. What other candidate has Trump asked to release his college transcripts? Answer the question.

What other presidential candidate has been asked to provide proof of his or her birthplace, either? Just answer the questions.

What other Presidential candidate has applied for financial aid by passing themselves off as a foreigner? I can't think of anyone other than Barry who pulled that little stunt. Can you?
I am unaware of any who have done that

Which Presidential candidate had his daddy buy him into Wharton?

So are you denying that Obama passed himself off as a foreign student when he applied for financial aid?
Trump demands the current president's Birth Certificate and his college records but he won't release his own tax returns.

I can't wait to see this 8 year old lose his shit in the debates.
Trump demands the current president's Birth Certificate and his college records but he won't release his own tax returns.

I can't wait to see this 8 year old lose his shit in the debates.

I can't wait to see Hillary in a debate with someone who holds her accountable for all of her bad judgements, Isaac! Bernie Sanders won't go after Hillary. Think Donald Trump is going to let her slide like Bernie has? Even if Candy Crowley comes to Hillary's aid...I don't think Trump is going to be knocked off message one iota! We'll see who loses their shit in the debates...Hillary doesn't handle it well when her "version" of the truth is called into question. Trump is going to be her worst nightmare.
Lawrence O'Donnell asked Katrina Pierson several questions but he left the best one for last: Why hasn't Donald Trump asked for any other presidential candidate's college records?

Pierson said they usually are and have been, which is not true.

He said no, they haven't and then pressed her again why Trump has never asked for any candidate or politician's college records except for Obama's.

She stumbled. Badly. She was pissed. He took the air out of that arrogant bitch and it was beautiful to watch.

I fail to see the logic of physically removing someone's ass and handing it to them. Wouldn't they need it later?
Lawrence O'Donnell asked Katrina Pierson several questions but he left the best one for last: Why hasn't Donald Trump asked for any other presidential candidate's college records?

Pierson said they usually are and have been, which is not true.

He said no, they haven't and then pressed her again why Trump has never asked for any candidate or politician's college records except for Obama's.

She stumbled. Badly. She was pissed. He took the air out of that arrogant bitch and it was beautiful to watch.

Yo, you lie like your Party! This woman went on a Socialist Democrat Party Racist T.V. Station, MSNBC, and stood her ground against two people throwing Racist questions at her, you are a True Fool!!!
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She was shown to be a complete fraud and has no clue about how presidential college transcripts have or have not played a role. She also doesn't understand that using Trump logic all one has to do to get a judge thrown off a case is make offensive statements about their ethnicity.

Trumpistan is a very disgusting place where they play cute with the racism.

Yo, we are still waiting for Obama`s College Records? Obama is a Fraud!!!

The left media plays gotcha, shocker. /sarcasm Tune in never when the left media asks Hillary a tough question.
again, why didn't trump demand to see the birth cerificates or college records of any of his republican rivals?
This is what this airhead said the other day:

“I think what’s really interesting about this particular judge — as Mr. Trump refers to him as a ‘Trump hater’ — is he even mentions on his judicial questionnaire that he was a La Raza Lawyers Association member,” Pierson said, apparently referring to the questionnaire Curiel filled out when his confirmation was being considered by the Senate. “This is an organization that has been out there organizing anti-Trump protesters with the Mexican flags — they are pushing it. The signs have been very apparent. And so Mr. Trump is just stating the obvious.”

She has no clue that the La Raza Lawyers Association has nothing to do with the activist group by the same name.
Fox News host Megyn Kelly was wrong when she claimed that the Trump hating judge was a member of a nonpartisan lawyer’s association.

[SNIP]In fact the group — San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association — has repeatedly backed extreme anti-enforcement, pro-illegal immigrant speakers and causes, according to its website,[/SNIP]

Read more, watch the video, LEARN to LOVE BITCH SLAPPING!!!!

Gonzalo Curiel Archives - GotNews

So no judge that belonged to any of these groups is qualified to fairly judge a liberal?

Conservative legal groups - Conservapedia
She's a clueless bimbo who fucked her way into that job.

We aren't talking about Huma.

You are.
No you are dumbass, Huma is the one that fucked her way into Hillary's circle. Liberals are dirty that way. Why do you think her husband puts pictures of his junk on the internet? He doesn't get any at home.
Another red herring fallacy.

Most conservatives are as stupid as they are pathetic.
You believe Hillary is innocent, that makes you really stupid. That's not a fallacy.

What if you believe she is innocent until proven guilty?
The left is conducting a war against women!!

Namely Hillary Clinton, herself!!

Its called the Bernie Sanders campaign, but we all know it is a veiled attempt to destroy Hillary

Look Bernie's has called on Hillary to release the speeches she gave to Wall st! He does not ask anyone else for their speeches!!

Its Sexism!!

Donald Trump is a candidate without a campaign – and it’s becoming a serious problem.

Republicans working to elect Trump describe a bare-bones effort debilitated by infighting, a lack of staff to carry out basic functions, minimal coordination with allies and a message that’s prisoner to Trump’s momentary whims.

“Bottom line, you can hire all the top people in the world, but to what end? Trump does what he wants,” a source close to the campaign said.
again, why didn't trump demand to see the birth cerificates or college records of any of his republican rivals?

He obviously didn't need to....
why not?
Maybe because of stuff like this.

lol. a publisher's error and a faked student id?
There's always an explanation, eh? Publisher's error? Sure. And can you explain his Connecticut S.S. number? I'm sure there's a logical explanation for that too, right?

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