Trump starts his rally with Melania reciting the Lords comes the alt-left meltdown!

Barry was never anywhere near 50% for the last 8 years,,,,polls were always fake since he took office and everyone knows it
Polls were fake then, but now that your Orange God is in office, they're spot on. Amirite comrade?
Are you speaking of the President who left office with one of the highest approval ratings, or the one who entered office with the lowest rating in 100 years?
President Trumps approval rating is 59 %.
RCP average is 45%

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

RCP Average 1/31 - 2/18 45.0 50.2 -5.2
Gallup 2/16 - 2/18 41 55 -14
Rasmussen 2/14 - 2/16 55 45 +10
Economist 2/12 - 2/14 46 49 -3
FOX News 2/11 - 2/13 48 47 +1
Reuters 2/10 - 2/14 46 50 -4
Pew 2/7 - 2/12 42 54 -12
PPP (D) 2/7 - 2/8 43 53 -10
Emerson 2/5 - 2/6 48 47 +1
Quinnipiac 2/2 - 2/6 42 51 -9
CBS News 2/1 - 2/2 40 48 -8
CNN/ORC 1/31 - 2/2
Michelle insulted all Americans before she walked into the white house...and we all heard what she had to say about being an American,,then a few years later goes on million dollar vacations and didnt pay for them!!!
#1. Michelle Obama did not insult all Americans...that is a lie.

#2. Michelle Obama I'd not go on million dollar vacation and not pay for it...that too is a lie.

All you seem to have is lies.

Michelle went on million dollar vacations, no she did not pay every cent. She had to use Secret Service, she had to use Air Force transport, tons of security and on and on. That all said, there is nothing wrong with it, it goes with the position she was put in. It's what I'd expect with any First Lady traveling.
You cannot be a good Christian and be a Trump supporter. If you say you are then you are a liar. Trump bullies people, lies, and manipulates for his own personal gain. That is not Christian behavior. What did he do at the Washington Prayer Breakfast? He attacked people and bragged about himself. Melania is as dishonest and cheap as Trump is. We know who the real conservative Christians are and they were not at the rally.

Who are the "real" conservative Christians?
Michelle insulted all Americans before she walked into the white house...and we all heard what she had to say about being an American,,then a few years later goes on million dollar vacations and didnt pay for them!!!
#1. Michelle Obama did not insult all Americans...that is a lie.

#2. Michelle Obama I'd not go on million dollar vacation and not pay for it...that too is a lie.

All you seem to have is lies.

Michelle went on million dollar vacations, no she did not pay every cent. She had to use Secret Service, she had to use Air Force transport, tons of security and on and on. That all said, there is nothing wrong with it, it goes with the position she was put in. It's what I'd expect with any First Lady traveling.
But od course you don't care that it costs $3 million every time trump takes a weekend in Florida, and he has done it every single weekend since his inauguration
You cannot be a good Christian and be a Trump supporter. If you say you are then you are a liar. Trump bullies people, lies, and manipulates for his own personal gain. That is not Christian behavior. What did he do at the Washington Prayer Breakfast? He attacked people and bragged about himself. Melania is as dishonest and cheap as Trump is. We know who the real conservative Christians are and they were not at the rally.

Who are they?

Someone who supports his political agenda.
Michelle insulted all Americans before she walked into the white house...and we all heard what she had to say about being an American,,then a few years later goes on million dollar vacations and didnt pay for them!!!
#1. Michelle Obama did not insult all Americans...that is a lie.

#2. Michelle Obama I'd not go on million dollar vacation and not pay for it...that too is a lie.

All you seem to have is lies.

Michelle went on million dollar vacations, no she did not pay every cent. She had to use Secret Service, she had to use Air Force transport, tons of security and on and on. That all said, there is nothing wrong with it, it goes with the position she was put in. It's what I'd expect with any First Lady traveling.
But od course you don't care that it costs $3 million every time trump takes a weekend in Florida, and he has done it every single weekend since his inauguration

I didn't care that it cost millions for Michelle to go on vacations, why would I care if it costs millions for Trump to go to Florida? I stated that there is "nothing wrong with it". Can you not comprehend what you read? The cost of traveling is par for the course of being in the White House.

