Trump starts his rally with Melania reciting the Lords comes the alt-left meltdown!

A novel place for a prayer, though. Was Melania trying to tell us something?

My husband is President. We must prepare to meet our Maker.

I suppose it could have been worse. At least it wasn't the 23rd Psalm.

Trump suckered in the evangelicals - now he's just keeping the con going.
The Lord uses EVERYTHING and EVERY SITUATION for his purposes... HIS ways are not ours.
In Melania yesterday:

1. I thought it was a nice touch having her there. She humanizes Donald.

2. She always appears uncomfortable in this role, making her appear very human and very vulnerable.

3. Her accent is sexy.

4. She deserves no criticism that she receives from the degenerate left because she has not done anything that is offensive. If anything she was dragged into this position by Donald.

5. She looked very sexy yesterday; a true trophy wife. If Don can still get an erection he should be tapping that every day.
Whoops! In my prior post I meant to say "On Melania yesterday", but instead I said "IN Melania yesterday"! LOL!

I think the Freudian implication was funny so I will not edit.
Apparently liberals HATE immigrants as long as they are WHITE, Christian, and MUCH BETTER LOOKING than their pick for president or first lady.
In Melania yesterday:

1. I thought it was a nice touch having her there. She humanizes Donald.

2. She always appears uncomfortable in this role, making her appear very human and very vulnerable.

3. Her accent is sexy.

4. She deserves no criticism that she receives from the degenerate left because she has not done anything that is offensive. If anything she was dragged into this position by Donald.

5. She looked very sexy yesterday; a true trophy wife. If Don can still get an erection he should be tapping that every day.
It was a very nice dress. Demure but cute.
I think her fake titties are made out of the same material as bubblthis e wrap.

Mmm, expressing political disagreement by attacking her body...

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.

Implants are not 'her body'.

They are now, and you expressed political disagreement, not by attacking her message, but by attacking her tits.

Pretty standard behavior for a lib really. When faced with a superior argument or debater, attack them personally, smear them, marginalize them.
The left are degenerate scum. Attacking Melania's tits is really low, even for Carbineer. Of all the leftist scum on this board I have thus far thought of Carbineer as being just a confused but somewhat intelligent sort. Most of the leftists herein are clearly degenerates. But I did not see that in Carbineer until today. Of course, I am new here, so maybe Carb just hides it well. But I see the light today. Attacking Melania is based on nothing but pure hatefulness, and is the sign of a truly degenerate shit bag.

Carbineer, I think you owe EVERYBODY an apology. Man-up and do the right thing. Please, take yourself out of the "hateful degenerate" column and go back to being just a leftist dumbass.
I think her fake titties are made out of the same material as bubble wrap.
/--- Why do you Libtards hate beautiful, smart, successful, sexy women so much?
Melania makes Moochelle look like the Tasmainian Devil in a dress wearing pink lipstick

Michelle was a fine First Lady. This attacking of the First Ladies is sad.

lol, that old trick.

I think her fake titties are made out of the same material as bubblthis e wrap.

Mmm, expressing political disagreement by attacking her body...

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.

Implants are not 'her body'.

They are now, and you expressed political disagreement, not by attacking her message, but by attacking her tits.

Pretty standard behavior for a lib really. When faced with a superior argument or debater, attack them personally, smear them, marginalize them.
Such irony.
- like bubble wrap.

Which version did she use? There's several.


That's the Slovenian version. It's all Greek to me.
After years of attacks on Michelle Obama, did the RWnutters really think Queen Melania was going to get a free pass?
I think her fake titties are made out of the same material as bubble wrap.
/--- Why do you Libtards hate beautiful, smart, successful, sexy women so much?
Melania makes Moochelle look like the Tasmainian Devil in a dress wearing pink lipstick

Michelle was a fine First Lady. This attacking of the First Ladies is sad.
Michelle said some offensive things and interjected herself into politics. The deeper you wade into the waters the more likely you get bit by the sharks.
I think her fake titties are made out of the same material as bubble wrap.
/--- Why do you Libtards hate beautiful, smart, successful, sexy women so much?
Melania makes Moochelle look like the Tasmainian Devil in a dress wearing pink lipstick

Michelle was a fine First Lady. This attacking of the First Ladies is sad.
Michelle said some offensive things and interjected herself into politics. The deeper you wade into the waters the more likely you get bit by the sharks.

The nutty after campaign campaign rally WAS political. She participated.
After years of attacks on Michelle Obama, did the RWnutters really think Queen Melania was going to get a free pass?
Michelle interjected herself into politics. She played the game. Melania is a reluctant participant.


Never been proud of her country

The struggle continues

The future is hopeless

Free our girls

My God, Carbineer, how blind are you?

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