Trump starts his rally with Melania reciting the Lords comes the alt-left meltdown!

What is wrong if a straight President has a beautiful church going Bible reading wife?
No, it is a huge catastrophe for leftists!
A good President shall have at least a trannie partner like Obama, he shall be neither Christian nor mentally sound, but either a Freemason ( Satanist ) or a Muslim.
Leftist cursing Melanie non stop, but for what?
For her believe, for her prettiness and womanhood.
A mentally ill black atheist lesbian would be an ideal FLOTUS for leftist.

beautiful church going Bible reading wife?


" Hey, I'm fingering fah Jaycusssss!!!!!"....
Just because you and donald are stupid enough to believe hoes and housewives are the same thing dosen't mean that the rest of us are so stupid.

Why do you hate beautiful womans?
Or do you prefer a trannie homo Mike Obama?

A Muslim prayer would had been A-Okay.

With five naked faggots staying around.

Regarding your picture of Trump with a Bible;
"I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive."
Romans 16:17-18

Trump has already made for Christians more as entirely RINO faggots in D.C. within last 50 years.
If somebody want to be saved he/she shall memorize it.


Hon, that prayer has nothing to do with salvation. Accepting that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that He died on the cross to remove our sin is what saves us. We are saved for Christ's sake, not our own. That is why works can't get you there.
So memorize it as a reminder of the points you need to cover in speaking to our Father. For salvation, accept Christ as your savior and live to honor Him.
If somebody want to be saved he/she shall memorize it.


Hon, that prayer has nothing to do with salvation. r


Romans 10:13
13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Mark 11:24
Jesus teaches us to pray: Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
What is wrong if a straight President has a beautiful church going Bible reading wife?
No, it is a huge catastrophe for leftists!
A good President shall have at least a trannie partner like Obama, he shall be neither Christian nor mentally sound, but either a Freemason ( Satanist ) or a Muslim.
Leftist cursing Melanie non stop, but for what?
For her believe, for her prettiness and womanhood.
A mentally ill black atheist lesbian would be an ideal FLOTUS for leftist.

beautiful church going Bible reading wife?


" Hey, I'm fingering fah Jaycusssss!!!!!"....
Just because you and donald are stupid enough to believe hoes and housewives are the same thing dosen't mean that the rest of us are so stupid.

Why do you hate beautiful womans?
Or do you prefer a trannie homo Mike Obama?


Good to see I backed you off that bitch lie you started this thread with...the "god fearing, bible attending bullshit...".
Now that that bullshit has been exploded, I see that you don't want to address her skank layouts and lesbo

But please do continue to post photo shopped pictures of a real First Lady, it simply illustrates the length you losers will go to in order to try to bring down your betters...
What is wrong if a straight President has a beautiful church going Bible reading wife?
No, it is a huge catastrophe for leftists!
A good President shall have at least a trannie partner like Obama, he shall be neither Christian nor mentally sound, but either a Freemason ( Satanist ) or a Muslim.
Leftist cursing Melanie non stop, but for what?
For her believe, for her prettiness and womanhood.
A mentally ill black atheist lesbian would be an ideal FLOTUS for leftist.

beautiful church going Bible reading wife?


" Hey, I'm fingering fah Jaycusssss!!!!!"....
Just because you and donald are stupid enough to believe hoes and housewives are the same thing dosen't mean that the rest of us are so stupid.

Why do you hate beautiful womans?
Or do you prefer a trannie homo Mike Obama?


Good to see I backed you off that bitch lie you started this thread with...the "god fearing, bible attending bullshit...".
Now that that bullshit has been exploded, I see that you don't want to address her skank layouts and lesbo

But please do continue to post photo shopped pictures of a real First Lady, it simply illustrates the length you losers will go to in order to try to bring down your betters...

Real First Lady?

Are you fucking insane?

