Trump starting to sell off our National Parks

Wants to privatize campgrounds and turn them into for profit enterprises

Privatized campsites? Many fear prices could skyrocket

U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke says government shouldn’t be in the business of running campgrounds, so he wants to turn national park campsites over to private businesses.

A handful of companies already run campsites, lodging and concessions throughout the U.S. park system, but some fear widespread privatization could make recreation and camping prohibitively expensive in Western states.

Environmental groups say Zinke’s idea is in keeping with the Trump administration’s push to turn public resources over to private entities, as well as to increase privatization of public services, from toll booths and air-traffic control to prisons.

Privatization is the dream of Republican's in general. They hate public employees with a passion, and see everything publicly administered by and run by civil service employees as a waste of an opportunity to turn a profit.

National Parks are the property of the population - owned by all of us. When we turn them into a private enterprise, we can expect the operator to increase profits by exploiting every aspect they can: Mining, oil exploration, wind power, solar power, water power; limiting what a camper can bring in, in terms of food and beverages, charging for water and garbage, power and leasing land to other operators setting the stage for neon lights, night clubs, casinos, etc.
The parks are ours

They are not there so that politically connected vendors can sell campsites to the highest bidder

If we can cut through the arguments about politics for a second, what are we talking about here? Do we mean that the guy you encounter at Target who doesn't know anything about the features of the TV he is selling you will be telling you about the fauna in Zion National Park or will we still have NPS trained, scored, certified, experienced personnel doing that while the Target guy is doing what he does best, run the store that sells you commemorative pens and pencils? If that is the case, I'm not exactly against that. I would imagine that I use the NPS as much as anyone here along with the national monuments, national military parks, national forests, national seashores and all of the state parks. I'm always a little frustrated when you go to the register and you're greeted by someone with one of those convenience store card swipe machines that take forever to approve your transaction.

One of the things that annoy me is that the material at the gift shops are not indigenous (for want of a better term) to the park itself. Like on a recent trip to Gettysburg NMP, I purchased some very nice earrings for my niece. They were small golden items with a small stars and stripes design under a piece of glass on the front. I didn't think about anything else about them except that she could wear them on the upcoming holidays; Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day. I didn't notice that there was nothing about Gettysburg NMP anywhere on the item. I imagine if privatization takes place, that will get worse; not better.
Wants to privatize campgrounds and turn them into for profit enterprises

Privatized campsites? Many fear prices could skyrocket

U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke says government shouldn’t be in the business of running campgrounds, so he wants to turn national park campsites over to private businesses.

A handful of companies already run campsites, lodging and concessions throughout the U.S. park system, but some fear widespread privatization could make recreation and camping prohibitively expensive in Western states.

Environmental groups say Zinke’s idea is in keeping with the Trump administration’s push to turn public resources over to private entities, as well as to increase privatization of public services, from toll booths and air-traffic control to prisons.

Privatization is the dream of Republican's in general. They hate public employees with a passion, and see everything publicly administered by and run by civil service employees as a waste of an opportunity to turn a profit.

National Parks are the property of the population - owned by all of us. When we turn them into a private enterprise, we can expect the operator to increase profits by exploiting every aspect they can: Mining, oil exploration, wind power, solar power, water power; limiting what a camper can bring in, in terms of food and beverages, charging for water and garbage, power and leasing land to other operators setting the stage for neon lights, night clubs, casinos, etc.

its because you can't fire them if they fuck up. For certain things people need to be government employees, for others its far better to have the government provide high level management, auditing, and oversight, and let things be run by a contracted organization. That way if they suck, the government can get someone else to run it.

Plus the government doesn't have to worry about pensions or benefits, that's part of the cost of the contract.

Mass transit operations, road repair, DMV services, all can be contracted out.

Your initial sentence is untrue. Reagan fired all Air Traffic Controllers, Trump fired all US Attorney's, I recommended the termination of law enforcement deputies and HR fired many of them.

Most public agencies offer employment and require a period of probation, during which time they can be terminated, and I was trained that no cause for termination needs to be explained and no appeal rights existed for someone on probation.

Of course you bring up the most extreme examples. US attorneys are professionals, and usually those serve at the sufferance of the executive. My brother is an ADA and that situation applies.

I have a personal example of not being able to fire someone sitting 2 offices from me. He sits there all day on the computer because he has no assignment, and isn't very good at his job. but he's been there for decades so they can't get rid of him.

The same goes for a lot of middle management. I am a consultant, and if I suck, I am gone.

We don't even have to go into teachers in NYC and the famous rubber rooms.