Please learn to read.
What is wrong if a straight President has a beautiful church going Bible reading wife?
No, it is a huge catastrophe for leftists!
A good President shall have at least a trannie partner like Obama, he shall be neither Christian nor mentally sound, but either a Freemason ( Satanist ) or a Muslim.
Leftist cursing Melanie non stop, but for what?
For her believe, for her prettiness and womanhood.
A mentally ill black atheist lesbian would be an ideal FLOTUS for leftist.

What is wrong if a straight President has a beautiful church going Bible reading wife?
No, it is a huge catastrophe for leftists!
A good President shall have at least a trannie partner like Obama, he shall be neither Christian nor mentally sound, but either a Freemason ( Satanist ) or a Muslim.
Leftist cursing Melanie non stop, but for what?
For her believe, for her prettiness and womanhood.
A mentally ill black atheist lesbian would be an ideal FLOTUS for leftist.

a prayer to the dead god of the goyim on two sticks! how cute!! by a former sex worker
What is wrong if a straight President has a beautiful church going Bible reading wife?
No, it is a huge catastrophe for leftists!
A good President shall have at least a trannie partner like Obama, he shall be neither Christian nor mentally sound, but either a Freemason ( Satanist ) or a Muslim.
Leftist cursing Melanie non stop, but for what?
For her believe, for her prettiness and womanhood.
A mentally ill black atheist lesbian would be an ideal FLOTUS for leftist.

So obvious, and if they are Christians its a recent born again experience. His past life and hers does not adhere to living a Christian life, a life of honor, integrity, morality, giving and not living in a courtroom suing everyone and being sued . The hypocrisy is astounding. PS: at least she was quoting the Lords Prayer and not Michelle.
What is wrong if a straight President has a beautiful church going Bible reading wife?
No, it is a huge catastrophe for leftists!
A good President shall have at least a trannie partner like Obama, he shall be neither Christian nor mentally sound, but either a Freemason ( Satanist ) or a Muslim.
Leftist cursing Melanie non stop, but for what?
For her believe, for her prettiness and womanhood.
A mentally ill black atheist lesbian would be an ideal FLOTUS for leftist.

a prayer to the dead god of the goyim on two sticks! how cute

If my God is dead, then so is yours, because they are one in the same.
What is wrong if a straight President has a beautiful church going Bible reading wife?
No, it is a huge catastrophe for leftists!
A good President shall have at least a trannie partner like Obama, he shall be neither Christian nor mentally sound, but either a Freemason ( Satanist ) or a Muslim.
Leftist cursing Melanie non stop, but for what?
For her believe, for her prettiness and womanhood.
A mentally ill black atheist lesbian would be an ideal FLOTUS for leftist.

I pray she apologized to The Lord directly afterwards, god bless
The Lord's Prayer, oh my, that's so rebellious. What could be more PC that prattling that off.
What is wrong if a straight President has a beautiful church going Bible reading wife?
No, it is a huge catastrophe for leftists!
A good President shall have at least a trannie partner like Obama, he shall be neither Christian nor mentally sound, but either a Freemason ( Satanist ) or a Muslim.
Leftist cursing Melanie non stop, but for what?
For her believe, for her prettiness and womanhood.
A mentally ill black atheist lesbian would be an ideal FLOTUS for leftist.

a prayer to the dead god of the goyim on two sticks! how cute!! by a former sex worker

Thanks. KaChing!
What is wrong if a straight President has a beautiful church going Bible reading wife?
No, it is a huge catastrophe for leftists!
A good President shall have at least a trannie partner like Obama, he shall be neither Christian nor mentally sound, but either a Freemason ( Satanist ) or a Muslim.
Leftist cursing Melanie non stop, but for what?
For her believe, for her prettiness and womanhood.
A mentally ill black atheist lesbian would be an ideal FLOTUS for leftist.

a prayer to the dead god of the goyim on two sticks! how cute!! by a former sex worker

Better tell us why you were expelled from 109 countries since 250 AD?
What is wrong if a straight President has a beautiful church going Bible reading wife?
No, it is a huge catastrophe for leftists!
A good President shall have at least a trannie partner like Obama, he shall be neither Christian nor mentally sound, but either a Freemason ( Satanist ) or a Muslim.
Leftist cursing Melanie non stop, but for what?
For her believe, for her prettiness and womanhood.
A mentally ill black atheist lesbian would be an ideal FLOTUS for leftist.

a prayer to the dead god of the goyim on two sticks! how cute

If my God is dead, then so is yours, because they are one in the same.

Guys believe in devil


41 Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.

42 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.

43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.

44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

John 8

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