Trump Stands Up for American Steelworkers

Where is your proof that Germans "cheat" and Americans are prevented from making steel as cheaply?
These fn morons are talking National Security as they make enemies of our neighbors? Hopefully Republicans pay the price for these tariffs and we'll see if they ask for another
China, Mexico and others are not our allies.
Except when republicans give a war
They have never been our allies.
As a former United Steelworker of America who lost his job to because of unfair trade deals...just want to say thanks Prez...doing a fine job my man.
Congressional Republicans lining up against Trump on trade - CNNPolitics
Trump is so ignorant about economics. There goes the rest of our meager tax cuts as we will all be paying more now for just about everything. This and higher gas prices took all that away. Plus Americans will lose jobs over this all throughout the economy. Really dumb idea made by an incompetent President
Typical leftist traitor rant. I thought you clowns were pro union? But now you hypocritics would rather pay less for cheap Chinese garbage than pay a little more for union made American goods.
Damn right!
What’s wh conservatives. If you want to raise min wage , they freak out because it will increase costs . Trump wants to add tariffs , which will raise costs , you praise him to heaven .
You're confusing f'ed up trade deals with hamburger flippers. It's ok - happens to leftists quite often.
Exactly. Must be part of younger generation. They have never seen a great America.
What’s wh conservatives. If you want to raise min wage , they freak out because it will increase costs . Trump wants to add tariffs , which will raise costs , you praise him to heaven .
Would you rather have a minimum wage job, or a job in heavy industry paying 4 times as much? Use logic next time.

That would require them to be union jobs.
What’s wh conservatives. If you want to raise min wage , they freak out because it will increase costs . Trump wants to add tariffs , which will raise costs , you praise him to heaven .
You're confusing f'ed up trade deals with hamburger flippers. It's ok - happens to leftists quite often.
Exactly. Must be part of younger generation. They have never seen a great America.
You realize we lost jobs when Bush tried steel tariffs?
As a former United Steelworker of America who lost his job to because of unfair trade deals...just want to say thanks Prez...doing a fine job my man.
Congressional Republicans lining up against Trump on trade - CNNPolitics
Trump is so ignorant about economics. There goes the rest of our meager tax cuts as we will all be paying more now for just about everything. This and higher gas prices took all that away. Plus Americans will lose jobs over this all throughout the economy. Really dumb idea made by an incompetent President
Wrong. Good paying jobs build communities...those people are also consumers. You country club Republicans are pissed that blue collar Democrats crashed your party.
What’s wh conservatives. If you want to raise min wage , they freak out because it will increase costs . Trump wants to add tariffs , which will raise costs , you praise him to heaven .
You're confusing f'ed up trade deals with hamburger flippers. It's ok - happens to leftists quite often.
Exactly. Must be part of younger generation. They have never seen a great America.
You realize we lost jobs when Bush tried steel tariffs?
You realize we lost jobs when Democrats sold out as being ok with unfair trade deals?
These fn morons are talking National Security as they make enemies of our neighbors? Hopefully Republicans pay the price for these tariffs and we'll see if they ask for another

They get even more tariffs if they deal with Iran. :113:
Only if the firm trading with Iran also trades with us.

Precisely. There are few industries that would quit the US market.
Ah, but that is the ultimate effect of tariffs. The theory of Reaganomics or Thatcherism is that totally open markets require accepting political sovereign states, so long as they practice open markets.

In this case Trump is doing two things, both of which I wasn't really opposed to in the mid 1970s. Everyone has a right to a job, no matter how inefficiently they perform the job - U.S. steelworkers. (and no, our uncompetiveness is not totally their fault, but unions bear some of the blame). And if you don't agree not to trade with whom we tell you not to trade with, we will close our markets to you.

I look at it this way, from my personal experiences, other nations are primarily state run, driven, influenced, manipulated and they trade with America based on free/open market, capitalist principles, when it's clear they do NOT exercise this themselves. So, U.S workers, especially the most vulnerable in manufacturing; are easily taken, stolen, bribed, whatever to be sent to other nations. Once moved, they are far less likely to come back.