Unions used to be about protecting workers in general, now public unions are run by the dregs of the profession, to protect the dregs of the profession.

Hell, the private operators can even be unionized, the difference is they know they can lose their jobs if they don't perform, or would at least have to re apply to whatever company won the new contract.
If this country can't run a darn campground then they have no business sending our sons and daughters off to war.
Wants to privatize campgrounds and turn them into for profit enterprises

Privatized campsites? Many fear prices could skyrocket

U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke says government shouldn’t be in the business of running campgrounds, so he wants to turn national park campsites over to private businesses.

A handful of companies already run campsites, lodging and concessions throughout the U.S. park system, but some fear widespread privatization could make recreation and camping prohibitively expensive in Western states.

Environmental groups say Zinke’s idea is in keeping with the Trump administration’s push to turn public resources over to private entities, as well as to increase privatization of public services, from toll booths and air-traffic control to prisons.


He really doesn't get it, does he? He lives in the city, goes to golf courses, thinks exercise is for idiots.

How to destroy a country 101.
Our national parks are overrun with city and suburb inferiors. They see a bear and cars back up for miles. Idiots
The thread title is very misleading, basically a lie.

Trump isn't selling our National Parks.

U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke wants to privatize the campground concessions.

I have no problem with that. ..... :cool:

You think that poor people should be priced out of going to the National Parks? I mean they're being priced out of healthcare, education and everything else, why not take away nature from them too?
People should have to take a test to get into our parks. From the city? Sorry no admittance.
heh - right. the dems are doing nothing at all to hinder trump.

let's not get that stupid, ok?
Pugs voted 61 times to repeal the ACA. They could do that RIGHT NOW. But they won't. You don't wonder why?
don't care. you're taking a singular issue and parading it around as if the only one to avoid the bigger question at hand.

you know damn good and well what i'm talking about so please don't expect me to chase your bag of crap.
Singular issue? That was THE issue. And that Republicans refuse to repeal it a 62nd time now that they can proves their willingness to put party over country. It was all a political stunt.
I'm glad the republicans didn't repeal it. It's failing and the democrats own it 100%. So much for them in 2018.
Lol the Democrats don't own it. It's yours now. 61 repeals, and you dumb rubes can't pull off a 62nd now that it counts. You said it would be sooooo easy. Well, nobody knew that healthcare could be so complicated, right?
/---- Here's why.
Wants to privatize campgrounds and turn them into for profit enterprises

Privatized campsites? Many fear prices could skyrocket

U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke says government shouldn’t be in the business of running campgrounds, so he wants to turn national park campsites over to private businesses.

A handful of companies already run campsites, lodging and concessions throughout the U.S. park system, but some fear widespread privatization could make recreation and camping prohibitively expensive in Western states.

Environmental groups say Zinke’s idea is in keeping with the Trump administration’s push to turn public resources over to private entities, as well as to increase privatization of public services, from toll booths and air-traffic control to prisons.


He really doesn't get it, does he? He lives in the city, goes to golf courses, thinks exercise is for idiots.

How to destroy a country 101.
Trump looks at our majestic parks and thinks...........where could I put a golf course?
Clinton Approves Technology Transfer to China China missiles couldn't hit shit until this happened.
The truth about the Hillary Clinton-Russia-Uranium 'scandal' I really do hate you, you sorry ass liberals. It is because of your thinking that the world is in the mess that it is, as usual.

View attachment 132749
Lol reeeeaaaaaaally deep I see :laugh:
I just pray that the missile technology that China got from Bill, given to North Korea, ends up in San Fransicko with the nuclear material that ended up going to Iran. That would be a teachable moment for the liberals, who think that their politicians are for the little people. When millions of liberals end up dead do to the NWO and population reduction, it will be a good start.
A conservative hoping for the nuclear destruction of one of our nation's greatest cities... I guess we should expect that from you deplorable scum
Notice how i am the bad guy when it was the Clintons that provided the means for North Korea to bomb US. And he calls me a deplorable scum. Yep liberal thinking once again.

View attachment 132766
^ admitted to hoping the U.S. is nuked and millions die
I don't think San Fran Sicko is part of the US as many in Californication want to be annexed. But it would be a hoot, that Cali ended up leaving the US then a mushroom cloud show up somewhere in the state, and watch all the liberals want to come back. Shame you are too stupid , not to know this.

#Calexit: California liberals call for secession after Trump victory
Scratch a liberal, find a hypocrite. On Tuesday, the Hollywood Reporter said some in California now want the state to secede in the wake of Donald Trump’s stunning and historic election victory, causing the hashtag #Calexit to start trending on Twitter.

