Trump Spokeswoman Katrina Pierson Just Got Handed Her @SS

Lawrence O'Donnell asked Katrina Pierson several questions but he left the best one for last: Why hasn't Donald Trump asked for any other presidential candidate's college records?

Pierson said they usually are and have been, which is not true.

He said no, they haven't and then pressed her again why Trump has never asked for any candidate or politician's college records except for Obama's.

She stumbled. Badly. She was pissed. He took the air out of that arrogant bitch and it was beautiful to watch.

She's a clueless bimbo who fucked her way into that job.

We aren't talking about Huma.

You are.
No you are dumbass, Huma is the one that fucked her way into Hillary's circle. Liberals are dirty that way. Why do you think her husband puts pictures of his junk on the internet? He doesn't get any at home.
I love it when the leftist journalists get their ass kicked, then throw an outlandish comment in at the last second without allowing the guest to respond. It's a childish way of saying "fuck you" to the guest because the guest just kicked their ass.
did you watch a different clip?
No, why do you ask?
so what did you think about the part where she explained why the only college transcripts trump has ever asked for have neen obama's and why he never asked his republican rivals for theirs?

Why should he?...After all it's COMMON KNOWLEDGE that NO ONE can see what his grades were, or how he paid for tuition..... None of the others matter, it was DIRECTED to the standing president of the U.S.
if you think that's important why not the men running for president?

Afraid of upsetting the NEGROES!!!!
She was AFRAID to tell it up front...I'm not.... The fucking Kenyan muslim in the White House applied for FOREIGN AID to go to college and so stated on his entrance forms. Now I believe that the bastard has a good chance of having been born in America, BUT the COVERUP of THIS LIE, is what brought Nixon down, and LIES COVERED UP will bring the Clinton's down. It's TOO LATE to do anything about the Manchurian muslim, although having PROOF from his college records could open up a REAL CAN FULL OF WORMS, if the Republicans weren't so fucking USELESS.... They could PUSH a SCOTUS hearing on his admissibility to being a president, and if played correctly, could INVALIDATE EVERYTHING he has done in the last 7.5 years....of course that WILL NEVER HAPPEN, but it could, and if President Trump, really gets PISSED, he certainly could push for Obuma's destruction on the many UNCONSTITUTIONAL ACTS the prick has signed into law, OR has E.O.'d them into law, bypassing Congress!!

Oh, go fuck yourself, you twit.

I see the little German queer has had enough of the BIG BAD RIGHT WING bitch slapping his NAZI friends....

Wow, just write "Loser" on your forehead with your bright red lipstick and try to leave without anyone noticing....

Do you want your lipstick back...PIGGY?

Someone just answer the question: If Trump is not a racist then why hasn't he asked for any other candidate's credentials, degrees, awards, honors?

He didn't ask for Ben Carson's credentials, degrees, awards, honors...and Ben is a REAL NEGRO, not a Halfrican!
Hillary hasn't answered questions from the media in over three months and the left is all agog about an inane question directed at Trump. You almost gotta laugh.

Conservatives: masters of the red herring fallacy.

But your failed attempt to deflect is understandable.
Lawrence O'Donnell asked Katrina Pierson several questions but he left the best one for last: Why hasn't Donald Trump asked for any other presidential candidate's college records?

Pierson said they usually are and have been, which is not true.

He said no, they haven't and then pressed her again why Trump has never asked for any candidate or politician's college records except for Obama's.

She stumbled. Badly. She was pissed. He took the air out of that arrogant bitch and it was beautiful to watch.

She's a clueless bimbo who fucked her way into that job.

We aren't talking about Huma.

You are.
No you are dumbass, Huma is the one that fucked her way into Hillary's circle. Liberals are dirty that way. Why do you think her husband puts pictures of his junk on the internet? He doesn't get any at home.
Another red herring fallacy.

Most conservatives are as stupid as they are pathetic.
Lawrence O'Donnell asked Katrina Pierson several questions but he left the best one for last: Why hasn't Donald Trump asked for any other presidential candidate's college records?

Pierson said they usually are and have been, which is not true.

He said no, they haven't and then pressed her again why Trump has never asked for any candidate or politician's college records except for Obama's.

She stumbled. Badly. She was pissed. He took the air out of that arrogant bitch and it was beautiful to watch.

She's a clueless bimbo who fucked her way into that job.


Ah yes...another liberal demonstrating the left's attitude towards women! How does it work, Carbineer? If a woman's politics agrees with yours...then she's worthy of respect...but if she's a conservative (OMG!!!) then she deserves to be called a bimbo and accused of using sexual favors to succeed?