As example, Canada paid $400M to GM to keep 4000 jobs in Ontario that were going back to Michigan and Ohio. Yes, GAVE them the money. Not loaned or based on contingencies. Are Canadians workers cheaper or better at their jobs? No of course not. The concept from the province and feds is that these jobs will keep giving tax dollars and trickle down in the economy.

This isn't free market capitalism. America is being screwed and will continue to be screwed.
Exactly. Trump keeping his promise to workers in the Rust Belt States...that he won.
Trump's fighting for American Workers. It's something we haven't seen from a US President in so many years. Most Americans have become accustomed to Globalists in both Parties throwing them overboard. That being said, Trump has made some very serious enemies in upsetting the Globalists. They want him out. I wish him all the best. I'm prayin for him.
Now there is a STRONG possibility that Mexico,Canada ,Europe Japan AND China gang up against us The pos in our WH should read How to win friends and influence people ,,but the dump fer doesn't read books No consentration

'Winning Friends' is what the Globalists have been prescribing for years. And that's led to the loss of Millions of good-paying American Jobs. Let's stop 'Winning Friends' by selling American Workers out. Let's fight for them instead. And if that pisses some countries off, than so be it. It's time to look our for Citizens again.
There is a right way and a wrong Do you remember the days trump was bleating about the theft of intellectual property by China ?? He could have gotten our friends of the past Europe canada mexico japan to together get China in line Now they'll all be our advisaries {sp} Higher prices and unemployment is in our future Tax cuts?? Gone with the wind
We don’t need them.
What does Mexico have that the United States can’t provide for itself? Same with China, Canada, and Germany.
How many Chevy’s and Fords on the roads in China? There’s a reason you don’t see any. Because of tariffs and protection of their manufacturing.
Trump's fighting for American Workers. It's something we haven't seen from a US President in so many years. Most Americans have become accustomed to Globalists in both Parties throwing them overboard. That being said, Trump has made some very serious enemies in upsetting the Globalists. They want him out. I wish him all the best. I'm prayin for him.
Now there is a STRONG possibility that Mexico,Canada ,Europe Japan AND China gang up against us The pos in our WH should read How to win friends and influence people ,,but the dump fer doesn't read books No consentration

'Winning Friends' is what the Globalists have been prescribing for years. And that's led to the loss of Millions of good-paying American Jobs. Let's stop 'Winning Friends' by selling American Workers out. Let's fight for them instead. And if that pisses some countries off, than so be it. It's time to look our for Citizens again.
There is a right way and a wrong Do you remember the days trump was bleating about the theft of intellectual property by China ?? He could have gotten our friends of the past Europe canada mexico japan to together get China in line Now they'll all be our advisaries {sp} Higher prices and unemployment is in our future Tax cuts?? Gone with the wind
We don’t need them.

Shitforhair just undercut the tax cuts for corporations and youre saying we didnt need those tax cuts .. correct?
Trump's fighting for American Workers. It's something we haven't seen from a US President in so many years. Most Americans have become accustomed to Globalists in both Parties throwing them overboard. That being said, Trump has made some very serious enemies in upsetting the Globalists. They want him out. I wish him all the best. I'm prayin for him.
Now there is a STRONG possibility that Mexico,Canada ,Europe Japan AND China gang up against us The pos in our WH should read How to win friends and influence people ,,but the dump fer doesn't read books No consentration

'Winning Friends' is what the Globalists have been prescribing for years. And that's led to the loss of Millions of good-paying American Jobs. Let's stop 'Winning Friends' by selling American Workers out. Let's fight for them instead. And if that pisses some countries off, than so be it. It's time to look our for Citizens again.
There is a right way and a wrong Do you remember the days trump was bleating about the theft of intellectual property by China ?? He could have gotten our friends of the past Europe canada mexico japan to together get China in line Now they'll all be our advisaries {sp} Higher prices and unemployment is in our future Tax cuts?? Gone with the wind
We don’t need them.

