Trump Still Floating Soros Conspiracy

Your hatred of Hillary gave us Trump.

typical liberal, appoint a candidate who is hated and then blame everyone else

Accept the responsibility for what you have done

only if you convince me that it is eating away at you on the inside the way it is obviously doing on the outside

And I proudly voted for her.
And gave us trump...thank you
Snowflakes, in the Immortal words of Jack Nicholson in the movie 'A Few Good Men':


Soros Has Given $1 Million To Group Linked To Fusion GPS For Trump-Russia Investigation

"George Soros, the billionaire financier who supports numerous progressive causes, has provided $1 million in funding for a nonprofit group that works closely with Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that commissioned the infamous Steele dossier. Soros is considering providing more funding for the group"

The Women's March
Fusion GPS

The Liberal POS who has been booted out of his own country has been funding all of the crap the Democrats are involved in....

Well, Cupcake, Soros is just the other side of the same coin as the Koch Brothers.
Can't prove it though can you floater?

I don't have to prove a thing. Your bunch has made some pretty outlandish claims about Soros and has been debunked on the more outlandish claims. It's pretty well common knowledge that the Koch Brothers have financed whole branches of Republican Candidates just like Soros as for Democrats. Both of them have stood toe to toe on many issues and put their billions at stake. Notice, I am not saying that the Koch Brothers are evil, only that they are the largest Republican Donors in the US and have been for a few decades. Soros owns that title for the Democrats. Cupcake, you need to stop drinking that orange koolaid.
But....But...But....they can't blow the anti-semitic dog whistle about the Koch Bros.
I find it funny how Democrats have tried to falsely attack the President for 2 years for 'colluding with foreign entities / allowing foreign interference in an election … despite the fact that.....

The Democrats rely heavily on the funding of a foreign billionaire who has publicly declared he seeks the destruction of the US...

Hillary and Obama has run to the feet of this foreign billionaire for funding to attempt to seize and keep power...

Liberals, Liberal Politicians, and liberal groups seeking to engage in violence and violent intolerance have taken money from both foreign anti-US forces Russia and Soros to fund Fusion GPS / The Russian Witch Hunt, Baltimore riots, Ferguson riots, Charlottesville (Antifa), etc...

Obama learned about Russian interference, attempts to hack the US power grid, their Counter-Intelligence operation that successfully conned snowflakes into organizing / marching for them, AND how groups like Antifa, BLM, and the Black Fist was taking money from Russia to spread racial violence and hatred....yet he allowed it to continue for 2 years!
So, are you denying that Soros funded those libs or events?
Do you have proof?

Real easy to see whats happening with soros and his shell groups. You just don't want to see. Or, more than likely, you're happy that these thugs are coming towards the US. This fits into the lefts nihilistic view.

Reports: Soros funding border caravan invasion
Proof please.
He hasn't got any, he's just parroting the talking points he was told to push.
Why do you continue to lie....oh yeah...because that is all you have in response to the truth and supporting evidence...because after 2 years of a proven conspiratorial witch hunt it has been proven you have no idea what
Proof please.
US AG Eric Holder was caught committing Felony Perjury, was protected by Obama from indictment, but was still Censured by a bipartisan Congress who was determined to hold him accountable for his crimes, making his the 1st US Presidential Cabinet Member in US history to be Censured.....yet snowflakes still lie and declared he never did anything wrong.

The FBI publicly declared they had recovered over 1500 official subpoenaed documents Hillary had attempted to destroy (Obstruction of Justice), documents she was required by law (FOIA & the Federal Records Act) to turn in but which she did not IN VIOLATION OF BOTH LAWS, but since she was protected from indictment snowflakes again claim she never broke any laws / she did nothing wrong.

Barak Obama openly admitted he did not have the Constitutional Authority to affect US Immigration Law; however, he almost immediately violated the Constitution's Separation of Powers by bypassing Congress to impose his own socialist agenda edict (His 'Dreamer Act') as 'law of the land' because he refused to wait for Congress to do their job, which is to write and pass laws....yet, again, snowflakes never complained, never rebuked him, never held him accountable, and still to this day while attacking Trump for TALKING about doing what Obama DID they still insist Obama never did anything wrong.

Former CIA Director John Brennan committed Perjury TWICE before Congress, once when he lied by telling Congress he and his CIA had not illegally spied on Americans, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices, and the 2nd time when he lied by claiming he knew nothing about the Trump Dossier.
- To prevent being indicted the 1st time the DNC and GOP cut a deal which required Brennan to stand in front of Congress and admit his perjury and his illegal spying...all of this was heavily records / reported...

…..yet still snowflakes deny reality and try to claim none of this ever happened.

Once again, as I said, you have to WANT to see the truth, you have to want to embrace reality over partisanship.
Proof about what you said about Soros? Nice deflection.
Already some work - don't demand to be spoonfed.
Please point out what I was lying about.

Also, please either provide the proof of what you asserting or admit you don't have any. The deflections get tiresome.
Voting or Johnson was a vote for Trump genius
Yes, good job of watching the TV einstein...unfortunately the TV did not tell you what to say when the discussion is about hillary not being smart enough to beat trump...btw, did the TV tell you what to say about trump winning the popular vote if johnsons votes were really votes for trump?
Whether Hillary was or was not smart enough to beat Trump it was VOTES that made it happen.

