Trump starting to sell off our National Parks

Actually it will.

that's 10 or 20 bucks a night. Take a trip of 10 days and that's 100 or 200 bucks.

I know how to travel cheaply because I couldn't afford to travel any other way. But many people can only afford one holiday a year, and they're going to be priced out of national parks.


You can get a pass that allows you into any park in than country for less than 100 bucks. if that price rises to 150 that's a mere $1 more a week to save up for your annual vacation

It's not the pass we're talking about, it's the accommodation.
Even if the price rises it will still be cheaper than private campgrounds and if you can't save an extra couple bucks a week for your vacation than shorten your stay.

As it is now our parks are a disaster crumbling roads and trails in disrepair shoddy facilities etc

so we either raise the prices in order to affect repairs and basic maintenance or we remove all facilities and let the parks revert to their natural state and allow people to visit the land as it should be

No, it won't be cheaper than private campgrounds because it WILL BE PRIVATE CAMPGROUNDS. Do you know what is being spoken about here?

Camping - Yellowstone National Park (U.S. National Park Service)

Yellowstone camp grounds.

From $24.50 a night (does not include tax) reservable and from $15 a night non-reservable, first come first served. It's $30 to enter the park with a car, $15 on foot.

Custom Camping - Evergreen Lodge

This is for a private campsite in Yosemite. $100-$135 a night.

Campsite Availability Calendar - CRANE FLAT, CA -

Here you can see that these camp sites fill up and stay filled up for months in advance. That's a commercial dream, you can up the prices until you get 75% accommodation filled. Which means current prices will rise massively.

You're looking at $26 a night in Yosemite at this particular place, prices are harder to find. But that's about $75 a night cheaper.

That would mean in a week you're looking at $180 a week for a family, going up to $700-$1000 a week for a family. That's a BIG difference. Now, these private camp sites are competing with the National Park campsites. If you get rid of those, then prices will rise even more.

You want people to cut their trip short if they can't afford it? What, drive a day to get to a national park, stay one day, see nothing, then go home because BAAAAAHHHHHHHHH YOU'RE FUCKING POOR, GO BACK TO YOUR CITIES SCUMBAGS?????

Yeah, that's what Trump's America is, you live in a beautiful country that is FOR SALE.

The local KOA sites go for 44 a night for tents more for RVs. And you're talking about 10 day stays in your last post so what if it's cut to 8 days because people can't save up an extra 50 bucks over a year"

So tell me what do you want?

Parks in piss poor condition because of the 10 billion dollar repair and maintenance back log or parks in good repair that cost a couple bucks more to enter?

And you don't know how much the prices will rise so don't think you do. They can't go higher than any other private campground in the area if they want to stay viable. If they do then people will stay outside the park and then just pay the 5 day entry fee.

You can't have it both ways.

Private management of state parks has had great success in this country. FYI Central park in NYC is under private management.

So, how many people need to go to Central Park and camp out there?
Trump looks at our majestic parks and thinks...........where could I put a golf course?

Yes, he said in his state of the union address that the US was a very, very, very beautiful place, and he seems to want to destroy that beauty.


How much do you want to bet parks will be cleaner and better run than they are now?

Well, not the parks, but the camp sites. But then again people can go to private camp sites if they want expensive and super clean.

But yes, maybe the parks will also be cleaner, simply because people can't afford to go there. So what's the point of a park if a lot of people are priced out of them?

Yeah I'm sure the prices are going to be thousands of times more expensive.

10 or 20 bucks more isn't going to stop anyone from going to a national park

Actually it will.

that's 10 or 20 bucks a night. Take a trip of 10 days and that's 100 or 200 bucks.

I know how to travel cheaply because I couldn't afford to travel any other way. But many people can only afford one holiday a year, and they're going to be priced out of national parks.

