Trump Stands Up for American Steelworkers

What’s wh conservatives. If you want to raise min wage , they freak out because it will increase costs . Trump wants to add tariffs , which will raise costs , you praise him to heaven .
You're confusing f'ed up trade deals with hamburger flippers. It's ok - happens to leftists quite often.
Exactly. Must be part of younger generation. They have never seen a great America.
You realize we lost jobs when Bush tried steel tariffs?
Obama also tried tariffs and failed.

I guess every President has to go through a learning phase about tariffs. Now it's Trump's turn to fuck up.
Obama was a sellout piece of shit. He never made an effort to help U.S. workers.
What’s wh conservatives. If you want to raise min wage , they freak out because it will increase costs . Trump wants to add tariffs , which will raise costs , you praise him to heaven .
You're confusing f'ed up trade deals with hamburger flippers. It's ok - happens to leftists quite often.
Exactly. Must be part of younger generation. They have never seen a great America.
You realize we lost jobs when Bush tried steel tariffs?
Obama also tried tariffs and failed.

I guess every President has to go through a learning phase about tariffs. Now it's Trump's turn to fuck up.

RW pricks must have forgot they squealed like a pig stuck in a gate when he did
What’s wh conservatives. If you want to raise min wage , they freak out because it will increase costs . Trump wants to add tariffs , which will raise costs , you praise him to heaven .
You're confusing f'ed up trade deals with hamburger flippers. It's ok - happens to leftists quite often.
Exactly. Must be part of younger generation. They have never seen a great America.
You realize we lost jobs when Bush tried steel tariffs?
Obama also tried tariffs and failed.

I guess every President has to go through a learning phase about tariffs. Now it's Trump's turn to fuck up.
Obama was a sellout piece of shit. He never made an effort to help U.S. workers.
Ah. I see you were in a coma. Obviously suffered some brain damage.
You know how much beer steelworkers drink?
That must explain why American steel's quality is in the shitter.

Japan's steel is the best.
Japanese steel is shit. Always a poorer quality than U.S. steel. We dropped tariffs and they dumped steel. Keep their tariffs on U.S. steel though.
You're confusing f'ed up trade deals with hamburger flippers. It's ok - happens to leftists quite often.
Exactly. Must be part of younger generation. They have never seen a great America.
You realize we lost jobs when Bush tried steel tariffs?
Obama also tried tariffs and failed.

I guess every President has to go through a learning phase about tariffs. Now it's Trump's turn to fuck up.
Obama was a sellout piece of shit. He never made an effort to help U.S. workers.
Ah. I see you were in a coma. Obviously suffered some brain damage.
Nope. The fucker personally came to my hometown and talked about saving U.S. jobs. Did nothing. Workers were just a political prop. Now all the factories and thousands of jobs are all gone. So fuck the spindly little weasel.
You're confusing f'ed up trade deals with hamburger flippers. It's ok - happens to leftists quite often.
Exactly. Must be part of younger generation. They have never seen a great America.
You realize we lost jobs when Bush tried steel tariffs?
Obama also tried tariffs and failed.

I guess every President has to go through a learning phase about tariffs. Now it's Trump's turn to fuck up.
Obama was a sellout piece of shit. He never made an effort to help U.S. workers.
Ah. I see you were in a coma. Obviously suffered some brain damage.

bush is busy eating the peanuts out of Trumps crap pile to think ..
As a former United Steelworker of America who lost his job to because of unfair trade deals...just want to say thanks Prez...doing a fine job my man.
Congressional Republicans lining up against Trump on trade - CNNPolitics

You don't really believe this is going to create more steel jobs in this country, do you--:abgg2q.jpg:

I am totally surprised that you're using GWH Bush as your avatar on this thread because I'll guarantee you he would not have been as stupid to do the same. Of course we've never had someone as stupid as Trump occupying the Oval office before.