Shitforhair just undercut the tax cuts for corporations and youre saying we didnt need those tax cuts .. correct?
No he did not. Those countries will back down and get rid of their tariffs. They need us more that we need them. Called being a global hegemony. Good to be most powerful guy on the block.
Now there is a STRONG possibility that Mexico,Canada ,Europe Japan AND China gang up against us The pos in our WH should read How to win friends and influence people ,,but the dump fer doesn't read books No consentration

'Winning Friends' is what the Globalists have been prescribing for years. And that's led to the loss of Millions of good-paying American Jobs. Let's stop 'Winning Friends' by selling American Workers out. Let's fight for them instead. And if that pisses some countries off, than so be it. It's time to look our for Citizens again.
There is a right way and a wrong Do you remember the days trump was bleating about the theft of intellectual property by China ?? He could have gotten our friends of the past Europe canada mexico japan to together get China in line Now they'll all be our advisaries {sp} Higher prices and unemployment is in our future Tax cuts?? Gone with the wind
We don’t need them.

Shitforhair just undercut the tax cuts for corporations and youre saying we didnt need those tax cuts .. correct?
No he did not. Those countries will back down and get rid of their tariffs. They need us more that we need them. Called being a global hegemony. Good to be most powerful guy on the block.

US car dealers: “These proposed tariffs on steel and aluminum imports couldn’t come at a worse time,” Cody Lusk, president of the American International Automobile Dealers Association, said in a statement. “Auto sales have flattened in recent months, and manufacturers are not prepared to absorb a sharp increase in the cost to build cars and trucks in America. The burden of these tariffs, as always, will be passed on to the American consumer."

Auto manufacturers: “We are concerned with the unintended consequences the proposals would have, particularly that it will lead to higher prices for steel and aluminum here in the United States, compared to the price paid by our global competitors," Matt Blunt, president of the American Automotive Policy Council, said in a statement. “This would place the U.S. automotive industry, which supports more than 7 million American jobs, at a competitive disadvantage.”

The President’s pending decision on tariffs and quotas for steel and aluminum trade highlights several unfortunate ironies,” John Bozzella, president of the Association of Global Automakers, said in a statement. “With one stroke of the pen, much of the promised benefit of tax reform and other Administration initiatives aimed at reviving manufacturing and protecting national security could be undercut.”
The beer industry: "About 2 million jobs depend on America’s beer industry. We urge the Department of Commerce and U.S. President Trump to consider the impact of trade restriction tariffs,” Felipe Dutra, Anheuser-Busch InBev’s chief financial officer, said on a call with analysts.



1 Mar
MillerCoors statement: We are disappointed with President Trump’s announcement of a 10% tariff on aluminum. While we won’t know the details for a week, the Department of Defense recently reported that aluminum does not cause any national security issues. (1/3)



Like most brewers, we are selling an increasing amount of our beers in aluminum cans, and this action will cause aluminum prices to rise. It is likely to lead to job losses across the beer industry. (2/3)

3:46 PM - Mar 1, 2018
'Winning Friends' is what the Globalists have been prescribing for years. And that's led to the loss of Millions of good-paying American Jobs. Let's stop 'Winning Friends' by selling American Workers out. Let's fight for them instead. And if that pisses some countries off, than so be it. It's time to look our for Citizens again.
There is a right way and a wrong Do you remember the days trump was bleating about the theft of intellectual property by China ?? He could have gotten our friends of the past Europe canada mexico japan to together get China in line Now they'll all be our advisaries {sp} Higher prices and unemployment is in our future Tax cuts?? Gone with the wind
We don’t need them.

Shitforhair just undercut the tax cuts for corporations and youre saying we didnt need those tax cuts .. correct?
No he did not. Those countries will back down and get rid of their tariffs. They need us more that we need them. Called being a global hegemony. Good to be most powerful guy on the block.

