Trump Still Floating Soros Conspiracy

Snowflakes, in the Immortal words of Jack Nicholson in the movie 'A Few Good Men':


Soros Has Given $1 Million To Group Linked To Fusion GPS For Trump-Russia Investigation

"George Soros, the billionaire financier who supports numerous progressive causes, has provided $1 million in funding for a nonprofit group that works closely with Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that commissioned the infamous Steele dossier. Soros is considering providing more funding for the group"

The Women's March
Fusion GPS

The Liberal POS who has been booted out of his own country has been funding all of the crap the Democrats are involved in....

Well, Cupcake, Soros is just the other side of the same coin as the Koch Brothers.
Can't prove it though can you floater?
You seriously need to stop trolling
Snowflakes, in the Immortal words of Jack Nicholson in the movie 'A Few Good Men':


Soros Has Given $1 Million To Group Linked To Fusion GPS For Trump-Russia Investigation

"George Soros, the billionaire financier who supports numerous progressive causes, has provided $1 million in funding for a nonprofit group that works closely with Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that commissioned the infamous Steele dossier. Soros is considering providing more funding for the group"

The Women's March
Fusion GPS

The Liberal POS who has been booted out of his own country has been funding all of the crap the Democrats are involved in....

Well, Cupcake, Soros is just the other side of the same coin as the Koch Brothers.
Can't prove it though can you floater?

I don't have to prove a thing. Your bunch has made some pretty outlandish claims about Soros and has been debunked on the more outlandish claims. It's pretty well common knowledge that the Koch Brothers have financed whole branches of Republican Candidates just like Soros as for Democrats. Both of them have stood toe to toe on many issues and put their billions at stake. Notice, I am not saying that the Koch Brothers are evil, only that they are the largest Republican Donors in the US and have been for a few decades. Soros owns that title for the Democrats. Cupcake, you need to stop drinking that orange koolaid.

Idiot, just because someone made that pic - DOES NOT MEAN IT IS ACTUALLY TRUE.

Curiously, despite the claim that the remark was published in an unspecified issue of Newsweek 38 years ago, we’ve found no evidence that this quote existed at all prior to 2017, when it suddenly sprang up, fully formed, on social media. There are no cites, no mentions, no paraphrases, nor even any critical reactions to the obviously fabricated statement in any published source over those entire four decades.

So next time avoid the eggs on your dummy face and do a basic fact check. And then ask yourself - what kind of asshole would just make something like that up, and what kind of asshole am I if I help them spread it?
Doesn't matter. It's not part of trumpanzee canon. "So it is written, so shall it be done."
Voting or Johnson was a vote for Trump genius
Yes, good job of watching the TV einstein...unfortunately the TV did not tell you what to say when the discussion is about hillary not being smart enough to beat trump...btw, did the TV tell you what to say about trump winning the popular vote if johnsons votes were really votes for trump?

So, are you denying that Soros funded those libs or events?
Do you have proof?

Real easy to see whats happening with soros and his shell groups. You just don't want to see. Or, more than likely, you're happy that these thugs are coming towards the US. This fits into the lefts nihilistic view.

Reports: Soros funding border caravan invasion
Proof please.
He hasn't got any, he's just parroting the talking points he was told to push.
Why do you continue to lie....oh yeah...because that is all you have in response to the truth and supporting evidence...because after 2 years of a proven conspiratorial witch hunt it has been proven you have no idea what
Proof please.
US AG Eric Holder was caught committing Felony Perjury, was protected by Obama from indictment, but was still Censured by a bipartisan Congress who was determined to hold him accountable for his crimes, making his the 1st US Presidential Cabinet Member in US history to be Censured.....yet snowflakes still lie and declared he never did anything wrong.

The FBI publicly declared they had recovered over 1500 official subpoenaed documents Hillary had attempted to destroy (Obstruction of Justice), documents she was required by law (FOIA & the Federal Records Act) to turn in but which she did not IN VIOLATION OF BOTH LAWS, but since she was protected from indictment snowflakes again claim she never broke any laws / she did nothing wrong.

Barak Obama openly admitted he did not have the Constitutional Authority to affect US Immigration Law; however, he almost immediately violated the Constitution's Separation of Powers by bypassing Congress to impose his own socialist agenda edict (His 'Dreamer Act') as 'law of the land' because he refused to wait for Congress to do their job, which is to write and pass laws....yet, again, snowflakes never complained, never rebuked him, never held him accountable, and still to this day while attacking Trump for TALKING about doing what Obama DID they still insist Obama never did anything wrong.