It already costs 10 to 20 a night now for a tent. Thats cheap.
Just when I think Trump and his flapping cat anus lips can't disgust me anymore...he finds a way.
yeah it would be a shame to get our parks under better management and to clear the 10 billion dollar backlog of much needed repairs

You can get a pass that allows you into any park in than country for less than 100 bucks. if that price rises to 150 that's a mere $1 more a week to save up for your annual vacation

It's not the pass we're talking about, it's the accommodation.
Even if the price rises it will still be cheaper than private campgrounds and if you can't save an extra couple bucks a week for your vacation than shorten your stay.

As it is now our parks are a disaster crumbling roads and trails in disrepair shoddy facilities etc

so we either raise the prices in order to affect repairs and basic maintenance or we remove all facilities and let the parks revert to their natural state and allow people to visit the land as it should be

No, it won't be cheaper than private campgrounds because it WILL BE PRIVATE CAMPGROUNDS. Do you know what is being spoken about here?

Camping - Yellowstone National Park (U.S. National Park Service)

Yellowstone camp grounds.

From $24.50 a night (does not include tax) reservable and from $15 a night non-reservable, first come first served. It's $30 to enter the park with a car, $15 on foot.

Custom Camping - Evergreen Lodge

This is for a private campsite in Yosemite. $100-$135 a night.

Campsite Availability Calendar - CRANE FLAT, CA -

Here you can see that these camp sites fill up and stay filled up for months in advance. That's a commercial dream, you can up the prices until you get 75% accommodation filled. Which means current prices will rise massively.

You're looking at $26 a night in Yosemite at this particular place, prices are harder to find. But that's about $75 a night cheaper.

That would mean in a week you're looking at $180 a week for a family, going up to $700-$1000 a week for a family. That's a BIG difference. Now, these private camp sites are competing with the National Park campsites. If you get rid of those, then prices will rise even more.

You want people to cut their trip short if they can't afford it? What, drive a day to get to a national park, stay one day, see nothing, then go home because BAAAAAHHHHHHHHH YOU'RE FUCKING POOR, GO BACK TO YOUR CITIES SCUMBAGS?????

Yeah, that's what Trump's America is, you live in a beautiful country that is FOR SALE.

The local KOA sites go for 44 a night for tents more for RVs. And you're talking about 10 day stays in your last post so what if it's cut to 8 days because people can't save up an extra 50 bucks over a year"

So tell me what do you want?

Parks in piss poor condition because of the 10 billion dollar repair and maintenance back log or parks in good repair that cost a couple bucks more to enter?

And you don't know how much the prices will rise so don't think you do. They can't go higher than any other private campground in the area if they want to stay viable. If they do then people will stay outside the park and then just pay the 5 day entry fee.

You can't have it both ways.

Private management of state parks has had great success in this country. FYI Central park in NYC is under private management.

So, how many people need to go to Central Park and camp out there?

Doesn't matter. The park is well run and the management company makes money on the concessions it runs in the park

The same thing can work in National Parks.

Saying it won't is knee jerk at best.

We have a dire problem with our National parks so we either raise taxes to cover the 10 billion dollars in repairs needed and keep taxes up to fund the parks or we can do what we used to do and allow logging in the parks to get the revenue needed. OR we can establish a public private partnership to do it.

So we either have to close parks and campgrounds as they become more deteriorated or fix the fucking problem
Wants to privatize campgrounds and turn them into for profit enterprises

Privatized campsites? Many fear prices could skyrocket

U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke says government shouldn’t be in the business of running campgrounds, so he wants to turn national park campsites over to private businesses.

A handful of companies already run campsites, lodging and concessions throughout the U.S. park system, but some fear widespread privatization could make recreation and camping prohibitively expensive in Western states.

Environmental groups say Zinke’s idea is in keeping with the Trump administration’s push to turn public resources over to private entities, as well as to increase privatization of public services, from toll booths and air-traffic control to prisons.


You have to notice that Republicans always try to turn the world outside their own head as bleak as it is inside their head. They see no beauty or awe in all the universe. They have no need for art because creativity is something they don't understand. They hate Hollywood because none in their own group are creative enough to make successful movies or they would have started a conservative version of Hollywood long ago.

