Trump Stands in Rain No Hat or Umbrella to Salute Unknown Soldier

Oh wow, if this was a new act I would be impressed.

You really are a shithead with no respect for our fallen soldiers, aren't you.
I have no need for photo ops that happen every year with every president. As far as this veteran is concerned Trump is and was a coward for not serving his nation in uniform.

Did Bill Clinton or Barack Obama serve? We still haven't even seen Obama's Selective Service registration, as well as any other documentation.

President Trump has done more for the military than any President since Reagan. Not only that, he's done more to end those endless wars in the Middle East, than Obama or GW.

Both Obama and GW were fuckups who made things far worse then they were in the ME. How's it feel to have Obama's military legacy lumped in with the failure GW?
I have no need for photo ops that happen every year with every president.

Just because the press follows Trump around everywhere he goes doesn't make everything a photo op. If I remember right, some years, Obumma didn't even go.

Everything the Dems do they do for public credit. Quite a different thing when you can see the solemnity on a president's face standing in the rain by himself.

You could have chosen to show your respect for the veterans, instead you chose to troll this thread like you do EVERY thread just to make it a slam about politics instead.

Speaks volumes about who you are.
Oh wow, if this was a new act I would be impressed.

You really are a shithead with no respect for our fallen soldiers, aren't you.
I have no need for photo ops that happen every year with every president. As far as this veteran is concerned Trump is and was a coward for not serving his nation in uniform.

Did Bill Clinton or Barack Obama serve? We still haven't even seen Obama's Selective Service registration, as well as any other documentation.

President Trump has done more for the military than any President since Reagan. Not only that, he's done more to end those endless wars in the Middle East, than Obama or GW.

Both Obama and GW were fuckups who made things far worse then they were in the ME. How's it feel to have Obama's military legacy lumped in with the failure GW?
At least Reagan tried by being in the reserves but his eyesight was bad. I am sorry your loser bone spurs could play sports but not serve in the military as an adult.
I have no need for photo ops that happen every year with every president.

Just because the press follows Trump around everywhere he goes doesn't make everything a photo op. If I remember right, some years, Obumma didn't even go.

Everything the Dems do they do for public credit. Quite a different thing when you can see the solemnity on a president's face standing in the rain by himself.

You could have chosen to show your respect for the veterans, instead you chose to troll this thread like you do EVERY thread just to make it a slam about politics instead.

Speaks volumes about who you are.
Cry me a river. I have stood in the rain countless times as a soldier, don't lecture me on service and respect. Trump has none. I know you don't like hearing about the draft dodging billionaire yet none in his family have served unlike those in my family.
Oh wow, if this was a new act I would be impressed.
No presidetn evah did this before in the history of the REPUBLIC. NEVER!!!! I swear!!!! They wear hats!!!!
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I have no need for photo ops that happen every year with every president.

Just because the press follows Trump around everywhere he goes doesn't make everything a photo op. If I remember right, some years, Obumma didn't even go.

Everything the Dems do they do for public credit. Quite a different thing when you can see the solemnity on a president's face standing in the rain by himself.

You could have chosen to show your respect for the veterans, instead you chose to troll this thread like you do EVERY thread just to make it a slam about politics instead.

Speaks volumes about who you are.
Cry me a river. I have stood in the rain countless times as a soldier, don't lecture me on service and respect. Trump has none. I know you don't like hearing about the draft dodging billionaire yet none in his family have served unlike those in my family.

What a pathetic sod you are so bitter that you can't put aside your stinking bile for even 5 minutes to STFU for once and just make it about the SOLDIERS out of respect for THEM.

Give them their day.
I have no need for photo ops that happen every year with every president.

Just because the press follows Trump around everywhere he goes doesn't make everything a photo op. If I remember right, some years, Obumma didn't even go.

Everything the Dems do they do for public credit. Quite a different thing when you can see the solemnity on a president's face standing in the rain by himself.

You could have chosen to show your respect for the veterans, instead you chose to troll this thread like you do EVERY thread just to make it a slam about politics instead.

Speaks volumes about who you are.
Cry me a river. I have stood in the rain countless times as a soldier, don't lecture me on service and respect. Trump has none. I know you don't like hearing about the draft dodging billionaire yet none in his family have served unlike those in my family.

What a pathetic sod you are so bitter that you can't put aside your stinking bile for even 5 minutes to STFU for once and just make it about the SOLDIERS out of respect for THEM.

Give them their day.
It's always been about the soldiers since people like Trump send them to their deaths as they sit comfortably in a rich manor and have grey poupon.
Trump a true American president. Biden a washed up hack politician who spent his entire life mooching off taxpayers.
Oh wow, if this was a new act I would be impressed.

You really are a shithead with no respect for our fallen soldiers, aren't you.
I have no need for photo ops that happen every year with every president. As far as this veteran is concerned Trump is and was a coward for not serving his nation in uniform.