So who is REALLY is waging a "war on women"?
Who else running for public office on their alleged intelligence and little else...has refused to release proof of that college transcripts?

To put it in terms that even YOU can understand, NoTea...if someone's resume contains years of successful business experience...numerous legislative accomplishments...awards for exceptional performance in their given field...then a prospective employer really wouldn't CARE what they got for grades in college. They'd be hired for what they did AFTER they left school! But when someone's only real "accomplishment" in life is getting named the first black President of the Harvard Law Review and graduating with honors from Harvard Law School it should make you scratch your head in wonder if THAT person doesn't want to release their college transcripts!

You're dodging the question O'Donnell asked, OldTwit. Just like Trump's trollope today. What other candidate has Trump asked to release his college transcripts? Answer the question.

What other presidential candidate has been asked to provide proof of his or her birthplace, either? Just answer the questions.

What other Presidential candidate has applied for financial aid by passing themselves off as a foreigner? I can't think of anyone other than Barry who pulled that little stunt. Can you?
Lawrence O'Donnell asked Katrina Pierson several questions but he left the best one for last: Why hasn't Donald Trump asked for any other presidential candidate's college records?

Pierson said they usually are and have been, which is not true.

He said no, they haven't and then pressed her again why Trump has never asked for any candidate or politician's college records except for Obama's.

She stumbled. Badly. She was pissed. He took the air out of that arrogant bitch and it was beautiful to watch.

She's a clueless bimbo who fucked her way into that job.

We aren't talking about Huma.

You are.
No you are dumbass, Huma is the one that fucked her way into Hillary's circle. Liberals are dirty that way. Why do you think her husband puts pictures of his junk on the internet? He doesn't get any at home.
Another red herring fallacy.

Most conservatives are as stupid as they are pathetic.
You believe Hillary is innocent, that makes you really stupid. That's not a fallacy.
Lawrence O'Donnell asked Katrina Pierson several questions but he left the best one for last: Why hasn't Donald Trump asked for any other presidential candidate's college records?

Pierson said they usually are and have been, which is not true.

He said no, they haven't and then pressed her again why Trump has never asked for any candidate or politician's college records except for Obama's.

She stumbled. Badly. She was pissed. He took the air out of that arrogant bitch and it was beautiful to watch.

She's a clueless bimbo who fucked her way into that job.

We aren't talking about Huma.

You are.
No you are dumbass, Huma is the one that fucked her way into Hillary's circle. Liberals are dirty that way. Why do you think her husband puts pictures of his junk on the internet? He doesn't get any at home.
Another red herring fallacy.

Most conservatives are as stupid as they are pathetic.
You believe Hillary is innocent, that makes you really stupid. That's not a fallacy.
Who else running for public office on their alleged intelligence and little else...has refused to release proof of that college transcripts?

To put it in terms that even YOU can understand, NoTea...if someone's resume contains years of successful business experience...numerous legislative accomplishments...awards for exceptional performance in their given field...then a prospective employer really wouldn't CARE what they got for grades in college. They'd be hired for what they did AFTER they left school! But when someone's only real "accomplishment" in life is getting named the first black President of the Harvard Law Review and graduating with honors from Harvard Law School it should make you scratch your head in wonder if THAT person doesn't want to release their college transcripts!

Who else running for public office on their alleged business success and acumen and little else . . . has refused to release proof of that success and acumen . . . ie. their tax returns?

Seems a bit hypocritical to me that Trump wants to demand all manner of proof and paperwork and documentation from others (not, you understand, that I don't think those things should be released) but wants to keep his own records private and "none of your business".
Who else running for public office on their alleged intelligence and little else...has refused to release proof of that college transcripts?

To put it in terms that even YOU can understand, NoTea...if someone's resume contains years of successful business experience...numerous legislative accomplishments...awards for exceptional performance in their given field...then a prospective employer really wouldn't CARE what they got for grades in college. They'd be hired for what they did AFTER they left school! But when someone's only real "accomplishment" in life is getting named the first black President of the Harvard Law Review and graduating with honors from Harvard Law School it should make you scratch your head in wonder if THAT person doesn't want to release their college transcripts!
We are talking about a candidate whose only "Real" accomplishment in life was starring in a reality TV show

LOL hacks will be hacks.
He did run a beauty pageant

I guess that is a talent
Who else running for public office on their alleged intelligence and little else...has refused to release proof of that college transcripts?