No worries, once drumpf is gone and a Democrat is again the White House all of Trump's bullshit misery he foist on the world will be rolled back and burned to the ground. Funny though his supporters think all this nonsense he does is permanent. Some of the damage will be but things like this will be able to be rolled back and America's parks once again protected.
Wants to privatize campgrounds and turn them into for profit enterprises

Privatized campsites? Many fear prices could skyrocket

U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke says government shouldn’t be in the business of running campgrounds, so he wants to turn national park campsites over to private businesses.

A handful of companies already run campsites, lodging and concessions throughout the U.S. park system, but some fear widespread privatization could make recreation and camping prohibitively expensive in Western states.

Environmental groups say Zinke’s idea is in keeping with the Trump administration’s push to turn public resources over to private entities, as well as to increase privatization of public services, from toll booths and air-traffic control to prisons.


You have to notice that Republicans always try to turn the world outside their own head as bleak as it is inside their head. They see no beauty or awe in all the universe. They have no need for art because creativity is something they don't understand. They hate Hollywood because none in their own group are creative enough to make successful movies or they would have started a conservative version of Hollywood long ago.

No worries, once drumpf is gone and a Democrat is again the White House all of Trump's bullshit misery he foist on the world will be rolled back and burned to the ground. Funny though his supporters think all this nonsense he does is permanent. Some of the damage will be but things like this will be able to be rolled back and America's parks once again protected.

what's beautiful about shitty roads and dilapidated buildings in our national parks. BOTH parties have neglected our parks to the tune of a 10 billion dollar repair backlog

so either the democrats do something to fix it or they should shut the fuck up as they are just as much to blame as anyone else for the state of our parks
Yes, he said in his state of the union address that the US was a very, very, very beautiful place, and he seems to want to destroy that beauty.


How much do you want to bet parks will be cleaner and better run than they are now?

Well, not the parks, but the camp sites. But then again people can go to private camp sites if they want expensive and super clean.

But yes, maybe the parks will also be cleaner, simply because people can't afford to go there. So what's the point of a park if a lot of people are priced out of them?

Yeah I'm sure the prices are going to be thousands of times more expensive.

10 or 20 bucks more isn't going to stop anyone from going to a national park

Actually it will.

that's 10 or 20 bucks a night. Take a trip of 10 days and that's 100 or 200 bucks.

I know how to travel cheaply because I couldn't afford to travel any other way. But many people can only afford one holiday a year, and they're going to be priced out of national parks.

It already costs 10 to 20 a night now for a tent. Thats cheap.

Yes, that's the point. If the costs increase by 5 fold, then how many people aren't going to be able to go to National Parks and enjoy?
It's not the pass we're talking about, it's the accommodation.
Even if the price rises it will still be cheaper than private campgrounds and if you can't save an extra couple bucks a week for your vacation than shorten your stay.

As it is now our parks are a disaster crumbling roads and trails in disrepair shoddy facilities etc

so we either raise the prices in order to affect repairs and basic maintenance or we remove all facilities and let the parks revert to their natural state and allow people to visit the land as it should be

No, it won't be cheaper than private campgrounds because it WILL BE PRIVATE CAMPGROUNDS. Do you know what is being spoken about here?

Camping - Yellowstone National Park (U.S. National Park Service)

Yellowstone camp grounds.

From $24.50 a night (does not include tax) reservable and from $15 a night non-reservable, first come first served. It's $30 to enter the park with a car, $15 on foot.

Custom Camping - Evergreen Lodge

This is for a private campsite in Yosemite. $100-$135 a night.

Campsite Availability Calendar - CRANE FLAT, CA -

Here you can see that these camp sites fill up and stay filled up for months in advance. That's a commercial dream, you can up the prices until you get 75% accommodation filled. Which means current prices will rise massively.

You're looking at $26 a night in Yosemite at this particular place, prices are harder to find. But that's about $75 a night cheaper.

