Trump Still Has Several Constitutional Paths to Victory, Dershowitz Says

Angelo, I the best guitar player I hear everyday. :). When I lived in Minneapolis I played with some really good musicians. I started in on Zeps Ten Years Gone. When the drummer and bass kicked in it must be what main lining a speed ball feels like. Wow.....words cannot describe.
Here's a good Stairway cover
Thank you Anderson.
You're welcome, Ignatz.

A dose of plain truth, such as the nation's courts requiring verifiable, empirical data as evidence, has some hard cases howling, but a cult's delusions must be shattered in the interests of the American people, and in affirmation of our democratic system.
The media can go to hell with their lies about there being no evidence of fraud by election officials.

Alan Dershowitz, a Harvard Law professor emeritus, said he thinks President Donald Trump has several legal paths to a 2020 election victory.

Dershowitz said there are a few “constitutional paths to victory” for the president’s legal team, although he noted that Trump will face legal hurdles in all of them.

“For example, in Pennsylvania, they have two very strong legal arguments. One, that the courts changed what the legislature did about counting ballots after the end of Election Day. That’s a winning issue in the Supreme Court. I don’t necessarily support it, but it’s a winning issue in the Supreme Court,” Dershowitz told Fox Business on Nov. 22.

He could run again in 2024 after the Democrats fuck everything up.

If he's not a convicted felon by then!!!! :p. J/k

For what? Thinking about the USA first instead of dirty Foreigners?
The media can go to hell with their lies about there being no evidence of fraud by election officials.

Alan Dershowitz, a Harvard Law professor emeritus, said he thinks President Donald Trump has several legal paths to a 2020 election victory.

Dershowitz said there are a few “constitutional paths to victory” for the president’s legal team, although he noted that Trump will face legal hurdles in all of them.

“For example, in Pennsylvania, they have two very strong legal arguments. One, that the courts changed what the legislature did about counting ballots after the end of Election Day. That’s a winning issue in the Supreme Court. I don’t necessarily support it, but it’s a winning issue in the Supreme Court,” Dershowitz told Fox Business on Nov. 22.

He could run again in 2024 after the Democrats fuck everything up.

If he's not a convicted felon by then!!!! :p. J/k

For what? Thinking about the USA first instead of dirty Foreigners?

He puts himself first, NOT America, and that is why we voted him out, en mass.
For what? Thinking about the USA first instead of dirty Foreigners?
For lying. Didn't you know President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims ? And this was in June.

Trump lost again in the Pennsylvania SC court today.

That's 2-35 for Dershowitz's Orange God. Quite the legal mind, he is these days.
That's 2-35 for Dershowitz's Orange God. Quite the legal mind, he is these days.
Septuagenarian Trump snivels about septuagenarian Biden's being superannuated, then hopes that his fat ass can be propped up by septuagenarian Squid Head Rudy and the octogenarian Dersh who couldn't summon a feeble semblance of synaptic activity between them
That's 2-35 for Dershowitz's Orange God. Quite the legal mind, he is these days.
Septuagenarian Trump snivels about septuagenarian Biden's being superannuated, then hopes that his fat ass can be propped up by septuagenarian Squid Head Rudy and the octogenarian Dersh who couldn't summon a feeble semblance of synaptic activity between them
You asked for it. Now ya got it. Billions for Iran. ISIS reformed. Afghanistan war continuous. More TAX. And this Mask Wearing is PERMANENT. Democrats SUCK.
You asked for it. Now ya got it. Billions for Iran. ISIS reformed. Afghanistan war continuous. More TAX. And this Mask Wearing is PERMANENT. Democrats SUCK.

Oh, dear. The democratic choice of 80 million Americans for national leadership has you in a frenzy.

Screen Shot 2020-11-24 at 8.50.37 AM.png
You asked for it. Now ya got it. Billions for Iran. ISIS reformed. Afghanistan war continuous. More TAX. And this Mask Wearing is PERMANENT. Democrats SUCK.

Oh, dear. The democratic choice of 80 million Americans for national leadership has you in a frenzy.

Frenzy? Not really. Since I am 70 and retired , the "Free" stuff might be of benefit to me. But I still love this country. I see no future in shipping all our JOBS to China.
You asked for it. Now ya got it. Billions for Iran. ISIS reformed. Afghanistan war continuous. More TAX. And this Mask Wearing is PERMANENT. Democrats SUCK.

Oh, dear. The democratic choice of 80 million Americans for national leadership has you in a frenzy.

PS--Those 80 Million are really about 50 Million. Mail Out votes were probably phony. Hope y'all enjoy your TAX hike. BTW- Temporary Gov't edicts ALWAYS end up permanent. Bezos ,Soros ,Zuckerberg ,and Dorsey are now in charge. Biden is their puppet.
... But I still love this country. I see no future in shipping all our JOBS to China.
I know of nobody's policy calculated to ship jobs to China, but the Trump regime, despite the phony rhetoric, has certainly seen its share of U.S. jobs go overseas.
Ahead of the 2020 election, Donald Trump and administration officials have claimed the era of offshoring American jobs and factories is “over”, but even through the pandemic US corporations have continued to lay off employees and send their work abroad.

Petitions for trade adjustment assistance (TAA) – a government scheme designed to soften the blow from jobs sent overseas – shows that about 37,000 workers had their positions sent overseas between 15 March and 31 July 2020, , a nearly identical rate to the same timeframe in 2019.
Since Trump’s inauguration on 20 January 2017 to 31 July 2020, over 308,000 workers have been certified for trade adjustment assistance benefits. Trump campaigned on promises to stop offshoring, and workers at companies that have shut down or scaled back operations, including AT&T, Carrier in Indiana, Siemens in Iowa and Nabisco in Illinois, have criticized the lack of support for workers once he took office...

