Trump starts his rally with Melania reciting the Lords comes the alt-left meltdown!

- like bubble wrap.

Isn't it interesting that the RWnuts think that Melania Trump used the Lord's prayer, of all things, as a partisan attack on Democrats?

And that they like the idea of that? The fake Christians are out in force.

A reaction to something in no way indicates an attack. I'm sure Democrats were the farthest thing from her mind.

Seriously. Perhaps God and Jesus were the closest thing to her mind given what she was reciting.

Perhaps that's too common sense for some. :dunno:
Michelle insulted all Americans before she walked into the white house...and we all heard what she had to say about being an American,,then a few years later goes on million dollar vacations and didnt pay for them!!!
#1. Michelle Obama did not insult all Americans...that is a lie.

#2. Michelle Obama I'd not go on million dollar vacation and not pay for it...that too is a lie.

All you seem to have is lies.
Michelle insulted all Americans before she walked into the white house...and we all heard what she had to say about being an American,,then a few years later goes on million dollar vacations and didnt pay for them!!!
#1. Michelle Obama did not insult all Americans...that is a lie.

#2. Michelle Obama I'd not go on million dollar vacation and not pay for it...that too is a lie.

All you seem to have is lies.
I'm just glad both of those racist POS's are gone. Maybe now we can start repairing the damage, and heal the wounds.
Michelle insulted all Americans before she walked into the white house...and we all heard what she had to say about being an American,,then a few years later goes on million dollar vacations and didnt pay for them!!!
#1. Michelle Obama did not insult all Americans...that is a lie.

#2. Michelle Obama I'd not go on million dollar vacation and not pay for it...that too is a lie.

All you seem to have is lies.
I'm just glad both of those racist POS's are gone. Maybe now we can start repairing the damage, and heal the wounds.

Black Americans are an integral part of America. They are woven into the fabric.

None of Obama's kin or him are, that's for damn sure. He ain't got no dog in this race, so he needs to sit down and shut up.
We now have a First Lady who loves this country. A First Lady who is proud to be here.
Obama's black half is actually from Africa. Meanwhile, I know people who's family has been heanh for 5 generations. None of us like Obama. That's real.
- like bubble wrap.

Isn't it interesting that the RWnuts think that Melania Trump used the Lord's prayer, of all things, as a partisan attack on Democrats?

And that they like the idea of that? The fake Christians are out in force.

A reaction to something in no way idicates an attack. I'm sure Democrats were the farthest thing from her mind.

They certainly weren't from your mind.
- like bubble wrap.

Isn't it interesting that the RWnuts think that Melania Trump used the Lord's prayer, of all things, as a partisan attack on Democrats?

And that they like the idea of that? The fake Christians are out in force.

A reaction to something in no way idicates an attack. I'm sure Democrats were the farthest thing from her mind.

They certainly weren't from your mind.

What is it that's from your self-aggrandizing mind?

It's "indicates" btw. That's OK, I read typonese/
So a Jew doing the Lord's Prayer is suppose to be a special event?

"A Jew"?

Wow. Way to be inclusive.
Let's talk about all the people excluded when she pulled out that prayer. This was a private "campaign rally," granted, but it was by our POTUS and FLOTUS, televised all over the US. The Pres isn't very good at "reaching out" to anyone but his own supporters, is he?
Why would a Christian give a Jewish, Muslim or Hindu prayer? Jesus Christ Is the Son, Holy Ghost and Lord God Almighty. He taught us how to pray to God, which First Lady did so beautifully. Praying to anyone else would be sacreligious.p. And for the record, the prayer doesn't exclude Jews or Muslims since we all pray to the same God., although I question the validity of this Allah diety. That is not the God of Christians and Jews.
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Note her stunning beauty.
Yes, America needs to return to the days of empty headed trophy wives, makes some white men feel important...
Perhaps some. For others it could be something as simple as stomping the shit out of a crooked female democrat and assuming the position of the most powerful man on earth... Sometimes it's the simple things in life that bring the most joy. Even more so when doing it brings joy to millions.
You cannot be a good Christian and be a Trump supporter. If you say you are then you are a liar. Trump bullies people, lies, and manipulates for his own personal gain. That is not Christian behavior. What did he do at the Washington Prayer Breakfast? He attacked people and bragged about himself. Melania is as dishonest and cheap as Trump is. We know who the real conservative Christians are and they were not at the rally.
Note the teleprompters because she doesn't know the words


Of course she knows the words. Try doing what she did in front of a huge audience. You'd have a piece of paper with the prayer on it as well dumbass.
You cannot be a good Christian and be a Trump supporter. If you say you are then you are a liar. Trump bullies people, lies, and manipulates for his own personal gain. That is not Christian behavior. What did he do at the Washington Prayer Breakfast? He attacked people and bragged about himself. Melania is as dishonest and cheap as Trump is. We know who the real conservative Christians are and they were not at the rally.


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