That would mean in a week you're looking at $180 a week for a family, going up to $700-$1000 a week for a family. That's a BIG difference. Now, these private camp sites are competing with the National Park campsites. If you get rid of those, then prices will rise even more.

You want people to cut their trip short if they can't afford it? What, drive a day to get to a national park, stay one day, see nothing, then go home because BAAAAAHHHHHHHHH YOU'RE FUCKING POOR, GO BACK TO YOUR CITIES SCUMBAGS?????

Yeah, that's what Trump's America is, you live in a beautiful country that is FOR SALE.

The local KOA sites go for 44 a night for tents more for RVs. And you're talking about 10 day stays in your last post so what if it's cut to 8 days because people can't save up an extra 50 bucks over a year"

So tell me what do you want?

Parks in piss poor condition because of the 10 billion dollar repair and maintenance back log or parks in good repair that cost a couple bucks more to enter?

And you don't know how much the prices will rise so don't think you do. They can't go higher than any other private campground in the area if they want to stay viable. If they do then people will stay outside the park and then just pay the 5 day entry fee.

You can't have it both ways.

Private management of state parks has had great success in this country. FYI Central park in NYC is under private management.

So, how many people need to go to Central Park and camp out there?

Doesn't matter. The park is well run and the management company makes money on the concessions it runs in the park

The same thing can work in National Parks.

Saying it won't is knee jerk at best.

We have a dire problem with our National parks so we either raise taxes to cover the 10 billion dollars in repairs needed and keep taxes up to fund the parks or we can do what we used to do and allow logging in the parks to get the revenue needed. OR we can establish a public private partnership to do it.

So we either have to close parks and campgrounds as they become more deteriorated or fix the fucking problem

I didn't say it wouldn't "work", that's not the point. It's WHO it works for is the point. You increase the costs and then all of a sudden it only benefits... wait... get this, it benefits the RICH, yeah, what a shocker, Trump doing things to BENEFIT THE RICH once again. The working man's guy, bullshit is he.

Well, I'm sure there are people who would like the parks to spend more money, but, er... Trump defunded them.

How much do you want to bet parks will be cleaner and better run than they are now?

Well, not the parks, but the camp sites. But then again people can go to private camp sites if they want expensive and super clean.

But yes, maybe the parks will also be cleaner, simply because people can't afford to go there. So what's the point of a park if a lot of people are priced out of them?

Yeah I'm sure the prices are going to be thousands of times more expensive.

10 or 20 bucks more isn't going to stop anyone from going to a national park

Actually it will.

that's 10 or 20 bucks a night. Take a trip of 10 days and that's 100 or 200 bucks.

I know how to travel cheaply because I couldn't afford to travel any other way. But many people can only afford one holiday a year, and they're going to be priced out of national parks.

It already costs 10 to 20 a night now for a tent. Thats cheap.

Yes, that's the point. If the costs increase by 5 fold, then how many people aren't going to be able to go to National Parks and enjoy?

How do you know costs will increase 5 fold?

Oh yeah you don't
Even if the price rises it will still be cheaper than private campgrounds and if you can't save an extra couple bucks a week for your vacation than shorten your stay.

As it is now our parks are a disaster crumbling roads and trails in disrepair shoddy facilities etc

so we either raise the prices in order to affect repairs and basic maintenance or we remove all facilities and let the parks revert to their natural state and allow people to visit the land as it should be

No, it won't be cheaper than private campgrounds because it WILL BE PRIVATE CAMPGROUNDS. Do you know what is being spoken about here?

Camping - Yellowstone National Park (U.S. National Park Service)

Yellowstone camp grounds.

From $24.50 a night (does not include tax) reservable and from $15 a night non-reservable, first come first served. It's $30 to enter the park with a car, $15 on foot.

Custom Camping - Evergreen Lodge

This is for a private campsite in Yosemite. $100-$135 a night.

