Trump Supporter Holds Six Children At Gunpoint, Accuses Them Of Destroying His Trump Yard Sign

I believe destroying campaign signs is a felony. Trespass, property destruction, vandalism...all crimes. Typical of HIllary supporters to believe that landowners should just accept property crimes.
I am amazed that a man with a gun on his hip is "scary" - I mean intellectually from the media and stuff I know that libs are terrified of guns, but it still just astounds me. Alaska has a 70% carry rate in the city (90% outside) For us it's /assumed/ that everyone is carrying and not a one of us gives it a second thought...
No more scary than two men with sticks...but Alt-Right Drumpfsters are still shaking in their booties over it.....8 years later.
The Black Panthers suspended that night stick wielding thug for his actions. Even THEY agreed his behavior was shitty. Quit making this ridiculous comparison. It makes you look even dumber than you are.
It's getting scary out there...


A Guy In A Trump Shirt Carried A Gun Outside Of A Virginia Polling Place. Authorities Say That’s Fine.

So what? Having a gun isn't illegal.

I have lots of guns - but I sure as hell wouldn't openly carry one at a polling place during a presidential election. It's called judgment - and consideration for other voters who may feel intimidated. This macho clown was also wearing a Trump t-shirt.

I have lots of guns - but I sure as hell wouldn't openly carry one at a polling place during a presidential election. It's called judgment - and consideration for other voters who may feel intimidated. This macho clown was also wearing a Trump t-shirt.
If it bothers you that much wear your depends in public.

It must be embarrassing for you.
Look at all the liberals defending vandalism and destruction of property. You know damn good and well if those had been Clinton signs they would be calling for the prosecution of the vandals instead of attacking the victim. Hypocrites.

I have lots of guns - but I sure as hell wouldn't openly carry one at a polling place during a presidential election. It's called judgment - and consideration for other voters who may feel intimidated. This macho clown was also wearing a Trump t-shirt.

My constitutional rights are not subject to other peoples feelings

I have lots of guns - but I sure as hell wouldn't openly carry one at a polling place during a presidential election. It's called judgment - and consideration for other voters who may feel intimidated. This macho clown was also wearing a Trump t-shirt.

My constitutional rights are not subject to other peoples feelings

Yep, the white nationalist NRA gun nuts have made that crystal clear.
Congratulations, Trump supporters. This is the man you helped create.


"A 56 year-old Allen Park, Michigan man named Michael Kubek is facing felony weapons charges after forcing six children aged 12-14 to lay down while he threatened them with a P938 9 mm handgun, allegedly for vandalizing his “Trump/Pence" yard sign.

A Donald Trump supporter in Michigan pointed a gun at six kids he suspected of destroying a yard sign favoring the Republican presidential candidate.

Allen Park officers found the children, aged 12 to 14, on the grass Saturday with 56-year-old Michael Kubek standing over them "cursing and yelling." They said a gun had been pointed at them.

"He was using very profane language," a neighbor told Fox 2. "Real bad language."
Raw Story is reporting that the sign was simply “knocked down." According to neighbors, the kids were traumatized by the experience.

Kubek is facing seven counts of assault with a deadly weapon."

Trump Supporter Holds Six Children At Gunpoint, Accuses Them Of Destroying His Trump Yard Sign
So fucking what. Do you Dumbfucks ever post anything pertinent to POLITICS in the POLITICS forum?

I have lots of guns - but I sure as hell wouldn't openly carry one at a polling place during a presidential election. It's called judgment - and consideration for other voters who may feel intimidated. This macho clown was also wearing a Trump t-shirt.

My constitutional rights are not subject to other peoples feelings

Yep, the white nationalist NRA gun nuts have made that crystal clear.

But I'm Asian......... that kind of rains all over your bigoted parade doesn't it

I have lots of guns - but I sure as hell wouldn't openly carry one at a polling place during a presidential election. It's called judgment - and consideration for other voters who may feel intimidated. This macho clown was also wearing a Trump t-shirt.

My constitutional rights are not subject to other peoples feelings

Yep, the white nationalist NRA gun nuts have made that crystal clear.

But I'm Asian......... that kind of rains all over your bigoted parade doesn't it

Well, we all have a chink in our armor.

Definition of CHINK
So you semi rational cons think this guy was in the right?

I have lots of guns - but I sure as hell wouldn't openly carry one at a polling place during a presidential election. It's called judgment - and consideration for other voters who may feel intimidated. This macho clown was also wearing a Trump t-shirt.

My constitutional rights are not subject to other peoples feelings

Yep, the white nationalist NRA gun nuts have made that crystal clear.
You went there.

Now explain your way out. Or shut the fuck up, asshole.

So. You say that there are Democrats that are white nationalist NRA gun nuts that have made it crystal clear that our rights are subject to other peoples feelings?

I have lots of guns - but I sure as hell wouldn't openly carry one at a polling place during a presidential election. It's called judgment - and consideration for other voters who may feel intimidated. This macho clown was also wearing a Trump t-shirt.

My constitutional rights are not subject to other peoples feelings

Yep, the white nationalist NRA gun nuts have made that crystal clear.

Really? Where?

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