You Communists are delusional and deranged. Obama is no longer in office, Melania Trump is the "real first lady" regardless of how severely mentally ill you are.
What is wrong if a straight President has a beautiful church going Bible reading wife?
No, it is a huge catastrophe for leftists!
A good President shall have at least a trannie partner like Obama, he shall be neither Christian nor mentally sound, but either a Freemason ( Satanist ) or a Muslim.
Leftist cursing Melanie non stop, but for what?
For her believe, for her prettiness and womanhood.
A mentally ill black atheist lesbian would be an ideal FLOTUS for leftist.

beautiful church going Bible reading wife?


" Hey, I'm fingering fah Jaycusssss!!!!!"....
Just because you and donald are stupid enough to believe hoes and housewives are the same thing dosen't mean that the rest of us are so stupid.

Why do you hate beautiful womans?
Or do you prefer a trannie homo Mike Obama?


Good to see I backed you off that bitch lie you started this thread with...the "god fearing, bible attending bullshit...".
Now that that bullshit has been exploded, I see that you don't want to address her skank layouts and lesbo

But please do continue to post photo shopped pictures of a real First Lady, it simply illustrates the length you losers will go to in order to try to bring down your betters...

Real First Lady?

Are you fucking insane?

You Communists are delusional and deranged. Obama is no longer in office, Melania Trump is the "real first lady" regardless of how severely mentally ill you are.

For insecure white males that need to feel superior to women, of course an empty headed, soft porn model would be their gold
However real men miss a woman that is intelligent, educated, well versed and beautiful...
Maybe you need to boy woman.
Calling upon the name of the Lord has nothing to do with praying in rote. There were men in Christ's time who watched Jesus cure people and they were able to do the same through his methodology without knowing Him. It got them nowhere closer to salvation. In fact, the opposite was true.
And no where in the Bible does it say that you can achieve salvation by praying, unless it is the sinner's prayer of accepting Christ as your Savior. Our salvation took place on a cross. And it is a gift. To all who claim the blood that was shed there.

Jesus said, “When ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking” The word vain means “empty” or “useless”. Matthew 6:7
Jesus is warning us that repeating worthless phrases in our prayers will not help us be heard by God. Our Heavenly Father is not concerned with word count, flowery expressions, or mantras.
Psalm 51:6 He desires “truth in the inward being”

As an example of one of the conditions mentioned in the Lord's prayer is the"forgive me" part.
Here is whose prayer gets the desired result:
"The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous man, availeth much."
effectual=faith. You expect your prayer to have an effect.
fervent= desire to be heard. White hot, not red hot.
righteous= having no sin on them at the time the prayer is uttered.

Having said that, there are some who spent their whole lives in debauchery and have flat lined and were on their way to hell, when just calling out Christ's name brought back to life.
Because that is just how much he loves us. Our souls mean more to Jesus than protocol, even though protocol has it's place.
Last edited:
For insecure white males that need to feel superior to women, of course an empty headed, soft porn model would be their gold
However real men miss a woman that is intelligent, educated, well versed and beautiful...
Maybe you need to boy woman.

Again, I see you Communists as mentally ill. Your loss in the polls resulted in your loss of whatever tenuous grip you had on reality.

Trump is president. That you are mentally ill in no way changes reality. Melania is first lady, that you are mentally ill does not change this fact.
What is wrong if a straight President has a beautiful church going Bible reading wife?
No, it is a huge catastrophe for leftists!
A good President shall have at least a trannie partner like Obama, he shall be neither Christian nor mentally sound, but either a Freemason ( Satanist ) or a Muslim.
Leftist cursing Melanie non stop, but for what?
For her believe, for her prettiness and womanhood.
A mentally ill black atheist lesbian would be an ideal FLOTUS for leftist.

beautiful church going Bible reading wife?


" Hey, I'm fingering fah Jaycusssss!!!!!"....
Just because you and donald are stupid enough to believe hoes and housewives are the same thing dosen't mean that the rest of us are so stupid.

Why do you hate beautiful womans?
Or do you prefer a trannie homo Mike Obama?