This is a mural of Oakland by a liberal in California, go figure.
I'm glad the republicans didn't repeal it. It's failing and the democrats own it 100%. So much for them in 2018.
Lol the Democrats don't own it. It's yours now. 61 repeals, and you dumb rubes can't pull off a 62nd now that it counts. You said it would be sooooo easy. Well, nobody knew that healthcare could be so complicated, right?
Not one republican voted for it. You own it. It's failing so fast even Obama doesn't talk about it anymore.
Let it fail, dummy. You already failed on repeal. You spent years sabotaging the ACA and bragging about it, and now you are in complete control of its future. It's yours, snowflake. :thup:
The only thing that was done to it was the mandate was taken away. Other than that it's the same as it was from day one. Democrats own this one.
Nope you rubes also destroyed funding for high risk pools and sabotaged Medicaid expansion. And you have never worked to improve the bill and also prevented others from doing so. Now you are in total and complete control of what happens. Doing nothing or full repeal will result in 10's of millions losing healthcare. Passing Trumpcare will cost 10's of millions of people their healthcare. You could always repair the damage you did to the ACA, but that would be putting country before party. So can't have that.

The ball's in your court, dummy.
You're an idiot, you say do nothing and millions lose insurance, but if republicans do something millions lose insurance. You own obamacare it was set up to fail, it will cost you in 2018. This is your little bitch boys special bill, and it's a failure. Just like his presidency.
Lol the Democrats don't own it. It's yours now. 61 repeals, and you dumb rubes can't pull off a 62nd now that it counts. You said it would be sooooo easy. Well, nobody knew that healthcare could be so complicated, right?
Not one republican voted for it. You own it. It's failing so fast even Obama doesn't talk about it anymore.
Let it fail, dummy. You already failed on repeal. You spent years sabotaging the ACA and bragging about it, and now you are in complete control of its future. It's yours, snowflake. :thup:
The only thing that was done to it was the mandate was taken away. Other than that it's the same as it was from day one. Democrats own this one.
Nope you rubes also destroyed funding for high risk pools and sabotaged Medicaid expansion. And you have never worked to improve the bill and also prevented others from doing so. Now you are in total and complete control of what happens. Doing nothing or full repeal will result in 10's of millions losing healthcare. Passing Trumpcare will cost 10's of millions of people their healthcare. You could always repair the damage you did to the ACA, but that would be putting country before party. So can't have that.

The ball's in your court, dummy.
You're an idiot, you say do nothing and millions lose insurance, but if republicans do something millions lose insurance. You own obamacare it was set up to fail, it will cost you in 2018. This is your little bitch boys special bill, and it's a failure. Just like his presidency.
Republicans owe providing something better than Obamacare.
They have been promising for eight years
Wants to privatize campgrounds and turn them into for profit enterprises

Privatized campsites? Many fear prices could skyrocket

U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke says government shouldn’t be in the business of running campgrounds, so he wants to turn national park campsites over to private businesses.

A handful of companies already run campsites, lodging and concessions throughout the U.S. park system, but some fear widespread privatization could make recreation and camping prohibitively expensive in Western states.

Environmental groups say Zinke’s idea is in keeping with the Trump administration’s push to turn public resources over to private entities, as well as to increase privatization of public services, from toll booths and air-traffic control to prisons.

Hey dipshit contracting a private management company is not "selling them off"
Not one republican voted for it. You own it. It's failing so fast even Obama doesn't talk about it anymore.
Let it fail, dummy. You already failed on repeal. You spent years sabotaging the ACA and bragging about it, and now you are in complete control of its future. It's yours, snowflake. :thup:
The only thing that was done to it was the mandate was taken away. Other than that it's the same as it was from day one. Democrats own this one.
Nope you rubes also destroyed funding for high risk pools and sabotaged Medicaid expansion. And you have never worked to improve the bill and also prevented others from doing so. Now you are in total and complete control of what happens. Doing nothing or full repeal will result in 10's of millions losing healthcare. Passing Trumpcare will cost 10's of millions of people their healthcare. You could always repair the damage you did to the ACA, but that would be putting country before party. So can't have that.

The ball's in your court, dummy.
You're an idiot, you say do nothing and millions lose insurance, but if republicans do something millions lose insurance. You own obamacare it was set up to fail, it will cost you in 2018. This is your little bitch boys special bill, and it's a failure. Just like his presidency.
Republicans owe providing something better than Obamacare.
They have been promising for eight years
Democrats passed obamacare, why didn't they do it right the first time?
Wants to privatize campgrounds and turn them into for profit enterprises

Privatized campsites? Many fear prices could skyrocket

U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke says government shouldn’t be in the business of running campgrounds, so he wants to turn national park campsites over to private businesses.

