lol. keep tryingDo you understand that your IQ isn't even half of mine?show a link without using 'la raza'Name a difference between the La Raza Lawyers Association and The National Council of La Raza that doesn't include the word "lawyer".....This is what this airhead said the other day:
“I think what’s really interesting about this particular judge — as Mr. Trump refers to him as a ‘Trump hater’ — is he even mentions on his judicial questionnaire that he was a La Raza Lawyers Association member,” Pierson said, apparently referring to the questionnaire Curiel filled out when his confirmation was being considered by the Senate. “This is an organization that has been out there organizing anti-Trump protesters with the Mexican flags — they are pushing it. The signs have been very apparent. And so Mr. Trump is just stating the obvious.”
She has no clue that the La Raza Lawyers Association has nothing to do with the activist group by the same name.
Can you answer the question airhead?