YOU voted for Johnson. YOU are responsible for Trump just as a couple million others who either didn't vote or wasted their vote on idiots like Johnson or Stein are.

Votes Matter people.

My whole family already voted. Straight R. So has everyone I know.
My whole family already voted. Straight R. So has everyone I know.

Good for you. You do point out how important it is that EVERYONE votes.

And remember folks. When people vote in large numbers...Republicans lose
Whether Hillary was or was not smart enough to beat Trump it was VOTES that made it happen.

^This/that^ is what the fake news turns your mind into...

YOU voted for Johnson. YOU are responsible for Trump just as a couple million others who either didn't vote or wasted their vote on idiots like Johnson or Stein are.

I live in NY, it went for hillary...since the media did not tell you what to say in this case I am willing to bet you cannot explain how my vote for Johnson elected trump

Votes Matter people.

lol, we all thank you since we had no idea how this worked:abgg2q.jpg:
Do you have proof?

Real easy to see whats happening with soros and his shell groups. You just don't want to see. Or, more than likely, you're happy that these thugs are coming towards the US. This fits into the lefts nihilistic view.

Reports: Soros funding border caravan invasion
Proof please.
He hasn't got any, he's just parroting the talking points he was told to push.
Why do you continue to lie....oh yeah...because that is all you have in response to the truth and supporting evidence...because after 2 years of a proven conspiratorial witch hunt it has been proven you have no idea what
Proof please.
US AG Eric Holder was caught committing Felony Perjury, was protected by Obama from indictment, but was still Censured by a bipartisan Congress who was determined to hold him accountable for his crimes, making his the 1st US Presidential Cabinet Member in US history to be Censured.....yet snowflakes still lie and declared he never did anything wrong.

The FBI publicly declared they had recovered over 1500 official subpoenaed documents Hillary had attempted to destroy (Obstruction of Justice), documents she was required by law (FOIA & the Federal Records Act) to turn in but which she did not IN VIOLATION OF BOTH LAWS, but since she was protected from indictment snowflakes again claim she never broke any laws / she did nothing wrong.

Barak Obama openly admitted he did not have the Constitutional Authority to affect US Immigration Law; however, he almost immediately violated the Constitution's Separation of Powers by bypassing Congress to impose his own socialist agenda edict (His 'Dreamer Act') as 'law of the land' because he refused to wait for Congress to do their job, which is to write and pass laws....yet, again, snowflakes never complained, never rebuked him, never held him accountable, and still to this day while attacking Trump for TALKING about doing what Obama DID they still insist Obama never did anything wrong.

Former CIA Director John Brennan committed Perjury TWICE before Congress, once when he lied by telling Congress he and his CIA had not illegally spied on Americans, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices, and the 2nd time when he lied by claiming he knew nothing about the Trump Dossier.
- To prevent being indicted the 1st time the DNC and GOP cut a deal which required Brennan to stand in front of Congress and admit his perjury and his illegal spying...all of this was heavily records / reported...

…..yet still snowflakes deny reality and try to claim none of this ever happened.

Once again, as I said, you have to WANT to see the truth, you have to want to embrace reality over partisanship.
Proof about what you said about Soros? Nice deflection.
Already some work - don't demand to be spoonfed.
Please point out what I was lying about.

Also, please either provide the proof of what you asserting or admit you don't have any. The deflections get tiresome.
As I stated, I already have. Link regarding Soros posted in this thread, many more elsewhere. That's pretty straight forward, even to someone with a reading comprehension problem as bad as yours.
Your hatred of Hillary gave us Trump.

typical liberal, appoint a candidate who is hated and then blame everyone else

Accept the responsibility for what you have done

only if you convince me that it is eating away at you on the inside the way it is obviously doing on the outside

And I proudly voted for her.
And gave us trump...thank you
Given those posts I find it really hard to take anything you say seriously...or consider it at all true
Given those posts I find it really hard to take anything you say seriously...or consider it at all true
Of course you do because you have proven yourself to be a lazy hypocritical snowflake still in denial and wanting to partisanly point fingers.
My whole family already voted. Straight R. So has everyone I know.

Good for you. You do point out how important it is that EVERYONE votes.

And remember folks. When people vote in large numbers...Republicans lose
How right you are! Why I remember like it were only yesterday how Hillary Clinton decimated Trump in the last election!
I voted for her because of Trump.
You voted for a criminal, kurupt, self-serving, American citizen abandoning, National Security compromising, victim of sexual Criminal Behavior bashing, uranium to Russia for over $120 million dollar, primary rigging, debate cheating, La breaking, foreign spy and Russian colluder who could not win her own party's nomination ... Because you did not like a successful businessman who told it like it is instead of being a polished turd politician?

Can anyone explain what Soros has ever done that Republicans fear him so much
The President is right!

Soros has funded Hillary.
Soros has funded Obama.
Soros has funded Antifa
Soros has funded the Women's. March
Soros has funded Ferguson
Soros has funded Baltimore
Soros has funded Charlottesville
....but I'm sure the OP is right...I am sure not one dime of his money is going to any illegal...

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So, are you denying that Soros funded those libs or events?
Do you have proof?

George Soros rises again

"Soros has donated or committed more than $25 million to boost Hillary Clinton and other Democratic candidates and causes, according to Federal Election Commission records and interviews with his associates and Democratic fundraising operatives. "

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