TRUMP SUPPORTERS BEATEN-BLOODIED Outside #DeploraBall – Pummeled With Eggs, Batteries! (VIDEO)

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The Snowflake TERRORISTS have begun their seditious Post-Election / Pre-Inauguration attacks.
"Snowflake TERRORISTS"? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Prior to the election Liberal Radical 'snowflakes' professed their 'tolerance' by vandalizing and FIREBOMBING GOP HQs. Radical groups, some funded by Hillary's own campaign, intimidated, beat, and bloodied Trump supporters. This continued to some extent AFTER the election.

* I did not say all Liberals are like this.

* I believe people have the right to PEACEFULLY express themselves through protesting, marching, etc - but then have ZERO RIGHT to touch, intimidate, beat, bloody, gas, etc anyone else. The moment intimidation, chasing down and beating teenagers (happened at a TRUMP Rally), beating innocent people, setting off smoke grenades, pulling people out of their cars and beating them for voting for Trump, etc - all of which has happened - 'you' are no longer a 'protestor', you are a TERRORIST, a criminal!



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Concealed carry, folks. Defend yourselves.

But then again, this is D.C. we're talking about.
Unfortunately, i think we're gonna see more of this today. The Democrats have been very irresponsible with their Trump rhetoric. All the 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' stuff, will incite many of their supporters to do bad things. I think what they're doing = Incitement. It's dangerous.
This is your dimocrap scum party, people. They've been doing it for DECADES in this Country.

TRUMP SUPPORTERS BEATEN-BLOODIED Outside #DeploraBall – Pummeled With Eggs, Batteries! (VIDEO)

They are nothing more than modern Brown Shirt Nazis


And who does this remind you of? Are any of you stupid enough to believe that a nine-year-old has independently formed his own political beliefs?

If you're looking for stupid, just find the nearest dimocrap scum bag.

Anyway, here's dimocrap scum using grade school children the way only they and ISIS can --

Watch: Young Protester Claims to Have Started Fire to Say 'Screw Our President' - Breitbart

During a live report on Thursday’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on the Fox News Channel, a young man protesting in Washington, DC claimed to have started a fire in the street, “Because I felt like it. And because I’m just saying, ‘Screw our president.'”

dimocraps are scum

So, this is not peaceful protests, so when do the cops start protecting people, or maintaining order?


Liberal 'Tolerance':


Firebombed GOP HQ

Hillary Supporter Sets Himself On Fire Trying To Burn The American Flag:

So no real proof there was any violence last night, just justification for the intent...
So no real proof there was any violence last night, just justification for the intent...

Nope...none at all, snowflake.

Trump Supporter Dave Allsup got hit in the head with a flag pole—

This is video of @realJamesAllsup being struck in the head with a flag pole. #DeploraBall #TrumpInauguration
— Deplorable Vet (@KGBVeteran) January 20, 2017

Here are the graphic images of the assault aftermath before being treated by EMS and taken to the hospital. #Deploraball
— James Allsup (@realJamesAllsup) January 20, 2017

TRUMP SUPPORTERS BEATEN-BLOODIED Outside #DeploraBall – Pummeled With Eggs, Batteries! (VIDEO)
All these videos of trump supporters getting attacked -- Why the fuck aren't any of them carrying guns?

They could have mowed those terrorists down like rabbits!
So no real proof there was any violence last night, just justification for the intent...

Nope...none at all, snowflake.

Trump Supporter Dave Allsup got hit in the head with a flag pole—

This is video of @realJamesAllsup being struck in the head with a flag pole. #DeploraBall #TrumpInauguration
— Deplorable Vet (@KGBVeteran) January 20, 2017

Here are the graphic images of the assault aftermath before being treated by EMS and taken to the hospital. #Deploraball
— James Allsup (@realJamesAllsup) January 20, 2017

TRUMP SUPPORTERS BEATEN-BLOODIED Outside #DeploraBall – Pummeled With Eggs, Batteries! (VIDEO)
Then why is this site and one other ultra rightist site the only place this is getting any traction? Surely the story has not passed the vetting process for FOX News to use...
All these videos of trump supporters getting attacked -- Why the fuck aren't any of them carrying guns?

They could have mowed those terrorists down like rabbits!
The preferable idea is NOT to create a bloodbath, to rise above instead....

That being said, I would be carrying a CCP and a weapon if I was there.
All these videos of trump supporters getting attacked -- Why the fuck aren't any of them carrying guns?

They could have mowed those terrorists down like rabbits!

Because we don't live in a jungle.

In the jungle it is survival of the fittest.

We live in a decadent society, where the law will show up and defend the barbarians.
All these videos of trump supporters getting attacked -- Why the fuck aren't any of them carrying guns?

They could have mowed those terrorists down like rabbits!
The preferable idea is NOT to create a bloodbath, to rise above instead....

That being said, I would be carrying a CCP and a weapon if I was there.

All these videos of trump supporters getting attacked -- Why the fuck aren't any of them carrying guns?

They could have mowed those terrorists down like rabbits!

Because we don't live in a jungle.

In the jungle it is survival of the fittest.

We live in a decadent society, where the law will show up and defend the barbarians.

The only barbarians are these so-called 'barbarian' terrorists going around hitting trump supporters upside the back of the head with deadly weapons because they disagree with their political beliefs.

Everytime i look at a BLM protest, i feel like i'm watching an Animal Planet special in the amazon jungle
The disguise and make up that fooled lefties around the country and brought down their collectivist institution? I see you too are irony impaired.
Are you admitting that the pictures of bloody attacks are just "disguise and make-up to fool the lefties"?
Then why is this site and one other ultra rightist site the only place this is getting any traction?
Nice Try - I have posted links to MULTIPLE sites, several of which provides police reports / statements.

All of this violence from your 'Party of Tolerance' must be killing you, huh snowflake? (Psssst: It is ok to condemn the actions of several dumbasses / terrorists that claim to be members of your party - it doesn't make you any less of a Liberal / Democrat, and no one will take away your Party Membership card and de-coder ring if you do! :p)
Ever thought about it -- ?? Notice how dimocrap scum ALWAYS protest where there's lots of Cops around -- TO PROTECT THEM!!

When they burn an area down, it's with their own city or town or their own neighborhood -- Again, where there's lots of Cops to protect them.

The Cops ain't there to protect Private Property or the Innocent, they're there to protect the protester scum

They know that Conservatives won't attack them because we won't fight the Cops.

They also know that if they don't have Cops protecting them, they'd be in deep kimchee.
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