Trump Summons Schumer To White House

Denying reality is how one becomes deluded, tard. You are one of the most willfully blind and stupid self-deluded people on this forum. You bigots are in a very tiny minority when it comes to amnesty for Dreamers. A very, very tiny minority.

Hell, even the President supports amnesty for Dreamers.

g5000 wins - miketx sulks into dark corner :)

Donald J. Trump


Stocks rose yesterday during the first day of government shutdown. Markets like being left alone for a day.

1:32 PM - Oct 2, 2013

Donald J. Trump


“Here’s the truth, the gov't doesn’t shutdown” via @AP. All essential services continue. Don't believe lies.

12:35 PM - Sep 23, 2013

Donald J. Trump


.@RNC leadership should not be afraid of a government shutdown. They should be afraid of not defunding ObamaCare.

6:47 AM - Sep 18, 2013
Closing the roads is the equivalent to the border patrol closing the border.
...except Barry had Americans sneaking into US National Parks arrested...while he refused to enforce US Immigration law and did not have illegals arrested... :p
Closing the roads is the equivalent to the border patrol closing the border.
...except Barry had Americans sneaking into US National Parks arrested...while he refused to enforce US Immigration law and did not have illegals arrested... :p

The same as Trump has people sneaking into the US arrested.

Hey that means my equivalency was spot on. The park service like the border patrol has to close access. Thank you for playing.
The Border patrol blocked public roads leading to the USA
Park Service blocked public roads leading to the National Parks

What don't you understand. Stop them before they cross the borderline

What the fuck are you even fucking saying? Go drink draino.

It's all about where you put up the barricades to keep people out of where they're not allowed.

Both the border patrol and the park service put up the barriers outside of the property on the public roads.
They cou;ld just pass the CR, which doesn't have any funding for additional border security, and includes a cut in defense spending.

CR, continuing resolution, It basically says they will continue the last budget passed

In the United States, a continuing resolution (often abbreviated to CR) is a type ofappropriations legislation. An appropriations bill is a bill that appropriates (gives to, sets aside for) money to specific federal government departments, agencies, and programs. The money provides funding for operations, personnel, equipment, and activities

A continuing resolution continues the pre-existing appropriations at the same levels as the previous fiscal year

Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2017 (H.R.5235) - a continuing resolution that would fund the federal government of the United States through December 9, 2016 at 0.496% below the operating rate of the FY 2016 enacted appropriation.
I get what a CR question is rightwinger wanted Trump to give concessions....and I'm like what for? It's to fund the has nothing to do with politics......

Schumer is concerned about DACA, which had been cancelled by Trump
Trump needs to assure him that he will support Dreamers and how

Ok, see all these lefties wouldn't say it

so this has nothing to do with whats in the current spending bill.....
so the dems are holding it up for DACA......

they aren't going to fix DACA soon.....the republicans didn't want DACA, their part of the compromise is DOING DACA......but only if we get our agenda...THE Wall, limit migration to nuclear families and no visa lottery

so all you lefties, you heard it from stfu.
so this has nothing to do with whats in the current spending bill.....
so the dems are holding it up for DACA......

they aren't going to fix DACA soon.....the republicans didn't want DACA, their part of the compromise is DOING DACA......but only if we get our agenda...THE Wall, limit migration to nuclear families and no visa lottery.

Actually there is broad republican and democratic support for DACA, see the polls, americans support DACA by overwhelming margins.

It's the white supremacists and their republicans in congress who oppose it.
so this has nothing to do with whats in the current spending bill.....
so the dems are holding it up for DACA......

they aren't going to fix DACA soon.....the republicans didn't want DACA, their part of the compromise is DOING DACA......but only if we get our agenda...THE Wall, limit migration to nuclear families and no visa lottery.

Actually there is broad republican and democratic support for DACA, see the polls, americans support DACA by overwhelming margins.