Campsite Availability Calendar - CRANE FLAT, CA -

Here you can see that these camp sites fill up and stay filled up for months in advance. That's a commercial dream, you can up the prices until you get 75% accommodation filled. Which means current prices will rise massively.

You're looking at $26 a night in Yosemite at this particular place, prices are harder to find. But that's about $75 a night cheaper.

That would mean in a week you're looking at $180 a week for a family, going up to $700-$1000 a week for a family. That's a BIG difference. Now, these private camp sites are competing with the National Park campsites. If you get rid of those, then prices will rise even more.

You want people to cut their trip short if they can't afford it? What, drive a day to get to a national park, stay one day, see nothing, then go home because BAAAAAHHHHHHHHH YOU'RE FUCKING POOR, GO BACK TO YOUR CITIES SCUMBAGS?????

Yeah, that's what Trump's America is, you live in a beautiful country that is FOR SALE.

The local KOA sites go for 44 a night for tents more for RVs. And you're talking about 10 day stays in your last post so what if it's cut to 8 days because people can't save up an extra 50 bucks over a year"

So tell me what do you want?

Parks in piss poor condition because of the 10 billion dollar repair and maintenance back log or parks in good repair that cost a couple bucks more to enter?

And you don't know how much the prices will rise so don't think you do. They can't go higher than any other private campground in the area if they want to stay viable. If they do then people will stay outside the park and then just pay the 5 day entry fee.

You can't have it both ways.

Private management of state parks has had great success in this country. FYI Central park in NYC is under private management.

So, how many people need to go to Central Park and camp out there?

Doesn't matter. The park is well run and the management company makes money on the concessions it runs in the park

The same thing can work in National Parks.

Saying it won't is knee jerk at best.

We have a dire problem with our National parks so we either raise taxes to cover the 10 billion dollars in repairs needed and keep taxes up to fund the parks or we can do what we used to do and allow logging in the parks to get the revenue needed. OR we can establish a public private partnership to do it.

So we either have to close parks and campgrounds as they become more deteriorated or fix the fucking problem

I didn't say it wouldn't "work", that's not the point. It's WHO it works for is the point. You increase the costs and then all of a sudden it only benefits... wait... get this, it benefits the RICH, yeah, what a shocker, Trump doing things to BENEFIT THE RICH once again. The working man's guy, bullshit is he.

Well, I'm sure there are people who would like the parks to spend more money, but, er... Trump defunded them.

FYI almost half of US Forest Service lands are privately operated and are just as busy as ever and you know why?

Because they are cleaner, better maintained and provide better customer focus than those places run by government employees

How much do you want to bet parks will be cleaner and better run than they are now?

Well, not the parks, but the camp sites. But then again people can go to private camp sites if they want expensive and super clean.

But yes, maybe the parks will also be cleaner, simply because people can't afford to go there. So what's the point of a park if a lot of people are priced out of them?

Yeah I'm sure the prices are going to be thousands of times more expensive.

10 or 20 bucks more isn't going to stop anyone from going to a national park

Actually it will.

that's 10 or 20 bucks a night. Take a trip of 10 days and that's 100 or 200 bucks.

I know how to travel cheaply because I couldn't afford to travel any other way. But many people can only afford one holiday a year, and they're going to be priced out of national parks.

It already costs 10 to 20 a night now for a tent. Thats cheap.

Yes, that's the point. If the costs increase by 5 fold, then how many people aren't going to be able to go to National Parks and enjoy?

Xanterra runs lodging and concessions at yellowstone. They are a private holding company and a tentsite costs 16 dollars. What are you arguing about? A majority of national parks and national forests already contract out.
Well, not the parks, but the camp sites. But then again people can go to private camp sites if they want expensive and super clean.

But yes, maybe the parks will also be cleaner, simply because people can't afford to go there. So what's the point of a park if a lot of people are priced out of them?

Yeah I'm sure the prices are going to be thousands of times more expensive.

