Trump Summons Schumer To White House

What, Marc, you think I'm some sort of automaton who follows Trump lockstep? You must be joking.

But none of that post mitigates your lack of understanding of how the procedural process works. The president can't constitutionally appropriate money to keep the government running, that is *GASP* Congress' job. So, guess who should be fired? The people intentionally holding up that process. In other words, all of them.

I think freely, thank you very much. Whether or not you believe that is pointless. Your party is cruisin' for a bloodbath in November. Mark my words.
So you're saying that Donnie showed a severe lack of understanding by making that statement in the first place?!?!?
What, Marc, you think I'm some sort of automaton who follows Trump lockstep? You must be joking.

But none of that post mitigates your lack of understanding of how the procedural process works. The president can't constitutionally appropriate money to keep the government running, that is *GASP* Congress' job. So, guess who should be fired? The people intentionally holding up that process. In other words, all of them.

I think freely, thank you very much. Whether or not you believe that is pointless. Your party is cruisin' for a bloodbath in November. Mark my words.
So you're saying that Donnie showed a severe lack of understanding by making that statement in the first place?!?!?

I don't see what this has to do with the Schumer meeting. If all you're bent on doing is assaulting the president's character and intelligence, you must have lost the argument a long time ago.

I'm out. Go troll someone else.
tell us again why we should bail your nasty butts out?

be quiet, sot.

Curious, perhaps you wouldn't mind telling us why we should grant 800,000 illegal immigrants amnesty? For a self proclaimed lawyer, you really don't place any value in enforcing our immigration laws.

Then again, perhaps you can explain why Democrats favor this purely political cause over funding for children's health insurance and combat pay for our troops? Maybe you can explain to the rest of America why 800,000 illegal immigrants are worth more than our national security?

I don't think you can.

So, no. YOU be quiet. You are nothing but a political hack, parroting whatever your party's elites spoon feed you.
"If we have to slog thru another shutdown debate, can we at least define our terms? I.e. "Non-essential government employee" redundant." - Wacky Ann Coulter
You know what else pisses me off? This is a mirror image of 2013, except one party is doing what it criticized the other for doing back then...

This makes no sense, does it? Damned sure as hell doesn't.

Okay, back to my Twinkies. I have to call the doc because I caught rabies from aaronleland's drunk angry monkey. That thing fucking bit me!
"Excellent preliminary meeting in Oval with @SenSchumer - working on solutions for Security and our great Military together with @SenateMajLdr McConnell and @SpeakerRyan. Making progress - four week extension would be best!" - President Trump just now on twitter

One half of Twitter is talking about Kanye and Kim's new baby, Chicago West, and the other half of Twitter is hyperventilating over the looming government shutdown. What a time to be alive.
Democrats aren't stopping the wall.

As soon as Mexico sends us a check, the wall will be built.
We'll build it, Mexico will pay for it......they have no choice

Mexico has no choice. The mexican president already chose not to even discuss it. He told Trump when they talked, that the first thing he said is not to bother to bring up the wall.

The white house edited that statement out of their release of the conversation, but Mexico released the conversation unedited. Boy did Trump look stupid.
See , Trump isn't a dick at all. If I were in the White House , my conversation with Chuckie would have been

"Hello Senator, let me tell you what's going to happen here today. You're going to to back to to your office and you're going to make sure we get a clean CR, no DACA bullshit and I'm going to tell you what will happen if you do , and what will happen if you don't

If you DO , then next week we will begin discussions on a real immigration bill, one that will include not just the things I want, but also DACA so that you can have a win as well

If you do NOT, tomorrow morning all DACA registration information will be turned over to ICE who will have instructions to begin incarcerating and removing these people who has of right now are here illegally

Choose wisely, and have a nice evening Senator"
Basically what I had written as well.

We will see if Trump has the cajones to play hardball. I have My doubts.
Trump should lay it on the line.

If you shut down the government, DACA becomes an issue that is off the table for as long as I am President and I will have them deported before the next Presidential election.


Republicans have
  1. The White House
  2. Congress
  3. and the Senate.

Try again with blaming it on the completely powerless Democrats.
Does the number 60 have any meaning to your dumb ass???
We need to lock Congress up inside the Congressional building and tell em they aint getting out until they have a budget . Not a CR, a god damned budget.
Cut off all their pay and benefits (including health insurance) until we get a budget. Revoke their travel spending until we get a budget.


you think tha would make republicans vote for a budget. I have a better idea, make them live with not getting paid the way all other federal works will in a shut down.
Most of them are probably rich anyways.
Horse Soldiers would be ashamed our country is being sold out to illegals
What is Trump offering?

Hmm, CHIP, combat pay for our troops to name a couple... things Democrats are on board for, but only if Republicans cave in to their demands to grant amnesty to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants.

See this is what really annoys me. Instead of looking out for the common interest, it seems one party (Democrats in this case) only care about being self centered.
Asking for DACA is not unreasonable. Many Republicans supported it. You know that right?
What is Trump offering?

Hmm, CHIP, combat pay for our troops to name a couple... things Democrats are on board for, but only if Republicans cave in to their demands to grant amnesty to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants.

See this is what really annoys me. Instead of looking out for the common interest, it seems one party (Democrats in this case) only care about being self centered.
Asking for DACA is not unreasonable. Many Republicans supported it. You know that right?

Can't pass a bill that hasn't been written yet, Coyote. The Democrats are overplaying their hand. Democrats want instant results. DACA doesn't expire until March. Why pick this fight now? Why are we prioritizing illegal immigrants over American children, our military and first responders?

Not budging on this one. Democrats have seriously mixed up their priorities.

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