Good to see I backed you off that bitch lie you started this thread with...the "god fearing, bible attending bullshit...".
Now that that bullshit has been exploded, I see that you don't want to address her skank layouts and lesbo

But please do continue to post photo shopped pictures of a real First Lady, it simply illustrates the length you losers will go to in order to try to bring down your betters...

To be First Lady, one has to be a lady.

Being proud of your country, even if your husband is not president helps.
What is wrong if a straight President has a beautiful church going Bible reading wife?
No, it is a huge catastrophe for leftists!
A good President shall have at least a trannie partner like Obama, he shall be neither Christian nor mentally sound, but either a Freemason ( Satanist ) or a Muslim.
Leftist cursing Melanie non stop, but for what?
For her believe, for her prettiness and womanhood.
A mentally ill black atheist lesbian would be an ideal FLOTUS for leftist.

beautiful church going Bible reading wife?


" Hey, I'm fingering fah Jaycusssss!!!!!"....
Just because you and donald are stupid enough to believe hoes and housewives are the same thing dosen't mean that the rest of us are so stupid.

Why do you hate beautiful womans?
Or do you prefer a trannie homo Mike Obama?


Good to see I backed you off that bitch lie you started this thread with...the "god fearing, bible attending bullshit...".
Now that that bullshit has been exploded, I see that you don't want to address her skank layouts and lesbo

But please do continue to post photo shopped pictures of a real First Lady, it simply illustrates the length you losers will go to in order to try to bring down your betters...

To be First Lady, one has to be a lady.

Being proud of your country, even if your husband is not president helps.

I'm glad that being proud of a country has nothing to do with being a lady...
Sometimes being a grown up man has it's burdens....
Now please stoke my respect of this new occupant of the First Lady's position by producing some cheap nudie shots....
I heard on the radio while driving. It was awesome! Thank you to the First Lady.
What is wrong if a straight President has a beautiful church going Bible reading wife?
No, it is a huge catastrophe for leftists!
A good President shall have at least a trannie partner like Obama, he shall be neither Christian nor mentally sound, but either a Freemason ( Satanist ) or a Muslim.
Leftist cursing Melanie non stop, but for what?
For her believe, for her prettiness and womanhood.
A mentally ill black atheist lesbian would be an ideal FLOTUS for leftist.

you should see what she opened with in her soft porn, huzzah huzzah
What is wrong if a straight President has a beautiful church going Bible reading wife?
No, it is a huge catastrophe for leftists!
A good President shall have at least a trannie partner like Obama, he shall be neither Christian nor mentally sound, but either a Freemason ( Satanist ) or a Muslim.
Leftist cursing Melanie non stop, but for what?
For her believe, for her prettiness and womanhood.
A mentally ill black atheist lesbian would be an ideal FLOTUS for leftist.

a prayer to the dead god of the goyim on two sticks! how cute!! by a former sex worker

Jesus Christ is the God of Israel. He is the God Moses wrote about, the God who Jacob wrestled with, the God who visited Abraham, the LORD Isaiah and Malachi wrote of, the fourth man in the fire with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Jesus Christ is the LORD. He the One Hebrew Prophets prophesied about. Show some respect, Guno.

try that christer groveling in Israel, that crap would be shut down fast
Jesus Christ is the God of Israel. He is the God Moses wrote about, the God who Jacob wrestled with, the God who visited Abraham, the LORD Isaiah and Malachi wrote of, the fourth man in the fire with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Jesus Christ is the LORD. He the One Hebrew Prophets prophesied about. Show some respect, Guno.
Not all Jews respect these things. Karl Marx, for example.
Jesus Christ is the God of Israel. He is the God Moses wrote about, the God who Jacob wrestled with, the God who visited Abraham, the LORD Isaiah and Malachi wrote of, the fourth man in the fire with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Jesus Christ is the LORD. He the One Hebrew Prophets prophesied about. Show some respect, Guno.
Not all Jews respect these things. Karl Marx, for example.

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