Former CIA Director John Brennan committed Perjury TWICE before Congress, once when he lied by telling Congress he and his CIA had not illegally spied on Americans, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices, and the 2nd time when he lied by claiming he knew nothing about the Trump Dossier.
- To prevent being indicted the 1st time the DNC and GOP cut a deal which required Brennan to stand in front of Congress and admit his perjury and his illegal spying...all of this was heavily records / reported...

…..yet still snowflakes deny reality and try to claim none of this ever happened.

Once again, as I said, you have to WANT to see the truth, you have to want to embrace reality over partisanship.
Proof about what you said about Soros? Nice deflection.
Already some work - don't demand to be spoonfed.
Snowflakes, in the Immortal words of Jack Nicholson in the movie 'A Few Good Men':


Soros Has Given $1 Million To Group Linked To Fusion GPS For Trump-Russia Investigation

"George Soros, the billionaire financier who supports numerous progressive causes, has provided $1 million in funding for a nonprofit group that works closely with Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that commissioned the infamous Steele dossier. Soros is considering providing more funding for the group"

The Women's March
Fusion GPS

The Liberal POS who has been booted out of his own country has been funding all of the crap the Democrats are involved in....

Well, Cupcake, Soros is just the other side of the same coin as the Koch Brothers.
Can't prove it though can you floater?
Already done...numerous times.
Voting or Johnson was a vote for Trump genius
Yes, good job of watching the TV einstein...unfortunately the TV did not tell you what to say when the discussion is about hillary not being smart enough to beat trump...btw, did the TV tell you what to say about trump winning the popular vote if johnsons votes were really votes for trump?
Whether Hillary was or was not smart enough to beat Trump it was VOTES that made it happen.

YOU voted for Johnson. YOU are responsible for Trump just as a couple million others who either didn't vote or wasted their vote on idiots like Johnson or Stein are.

Votes Matter people.


2+ years later, we are still having to deal with 'dangers to our democracy' who refuse to accept the results.

This is the results of another failed liberal policy - giving everyone a participation trophy instead of teaching people how to deal with both winning and losing.
So, are you denying that Soros funded those libs or events?
Do you have proof?

Real easy to see whats happening with soros and his shell groups. You just don't want to see. Or, more than likely, you're happy that these thugs are coming towards the US. This fits into the lefts nihilistic view.

Reports: Soros funding border caravan invasion
Proof please.
He hasn't got any, he's just parroting the talking points he was told to push.
Why do you continue to lie....oh yeah...because that is all you have in response to the truth and supporting evidence...because after 2 years of a proven conspiratorial witch hunt it has been proven you have no idea what
Proof please.
US AG Eric Holder was caught committing Felony Perjury, was protected by Obama from indictment, but was still Censured by a bipartisan Congress who was determined to hold him accountable for his crimes, making his the 1st US Presidential Cabinet Member in US history to be Censured.....yet snowflakes still lie and declared he never did anything wrong.

The FBI publicly declared they had recovered over 1500 official subpoenaed documents Hillary had attempted to destroy (Obstruction of Justice), documents she was required by law (FOIA & the Federal Records Act) to turn in but which she did not IN VIOLATION OF BOTH LAWS, but since she was protected from indictment snowflakes again claim she never broke any laws / she did nothing wrong.

Barak Obama openly admitted he did not have the Constitutional Authority to affect US Immigration Law; however, he almost immediately violated the Constitution's Separation of Powers by bypassing Congress to impose his own socialist agenda edict (His 'Dreamer Act') as 'law of the land' because he refused to wait for Congress to do their job, which is to write and pass laws....yet, again, snowflakes never complained, never rebuked him, never held him accountable, and still to this day while attacking Trump for TALKING about doing what Obama DID they still insist Obama never did anything wrong.

Former CIA Director John Brennan committed Perjury TWICE before Congress, once when he lied by telling Congress he and his CIA had not illegally spied on Americans, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices, and the 2nd time when he lied by claiming he knew nothing about the Trump Dossier.
- To prevent being indicted the 1st time the DNC and GOP cut a deal which required Brennan to stand in front of Congress and admit his perjury and his illegal spying...all of this was heavily records / reported...

…..yet still snowflakes deny reality and try to claim none of this ever happened.