10 or 20 bucks more isn't going to stop anyone from going to a national park

Actually it will.

that's 10 or 20 bucks a night. Take a trip of 10 days and that's 100 or 200 bucks.

I know how to travel cheaply because I couldn't afford to travel any other way. But many people can only afford one holiday a year, and they're going to be priced out of national parks.

It already costs 10 to 20 a night now for a tent. Thats cheap.

Yes, that's the point. If the costs increase by 5 fold, then how many people aren't going to be able to go to National Parks and enjoy?

Xanterra runs lodging and concessions at yellowstone. They are a private holding company and a tentsite costs 16 dollars. What are you arguing about? A majority of national parks and national forests already contract out.

allow me to channel the Weirdo


I am fucking outraged that a family has to pay 16 dollars a night to sleep on the ground. Do you know how many families can't afford 16 dollars a night? DO YOU? Only those rich assholes can afford that!!!!!

Why do you hate poor people?
Well, not the parks, but the camp sites. But then again people can go to private camp sites if they want expensive and super clean.

But yes, maybe the parks will also be cleaner, simply because people can't afford to go there. So what's the point of a park if a lot of people are priced out of them?

Yeah I'm sure the prices are going to be thousands of times more expensive.

10 or 20 bucks more isn't going to stop anyone from going to a national park

Actually it will.

that's 10 or 20 bucks a night. Take a trip of 10 days and that's 100 or 200 bucks.

I know how to travel cheaply because I couldn't afford to travel any other way. But many people can only afford one holiday a year, and they're going to be priced out of national parks.

It already costs 10 to 20 a night now for a tent. Thats cheap.

Yes, that's the point. If the costs increase by 5 fold, then how many people aren't going to be able to go to National Parks and enjoy?

How do you know costs will increase 5 fold?

Oh yeah you don't

Well, if you bothered to read what I had written, you'd see where I'm coming from. But seeing as you want to be as pedantic as fuck, well, then there's not much point, is there?
No, it won't be cheaper than private campgrounds because it WILL BE PRIVATE CAMPGROUNDS. Do you know what is being spoken about here?

Camping - Yellowstone National Park (U.S. National Park Service)

Yellowstone camp grounds.

From $24.50 a night (does not include tax) reservable and from $15 a night non-reservable, first come first served. It's $30 to enter the park with a car, $15 on foot.

Custom Camping - Evergreen Lodge

This is for a private campsite in Yosemite. $100-$135 a night.

Campsite Availability Calendar - CRANE FLAT, CA -

Here you can see that these camp sites fill up and stay filled up for months in advance. That's a commercial dream, you can up the prices until you get 75% accommodation filled. Which means current prices will rise massively.

You're looking at $26 a night in Yosemite at this particular place, prices are harder to find. But that's about $75 a night cheaper.

That would mean in a week you're looking at $180 a week for a family, going up to $700-$1000 a week for a family. That's a BIG difference. Now, these private camp sites are competing with the National Park campsites. If you get rid of those, then prices will rise even more.

You want people to cut their trip short if they can't afford it? What, drive a day to get to a national park, stay one day, see nothing, then go home because BAAAAAHHHHHHHHH YOU'RE FUCKING POOR, GO BACK TO YOUR CITIES SCUMBAGS?????

Yeah, that's what Trump's America is, you live in a beautiful country that is FOR SALE.

The local KOA sites go for 44 a night for tents more for RVs. And you're talking about 10 day stays in your last post so what if it's cut to 8 days because people can't save up an extra 50 bucks over a year"

So tell me what do you want?

Parks in piss poor condition because of the 10 billion dollar repair and maintenance back log or parks in good repair that cost a couple bucks more to enter?

And you don't know how much the prices will rise so don't think you do. They can't go higher than any other private campground in the area if they want to stay viable. If they do then people will stay outside the park and then just pay the 5 day entry fee.

You can't have it both ways.

Private management of state parks has had great success in this country. FYI Central park in NYC is under private management.

So, how many people need to go to Central Park and camp out there?

