Trump Supporter Face-Plants When His Logic Gets DEBUNKED

That cop did act stupidly! He arrested a Black man trying to enter his own house! That was stupid to the 10th degree! But you think the Black man was wrong! Why?
The cop was following procedure. The militant black made it into a race issue and Obama threw gasoline on that fire.
It happens less often to whites since they have more resistance to the Black Brain Disease

But cops killing unarmed whites is not unheard of

No, it happens lesss because the cops are racists or black cops have to show white cops that they are "good blacks".
Obama made a total fool of himself and had to eat crow by hosting the white police officer for beer in the Rose Garden
No he didn't. He hosted the cop AND Dr Gates. What Obama should have done is have the DOJ investigate that department.
Listen to these trump supporters blaming Obama for racism as if racism was gone before he was elected. “I’m colorblind, and if you talk about racism, you are the racist,” This is how racism gets played today.

We see this tactic here every day.

That has to be some of the funniest shit I've seen on this board in a long, long, time. It's a perfect summation of maobama and his commiecrat pals. Most of that crap is straight out of Rules for Radicals. One of maobamas favorite text books.

Most reasonable people agree with me. There is nothing to reach from you racists. I'm black and i've seen the damage to black communities black right wing conservatives cause.

You guys all talk about Thomas Sowell. Well Sowell is 93. He was born during Jim Crow and was 35 when the Civil Rights Act was passed. You guys quote his crap like its gospel, but what has Sowell actually done to create solutions for black communities?


But he's the guy we should listen to.

How about Larry Elder?

Larry Elder is the guy some of you would have wanted to be governor of California. You guys quote him and tell blacks like me how great he his and how blacks need to listen to him. Elder is 71, and what has he done for South Central LA?


Candace Owens is the newest house negro, and we get told how great she is and how wonderful. What has Candace Owens done for the black community where she lives?


From the age of 21 until I hit 52, I worked on issues affecting blacks. In one city I lived in, we were able to change fundung to be more equitable which allowed more dollars to go into programs impacting black communities. In one community we reduced gang violence. In another I helped blacks attain more affordable housing. I helped create a program that won awards for providing youth alternatives to selling drugs. So don't sit on your white ass talking about reaching me as if you have something to offer that I need. You don't.

And I am well qualiffied to call out black right wing do nothing but get rich playing to white racism Uncle Toms. They are the race hustlers and people like you make them rich.
Well you racist punk, since you won’t listen to them, why should they help a racist, whiny, perpetual victim like you? Keep your Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Educated blacks reject liberal policies and you can’t handle it. What have you ever done in your whole pathetic life? NOT A FUCKING THING!
Well you racist punk, since you won’t listen to them, why should they help a racist, whiny, perpetual victim like you? Keep your Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Educated blacks reject liberal policies and you can’t handle it. What have you ever done in your whole pathetic life? NOT A FUCKING THING!
It would behoove your white ass to stop thinking you know what black people accept or reject.

I happen to be an educated black and the last 2 paragraphs show you that I have done more for other blacks than Elder, Sowell and Owens.. They have done nothing but downgrade bllacks for the money racists like you gladly will pay to hear or read it.
No he didn't. He hosted the cop AND Dr Gates. What Obama should have done is have the DOJ investigate that department.
I’m sure obama got the Deep State involved BEFORE he was forced to eat crow

So we can assume the department was clean

Certainly that white cop was
Listen to these trump supporters blaming Obama for racism as if racism was gone before he was elected. “I’m colorblind, and if you talk about racism, you are the racist,” This is how racism gets played today.

We see this tactic here every day.

Barack is even more racist than the OP
Black Brain Disease?

You don’t even try to hide your racism anymore

Its been fully explained

As black race hustlers from obama down to the eternally grieved on this forum post complaints about black criminals resisting arrest and dying during the process I always wonder why blacks keep fighting back and refusing to go quietly when they cant win

The only answer that makes sense is a bacteria or a virus that has infected their brain

And since its most common in black people I named the disease in their honor
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Its been fully explained

As black race hustlers from obama down to the eternally grieved on this forum post complaints about black criminals resisting arrest and dying during the process I always wonder why blacks keep fighting back and refusing to go quietly when they cant win

The only answer that makes sense is a bacteria or s virus that has infected their brain

And since its most common in black people I named the disease in their honor
There’s no sane explanation for racism
There’s no sane explanation for racism
Particularly so when its not racism

Blacks dont have to act so stupidly

If I thought it was a genetic flaw in their DNA that would be racism

But I know they are capable of doing better

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