Go to this link on this board and you can see the Trade war already beginning, and the devastation to the American economy when tariffs were used in the past.
Trump has gone CRAZY IVAN on Tariffs--trade war in process, look out below consumers!

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What’s wh conservatives. If you want to raise min wage , they freak out because it will increase costs . Trump wants to add tariffs , which will raise costs , you praise him to heaven .
You're confusing f'ed up trade deals with hamburger flippers. It's ok - happens to leftists quite often.
Exactly. Must be part of younger generation. They have never seen a great America.
You realize we lost jobs when Bush tried steel tariffs?
You realize we lost jobs when Democrats sold out as being ok with unfair trade deals?

We lost jobs when ceos found out they could make more profits shipping jobs to China. But most the jobs we have lost were to automation.

You realize we lost jobs with the bush steel tariffs? Steel tariffs mean all our manufacturers that use steel are now at a disadvantage. All our manufacturers that use steel employ a lot more people than the steel industry....
Why does the far left hate unions?

The right are the only ones who hate unions. They promised prosperity when unions were gone. Now that they are in deep decline where is the prosperity? Oh they moved to the new scape goat, immigrants...
As a former United Steelworker of America who lost his job to because of unfair trade deals...just want to say thanks Prez...doing a fine job my man.
Congressional Republicans lining up against Trump on trade - CNNPolitics

While screwing millions of people. Harley Davidson likely closed one of their plants due to tariffs. You can't make that in the US with the tariffs and hope to compete with other companies who can obtain cheaper steel. Airbus can undercut Boeing overseas because they don't have to worry about tariffs.
Trump's fighting for American Workers. It's something we haven't seen from a US President in so many years. Most Americans have become accustomed to Globalists in both Parties throwing them overboard. That being said, Trump has made some very serious enemies in upsetting the Globalists. They want him out. I wish him all the best. I'm prayin for him.

Trump is screwing American workers. Millions of people work in the steel consuming industry while a thousands work in the steel producing If you are a company that produces products using steel and/or aluminum and sell in the US, that means your prices are going up or your profit is going down. That means the company will have to cut costs. Where would they cut. They can't go to the building owner and say their costs went up. They can't go to the electric company or water company and say their costs went up, cut my rate. The only thing that they can cut that is within their control is jobs. Companies have cut jobs because their raw material costs went up.

The second is companies that make their products in the US and sell them overseas. These companies will see their costs go up while the cost of their competitors will not. These companies will be undercut by their foreign competitors and will lose business. That means they will have to cut their American workers and move production overseas. That is what Harley Davidson did.

If you want to pray for Trump then take up devil worshipping. God has nothing to do with Trump. Trump is proof that God hates America.
What’s wh conservatives. If you want to raise min wage , they freak out because it will increase costs . Trump wants to add tariffs , which will raise costs , you praise him to heaven .
You're confusing f'ed up trade deals with hamburger flippers. It's ok - happens to leftists quite often.
Exactly. Must be part of younger generation. They have never seen a great America.
You realize we lost jobs when Bush tried steel tariffs?
Obama also tried tariffs and failed.

I guess every President has to go through a learning phase about tariffs. Now it's Trump's turn to fuck up.
Obama was a sellout piece of shit. He never made an effort to help U.S. workers.

You are a sellout piece of shit. You are not helping American workers.
'Winning Friends' is what the Globalists have been prescribing for years. And that's led to the loss of Millions of good-paying American Jobs. Let's stop 'Winning Friends' by selling American Workers out. Let's fight for them instead. And if that pisses some countries off, than so be it. It's time to look our for Citizens again.
There is a right way and a wrong Do you remember the days trump was bleating about the theft of intellectual property by China ?? He could have gotten our friends of the past Europe canada mexico japan to together get China in line Now they'll all be our advisaries {sp} Higher prices and unemployment is in our future Tax cuts?? Gone with the wind
We don’t need them.