Doesn't matter. The park is well run and the management company makes money on the concessions it runs in the park

The same thing can work in National Parks.

Saying it won't is knee jerk at best.

We have a dire problem with our National parks so we either raise taxes to cover the 10 billion dollars in repairs needed and keep taxes up to fund the parks or we can do what we used to do and allow logging in the parks to get the revenue needed. OR we can establish a public private partnership to do it.

So we either have to close parks and campgrounds as they become more deteriorated or fix the fucking problem

I didn't say it wouldn't "work", that's not the point. It's WHO it works for is the point. You increase the costs and then all of a sudden it only benefits... wait... get this, it benefits the RICH, yeah, what a shocker, Trump doing things to BENEFIT THE RICH once again. The working man's guy, bullshit is he.

Well, I'm sure there are people who would like the parks to spend more money, but, er... Trump defunded them.

FYI almost half of US Forest Service lands are privately operated and are just as busy as ever and you know why?

Because they are cleaner, better maintained and provide better customer focus than those places run by government employees

Okay, and what does this have to do with this topic?
Well, not the parks, but the camp sites. But then again people can go to private camp sites if they want expensive and super clean.

But yes, maybe the parks will also be cleaner, simply because people can't afford to go there. So what's the point of a park if a lot of people are priced out of them?

Yeah I'm sure the prices are going to be thousands of times more expensive.

10 or 20 bucks more isn't going to stop anyone from going to a national park

Actually it will.

that's 10 or 20 bucks a night. Take a trip of 10 days and that's 100 or 200 bucks.

I know how to travel cheaply because I couldn't afford to travel any other way. But many people can only afford one holiday a year, and they're going to be priced out of national parks.

It already costs 10 to 20 a night now for a tent. Thats cheap.

Yes, that's the point. If the costs increase by 5 fold, then how many people aren't going to be able to go to National Parks and enjoy?

Xanterra runs lodging and concessions at yellowstone. They are a private holding company and a tentsite costs 16 dollars. What are you arguing about? A majority of national parks and national forests already contract out.

As far as I can tell you're wrong.

$15 is for the first come first served camp sites.

Camping - Yellowstone National Park (U.S. National Park Service)

Xanterra runs Madison, Grant Village, Canyon, Bridge Bay and Fishing Bridge. The cheapest is $24.25 without tax. That's $10 more than most of those run by the NPS.

But then again the issue is far more complicated. What deal does Xanterra have with the NPS? If you have all camp sites as private, then what happens to the prices?

What we're arguing about is that Trump wants to privatize all campsite areas. This could potentially have a major impact on the ability of certain people to go to National Parks.
Yeah I'm sure the prices are going to be thousands of times more expensive.

10 or 20 bucks more isn't going to stop anyone from going to a national park

Actually it will.

that's 10 or 20 bucks a night. Take a trip of 10 days and that's 100 or 200 bucks.

I know how to travel cheaply because I couldn't afford to travel any other way. But many people can only afford one holiday a year, and they're going to be priced out of national parks.

It already costs 10 to 20 a night now for a tent. Thats cheap.

Yes, that's the point. If the costs increase by 5 fold, then how many people aren't going to be able to go to National Parks and enjoy?

Xanterra runs lodging and concessions at yellowstone. They are a private holding company and a tentsite costs 16 dollars. What are you arguing about? A majority of national parks and national forests already contract out.

allow me to channel the Weirdo


I am fucking outraged that a family has to pay 16 dollars a night to sleep on the ground. Do you know how many families can't afford 16 dollars a night? DO YOU? Only those rich assholes can afford that!!!!!

Why do you hate poor people?

Let's channel Skull Pilot

"I can afford to go to the parks, so everyone can afford it. If I can do it, everyone can do it"
The local KOA sites go for 44 a night for tents more for RVs. And you're talking about 10 day stays in your last post so what if it's cut to 8 days because people can't save up an extra 50 bucks over a year"

So tell me what do you want?

