Trump starts his rally with Melania reciting the Lords comes the alt-left meltdown!

After years of attacks on Michelle Obama, did the RWnutters really think Queen Melania was going to get a free pass?
You and a few others who are attacking Melania are behaving no better than the scum who called Michelle every nasty thing in the book. IMO, it's not helpful to stoop to that level. It's obvious you ARE in a bad mood today, but Geez, the woman deserves the basic respect of any other woman you encounter. Titties? Really?
I think her fake titties are made out of the same material as bubble wrap.
/--- Why do you Libtards hate beautiful, smart, successful, sexy women so much?
Melania makes Moochelle look like the Tasmainian Devil in a dress wearing pink lipstick

Michelle was a fine First Lady. This attacking of the First Ladies is sad.
Michelle said some offensive things and interjected herself into politics. The deeper you wade into the waters the more likely you get bit by the sharks.

The nutty after campaign campaign rally WAS political. She participated.
You really do not see a difference between the highly politically active Michelle and what Melania does? Idiot.
Note her stunning beauty.

Gold-digging whore
I'll take her over a spear chucking transvestite every time.
Only she wouldn't take you. See, looks don't matter to her. Not personality. Clearly. Look no further than her weird-haired, fat, ugly ass, thin skinned husband for proof. He has money. That's all that matters
I guess that makes two things you'll never have...
- like bubble wrap.

Very nice to see!

Have we now become a Christian nation?

We have never been a Christian nation, nor was that ever the intent.

However, like it or not, we are a nation of Christians, and that majority is out of patience with your minority.

What does religion have to do with anything? Its exactly why we try to separate church and state

We separate church and state to protect freedom of religion from government, not vice-versa.

Both, actually.
and remember how Barry always needed a teleprompter to order dinner in a restaurant these last 8 years? and the rats never made fun of it/
Are you speaking of the President who left office with one of the highest approval ratings, or the one who entered office with the lowest rating in 100 years?

Here we are back to polls again. :lmao:
according to Democrat Polls? according to the overflow crowds we still see till today,,,Trump won with about a 65% approval and is still at 65%
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
After years of attacks on Michelle Obama, did the RWnutters really think Queen Melania was going to get a free pass?

I didn't think she would get a pass, the left wing nut jobs, like yourself are no different than the right wing nut jobs that attack Michelle neither group has class, dignity, nor brains. Thanks for proving it.
I think her fake titties are made out of the same material as bubblthis e wrap.

Mmm, expressing political disagreement by attacking her body...

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.

Implants are not 'her body'.

They are now, and you expressed political disagreement, not by attacking her message, but by attacking her tits.

Pretty standard behavior for a lib really. When faced with a superior argument or debater, attack them personally, smear them, marginalize them.
Such irony.

No kidding, all those attacks on Michelle, it is all childish. Reminds me of third grade.
Michelle insulted all Americans before she walked into the white house...and we all heard what she had to say about being an American,,then a few years later goes on million dollar vacations and didnt pay for them!!!
The right wingers almost held the high ground here for a minute; then Rexx arrived.
I think her fake titties are made out of the same material as bubble wrap.
/--- Why do you Libtards hate beautiful, smart, successful, sexy women so much?
Melania makes Moochelle look like the Tasmainian Devil in a dress wearing pink lipstick
Hey Rexx, will you post a picture of yourself for our edification? You must be perfection. Give us a thrill and show us your beautiful bod to match your beautiful mind. When you got it, flaunt it!
So a Jew doing the Lord's Prayer is suppose to be a special event?

"A Jew"?

Wow. Way to be inclusive.
Let's talk about all the people excluded when she pulled out that prayer. This was a private "campaign rally," granted, but it was by our POTUS and FLOTUS, televised all over the US. The Pres isn't very good at "reaching out" to anyone but his own supporters, is he?

OK. Who was excluded?

Other than rabid atheists who can't stand to witness the free exercise of Christianity.
A novel place for a prayer, though. Was Melania trying to tell us something?

My husband is President. We must prepare to meet our Maker.

I suppose it could have been worse. At least it wasn't the 23rd Psalm.
Aren't you proud to have Melania represent America as First Lady?