It's the white supremacists and their republicans in congress who oppose it.
Republicans are not going to do DACA without a wall......never......despite McCain and Graham. Until the wall is built,we do not deal with the immigrants here......they must stop coming in order to absorb them
Republicans are not going to do DACA without a wall......never......despite McCain and Graham. Until the wall is built,we do not deal with the immigrants here......they must stop coming in order to absorb them

Democrats aren't stopping the wall.

As soon as Mexico sends us a check, the wall will be built.
Republicans are not going to do DACA without a wall......never......despite McCain and Graham. Until the wall is built,we do not deal with the immigrants here......they must stop coming in order to absorb them

Democrats aren't stopping the wall.

As soon as Mexico sends us a check, the wall will be built.
We'll build it, Mexico will pay for it......they have no choice
Psst! The bill needs 60 votes to pass the Senate. Since there aren't 60 Republicans in the Senate (only 50) you aren't going to get anything passed even with all the Republicans on board. Democrats have it within their power to help pass the bill. But they'd rather not. Oh, you know, for reasons.

Try a better argument.
That was actually pretty funny TemplarKormac

But again, here's the quote from the current Fat-Ass-In-Chief...

"Well if you say who gets fired it always has to be the top.
I mean problems start from the top, it has to start from the top and they have to get solved from the top and the President is the leader.
And he has to get everybody in a room and he has to lead.
You know the interesting thing is in 25 years, in 50 years, in a 100 years from now...
When the government, its, its, when they talk about the government shutdown, they're gonna be talking about the President of the United States.
Who was the President at that time? They're not gonna be talking about who the head of the House was, the head of the Senate who's running things in Washington.
So, I really thing the pressure is on the President."

You're not going to go against HIM...are you?
Psst! The bill needs 60 votes to pass the Senate. Since there aren't 60 Republicans in the Senate (only 50) you aren't going to get anything passed even with all the Republicans on board. Democrats have it within their power to help pass the bill. But they'd rather not. Oh, you know, for reasons.

Try a better argument.
That was actually pretty funny TemplarKormac

But again, here's the quote from the current Fat-Ass-In-Chief...

"Well if you say who gets fired it always has to be the top.
I mean problems start from the top, it has to start from the top and they have to get solved from the top and the President is the leader.
And he has to get everybody in a room and he has to lead.
You know the interesting thing is in 25 years, in 50 years, in a 100 years from now...
When the government, its, its, when they talk about the government shutdown, they're gonna be talking about the President of the United States.
Who was the President at that time? They're not gonna be talking about who the head of the House was, the head of the Senate who's running things in Washington.
So, I really thing the pressure is on the President."

You're not going to go AGAINST him...are you?

Well Obama didn't get the your point?
As for Trump, he's not gonna pass DACA without a wall......give em the get DACA. easiest deal ever.
Psst! The bill needs 60 votes to pass the Senate. Since there aren't 60 Republicans in the Senate (only 50) you aren't going to get anything passed even with all the Republicans on board. Democrats have it within their power to help pass the bill. But they'd rather not. Oh, you know, for reasons.

Try a better argument.
That was actually pretty funny TemplarKormac

But again, here's the quote from the current Fat-Ass-In-Chief...

"Well if you say who gets fired it always has to be the top.
I mean problems start from the top, it has to start from the top and they have to get solved from the top and the President is the leader.
And he has to get everybody in a room and he has to lead.
You know the interesting thing is in 25 years, in 50 years, in a 100 years from now...
When the government, its, its, when they talk about the government shutdown, they're gonna be talking about the President of the United States.
Who was the President at that time? They're not gonna be talking about who the head of the House was, the head of the Senate who's running things in Washington.
So, I really thing the pressure is on the President."

You're not going to go AGAINST him...are you?

What, Marc, you think I'm some sort of automaton who follows Trump lockstep? You must be joking.

But none of that post mitigates your lack of understanding of how the procedural process works. The president can't constitutionally appropriate money to keep the government running, that is *GASP* Congress' job. So, guess who should be fired? The people intentionally holding up that process. In other words, all of them.

I think freely, thank you very much. Whether or not you believe that is pointless. Your party is cruisin' for a bloodbath in November. Mark my words.
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