Shitforhair just undercut the tax cuts for corporations and youre saying we didnt need those tax cuts .. correct?
No he did not. Those countries will back down and get rid of their tariffs. They need us more that we need them. Called being a global hegemony. Good to be most powerful guy on the block.

US car dealers: “These proposed tariffs on steel and aluminum imports couldn’t come at a worse time,” Cody Lusk, president of the American International Automobile Dealers Association, said in a statement. “Auto sales have flattened in recent months, and manufacturers are not prepared to absorb a sharp increase in the cost to build cars and trucks in America. The burden of these tariffs, as always, will be passed on to the American consumer."

Auto manufacturers: “We are concerned with the unintended consequences the proposals would have, particularly that it will lead to higher prices for steel and aluminum here in the United States, compared to the price paid by our global competitors," Matt Blunt, president of the American Automotive Policy Council, said in a statement. “This would place the U.S. automotive industry, which supports more than 7 million American jobs, at a competitive disadvantage.”

The President’s pending decision on tariffs and quotas for steel and aluminum trade highlights several unfortunate ironies,” John Bozzella, president of the Association of Global Automakers, said in a statement. “With one stroke of the pen, much of the promised benefit of tax reform and other Administration initiatives aimed at reviving manufacturing and protecting national security could be undercut.”

The usual Globalist fearmongering shite. They don't want anything to change. They've enjoyed screwing American Workers for so many years. Thank the Lord for Donald Trump. Finally a President who's willing to fight for Citizens. Maybe we'll get some good-paying jobs back in our country.
If China and the EU drop all their tariffs and begin practicing 'Fair Trade', i'm sure Trump is willing to deal. Otherwise, it's Trump's job to look for American Workers. He has to do what he has to do.
The Globalist Elites are deathly frightened things might change. And that's understandable. They've been the only ones who've prospered by way of their awful US Trade Deals. Change is the last thing Globalist Elites want. Go Trump!
There is a right way and a wrong Do you remember the days trump was bleating about the theft of intellectual property by China ?? He could have gotten our friends of the past Europe canada mexico japan to together get China in line Now they'll all be our advisaries {sp} Higher prices and unemployment is in our future Tax cuts?? Gone with the wind
We don’t need them.

Shitforhair just undercut the tax cuts for corporations and youre saying we didnt need those tax cuts .. correct?
No he did not. Those countries will back down and get rid of their tariffs. They need us more that we need them. Called being a global hegemony. Good to be most powerful guy on the block.

US car dealers: “These proposed tariffs on steel and aluminum imports couldn’t come at a worse time,” Cody Lusk, president of the American International Automobile Dealers Association, said in a statement. “Auto sales have flattened in recent months, and manufacturers are not prepared to absorb a sharp increase in the cost to build cars and trucks in America. The burden of these tariffs, as always, will be passed on to the American consumer."

Auto manufacturers: “We are concerned with the unintended consequences the proposals would have, particularly that it will lead to higher prices for steel and aluminum here in the United States, compared to the price paid by our global competitors," Matt Blunt, president of the American Automotive Policy Council, said in a statement. “This would place the U.S. automotive industry, which supports more than 7 million American jobs, at a competitive disadvantage.”

The President’s pending decision on tariffs and quotas for steel and aluminum trade highlights several unfortunate ironies,” John Bozzella, president of the Association of Global Automakers, said in a statement. “With one stroke of the pen, much of the promised benefit of tax reform and other Administration initiatives aimed at reviving manufacturing and protecting national security could be undercut.”

The usual Globalist fearmongering shite. They don't want anything to change. They've enjoyed screwing American Workers for so many years. Thank the Lord for Donald Trump. Finally a President who's willing to fight for Citizens. Maybe we'll get some good-paying jobs back in our country.
There will be NO good paying jobs because republicans out of work now are only fit to be street cleaners , with no offense to street cleaners
And to think some of you not my gellow Americans have a hatred for union know those that built this nation SINGLE HANDEDLY.

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