Parks in piss poor condition because of the 10 billion dollar repair and maintenance back log or parks in good repair that cost a couple bucks more to enter?

And you don't know how much the prices will rise so don't think you do. They can't go higher than any other private campground in the area if they want to stay viable. If they do then people will stay outside the park and then just pay the 5 day entry fee.

You can't have it both ways.

Private management of state parks has had great success in this country. FYI Central park in NYC is under private management.

So, how many people need to go to Central Park and camp out there?

Doesn't matter. The park is well run and the management company makes money on the concessions it runs in the park

The same thing can work in National Parks.

Saying it won't is knee jerk at best.

We have a dire problem with our National parks so we either raise taxes to cover the 10 billion dollars in repairs needed and keep taxes up to fund the parks or we can do what we used to do and allow logging in the parks to get the revenue needed. OR we can establish a public private partnership to do it.

So we either have to close parks and campgrounds as they become more deteriorated or fix the fucking problem

I didn't say it wouldn't "work", that's not the point. It's WHO it works for is the point. You increase the costs and then all of a sudden it only benefits... wait... get this, it benefits the RICH, yeah, what a shocker, Trump doing things to BENEFIT THE RICH once again. The working man's guy, bullshit is he.

Well, I'm sure there are people who would like the parks to spend more money, but, er... Trump defunded them.

FYI almost half of US Forest Service lands are privately operated and are just as busy as ever and you know why?

Because they are cleaner, better maintained and provide better customer focus than those places run by government employees

Okay, and what does this have to do with this topic?
It IS the topic

you think private management of national parks is wrong
Actually it will.

that's 10 or 20 bucks a night. Take a trip of 10 days and that's 100 or 200 bucks.

I know how to travel cheaply because I couldn't afford to travel any other way. But many people can only afford one holiday a year, and they're going to be priced out of national parks.

It already costs 10 to 20 a night now for a tent. Thats cheap.

Yes, that's the point. If the costs increase by 5 fold, then how many people aren't going to be able to go to National Parks and enjoy?

Xanterra runs lodging and concessions at yellowstone. They are a private holding company and a tentsite costs 16 dollars. What are you arguing about? A majority of national parks and national forests already contract out.

allow me to channel the Weirdo


I am fucking outraged that a family has to pay 16 dollars a night to sleep on the ground. Do you know how many families can't afford 16 dollars a night? DO YOU? Only those rich assholes can afford that!!!!!

Why do you hate poor people?

Let's channel Skull Pilot

"I can afford to go to the parks, so everyone can afford it. If I can do it, everyone can do it"

Anyone can afford it if they simply save their money for a vacation
Yeah I'm sure the prices are going to be thousands of times more expensive.

10 or 20 bucks more isn't going to stop anyone from going to a national park

Actually it will.

that's 10 or 20 bucks a night. Take a trip of 10 days and that's 100 or 200 bucks.

I know how to travel cheaply because I couldn't afford to travel any other way. But many people can only afford one holiday a year, and they're going to be priced out of national parks.

It already costs 10 to 20 a night now for a tent. Thats cheap.

Yes, that's the point. If the costs increase by 5 fold, then how many people aren't going to be able to go to National Parks and enjoy?

Xanterra runs lodging and concessions at yellowstone. They are a private holding company and a tentsite costs 16 dollars. What are you arguing about? A majority of national parks and national forests already contract out.

As far as I can tell you're wrong.

$15 is for the first come first served camp sites.

Camping - Yellowstone National Park (U.S. National Park Service)

Xanterra runs Madison, Grant Village, Canyon, Bridge Bay and Fishing Bridge. The cheapest is $24.25 without tax. That's $10 more than most of those run by the NPS.

But then again the issue is far more complicated. What deal does Xanterra have with the NPS? If you have all camp sites as private, then what happens to the prices?

What we're arguing about is that Trump wants to privatize all campsite areas. This could potentially have a major impact on the ability of certain people to go to National Parks.

if they can't afford a campsite then they probably can't afford to get to a national park

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