A handful of companies already run campsites, lodging and concessions throughout the U.S. park system, but some fear widespread privatization could make recreation and camping prohibitively expensive in Western states.

Environmental groups say Zinke’s idea is in keeping with the Trump administration’s push to turn public resources over to private entities, as well as to increase privatization of public services, from toll booths and air-traffic control to prisons.

Hey dipshit contracting a private management company is not "selling them off"

Yes it is

Providing park services for profit is selling them off to the highest bidder
Making our parks so only the most affluent can use them is selling them off
Let it fail, dummy. You already failed on repeal. You spent years sabotaging the ACA and bragging about it, and now you are in complete control of its future. It's yours, snowflake. :thup:
The only thing that was done to it was the mandate was taken away. Other than that it's the same as it was from day one. Democrats own this one.
Nope you rubes also destroyed funding for high risk pools and sabotaged Medicaid expansion. And you have never worked to improve the bill and also prevented others from doing so. Now you are in total and complete control of what happens. Doing nothing or full repeal will result in 10's of millions losing healthcare. Passing Trumpcare will cost 10's of millions of people their healthcare. You could always repair the damage you did to the ACA, but that would be putting country before party. So can't have that.

The ball's in your court, dummy.
You're an idiot, you say do nothing and millions lose insurance, but if republicans do something millions lose insurance. You own obamacare it was set up to fail, it will cost you in 2018. This is your little bitch boys special bill, and it's a failure. Just like his presidency.
Republicans owe providing something better than Obamacare.
They have been promising for eight years
Democrats passed obamacare, why didn't they do it right the first time?

It is the best universal healthcare system ever passed

If not, Why can't Republicans give us something better?
Wants to privatize campgrounds and turn them into for profit enterprises

Privatized campsites? Many fear prices could skyrocket

U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke says government shouldn’t be in the business of running campgrounds, so he wants to turn national park campsites over to private businesses.

A handful of companies already run campsites, lodging and concessions throughout the U.S. park system, but some fear widespread privatization could make recreation and camping prohibitively expensive in Western states.

Environmental groups say Zinke’s idea is in keeping with the Trump administration’s push to turn public resources over to private entities, as well as to increase privatization of public services, from toll booths and air-traffic control to prisons.

Hey dipshit contracting a private management company is not "selling them off"

Yes it is

Providing park services for profit is selling them off to the highest bidder
Making our parks so only the most affluent can use them is selling them off
The parks are NOT being sold.

Tell me if I hire a manager to run my rental properties am I "selling them off" ?

Wants to privatize campgrounds and turn them into for profit enterprises

Privatized campsites? Many fear prices could skyrocket

U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke says government shouldn’t be in the business of running campgrounds, so he wants to turn national park campsites over to private businesses.

A handful of companies already run campsites, lodging and concessions throughout the U.S. park system, but some fear widespread privatization could make recreation and camping prohibitively expensive in Western states.

Environmental groups say Zinke’s idea is in keeping with the Trump administration’s push to turn public resources over to private entities, as well as to increase privatization of public services, from toll booths and air-traffic control to prisons.

Hey dipshit contracting a private management company is not "selling them off"

Yes it is

Providing park services for profit is selling them off to the highest bidder
Making our parks so only the most affluent can use them is selling them off

You do know that the government can negotiate the charged prices as part of the contract, right?
The only thing that was done to it was the mandate was taken away. Other than that it's the same as it was from day one. Democrats own this one.
Nope you rubes also destroyed funding for high risk pools and sabotaged Medicaid expansion. And you have never worked to improve the bill and also prevented others from doing so. Now you are in total and complete control of what happens. Doing nothing or full repeal will result in 10's of millions losing healthcare. Passing Trumpcare will cost 10's of millions of people their healthcare. You could always repair the damage you did to the ACA, but that would be putting country before party. So can't have that.

The ball's in your court, dummy.
You're an idiot, you say do nothing and millions lose insurance, but if republicans do something millions lose insurance. You own obamacare it was set up to fail, it will cost you in 2018. This is your little bitch boys special bill, and it's a failure. Just like his presidency.
Republicans owe providing something better than Obamacare.
They have been promising for eight years
Democrats passed obamacare, why didn't they do it right the first time?

It is the best universal healthcare system ever passed

If not, Why can't Republicans give us something better?
Obamacare is NOT a health care program

it is a mandated insurance purchase

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