To put it in terms that even YOU can understand, NoTea...if someone's resume contains years of successful business experience...numerous legislative accomplishments...awards for exceptional performance in their given field...then a prospective employer really wouldn't CARE what they got for grades in college. They'd be hired for what they did AFTER they left school! But when someone's only real "accomplishment" in life is getting named the first black President of the Harvard Law Review and graduating with honors from Harvard Law School it should make you scratch your head in wonder if THAT person doesn't want to release their college transcripts!

You're dodging the question O'Donnell asked, OldTwit. Just like Trump's trollope today. What other candidate has Trump asked to release his college transcripts? Answer the question.

What other presidential candidate has been asked to provide proof of his or her birthplace, either? Just answer the questions.

What other Presidential candidate has applied for financial aid by passing themselves off as a foreigner? I can't think of anyone other than Barry who pulled that little stunt. Can you?
I am unaware of any who have done that

Which Presidential candidate had his daddy buy him into Wharton?
Hillary hasn't answered questions from the media in over three months and the left is all agog about an inane question directed at Trump. You almost gotta laugh.

That's a lie . She interview all the time . Just today they were playing clips of her bashing trump,Ina an interview .
Hillary hasn't answered questions from the media in over three months and the left is all agog about an inane question directed at Trump. You almost gotta laugh.

That's a lie . She interview all the time . Just today they were playing clips of her bashing trump,Ina an interview .
What interview? The one with George Stephanopolis (who was a key member of her husband's presidential campaign)? When's the last time she gave a press conference where ANY reporter can ask questions?
Lawrence O'Donnell asked Katrina Pierson several questions but he left the best one for last: Why hasn't Donald Trump asked for any other presidential candidate's college records?

Pierson said they usually are and have been, which is not true.

He said no, they haven't and then pressed her again why Trump has never asked for any candidate or politician's college records except for Obama's.

She stumbled. Badly. She was pissed. He took the air out of that arrogant bitch and it was beautiful to watch.

The more Trump and his staff are challenged by the media (which will be much more frequent now that he's lashing out and insulting them) the more his farce of a candidacy will unravel. His positions don't hold up, and he can't stand them being scrutinized. The very best thing the anti-Trump crowd can do is to ridicule and embarrass the man. He's so thin skinned he can't leave any of it unanswered, and that will ultimately be his downfall.
Lawrence O'Donnell asked Katrina Pierson several questions but he left the best one for last: Why hasn't Donald Trump asked for any other presidential candidate's college records?

Pierson said they usually are and have been, which is not true.

He said no, they haven't and then pressed her again why Trump has never asked for any candidate or politician's college records except for Obama's.

She stumbled. Badly. She was pissed. He took the air out of that arrogant bitch and it was beautiful to watch.
Lefts war on women.
Who else running for public office on their alleged intelligence and little else...has refused to release proof of that college transcripts?

To put it in terms that even YOU can understand, NoTea...if someone's resume contains years of successful business experience...numerous legislative accomplishments...awards for exceptional performance in their given field...then a prospective employer really wouldn't CARE what they got for grades in college. They'd be hired for what they did AFTER they left school! But when someone's only real "accomplishment" in life is getting named the first black President of the Harvard Law Review and graduating with honors from Harvard Law School it should make you scratch your head in wonder if THAT person doesn't want to release their college transcripts!

Who else running for public office on their alleged business success and acumen and little else . . . has refused to release proof of that success and acumen . . . ie. their tax returns?

Seems a bit hypocritical to me that Trump wants to demand all manner of proof and paperwork and documentation from others (not, you understand, that I don't think those things should be released) but wants to keep his own records private and "none of your business".

Alleged success? Gee, Cecilie...I've been to Trump Towers...I've played golf at Doral...if Donald Trump is a failure then I want to be a failure JUST LIKE HIM!
Hillary hasn't answered questions from the media in over three months and the left is all agog about an inane question directed at Trump. You almost gotta laugh.

That's a lie . She interview all the time . Just today they were playing clips of her bashing trump,Ina an interview .
What interview? The one with George Stephanopolis (who was a key member of her husband's presidential campaign)? When's the last time she gave a press conference where ANY reporter can ask questions?

It's amusing to watch the Left work themselves into a froth about Trump's putting his foot in his mouth. You've got one candidate that will actually meet with the Press and answer unscripted questions...and you've got Hillary that hasn't had a press conference in months. Hillary only talks to "pet" journalists who agree to only ask the questions she wants to answer.

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