US car dealers: “These proposed tariffs on steel and aluminum imports couldn’t come at a worse time,” Cody Lusk, president of the American International Automobile Dealers Association, said in a statement. “Auto sales have flattened in recent months, and manufacturers are not prepared to absorb a sharp increase in the cost to build cars and trucks in America. The burden of these tariffs, as always, will be passed on to the American consumer."

Auto manufacturers: “We are concerned with the unintended consequences the proposals would have, particularly that it will lead to higher prices for steel and aluminum here in the United States, compared to the price paid by our global competitors," Matt Blunt, president of the American Automotive Policy Council, said in a statement. “This would place the U.S. automotive industry, which supports more than 7 million American jobs, at a competitive disadvantage.”

The President’s pending decision on tariffs and quotas for steel and aluminum trade highlights several unfortunate ironies,” John Bozzella, president of the Association of Global Automakers, said in a statement. “With one stroke of the pen, much of the promised benefit of tax reform and other Administration initiatives aimed at reviving manufacturing and protecting national security could be undercut.”
How many U.S. are on the road on China? Not many due to their tariffs. Cody lust is a tool of Chinese and the interest group he works for is probably funded by China. Then spen more on lobbying in D.C. than anyone.
The implementation of these aluminum tariffs ... will drive up the costs of the aluminum used to manufacture more than 111,000 aluminum boats, such as pontoons and fishing boats, which make up 43 percent of new powerboat sales each year," Thom Dammrich, president of the National Marine Manufacturers Association, said in a statement. "Further harming the industry, the aluminum sheet our members are forced to source overseas will likely continue to be in short supply in the U.S., destroying our members’ ability to build boats in the U.S. As a result, the jobs of the American workers who build these boats, their engines and components, are now in jeopardy.”

F Trump
The beer industry: "About 2 million jobs depend on America’s beer industry. We urge the Department of Commerce and U.S. President Trump to consider the impact of trade restriction tariffs,” Felipe Dutra, Anheuser-Busch InBev’s chief financial officer, said on a call with analysts.



1 Mar
MillerCoors statement: We are disappointed with President Trump’s announcement of a 10% tariff on aluminum. While we won’t know the details for a week, the Department of Defense recently reported that aluminum does not cause any national security issues. (1/3)



Like most brewers, we are selling an increasing amount of our beers in aluminum cans, and this action will cause aluminum prices to rise. It is likely to lead to job losses across the beer industry. (2/3)

3:46 PM - Mar 1, 2018
Bottom line...creating U.S. jobs is a good thing. Also, Budweiser sold out to foreign company Stella Artois which is a fucking gay beer that refuse to buy. Thank you, now Coors and Miller are on my shit list. You know how much beer steelworkers drink?
What’s wh conservatives. If you want to raise min wage , they freak out because it will increase costs . Trump wants to add tariffs , which will raise costs , you praise him to heaven .
You're confusing f'ed up trade deals with hamburger flippers. It's ok - happens to leftists quite often.
Exactly. Must be part of younger generation. They have never seen a great America.
You realize we lost jobs when Bush tried steel tariffs?
Obama also tried tariffs and failed.

I guess every President has to go through a learning phase about tariffs. Now it's Trump's turn to fuck up.
The implementation of these aluminum tariffs ... will drive up the costs of the aluminum used to manufacture more than 111,000 aluminum boats, such as pontoons and fishing boats, which make up 43 percent of new powerboat sales each year," Thom Dammrich, president of the National Marine Manufacturers Association, said in a statement. "Further harming the industry, the aluminum sheet our members are forced to source overseas will likely continue to be in short supply in the U.S., destroying our members’ ability to build boats in the U.S. As a result, the jobs of the American workers who build these boats, their engines and components, are now in jeopardy.”

F Trump
Will create U.S. jobs. How many factories have you worked in...inside the United States? Didn’t think so foreign advocate. Your from Russia aren’t you?

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