Trump Stands Up for American Steelworkers

Where is your proof that Germans "cheat" and Americans are prevented from making steel as cheaply?
These fn morons are talking National Security as they make enemies of our neighbors? Hopefully Republicans pay the price for these tariffs and we'll see if they ask for another
The U.S economy is in debt 21T dollars, and losing hundreds of billions a year against the state run, trade abusers.

F 'em all. Canada, Mexico, China among a number of lying rat bastards who steal jobs and have the U.S Taxpayers subsidize their economies.

Canada has been dragging their feet on NAFTA as we want they have no interest in doing so. We like being able to covertly f America while you take it like a champ. We have the weakest bribery charges IN THE WORLD. Why is this? You can just guess whose palms we grease in order to fleece America...
Where is your proof that Germans "cheat" and Americans are prevented from making steel as cheaply?
These fn morons are talking National Security as they make enemies of our neighbors? Hopefully Republicans pay the price for these tariffs and we'll see if they ask for another
As I understand it, the German govts took responsibility for pensions and HC, although both employers and employees have to pay in. But the Germans could shed jobs and benefits easier. This enabled the German companies to downsize employment and consolidate with fewer, but larger, manfuring companies. That allowed them to be more competitive in the overall process of changing iron and carbon into rolled steel.

Trump is playing a political game for morons. We will somehow be better off if less good cars cost more so our inefficient workers can have inefficient jobs. That sounds like the democrats from the 1970s .... but Trump is a democrat from the 1970s.

Chinese steel is dumped. But no reputable link has yet shown the Germans somehow "cheated." Better management, for sure. Although US corps tried to get govt relief from the pension agreements. But bankruptcy was an option. Better government ... I'd say for sure in terms of cost control of healthcare.
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Where is your proof that Germans "cheat" and Americans are prevented from making steel as cheaply?
These fn morons are talking National Security as they make enemies of our neighbors? Hopefully Republicans pay the price for these tariffs and we'll see if they ask for another

They get even more tariffs if they deal with Iran. :113:
He use to order steel from China. Now he is patriotic, he may fool you but not the maj of us.
Canada ironically is covered by the same union, I believe. I don't really care about china, whom we don't buy from anyway, or mexico.

It would be one thing if instead of tariffs, which are properly levied against unfair trade rather than our own fubyallrecognition HC and managagment and labor law, we entered into temporary, voluntary quotas on imports from the EU, so as to allow US mftrs to get their acts together, or perhaps even better to just go bankrupt and let EU firms that already have mftring processes for the entire steel making industry buy our jobs. EU workers probably aren't any better, but they build better steel.
What’s wh conservatives. If you want to raise min wage , they freak out because it will increase costs . Trump wants to add tariffs , which will raise costs , you praise him to heaven .
What’s wh conservatives. If you want to raise min wage , they freak out because it will increase costs . Trump wants to add tariffs , which will raise costs , you praise him to heaven .
And complain that dems want to raise taxes to pay for healthcare rather than tack the cost onto US steel.
Where is your proof that Germans "cheat" and Americans are prevented from making steel as cheaply?
These fn morons are talking National Security as they make enemies of our neighbors? Hopefully Republicans pay the price for these tariffs and we'll see if they ask for another

They get even more tariffs if they deal with Iran. :113:
Only if the firm trading with Iran also trades with us.

Precisely. There are few industries that would quit the US market.
As a former United Steelworker of America who lost his job to because of unfair trade deals...just want to say thanks Prez...doing a fine job my man.
Congressional Republicans lining up against Trump on trade - CNNPolitics
Trump is so ignorant about economics. There goes the rest of our meager tax cuts as we will all be paying more now for just about everything. This and higher gas prices took all that away. Plus Americans will lose jobs over this all throughout the economy. Really dumb idea made by an incompetent President
What’s wh conservatives. If you want to raise min wage , they freak out because it will increase costs . Trump wants to add tariffs , which will raise costs , you praise him to heaven .
You're confusing f'ed up trade deals with hamburger flippers. It's ok - happens to leftists quite often.
As a former United Steelworker of America who lost his job to because of unfair trade deals...just want to say thanks Prez...doing a fine job my man.
Congressional Republicans lining up against Trump on trade - CNNPolitics
Trump is so ignorant about economics. There goes the rest of our meager tax cuts as we will all be paying more now for just about everything. This and higher gas prices took all that away. Plus Americans will lose jobs over this all throughout the economy. Really dumb idea made by an incompetent President
Typical leftist traitor rant. I thought you clowns were pro union? But now you hypocritics would rather pay less for cheap Chinese garbage than pay a little more for union made American goods.
As a former United Steelworker of America who lost his job to because of unfair trade deals...just want to say thanks Prez...doing a fine job my man.
Congressional Republicans lining up against Trump on trade - CNNPolitics
Trump is so ignorant about economics. There goes the rest of our meager tax cuts as we will all be paying more now for just about everything. This and higher gas prices took all that away. Plus Americans will lose jobs over this all throughout the economy. Really dumb idea made by an incompetent President
And the morons taking it uppa ****** will say,,may I have another please
Where is your proof that Germans "cheat" and Americans are prevented from making steel as cheaply?
These fn morons are talking National Security as they make enemies of our neighbors? Hopefully Republicans pay the price for these tariffs and we'll see if they ask for another

They get even more tariffs if they deal with Iran. :113:
Only if the firm trading with Iran also trades with us.

Precisely. There are few industries that would quit the US market.
Ah, but that is the ultimate effect of tariffs. The theory of Reaganomics or Thatcherism is that totally open markets require accepting political sovereign states, so long as they practice open markets.

In this case Trump is doing two things, both of which I wasn't really opposed to in the mid 1970s. Everyone has a right to a job, no matter how inefficiently they perform the job - U.S. steelworkers. (and no, our uncompetiveness is not totally their fault, but unions bear some of the blame). And if you don't agree not to trade with whom we tell you not to trade with, we will close our markets to you.

But again, if there was ANY proof that the EU was cheating at trade by dumping steel at less than its actual cost of production, then an argument can be made for tariffs that does not involve simply raising the cost of a product to support inefficient markets.
Trump's fighting for American Workers. It's something we haven't seen from a US President in so many years. Most Americans have become accustomed to Globalists in both Parties throwing them overboard. That being said, Trump has made some very serious enemies in upsetting the Globalists. They want him out. I wish him all the best. I'm prayin for him.

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