Did Bill Clinton or Barack Obama serve? We still haven't even seen Obama's Selective Service registration, as well as any other documentation.

President Trump has done more for the military than any President since Reagan. Not only that, he's done more to end those endless wars in the Middle East, than Obama or GW.

Both Obama and GW were fuckups who made things far worse then they were in the ME. How's it feel to have Obama's military legacy lumped in with the failure GW?
At least Reagan tried by being in the reserves but his eyesight was bad. I am sorry your loser bone spurs could play sports but not serve in the military as an adult.

And Joe Biden? How many deferments?
Oh wow, if this was a new act I would be impressed.

You really are a shithead with no respect for our fallen soldiers, aren't you.
I have no need for photo ops that happen every year with every president. As far as this veteran is concerned Trump is and was a coward for not serving his nation in uniform.

Did Bill Clinton or Barack Obama serve? We still haven't even seen Obama's Selective Service registration, as well as any other documentation.

President Trump has done more for the military than any President since Reagan. Not only that, he's done more to end those endless wars in the Middle East, than Obama or GW.

Both Obama and GW were fuckups who made things far worse then they were in the ME. How's it feel to have Obama's military legacy lumped in with the failure GW?
At least Reagan tried by being in the reserves but his eyesight was bad. I am sorry your loser bone spurs could play sports but not serve in the military as an adult.

And Joe Biden? How many deferments?
That slacker I am not sure.
I have no need for photo ops that happen every year with every president.

Just because the press follows Trump around everywhere he goes doesn't make everything a photo op. If I remember right, some years, Obumma didn't even go.

Everything the Dems do they do for public credit. Quite a different thing when you can see the solemnity on a president's face standing in the rain by himself.

You could have chosen to show your respect for the veterans, instead you chose to troll this thread like you do EVERY thread just to make it a slam about politics instead.

Speaks volumes about who you are.
Cry me a river. I have stood in the rain countless times as a soldier, don't lecture me on service and respect. Trump has none. I know you don't like hearing about the draft dodging billionaire yet none in his family have served unlike those in my family.

What a pathetic sod you are so bitter that you can't put aside your stinking bile for even 5 minutes to STFU for once and just make it about the SOLDIERS out of respect for THEM.

Give them their day.
It's always been about the soldiers since people like Trump send them to their deaths as they sit comfortably in a rich manor and have grey poupon.

You mean Obama (8 wars) and the Bushes, right?
I keep telling people I don't like him, voted for him because he was the lesser of two evils, but this is beautiful.

I thought for a second he was going to hug it like he did the flag.
Wouldn't have shocked me.

If I knew the gesture was genuine, I'd have a least a sliver of respect for him.
Since he's largely denigrated military service for most of his adult life...not impressed.
Oh wow, if this was a new act I would be impressed.

You really are a shithead with no respect for our fallen soldiers, aren't you.
I have no need for photo ops that happen every year with every president. As far as this veteran is concerned Trump is and was a coward for not serving his nation in uniform.

Did Bill Clinton or Barack Obama serve? We still haven't even seen Obama's Selective Service registration, as well as any other documentation.

President Trump has done more for the military than any President since Reagan. Not only that, he's done more to end those endless wars in the Middle East, than Obama or GW.

Both Obama and GW were fuckups who made things far worse then they were in the ME. How's it feel to have Obama's military legacy lumped in with the failure GW?
At least Reagan tried by being in the reserves but his eyesight was bad. I am sorry your loser bone spurs could play sports but not serve in the military as an adult.

Dork. He's the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, of the strongest military in the world.

Did you even serve?
I have no need for photo ops that happen every year with every president.

Just because the press follows Trump around everywhere he goes doesn't make everything a photo op. If I remember right, some years, Obumma didn't even go.

Everything the Dems do they do for public credit. Quite a different thing when you can see the solemnity on a president's face standing in the rain by himself.

You could have chosen to show your respect for the veterans, instead you chose to troll this thread like you do EVERY thread just to make it a slam about politics instead.

Speaks volumes about who you are.
Cry me a river. I have stood in the rain countless times as a soldier, don't lecture me on service and respect. Trump has none. I know you don't like hearing about the draft dodging billionaire yet none in his family have served unlike those in my family.

What a pathetic sod you are so bitter that you can't put aside your stinking bile for even 5 minutes to STFU for once and just make it about the SOLDIERS out of respect for THEM.

Give them their day.
It's always been about the soldiers since people like Trump send them to their deaths as they sit comfortably in a rich manor and have grey poupon.

That must be why Trump has been bringing more soldiers home and ending more wars than any president in the past 20 years while fixing the VA and giving are Armed Forces better equipment.
I keep telling people I don't like him, voted for him because he was the lesser of two evils, but this is beautiful.
Since he's largely denigrated military service for most of his adult life...not impressed.

What channel do you get THAT info from, Jack? Channel PDQ as you stick your aerial in one ear as you stick your finger in a light socket?

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