To quote your own words "She's not a natural born American". To right-wing Christians, she's not his wife - they don't believe in divorce.

I like Melania. She wore that Pussy blouse to the debate after his pussy-grabbing video came out. She refused to move into the White House. Donald treats her very badly too. Don't think we haven't noticed that.
A novel place for a prayer, though. Was Melania trying to tell us something?

My husband is President. We must prepare to meet our Maker.

I suppose it could have been worse. At least it wasn't the 23rd Psalm.
Aren't you proud to have Melania represent America as First Lady?

To quote your own words "She's not a natural born American". To right-wing Christians, she's not his wife - they don't believe in divorce.

I like Melania. She wore that Pussy blouse to the debate after his pussy-grabbing video came out. She refused to move into the White House. Donald treats her very badly too. Don't think we haven't noticed that.

1. Who has complained that she is an immigrant?

2. Link that right wing Christians don't believe in divorce.

3. I think that a former model who agrees to be the Third Wife of a Billionaire is probably not to shocked to find that he had used course language in the past.

4. Trump treats her badly? Crazy talk.
So a Jew doing the Lord's Prayer is suppose to be a special event?

"A Jew"?

Wow. Way to be inclusive.
Let's talk about all the people excluded when she pulled out that prayer. This was a private "campaign rally," granted, but it was by our POTUS and FLOTUS, televised all over the US. The Pres isn't very good at "reaching out" to anyone but his own supporters, is he?

OK. Who was excluded?

Other than rabid atheists who can't stand to witness the free exercise of Christianity.
Jews? Muslims? Hindus? Buddhists? 30% of the country does not identify as Christian.
Is the Lord’s Prayer Non-Denominational?
What do Christians and Muslims Pray? 1/4
A novel place for a prayer, though. Was Melania trying to tell us something?

My husband is President. We must prepare to meet our Maker.

I suppose it could have been worse. At least it wasn't the 23rd Psalm.
Aren't you proud to have Melania represent America as First Lady?

To quote your own words "She's not a natural born American". To right-wing Christians, she's not his wife - they don't believe in divorce.

I like Melania. She wore that Pussy blouse to the debate after his pussy-grabbing video came out. She refused to move into the White House. Donald treats her very badly too. Don't think we haven't noticed that.

1. Who has complained that she is an immigrant?

2. Link that right wing Christians don't believe in divorce.

3. I think that a former model who agrees to be the Third Wife of a Billionaire is probably not to shocked to find that he had used course language in the past.

4. Trump treats her badly? Crazy talk.

I was responding to Steve McGarrett, who called another poster "not a natural born citizen". I gather this is an issue for him. Well, Melania isn't a natural born citizen either. So many of you oppose immigration, including President Trump. You'd think this would be an issue for your all.

How Different Religions View Divorce in America

Key is this passage:

Jesus is quoted in Matthew as saying, "Because of your hardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so. And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery."
Read more at How Different Religions View Divorce in America

Yes, he treats her badly. When he arrived at the White House he got out of the car and walked away - didn't wait for her - it was rude. He admitted to cheating on her in the pussy grabbing video. He's a pig.
So a Jew doing the Lord's Prayer is suppose to be a special event?

"A Jew"?

Wow. Way to be inclusive.
Let's talk about all the people excluded when she pulled out that prayer. This was a private "campaign rally," granted, but it was by our POTUS and FLOTUS, televised all over the US. The Pres isn't very good at "reaching out" to anyone but his own supporters, is he?

OK. Who was excluded?

Other than rabid atheists who can't stand to witness the free exercise of Christianity.
Jews? Muslims? Hindus? Buddhists? 30% of the country does not identify as Christian.
Is the Lord’s Prayer Non-Denominational?
What do Christians and Muslims Pray? 1/4

So? You think many of them felt offended or excluded?

This country has always been massively majority Christian. If anyone moved here thinking that they would not have to live with Christians being Christians, that stupidity is on them.

Are you concerned about those who feel upset to see a woman speaking in public with her face uncovered?

Me neither. Their problems are not our concern.

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