In a recent policy paper, Owen Herrnstadt, the IAM’s chief of staff to the international president and director of trade and globalization, disputed claims from the Trump administration that current trade policies were bringing back jobs to the US, citing the continued influx of TAA petitions, the lack of progress in reversing job losses abroad, and promised jobs from corporations such as Foxconn in Wisconsin that never panned out.

“We cannot simply turn around offshoring by doing what the current administration has done: tweeting out tariffs and issuing executive orders ‘encouraging’ companies to use domestic sourcing,” Herrnstadt argued.

A report published in August 2020 by the Economic Policy Institute noted that between 2016 to 2018, the latest year of available data, nearly 1,800 manufacturing factories in the US had disappeared. The report notes coronavirus has further hit manufacturing with the loss of 740,000 jobs this year, and trade deficits that drive offshoring, particularly with China and Mexico, have continued to increase under Trump...

PS--Those 80 Million are really about 50 Million.
Your fake claim has been exposed by vote recounts and audits in state after state, having been subjected to the most painstaking scrutiny ever, under Republican as well as Democratic supervision.

All but the most hyper-partisan paranoids accept that, in the words of Trump's own cybersecurity chief, "There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised."

Of course, if you prefer whatever evidence-free, self-serving confections Trump pulls out of his butt, you must be still awaiting the report from his investigators he sent to Hawaii who can't believe what they’re finding!”
... But I still love this country. I see no future in shipping all our JOBS to China.
I know of nobody's policy calculated to ship jobs to China, but the Trump regime, despite the phony rhetoric, has certainly seen its share of U.S. jobs go overseas.
Ahead of the 2020 election, Donald Trump and administration officials have claimed the era of offshoring American jobs and factories is “over”, but even through the pandemic US corporations have continued to lay off employees and send their work abroad.

Petitions for trade adjustment assistance (TAA) – a government scheme designed to soften the blow from jobs sent overseas – shows that about 37,000 workers had their positions sent overseas between 15 March and 31 July 2020, , a nearly identical rate to the same timeframe in 2019.
Covid-19 puts workers in danger. It's another reason we need unions | Steven Greenhouse
Since Trump’s inauguration on 20 January 2017 to 31 July 2020, over 308,000 workers have been certified for trade adjustment assistance benefits. Trump campaigned on promises to stop offshoring, and workers at companies that have shut down or scaled back operations, including AT&T, Carrier in Indiana, Siemens in Iowa and Nabisco in Illinois, have criticized the lack of support for workers once he took office...

In a recent policy paper, Owen Herrnstadt, the IAM’s chief of staff to the international president and director of trade and globalization, disputed claims from the Trump administration that current trade policies were bringing back jobs to the US, citing the continued influx of TAA petitions, the lack of progress in reversing job losses abroad, and promised jobs from corporations such as Foxconn in Wisconsin that never panned out.

“We cannot simply turn around offshoring by doing what the current administration has done: tweeting out tariffs and issuing executive orders ‘encouraging’ companies to use domestic sourcing,” Herrnstadt argued.

A report published in August 2020 by the Economic Policy Institute noted that between 2016 to 2018, the latest year of available data, nearly 1,800 manufacturing factories in the US had disappeared. The report notes coronavirus has further hit manufacturing with the loss of 740,000 jobs this year, and trade deficits that drive offshoring, particularly with China and Mexico, have continued to increase under Trump...

What a crock. Ya hear that on CNN?
PS--Those 80 Million are really about 50 Million.
Your fake claim has been exposed by vote recounts and audits in state after state, having been subjected to the most painstaking scrutiny ever, under Republican as well as Democratic supervision.

All but the most hyper-partisan paranoids accept that, in the words of Trump's own cybersecurity chief, "There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised."

Of course, if you prefer whatever evidence-free, self-serving confections Trump pulls out of his butt, you must be still awaiting the report from his investigators he sent to Hawaii who can't believe what they’re finding!”
The COVID was used to CHANGE THE RULES. Mail-Out Ballots were never used before. That is where the cheat was. Along with 24/7 nonstop LIES from the MSM. But you don't like the way he SAYS things. Boo Fuckin' HOO. He will be back after the Dems fuck everything up. 2022 the Repubs take the HOUSE. BET?
What a crock. Ya hear that on CNN?
I cancelled my cable tv service long ago.

That U.S. jobs have gone overseas during the Trump regime is a matter of record.

Trump's fake promises to create jobs had been exposed quite some time ago:

September 16, 2020

The White House's trade wars kicked the sector into another slump in 2019, with Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Pennsylvania facing declines or plateaus in manufacturing employment even back in February...
Michigan was down some 66,500 manufacturing workers in July 2020 from July 2019 — and the general trend, even before Covid-19, was down as well. There were 10,200 fewer manufacturing workers in the state in February 2020 than there were in February 2019.
The trend is mirrored nationwide. Manufacturing across the U.S. is still down 720,000 workers from February despite gaining 29,000 jobs in August, with the pandemic more than wiping out the overall modest gains of 500,000 from Trump's first three years in office — about the same pace of growth as under President Barack Obama.
It was not an improvement over prior years — nor did it manage to restore more than a fraction of the jobs lost in the previous decade, according to an August analysis by the Economic Policy Institute.
A Bureau of Labor Statistics analysis released Sept. 1 said that even prepandemic, the sector was on track to lose nearly 450,000 workers by 2029, the most of any area of the economy.

If you have credible alternative statistic, and are not just blowing hyper-partisan gas, please cite them.

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