Once again, as I said, you have to WANT to see the truth, you have to want to embrace reality over partisanship.
Proof about what you said about Soros? Nice deflection.
Already some work - don't demand to be spoonfed.
No you have not. And what witch hunt do you mean? Not the one that has provided so many indictments.
I did not like Hillary either.
Didn't say ya fact since the 2016 election I have only heard 3 people admit to voting for her [and one of them is here on this forum] so evidently more folks are seeing what I saw before the election and are no longer fooled by her or her phony intellectual claims...i.e., it wasn't trumps ability to fool voters, it was hillary's inabilty to fool them.
Whether Hillary was or was not smart enough to beat Trump it was VOTES that made it happen.

1. It wasn't just that Hillary was / is STUPID (former FBI Director Comey publicly declared Hillary was too stupid to know she was breaking laws) but also she represented EVERYTHING Americans detested about Washington DC, Politics, and Politicians:
Party 1st
Elevated sense of entitlement / worth
Self-elevated / exempt from laws they imposed
Constantly violated laws - never held accountable
Career Politician
Washington Insider
...add in the fact that she got caught rigging primaries, cheating in debates, and breaking laws, failed to win the nomination and was instead GIVEN *Bernie's earned nomination...and her the horrific campaign she won - refusing to visit key states - and everything that could go wrong DID go wrong.

2. Thank you for acknowledging Hillary lost fair and square because of VOTES cast, not Russians, cheating, acts of God, famine, floods, etc....
Voting or Johnson was a vote for Trump genius
Yes, good job of watching the TV einstein...unfortunately the TV did not tell you what to say when the discussion is about hillary not being smart enough to beat trump...btw, did the TV tell you what to say about trump winning the popular vote if johnsons votes were really votes for trump?

It's not that Clinton wasn't smart enough to beat Trump, it's that the electorate was dumb enough to vote FOR Trump over Clinton or to sit out completely.

And I'm not calling hardcore conservatives nescessarily dumb for voting for Trump in the general election, because he knows who brought him to the dance and the bet has more or less paid off. I'm calling dumb all the people casual to politics buying Trump's snake oil selling over plain-jane politician with at least some semblance of consiousness like Clinton.
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1.No you have not.

2.And what witch hunt do you mean? Not the one that has provided so many indictments.

1. Yes, I did. Did you even open / read the link I posted? NO! How about those I posted elsewhere? NO!

2. Yes, the Russian Witch Hunt that was started / based on (Much like Obamacare) LIES, fake news, and the Fake News Dossier Hillary acquired by illegally colluding with and paying foreign spies (who were working for the FBI and with the DOJ and Mueller before he was appointed Special Counsel) and Russians.

There was NEVER any evidence of any crime involving Trump and the opposed to the evidence proving Hillary's. There is still no evidence.

The indictments you refer to all have ZERO to do with Trump and are results from the investigation that was opened, nothing to do with the initial excuse / accusations the Democrats made to start the investigation.

The only evidence of REAL crimes all point to the Democrats.

Perjury, Obstruction, Conspiracy, Sedition, and even Treason....altering witness testimony after the facts, abandoning FBI procedures / processes to give Hillary Special treatment, her aides being protected from indictment for the same crimes Flynn and Papadopoulos was charged with -lying to the FBI- Mueller and Rosenstein refusing to comply with Congressional Subpoenas...

And the Democrats defending Hillary colluding with and paying foreign spies and Russians for their help in her attempt to win in 2016 = claiming THAT was legal - but declaring Trump Jr meeting with a Russian Lawyer for 7 minutes in the Left's attempt to set him / Trump up - a meeting in which NO INFO CHANGED HANDS - was somehow criminal..... Bwuhahahaha!

Yeah, THAT 'Witch Hunt'....
It's not that Clinton wasn't smart enough to beat Trump, it's that the electorate was dumb enough to vote FOR Trump over Clinton or to sit out voting for Hillary.
How do you know this? use your own best hillary has an average IQ, she has done nothing in her life that can not be attributed to others doing it for her, and mostly men...and no matter how dumb you think the electorate is, they were not buying hillary's line, she could not fool them

And I'm not calling conservatives nescessarily dumb for voting for Trump in the general election,
nice qualifier...dumb seems to be the label liberals apply to the winning side

he knows who brought him to the dance and then bet has paid off. I'm calling people casual to politics buying Trump's snake oil selling.
If ya really want to see dumb, put up an al gore or hillary clinton again and watch the dummies vote

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